Recent Content by Serenityinaz12

  1. S

    Vet recommended kidney food but my cat doesn't have CKD.

    Just wanted to hear other people's thoughts on this - my cat just went in and had lab work done. He doesn't have CKD now but I guess there is a high chance he does develop it within 2 years according to some assessment (he's 12). The vet told me to put him on CKD food but I'm wondering if I...
  2. S

    Left floating rib sticking out further than right?

    I would like to add an update. So interestingly the feeling of my cat’s rib sticking out went away about 2 weeks after posting this. Then it came back yesterday. Very odd. Had appointment with vet today and they took labs and x rays. No lab results yet but the x ray was abnormal. They are not...
  3. S

    Left floating rib sticking out further than right?

    Yes, although my cat is chunky so can’t see it pronounced like yours. But yes that area at the back of the rib cage feels like it’s more pronounced than it used to be on his left side. I have an appointment on the 21st but will try to move it sooner. Please update when you get feedback from your...
  4. S

    Left floating rib sticking out further than right?

    is Mr Captain only more on the left side also? And was it always that way or something you seemed to notice one day as being more?
  5. S

    Left floating rib sticking out further than right?

    I wasn’t aware that the last rib on cats is a floating rib and I’ve noticed that my cat’s left one seems to protrude more than the right. Certain positions he is in I can’t feel it at all but if he is just standing there not turning or looking to any side if I run my hands down both sides it...
  6. S

    Blood stains where cat has been laying?

    My cat lays at the end corner of the bed a lot and tonight I noticed what looked like a dried blood spot or something. There are a few other smaller marks also. This is the third time I’ve seen this appear seems to happen maybe once every 1-2 months. I didn’t think much about it before but this...
  7. S

    Stomach contraction when chewing on Da Bird toy?

    So I noticed today that when playing with Da Bird toy Snuffy’s stomach started contracting/spasming a few times when he got ahold of the feathered toy and really started chewing on it. I’ve never seen that happen before but honestly he also doesn’t usually get it and start going to town on it...
  8. S

    How long to keep cat in bathroom after carpet clean?

    smell seems to be gone and almost dry. I’ll do the vacuum in an hour and let him out thanks.
  9. S

    How long to keep cat in bathroom after carpet clean?

    I’m having trouble finding info online I saw that for dogs they recommend 3 hours to let it dry. I live in an apartment and they had professional cleaners come and do a carpet clean. They sprayed some solution in the carpet then used the big hose and vacuum thing to clean it. Anyone have any...
  10. S

    Has anyone’s cat gone over the 48 hour mark with no poo, but no sign of straining or impacted poo?

    Yes my cat usually goes every 2-3 days. I only give him wet food apparently it’s more common with wet food.
  11. S

    Snuffy is bored with all his toys please help me with some new ideas

    Appreciate the feedback I got quite a few toys from the lists and your suggestions will see how it goes with them!
  12. S

    Snuffy is bored with all his toys please help me with some new ideas

    He was just at the vet last week and everything is good health wise just has his ongoing IBD but it’s under control. I got him going last night with Da Bird again I just had to do a really different action with it than I had before. I don’t leave toys out I keep them in the closet. He doesn’t...
  13. S

    Snuffy is bored with all his toys please help me with some new ideas

    No he doesn’t act restless or anything - in general he’s just become a bit lazier and less interested in playing it seems.
  14. S

    Snuffy is bored with all his toys please help me with some new ideas

    I have quite literally spent over 1,000 dollars on toys for this cat and he’s seemingly sick of everything. I could really use some ideas of things others have found to entice their bored-of-everything cats to play again. And yes I actively try to play with him and have as long as I’ve had him I...
  15. S

    I didnt euthanise my baby and i feel so guilty

    Thank you for posting this, it will help me make the decision to do it and unfortunately I think the time may be soon.