Recent Content by MowgsandBags

  1. MowgsandBags

    My Kitten May Have Fip

    We are back with that vet so they are fully aware! But they say they like to look at worst case scenario - however this was VERY emotional draining so I hope they use this example for their future FIP scares...
  2. MowgsandBags

    Cat Won't Let Me Cut His Nails

    One of my kittens lets me cut her claws with ease, but the other one does not tend to like it, I usually but him on my lap on his back and then I can hold him still a bit more without him pulling his paw away and running away! I have also seen covers for cat claws - Does anyone know if they...
  3. MowgsandBags

    My Kitten May Have Fip

    Hi All, I just wanted to update. Despite the emotional drain over the last month, our Mowgli seems to be doing alot better. The vet saw him for a check up as we decided to look at his vaccinations again now that he seemed better and she said if she had not seen him before he seems to be a...
  4. MowgsandBags

    My Kitten May Have Fip

    I don't know it is is real or artificial, they have told me that Mowgli is too small to stick a needle in and remove the fluid and there isn't enough fluid to remove. The other thing it could possibly be is a shunt on the liver but they said they are almost positive it is fip. He started by...
  5. MowgsandBags

    Possible Fip? Please Help

    Hi, I am going through a similar situation with my kitten - did you ever get the diagnosis? I am sorry to bring up this as I imagine you have grieved, but I am terrified of loosing my baby
  6. MowgsandBags

    My Kitten May Have Fip

    As of today my kitten is suspected to have FIP after having a blood sample taken. I am in denial. He first started getting the symptoms on Friday 8th June and we took him to the vets on Monday as the symptoms worstened The symptoms he had were: Not gaining weight - Although we found out his...