Search Results for Query: allergic to cats

  1. rubysmama

    What If I am having second thoughts on getting a cat?

    ...several threads on the topic. Here's some of them:: Is Anyone Else Allergic to Your Cats? Allergic to some cats but not all? Allergic To Cats. who's crazy enough to adopt a cat while being allergic to cats?? And here's the link to all the ones with "allergic to cats" in the title...
  2. Kat0121

    Excuses on why you don't want someone at your house

    Sorry. The cats are allergic to strangers and you are stranger than most. :lol:
  3. FeebysOwner

    Is Fortiflora safe for cats with chicken allergy?

    Hi Fortiflora contains liver flavoring which is sourced from pork and poultry. Maybe it is just not enough to bother many of the cats who are allergic to chicken?
  4. KittyCat_chitchat

    How to get started in rescuing (when there's a need but no infrastructure)?

    Sadly this wouldn't be an option for me. As I explained above, I'd have an allergic reaction to contact like that with lots of confined cats in close proximity.😢
  5. E

    Merging households with an allergic human

    ...reasons (point in the relationship, benefit to finances, etc.) I am looking to merge households with my partner, who is highly allergic to cats. I have advocated for them to start immunotherapy and I'm also anxiously following the HypoCat vaccine from Saiba Health, but the reality is the two...
  6. B

    Trying to find elderly cat a loving home

    My mother is likely to enter memory care soon and can no longer care for her 20 yr old cat. Family members are allergic and have dogs. I'm trying to find a loving home, but the age of the cat is an issue. She does not like dogs or other cats, and mostly just finds a comfortable spot...
  7. Alldara

    Very fussy cat with allergies, what should I feed him

    @JillBFrog Cat food needs to have meat in it as cats are obligatory carnivores. For allergies, generally, you start with one called hydrolyzed protein which means they process the meat protein until the cat's body won't recognize it as belonging to any specific meat. It's not likely that your...
  8. S

    cat not eating prior to I131 treatment

    Our cat Dora was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism a year ago, but was allergic to the medication. She has lost a lot of weight (now under 4lbs , down from 7+lbs). We are struggling to get her to eat, we have tried all the options, baby food, nutritional yeast, supplements etc. We are getting the...
  9. Alldara

    Litter help! Looking for low dust

    I've found non clumping to be the lowest dust. Clumping agents are usually a fine powder. I recommend okocat or another pellet non clumping litter. But in terms of clumping my cats really liked the one time I tried the tofu one . I havent tried the geass one as Magnus is allergic to it outside...
  10. neely

    Excuses on why you don't want someone at your house

    If someone wants to come over and I'm not expecting them I would suggest meeting at a restaurant instead. Usually I ask if they're allergic to cats or dogs and if they answer yes then that solves the problem for me.
  11. M

    Is Fortiflora safe for cats with chicken allergy?

    Yea I looked on Purina's site and it did say the pork and poultry are hydrolyzed. I think that means the proteins are broken down so much the immune system doesn't recognize it? but it's better to be safe than sorry!! Really good to know some cats doesn't react to it
  12. Scaredpersianowner

    Best hypoallergenic shampoo for cats?

    Hi there, My long haired Persian is going in for a bath next week. She is allergic to many things like cotton, pine, beef and certain types of molds. Does anyone have a hypoallergenic shampoo they recommend? Thank you so much!
  13. nxptvne

    Bit of a mystery

    Hey, I’m not sure how the weather is where you are, but if things are beginning to bloom maybe it’s pollen. Even if he’s never reacted before, it’s 100% possible for cats (and humans…or any animal tbh) to develop allergies later in life. The “weepy” stomach could be due to some sort of allergic...
  14. J

    Very fussy cat with allergies, what should I feed him

    My cat isn't allergic to the meat. He doesn't eat meat. Doesn't like any meat, red, white or fish. We've tried to get him to eat it all. He will only eat dairy and even that he is picky with. I currently use myvetstore so I will look at that to see if I can find anything that might work for all...
  15. neely

    What If I am having second thoughts on getting a cat? allergies: Living With Cat Allergy [A Comprehensive Guide] - TheCatSite There are many of us here, myself included, who are allergic to cats. Over the years we've had a lot of cats and some bother me more than others as well as reacting differently to each individual cat. However, I do...
  16. K

    Mum Allergic to Kitten. Advice?

    Hi guys, so I made a post yesterday about how happy I was for my new kitten and how well she’s adapting to the new environment. Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be able to keep her as I live with my mum and she has developed a really bad allergy to cat hair. She walked into the room where my...
  17. Alldara

    Persistent dandruff

    It could be that he's allergic to something specific in that recipe. He might need a different recipe or brand of food. Brushing him should help with the dandruff. Some male cats are also bad at grooming. That can impact dandruff. It the dandruff is only seasonal, it could be dry skin from...
  18. Z

    1 out of 5 Cats has Loose Stool, Poop Residue

    I have 5 cats. All 5 are fed the same food. But 1 kitten occasionally has loose stools, scoots and now seems to be having residue on her butt. I took her to the vet just a few days ago and her anal glands were not impacted. I don't suspect worms because the cats all share litter boxes and I...
  19. K

    New food allergies in cat

    There can be small (or even large off-label) differences between cats foods even if they appear to be quite similar. I'd get some of the shelter's food and see if her issues resolve. Sometimes the reactions can be quite immediate. I had a cat who had allergic wounds and when we finally found the...
  20. Jojo&Tutu

    Allergic to litter? Please advise

    Both my assistant and I are coughing and sneezing a lot. There is a strong vibration from radio-frequency on my home. We had tinfoil on back French doors and took it down. The coughing and sneezing is worse. I have a new cat but she does not shed at all. I am using Tidy Cats lightweight...