Search Results for Query: hyperesthesia

  1. stephanie junca

    Hyperesthesia Kitty any other reason for him to be self-mutilating. She mentioned that they try to rule out other causes before diagnosing with Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome, but she said he very clearly has this condition now. My husband and I are concerned about quality of life for him. He has been on the...
  2. P

    Cat Diagnosed with Hyperesthesia/Dosage Question

    Hi everyone — my cat, Princess is 5 years old and was just diagnosed with hyperesthesia. She doesn’t have a bad case of it — she doesn’t have the hyperesthesia “attacks”, but has has frequent back skin rippling and periodically pulls out fur in pattern that indicates back pain. The the vet...
  3. mattkat

    Our cat keeps biting his back, esp. when touched

    Our cat Dori is 6 years old and male, and for the past couple months he's been kind of sensitive when petted on his lower back. He usually starts licking and biting it, but he seems to have a hard time reaching it. Or he'll just kind of look irritated when petted there. Sometimes even when he's...
  4. pi-pi


    I think my cat Pi may have hyperesthesia. A condition where he chases his tail and sometimes bites it because it twitches by itself and puzzles him. From what I’ve read it is not life threatening and there are medications for it. I can’t get to his vet until after the new year so was wondering...
  5. T

    Cat frequently growling in discomfort and defecating

    We recently took in a stray 6-9 month old cat. For the past couple of weeks she randomly has fits of growling in discomfort. An episode can happen anytime, I.e., during sleep, while grooming, or whenever. Sometimes she will defecate a small amount during an episode. The vet thinks it is...
  6. Rysiek

    Feline Hyperesthesia

    I think my cat has problems with Feline Hyperesthesia. It mostly happens when he is frustrated with something, such as not being able to go out. Apart from "rolling wave" on his skin alongside his spine, he rolls his tongue, and then sprints and runs fast as if in a kind of flight response from...
  7. pi-pi

    Twitching Tail…

    My Pi-Pi has had a problem with his tail for a few months. It twitches involuntarily and puzzles him and I think scares him. He runs when it happens to escape it which of course he can’t. Sometimes he bites at it and yowls. His only saving grace with that is he is missing 9 teeth which were...
  8. carrie640

    Swaying head?

    I posted last night about Lucy having these "tic" like movements. Tonight, she got up on me as usual at bedtime...and she started these weird movements with her head. I am actually in panic-mode now. In the one, you will see her looking away from me and I moved her head back so I could get...
  9. melonfern

    Flea symptoms? Itchiness? Feline Hyperesthesia??

    About a few weeks ago my cat started showing signs of Feline Hyperesthesia all of a sudden. His back would start twitching, he'd lick his tail and run around the house, looking around like crazy. These episodes would last for a while. He then started drooping an ear and kept scratching it, I...
  10. BluOnyx

    Feline Hyperesthesia? down to purring or his heart issues. I will have to ask the vet at his next visit. Anyways, I stumbled on something called "Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome" and never heard of it before but I think he actually has this. It has happened maybe 15 or 20 times over the last 2 years. Almost...
  11. R

    Strange Behaviour with Tail

    I have been through a lot with my 8 year old female cat. Been in and out of the vet and spent thousands trying to find solutions. Long story short, my main concern now is her weird behaviour with her tail. She’ll stare at it, run away from it, and recently has started aggressively growling...
  12. mxphs

    For owners who have FHS cats, what were the solutions?

    Hi everyone I'm fairly certain that Humphrey has FHS. When I first got him, I just dismissed it as cat zoomies. But as i went down the google hole, I discovered what FHS is and his symptoms match exactly. It's all about that rippling back, the bolting, the meowing and the licking of the back...
  13. J

    Cat holds other cat by throat and growls - play or fight?

    Our one cat, Lee, has a history of being food/toy possessive. When he eats food, he often continuously growls while doing so. When he has a toy he really likes, he will continuously growl while holding it in his mouth. In my partner’s experience, Lee’s growl is all bark and no bite. I can’t...
  14. Longtime_cat_parent

    After years raising cats, I chose a difficult one

    ...later for another issue, my discussing these issues were not really considered or responded to. 🤔 I have read something about Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome, which seems to be possible, If I thought I could really get help and not a run-around, I might try. (I cannot be wasting $$). Note...
  15. jaxtabby

    Why is my male neutered 10 year old cat doing this to his stomach?

    There are no fleas or mites yet he acts like something is biting him sometimes.
  16. S

    10yo cat head shaking, darting off abruptly, acting strange but NO ear scratching

    My cat is acting very strange and it’s worrying me - i do have a vet appointment but it’s not until Monday. So over the last few weeks he has increasingly been abruptly darting off scared and shaking his head a lot at times when we are playing or if he jumps down from something. And this is not...
  17. L

    My cat had a seizure today, and I need some advice. :(

    ...and freaks out every time we take her, and she is acting normal and calm now. Everything we read has me convinced that she has Feline Hyperesthesia, because she's always had skin allergy issues and dermatitis on and off for years, and we noticed that she was excessively grooming herself...
  18. DaisyGrl

    Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome

    I am looking to see if anyone else has experienced this with their cats. Mine is a 4 year old male, and he began this self mutilation about 8 months ago. He started scratching his face and neck, causing open areas roughly quarter size. I took him in, and he had the whole gammat of test, swabs...
  19. T

    Cat scared of own tail - feline hyperesthesia?

    While my cat (~1.5 year old male) has not yet received an official diagnosis, he seems to be showing the signs of having FSH. He has periods of frantic activity where he will see his own tail and panic, dashing around the room each time he catches sight of it. Sometimes he will bites it a little...