Search Results for Query: teeth extractions

  1. wealthy1

    Teeth Extractions and Litterbox

    Missy is on her 3rd tooth extractions. The first time no behavioral changes. But the second time she started pooping in front of the litter box. Now she is peeing near the litterbox. The vet said her blood work was fine so I know that isn't an issue. On top of that I gotten a new cat 2...
  2. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    Our city shelter was promoting a cat they couldn't give away (3yo shorthair). She would hiss at everyone. After 6 months in the shelter she was at risk to be put down. We adopted her to give her a life. She presently lives in our spare bedroom. She lays on the floor in one corner all day, not...
  3. jersharocks

    Possibly still in pain 3+ weeks after tooth extractions? Does anyone else see it or am I just crazy?

    Contessa (aka Tessa) had 5 tooth extractions over 3 weeks ago and I believe she's still showing signs of pain but I am not 100% sure. Can anyone look at these videos and tell me whether I'm just crazy? This was 3 days ago: You can see on the first side that she gets a wide eyed look and her...
  4. Biomehanika

    Introducing a senior cat to having their teeth brushed?

    My 12 year old girl Bitsy is going in for a dental in mid April (her first ever, plus her first ever time being under anaesthesia since she was spayed as a kitten before I adopted her!! I am super nervous) and I’d like to start brushing her teeth a few weeks after that once she is all healed and...
  5. T

    Gingivitis in 15 year old male cat

    Good day, please can you all assist. The love of my life, my Trin, male cat, 15 years of age, has developed very bad gingivitis. He had to have 7 teeth extracted and the remaining were cleaned in the hopes that everything would be sorted. This is unfortunately not the case. We initially...
  6. xlynnbbyx

    Soft food recommendations after tooth extraction

    Ok hopefully this is okay to put here. But I just had my tooth pulled today. My tooth got broken beyond repair so it had to be pulled. Until Thursday or Friday I have to eat soft foods. I know ice cream, yogurt, applesauce and eggs after I let them cool. But does anyone have any other soft food...
  7. Tilly Twostep

    Need help from other cat lovers/Full Mouth Extraction Problems

    Hi there, I'm a new member to the site and I'm in a real situation and my heart is breaking. I rescued a lovely cat who was abandoned at a vet as she had very bad gingivitis and stomatitis. The shelter who took her took 8 teeth out. She wouldn't eat as it was still painful so she had a full...
  8. DianaChimi

    Surgery on a cat with HCM

    Hi Friends, i wanted to ask if any of you has had any experience with your HCM cats going under general anesthesia, my baby boy has vaccine induced fibrosarcoma so he must have the lump removed. We're currently getting all the tests done to know if he will be able to resist it. Have any of you...
  9. T

    Has anyone used these treats?

    My cat had her teeth cleaned last Monday. I was hoping that, once done, she'd resume eating dry food. So far, not much improved interest. As part of her daily feeding ever since I have her, she's always had dry food in the afternoon in between two feedings of canned food. Maybe things will...
  10. daftcat75

    Introducing Betty White

    She’s shy. I’ll post better pictures when she’s had more time to acclimate. It took me about an hour to get her all settled in to her room with cameras only to realize there are significant blind spots. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I’m out of practice with my cat surveillance. 😹 In any case, I don’t want to keep...
  11. M

    What's going on with me

    Okay. I'll post a little about what happened to me. My dad had a heart attack and is an invalid. He can't walk, feed himself, or shower. My abusive mom told everyone at the hospital & my brothers that I abuse her. You all know that it's the other way around, she actually is abusive to me. So my...
  12. carrie640

    Post-op questions!

    Lucy is almost 20. She had three extractions today. During this, they found what appears to be cancer in her jaw (same side as the really really bad tooth). I knew it could be the case, though, so I was not surprised. We refused the biopsy as the doctor is pretty sure that's what it is and three...
  13. tml1991

    Cat barely eats after full mouth extraction

    My cat, Lee-Lee, has barely ate at all since his full mouth extraction finished Thursday evening. Technically he last ate a decent amount Wednesday night. His lack of eating is worrying me. My vet told me his lack of eating is from the post extraction pain of a very inflamed mouth. Lee-Lee is...
  14. B

    Cat has bad breath even after brushing

    I've had my cat for about 6 months. She was a street cat so we had some health concerns to tackle along the way, but the lingering problem is her breath. It's just plain awful. The vet does see some gingivitis, though not bad enough that we need to do an urgent deep cleaning plus extractions...
  15. carrie640

    Extract teeth or no?

    Lucy the kitty cat. She has a tooth (teeth?) issue. We've narrowed it down to not only is she hyperthyroid, but much of her batting is due to her mouth. She was on one antibiotic and then started Azithromyacin (did I even spell that correctly?) every 3rd day for 6 weeks. we believe the...
  16. Cate1124

    Chuffing, lip-licking after extraction

    My 14-year-old had four teeth, including both upper canines and her third premolars on either side of her lower jaw (all crown excisions) nearly a week ago. FORLs. She's doing generally well, I think: decent activity, great appetite (raw-fed), pooping appropriately and wanting out (not...
  17. sweetlilac

    Teeth issue/problem/question for my semi feral

    Hi friends, thank you all who respond when I thought my sweetie had died, she vanished, as you have helped me give my kitty-angel KittyKat a precious safe loved life. She "ran away" and only returned after (i found out) a giant abcess had burst in her neck somewhere. Gone at least 3 days, i...
  18. K

    Slow weight loss

    Hello! My cat Juliette is almost 18 years old. In the last year, she has started to have some health issues crop up - including diagnosis with hyperthyroidism (March 2023) and early stages of kidney disease (Sept 2023). We've addressed the hyperthyroidism with medication, and her thyroid...
  19. L


    Hi all! My Lilly has stomatitis. She has had 2 PME’s. She has another flare up and is scheduled to have 2 canines removed in February. She got a steroid shot today. I’m overwhelmed and stressed. Are there other medications/diets I should try to decrease the flare ups? I was told about Zyrtec...
  20. Frank123

    What did you pay for teeth cleaning?

    I'm curious for the who live in the U.S. and have opted to have your cat's teeth cleaned, what was the total cost? I asked because yesterday I took both my cats to the vet for their annual wellness exam and the vet noted quite a bit of tartar build up on both cats' teeth. She recommended a...