Recent Content by kmkaeberlein

  1. kmkaeberlein

    Weight Loss

    He was on dry but am switching to wet. I have done mixed in the past as well as some freeze dried. He still always acts hungry. His vet says he doesn't need much protein (um yeah ok everyone needs protein). His name is Rio btw. We like to call him fatty though lol We do measure, at least when I...
  2. kmkaeberlein

    Weight Loss

    Hello! My cat is a big boy. I am pretty sure he is part Maine Coon (his adoption records say american longhair), but he is .20 away from being 20LBS! My vet and I both want him to lose some weight, at least down to 15 where he used to be. But he is constantly hungry. And if he doesn't have...
  3. kmkaeberlein

    Cat randomly stopped using litter box

    I have a female calico cat that I had gotten a few months ago (I got her probably in April sometime). I feel like I 'rescued' her from the previous home she was in, because all the stuff the lady gave me for her (the cat scratching post and a carrier) all smelled strongly of urine, like the...
  4. kmkaeberlein

    Cat has either calicivirus or got into toxins?

    I have an appointment at 2:30 to take him in again. The instructions the emergency center gave me were to water down soft food but he wont touch that or water.  They gave him a painkiller that was strong and supposed to last 3 days, but I don't think it is even working. :(
  5. kmkaeberlein

    Cat has either calicivirus or got into toxins?

     I had come home from work 5/3/2014 and was heading to bed, when my daughter spotted my cat, whom I had adopted 4 years ago, coming down and meowing like he was in pain, with sticky-like saliva hanging from his mouth. It has a very foul smell, and his tongue sticks out. He acts like he cannot...
  6. kmkaeberlein

    Cat attacks daughter

    My cat is a neutered almost 5 year old male cat. My daughter is 15 months. She does not go near my cat or bother him at all, and lately he has been attacking my daughter. She will be minding her own business, walking to me or playing and he will just come up and bite her and claw at her. I was...
  7. kmkaeberlein

    Cat acting weird

    Thanks guys, I'll definitely give the vet a call. And Jennyranson, no. I know his 'stalking creep' walk and this is definitely not it. We have had mice and bats in here before, and he does chase insects but that kind of walk compared to what he is doing is definitely completely different. But...
  8. kmkaeberlein

    Cat acting weird

    Nope, nothing recently changed, no fireworks, construction, or other cats around. It's really odd for him because he is a very lovable, cuddly, attention hog. I've been watching him all day and he is extremely skiddish. As I mentioned before, it is unlike him and I am not sure what is going on...
  9. kmkaeberlein

    Cat acting weird

  10. kmkaeberlein

    Cat acting weird

    My 3 year old male cat has been acting odd the past few days. Today is the worst. He will walk around the house, but in a cautious-like way, his body close to the ground and he has been very skiddish. He runs at the slightest noise, when anyone walks around and he can't see them he takes off...
  11. kmkaeberlein

    Humping problem and common causes

    I've had this problem since I adopted my cat. I adopted him at 7 months, a little bit after he was neutered. It wasn't TOO bad to begin with, rarely noticeable but I got pregnant February of this year (2012), and since then it has gotten worse. He will even climb on me and do it, kneading my...
  12. kmkaeberlein

    Is something wrong with my cat?

    Sounds good, I'll give the wet cat food a try I think. Thank you guys for the help I appreciate it!!
  13. kmkaeberlein

    Is something wrong with my cat?

    I feed him Meow Mix Hairball control. He needs the hairball control because he is a long-haired cat, and if I don't, he tends to have really bad hairballs around the house. Amount I feed him is 1/3 cup 2x a day. If I feed him more, he tends to throw it up
  14. kmkaeberlein

    Is something wrong with my cat?

    I feed my cat 2x a day but he seems to ALWAYS be hungry. He will eat his food within an hour or two and want more. He is 15+ lbs, very fat and lazy. He also will eat my dog's food if he doesn't have any. Well today, I fed him and gave him fresh water, and after he finished his food he went over...