Can you get some boxes and push in from the other side under the bed and make her space smaller on the other side? This way she won't be right inside but nearer to the outer other side.Part of what I am struggling with is that she is too far under the bed for me to be able to work with her. I can’t reach her to try and put treats close to her unless I scoot under the bed which had set her back before. I have tried the sliw eye blinks but only got a response once, I try to do it frequently especially when it is light enough for me to see her. She seems so far away.
Make sure when you place boxes beneath the bed, the boxes are big enough to be stacked right up to the base of the bed and also the opening side of the boxes are facing way from her so that she can't climb up and squeeze to the top or go into the boxes. Have something heavy in the boxes so that she can't push it in.
Once her space is smaller, it'll easier to work with her. Keep the slow eye blinks with her and each time you blink, say it out loud - 'Blink Eyes' so that she can associate the sound with slow eye blinks.