Newly adopted Rescue

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  • #21

Meme for 2

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2022
Awww... sweet girl. She'll eventually figure out that you're her human and she can trust you.
I really hope so, she hissed at me today for the first time 😟 She loves treats but doesn’t move a muscle towards them or anything if I am near the room. I have yet to actually see her out from under the bed. I just don’t know how much to push without a setback. Someone told me to take up the mattress so she is forced to come out but I am not sure that is a good idea.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
So it's been a bit over a week, right. I'm sure it seems like a long time for you, but not so long in cat's mind.

Probably don't want to stress her by taking up the mattress, at least not yet. Is she the only pet in the home? If so, wonder if it's time to open the door to her room, and let her explore a bit. But ONLY if you're 100% sure there's no hidey holes anywhere that she could crawl into, as that would be worse that the situation right now. There's another thread I'm following where that's the case, and you do not want that to happen.
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  • #23

Meme for 2

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2022
So it's been a bit over a week, right. I'm sure it seems like a long time for you, but not so long in cat's mind.

Probably don't want to stress her by taking up the mattress, at least not yet. Is she the only pet in the home? If so, wonder if it's time to open the door to her room, and let her explore a bit. But ONLY if you're 100% sure there's no hidey holes anywhere that she could crawl into, as that would be worse that the situation right now. There's another thread I'm following where that's the case, and you do not want that to happen.
So tomorrow will be two weeks she has been here, not terribly long. Her door has actually been open just a bit all along but she has not ventured out at that I can tell. She never comes out from under the bed if we are in the apartment, only twice we found her on top of the bed during the day, under the pillows. I tried opening the window in her room enough that she can tell there is fresh air but she does not even attempt to go check it out.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Update on our CeCe, she comes out from under the bed only at night to get on the bed and burrow under the pillows. She will not come out when I am in the room, pretty much does not move around at all during the day. Uses her litter box at night. I scooted under the bed this morning, I was able to gently rub near her chin using a wand with a small cloth on it. She was wide eyed but did not mive a muscle, no hissing or swatting. She will let me push treats towards her with my hand until about 6 inches away then backs up just a little. Will keep working on her, I can see she is a bit matted and feel bad that I cannot get those knots out😟
So tomorrow will be two weeks she has been here, not terribly long. Her door has actually been open just a bit all along but she has not ventured out at that I can tell. She never comes out from under the bed if we are in the apartment, only twice we found her on top of the bed during the day, under the pillows. I tried opening the window in her room enough that she can tell there is fresh air but she does not even attempt to go check it out.
I think you need not worry that much. Cece is just mapping you out. Looking at her eyes, she is just calculating how to trust you or should she trust you.

Leave some of your clean unwashed, non perfumed garments with her and also some towels where she lays. Let her get more use to your scents and always while entering the room, announce your arrival with a sweet loving voice calling out to her. Make as less noise as you can while in the room.
Once the towels has soaked up her scents, place it around the room where you want her to be. This way it'll help her gain confidence. Cats go by scents and routines.

Let her get use to the room and also to you and once that's done, let her explore the house at her own time. Just don't rush her. Love, patience and routine rules the day.
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  • #25

Meme for 2

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2022
I think you need not worry that much. Cece is just mapping you out. Looking at her eyes, she is just calculating how to trust you or should she trust you.

Leave some of your clean unwashed, non perfumed garments with her and also some towels where she lays. Let her get more use to your scents and always while entering the room, announce your arrival with a sweet loving voice calling out to her. Make as less noise as you can while in the room.
Once the towels has soaked up her scents, place it around the room where you want her to be. This way it'll help her gain confidence. Cats go by scents and routines.

Let her get use to the room and also to you and once that's done, let her explore the house at her own time. Just don't rush her. Love, patience and routine rules the day.
Thank you so much for the tips and encouragement! I will start trying those today and maybe stop scooting partially under the bed for a bit. Now that she knows my face and voice maybe just hearing me talking softly to her will help her relax. I take my crochet in there for a short time and just sit and talk softly while she sees my hands are occupied. I will not give up on this sweet girl!


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Thank you so much for the tips and encouragement! I will start trying those today and maybe stop scooting partially under the bed for a bit. Now that she knows my face and voice maybe just hearing me talking softly to her will help her relax. I take my crochet in there for a short time and just sit and talk softly while she sees my hands are occupied. I will not give up on this sweet girl!
Yes, sometimes if you scoot under to see her, she thinks you are trying to catch her and that makes her more weary. Always appear as no threat to her. Sit afar where she can see you and you can see her. Get a cat wand and entice her to catch the feather. Encourage her by playing with her and slowly draw her out.

Get a cardboard box and place in somewhere not too hidden and place a toy or two and her towels there and sprinkle sone cat nip there. Once she feels safe to come out, slowly think of something to block up as much of the under of the bed as possible or cover enough for her to hide where you can see each other.

Keep the doing the fist bump with her and each time she does good, praise her. Also do many slow eye blinks with her. Once you blink at her, slowly turn your head away and don't stare at her. By doing that, it shows that you are submissive to her but try to see from your corner of your eye and see if she slow blink back at you. This is very important to gain her trust. Keep doing it.

Play some relaxing classical music for her which will help calm her down too.
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  • #28

Meme for 2

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2022
I feel like she has regressed a little bit since yesterday😟. I have stayed away from under the bed, but she did not drink any water last night, did eat her food though. I put the music on softly that was recommended but She is now way under the heater board so now she has shut herself away as far as she can get. I ordered a cat box today, it will be here tomorrow. I may decide to close the door, pick up the mattress so that the only place to hide is in the box. Then she will be a little more accessible to guage her better. I feel at such a loss but I definitely sense she is pulling further away and my heart is breaking for her. She does not deserve the life she has had before coming here.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Awww.... poor kitty. I feel bad for her, but also for you, as your companion isn't being very companionable right now. 🤗

If you can get the mattress off, it probably won't make things any worse. And, as you say, you'll then be able to check on her easier.

As for not drinking water, if she's mostly eating canned food, it's probably fine, as canned food is mostly water.

One thing you might want to consider is Feliway. I've never used it, and some members find it does nothing, but others did find it helped. So maybe research it and see what you think. It's not cheap. FELIWAY Shop
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  • #30

Meme for 2

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2022
Awww.... poor kitty. I feel bad for her, but also for you, as your companion isn't being very companionable right now. 🤗

If you can get the mattress off, it probably won't make things any worse. And, as you say, you'll then be able to check on her easier.

As for not drinking water, if she's mostly eating canned food, it's probably fine, as canned food is mostly water.

One thing you might want to consider is Feliway. I've never used it, and some members find it does nothing, but others did find it helped. So maybe research it and see what you think. It's not cheap. FELIWAY Shop
Thank you, as much as I want to be able to love her my main concern is her quality of life here. I do have a Feliway plug in there in the room, but it might be worth trying the spray too. I am up to trying anything to help the poor girl.
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  • #33

Meme for 2

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2022
It's ok to feel that way. Dealing with such situations always calls for one step forward and two steps back. This is very normal and so please don't be discourage.
Thank you for the encouragement! I am home sick with the flu so doing a whole lot of reading on the group for ideas. I am back to giving her some peace to regroup, ordered a nice cat box in hopes that she will navigate towards it. Going to sorinkle catnip around it. Tonight I placed some treats around her room so I can see if she is roaming the room at night. I refuse to give up on her, she really needs this peaceful home.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Thank you for the encouragement! I am home sick with the flu so doing a whole lot of reading on the group for ideas. I am back to giving her some peace to regroup, ordered a nice cat box in hopes that she will navigate towards it. Going to sorinkle catnip around it. Tonight I placed some treats around her room so I can see if she is roaming the room at night. I refuse to give up on her, she really needs this peaceful home.

Oh, do take care of yourself and drink lots of fluid.

Just go slow on your kitty which will help you manage her better. Remember, let her make the first move. The other thing is if she does not want to come out from under the bed, it's ok. She's just feeling overwhelmed and also feeling cornered. Cats don't like to be cornered. Give her space. Once she sense that she has her own space, she'll come out.
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  • #35

Meme for 2

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2022
Miss CeCe’s new kitty box has arrived! I set it up right by the side of the bed, placed her food in front of it for dinner. She ate the food so at least she is not afraid of the box being there. I am going to sprinkle some catnip near it. The person we got her from said she did not show interest in toys of any kind, had not tried catnip. She will be a challenge for sure!


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Miss CeCe’s new kitty box has arrived! I set it up right by the side of the bed, placed her food in front of it for dinner. She ate the food so at least she is not afraid of the box being there. I am going to sprinkle some catnip near it. The person we got her from said she did not show interest in toys of any kind, had not tried catnip. She will be a challenge for sure!
Oh great! Is this just a box or a litterbox? If it's a litterbox, best is not to place her food too near it as the strong smell of excrement may over power her food and she may reject her food and on top of that the litter dust or spilled litter may cross comtaminate her food.

Place it far enough and not too near and later just shift it further and further away by a foot at a time.

For toys, different cats play with different type of toys. Just don't go out and buy all the cat toys for her. Sometimes DIY toys will do as good and cheaper or free if she does not like it, it's ok.
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  • #37

Meme for 2

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2022
Oh great! Is this just a box or a litterbox? If it's a litterbox, best is not to place her food too near it as the strong smell of excrement may over power her food and she may reject her food and on top of that the litter dust or spilled litter may cross comtaminate her food.

Place it far enough and not too near and later just shift it further and further away by a foot at a time.

For toys, different cats play with different type of toys. Just don't go out and buy all the cat toys for her. Sometimes DIY toys will do as good and cheaper or free if she does not like it, it's ok.
I should have been more descriptive of the box 🤣It is a cube for her to hide/play/sleep in. I placed some treats in the cube last night before bed, this morning they were gone so she ate them. She still loves to sleep at night on top of the bed burrowed under the pillows as all the signs are there that she continues that pattern.
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  • #38

Meme for 2

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2022
Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since we got CeCe, seems like so much longer that she has been hiding under the bed. No interactions at all, when I am in the room she is silent, non moving, just stares at me. I go in quite often to talk to her, bring her little treats, some catnip on occasion. It would be so amazing to he able to see even a little improvement. I don’t want to push her but I also don’t want to make hiding a permanent activity. So torn on what to do. Some say lift the mattress, some say leave her be. If only I had a crystal ball or could read her mind😟


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since we got CeCe, seems like so much longer that she has been hiding under the bed. No interactions at all, when I am in the room she is silent, non moving, just stares at me. I go in quite often to talk to her, bring her little treats, some catnip on occasion. It would be so amazing to he able to see even a little improvement. I don’t want to push her but I also don’t want to make hiding a permanent activity. So torn on what to do. Some say lift the mattress, some say leave her be. If only I had a crystal ball or could read her mind😟
It may just tale a little longer for Cece but don't be discourage and don't give up. Give her more time to settle down.

You can try lying down on the floor either on your side or on your tummy from a distance and do slow eye blinks with her and speak to her. Keep doing this and have some treats on hand or maybe food will be better as maybe she might not like the treat. Get a long spoon and feed her.

I think with Cece, you have to take baby steps. You won't want to ruin the whole process.
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  • #40

Meme for 2

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2022
It may just tale a little longer for Cece but don't be discourage and don't give up. Give her more time to settle down.

You can try lying down on the floor either on your side or on your tummy from a distance and do slow eye blinks with her and speak to her. Keep doing this and have some treats on hand or maybe food will be better as maybe she might not like the treat. Get a long spoon and feed her.

I think with Cece, you have to take baby steps. You won't want to ruin the whole process.
Part of what I am struggling with is that she is too far under the bed for me to be able to work with her. I can’t reach her to try and put treats close to her unless I scoot under the bed which had set her back before. I have tried the sliw eye blinks but only got a response once, I try to do it frequently especially when it is light enough for me to see her. She seems so far away. I am ordering a cat condo for her, at night she sneaks up on the bed under the pillows to sleep so I think she wants to be up off the floor. I am willing to try anything for her to he comfortable. I already lobe this little girl even if I haven’t ever touched her yet☺