Search Results for Query: tylosin

  1. S

    Cryptosporidium, Tylosin, S.Boullardi

    ...on? After months of bad poops, we discovered my two kittens (from different litters) have it - they are currently on day 15 of 21 days of Tylosin. This really made a difference at first but at around day 12, the bad poops started to come back. We introduced S.Boullardi three days ago but...
  2. bethany5

    Anyone gotten liquid Tylosin compounded at Wedgewood Pharmacy?

    ...Her current Gabapentin is Chicken + Marshmallow flavor and she does just fine with it, so I thought the Tuna + Marshmallow would be okay for the Tylosin, but apparently not. Though I'm not convinced they actually added the Tuna flavor, as I smelled the medicine and it smelled only like...
  3. J

    My cat's cure for IBD - Tylan

    Long story short, we have one cat with chronic diarrhea and vomiting, even though sharing same food, water, beds, etc with other cat that is perfectly healthy. We tried all kinds of special diets, but nothing truly did the trick although symptoms were least extreme with "Royal Canin Veterinary...
  4. cliffchen

    9 Month Old Cat With Cryptosporidium - Please help!

    We have a young 9 month old cat we found when she was 1 month old. When found she was skinny and small. Throughout the months she has always been considerably underweight (heaviest was 4.5 pounds) but was always playful and loving. SYMPTOMS (Diarrhea, Vomiting, Lethargy, Weight...
  5. catlover729

    Diarrhea for days

    Hi all. I need some advice or maybe just to rant !! My little kitten is so precious, love him to death.. I got him off of craigslist about 5 months ago. His name is Khal. Named after Khal Drogo from GOT. I'm not sure exactly what happened with the mom or to him but I believe he was mistreated...
  6. S

    Tylosin/Tylan for Cats with IBS

    Has anyone ever used that for their cat with IBS? Is it a better option to Budesonide and Prednisolone? Or even metronidazole? Or is it used in conjunction with steroids since it is an antibiotic. It looks like it is an off-label medication.
  7. C

    Persian tear stain question

    Hi! I’m new here and a new cat mom to a Persian. He’s 5 months old and we’ve had him for about 3 weeks. Since bringing him home, I’ve been using eye envy liquid and powder on his tear stains 1-2 times per day. Some days I just use warm water. However, his left eye in the seems like it never...
  8. maggie101

    Empty Gel caps

    I bought size 4. anyone know how much can go in one? I have to give my cat 1/16 of a teaspoon
  9. L

    Post Dental Surgery

    Hello- my 15 y/o cat had dental surgery 4-5 days ago (4 teeth removed) and was put on bupanorphine for pain. It did not seem to be giving her much relief so vet prescribed her small dose of gabapentin (25mg) in addition to the bupanorohine. She has been having severe diarrhea since about day 2...
  10. L

    Clostridium Perfringens positive for both my indoor cats

    Hello, I have had a long battle in fixing the clostridium issue in my cats. so In December my cats were exposed to mold in the windows and they likely ingested it and that is when the diarrhea started. My cats have been on the same diet for a couple of years now, Crackers on RC gastro RX food...
  11. T

    I want to make one more try on the gut dysbiosis theory

    Background My cat's digestive issues had stopped responding to Tylosin (an antibotic that has helped him in the past), so I was close to ready to accept a diagnosis of intestinal lymphoma on the basis of "nothing else has worked/helped", and put him on chlorambucil. But now for two nights in a...
  12. K

    Tylosin vs. Metronidazole

    ...and the vet wants to try antibiotics. She prescribed Metronidazole but I've read it's quite toxic with horrid side effects. I asked about Tylosin since I've read it comes with less negative side effects- they said they could get me a liquid form that is palatable for my kitten. Anyone have...
  13. J

    Cat with Persistent Diarrhea HELP!

    Hi guys, I have a 11 years old male cat, he is mixed siamese He has been indoor only always He eats Iams hairball care dry food He was perfectly fine of health since a few months ago, he started to have intermittent diarrhea, let say one day his stools were ok and the other two days have...
  14. bethany5

    What ultimately cured your cat's C Perfringens overgrowth?

    ...first test, but were still too high (I don't have a copy of the results, so I don't have the exact levels on hand). We did a 5 day course of Tylosin (thank god for Double Chicken + Marshmallow compounded liquid from Wedgewood and someone's recommendation on here to give her some Churu before...
  15. RangersMom

    Cat diarrhea still not better

    Hi everyone. I posted before about our 3 year old cat with diarrhea. She did get a full blood and fecal panel. She had roundworms, and clostridium perfringens. Vet gave her Strongid for the worms (2 doses 2 weeks apart). And amoxicillin for the clostridium. Her diarrhea issues improved...
  16. J

    Repeating Rectal Prolapse

    Hey folks, After reading a bunch of the prolapse threads here, I've finally made an account and figured I'd ask for help. One of my cats just started week 3 of having a purse string suture in for a rectal prolapse. I dont know for sure what caused the prolapse originally. I suspect it was due to...
  17. D

    Cannot solve cats diarrhea issues no matter what i try.

    Hello! i was hoping someone on here has had the same issue or would be able to point me in the right direction, so i have 3 cats all rescue cats, two were adopted later then the first one, and they all have diarrhea that i cannot seem to get rid of, we have de-wormed them, flea medication, had...
  18. B

    Looking for experiences with sedation for abdominal ultrasounds in older cats

    Hi all! My cat, who's about 11 years old, has had diarrhea for about a month, has an abdominal ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow morning. I'll give some context but feel free to skip to the bottom for the general question! She was having diarrhea every night since around June 5th and I took...
  19. Ash25

    Nursing momma with Coronavirus

    I adopted a stray cat and it turns out she was pregnant. She had 8 kittens about a month ago and was losing a lot of weight and chronic diarrhea. It turns out she has feline corona virus. I’ve been concerned about FIP. She recently developed a pouch on her lower abdomen but I can’t tell if it’s...
  20. T

    How long does it take to see improvement with chlorambucil? And how much improvement?

    ...worse over the last two years. We did all the special diets and nothing helped. For a while it seemed like his symptoms improved with tylosin, but recently that hasn't helped either. We've also tried several different probiotics, including S. Boullardi. He's also on budesonide. Our vet has...