Recent Content by maeganj

  1. maeganj

    Grain Free Food = Cardiomyopathy?

    Cats are obligate carnivores, a look at their digestive tract shows no cecum and a short transit time for waste. That said, the grain free commercial food side steps grain and replaces it with potatoes, peas, carrots to make up for the calories and small amount of protein the grains contained...
  2. maeganj

    Cat Front legs wound

    Yes it probably is from the IV, and that is why the vet clinic should still be responsible for the aftercare. Were you given any discharge papers? The emergency vet clinic by me has a policy where they grant 3 or 4 days after the visit "free" (as I'm sure this is built into the original bill)...
  3. maeganj

    November 2020 book of the month club

    I think I read about 50% of the book but had to listen to the other half on kindle audiobook - the narration drove me mad because the woman who read it only had like 3 voices and only 1 for the Tate and Chase so it was kind of confusing to me I'd get the two names mixed up and then they had the...
  4. maeganj

    is cat trying to get out of house to die

    Hi, this is in response to your original question. My father gave a kitten, Tiffany, to mother before I was born. By the time I had gone to college at 18 she was past 21 years old, she knew me when I was a baby! My mom said just as I had left for college, she kept trying to go down the...
  5. maeganj

    Major problems with rental/pets/mold

    I'm not sure if it's allowed @czari but is it possible to start a different thread on this? I read through all the old stuff before getting to your reply and I think your story deserves it's own thread as it takes awhile to comb through the older posts. Just a quick comment from me - yes gone...
  6. maeganj

    Gift ideas for your vet

    Awl this is such a nice gesture, I'm due up to see my vet this month. I always give her fresh eggs but maybe something extra like a card and like @LTS3 said sponsoring a shelter animal in her name. That's such a good idea! I don't know where Vets get their supplies from but maybe a gift card...
  7. maeganj

    Question of the Day, Friday, November 13

    My mom made these chewy, soft cardamom short bread cookies last yr and they were amazing! And of course those PB thumbprint kiss cookies, they're tradition for whatever odd reason.
  8. maeganj

    Question of the day - Thursday 12 November

    I was wondering if anyone would notice...
  9. maeganj

    A Suggestion...........................

    🤯 Do you play ESO??
  10. maeganj

    Question of the day - Thursday 12 November

    Oh this is fun(ny) I'll try not to copy the other M's Something you can wear - mini-skirt A drink - mojito A Place - Mount Rushmore Food item - mushroom Animal - moose A Girl Name - Melba A Boy Name - Martin A Profession - midwife A Word to describe someone - moody A Body Part - ...moob...
  11. maeganj

    Pine pellet litter users, how often you do a full strain?

    How many cats do you have? I only have 1 that uses it so maybe it's just not as dire for me to do a big clean everyday, but I sift all the dust out about every 5 days (with a scoop, I don't have a sifting box) oddly enough the guy we got the kitten from says he waits until the entire box is dust...
  12. maeganj

    What size wood pellets?

    I pulled a few clean pellets out of the bag they all vary in size because they break up a bit, the largest (also broken) one I grabbed is about 3/4" (19mm) so I guess go with the largest size they have... I don't use a sifting box so wouldn't know if the slots are too big for 8mm. ETA I use TSC...
  13. maeganj

    Scoop for Pellet Litter

    Yeah I don't know why she does that, I just use the scoop and try not to pick up too much pellets on the way.
  14. maeganj

    Scoop for Pellet Litter

    I'm an amateur when it comes to pine pellets, but I just use a regular run of the mill scoop, more specifically the Nature's Miracle brand. It's nothing special. The pellets that are stuck on the poop need to be tossed anyways so I don't worry about them not falling through the holes. I also...
  15. maeganj

    Thanksgiving / holiday dinner

    Oh, this looks good! I love skillet/1 pot/instant pot stuff when my husband's not home, easy clean up. To be honest I prefer chicken over turkey. We tried to keep our turkeys small but could only get our hands on bronze breed, we're trying to do something like Kentucky Bourbon because they're...