Cat randomly stopped using litter box


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 7, 2012
I have a female calico cat that I had gotten a few months ago (I got her probably in April sometime). I feel like I 'rescued' her from the previous home she was in, because all the stuff the lady gave me for her (the cat scratching post and a carrier) all smelled strongly of urine, like the owner wasn't taking care of the cat and letting her pee everywhere. She was doing good for a while, I tried introducing her and my other cat, she currently feels safe staying in my bedroom. I have had the door open when I am home and let her roam, but she doesnt go very far. Just recently, I took a 4 day vacation and was not home (but had relatives coming and feeding/watering her, one night they stayed the night). Since I have been back, she has peed on my bed and clothes (clean, in a clothesbasket) and she has also pooped in the clothes basket. She has not touched her litter box since I have been back, and also unsure as to how long she stopped using it when I was gone.

Could this be a defiant attitude? I don't understand why she would randomly start doing this. Any input is greatly appreciated!


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
She sounds greatly stressed.  Who knows what happened while you were away, but she may have been frightened.  How many litter boxes does she have access to?  The golden rule is one litter box per cat plus one extra.  So since you have 2 cats, you would need 3 litter boxes.  You always want more than you think.  Also have you taken her to the vet since you have had her?  You will want to be sure she has a clean bill of health especially if she is mingling with your other cat.  Also you want to be sure she is spayed.

Have you tried Feliway diffusers to help?