My Feral And Rescued Cats

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Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Jcatbird Jcatbird I am praying for Banjo. I hope they find out what the problem is. I have been thinking about the cat food, is it possible that Banjo ate a bad batch of cat food? You mentioned Dolly and Mackie throwing up from catfood that you thought was too much for them as they were older cats. I read something recently how through out the Covid pandemic there were less inspections in pet food factories than normal. I hope it is not the food, but there seems to be plenty of recalls overall. Just a few months ago I got very sick after eating my dinner and was vomiting the whole night. A few weeks later I got a letter from BJ's Wholefood where they mentioned the the salad mix i recently bought was being recalled for the presence or Listeria. I am not surprised. I am sure the vets will find out soon enough what is going on with all the tests they took. I am praying for Banjo and for you. ❤


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Jcatbird Jcatbird I am praying for Banjo. I hope they find out what the problem is. I have been thinking about the cat food, is it possible that Banjo ate a bad batch of cat food? You mentioned Dolly and Mackie throwing up from catfood that you thought was too much for them as they were older cats. I read something recently how through out the Covid pandemic there were less inspections in pet food factories than normal. I hope it is not the food, but there seems to be plenty of recalls overall. Just a few months ago I got very sick after eating my dinner and was vomiting the whole night. A few weeks later I got a letter from BJ's Wholefood where they mentioned the the salad mix i recently bought was being recalled for the presence or Listeria. I am not surprised. I am sure the vets will find out soon enough what is going on with all the tests they took. I am praying for Banjo and for you. ❤
It is probably all related to tainted food. The USDA hasn't been doing their job for decades. Our food supply is very suspect. It's like playing Russian Roulette.
STRONG suggestion not to buy prepackaged vegetable/salad stuff! These have been tainted many times. I would never buy any of it. I always buy the single items (fresh lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, radishes, green onions, peppers, avocados) and wash everything except the avocados before eating. If you eat these bagged things without washing, there's a very good chance of getting something nasty from them. I get what I am pretty sure is food poisoning more often these days, and sometimes it's pretty bad. You can't really trust anything food-wise, but I do avoid anything I know has a history of being recalled. With cat food, though, you just can't. And buying meat isn't any safer. EDIT: my bad. The FDA is the entity responsible.

The FDA's Inspection Problem: One Reason Our Food Supply Isn't Safe


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
You can't really trust anything food-wise, but I do avoid anything I know has a history of being recalled. With cat food, though, you just can't. And buying
The funny thing is I thought I washed the salad mix. I think it is time to start going back to gardening veggies again. I am now not so trusting of packaged produce. Be careful as well. Take lots of probiotics. I think thats what helped me bounce back the next day from the food poisoning.

Thankfully, I haven't had any kitties throw up in quite a while, but I wouldn't take any chances. Some years back I bought some cheaper cat food for my b.y. kitties and they had a puke fest🤮 on my deck, so I just stick to Friskies. You think outdoor kitties have stomach of steel, but not so much. :lovecat:

Edit: Here is what I read recently. Thanks for sharing that article. I hope this raises awareness to this problem.
Hazard analysis most common issue in pet food inspections
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TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I am holding the food hostage in case it is the food. The sender offered to replace it but…. I am not sure if that will help. Maybe the next batch is fine. Maybe that batch was fine snd it is something else. No finger pointing just yet but if anyone is worried about their food I suggest you watch your kitties closely and try switching to a different lot number, brand, type and call the company to register a strong complaint or even go so far as to have the food tested at a lab. I switched to a different lot but the cats turned their noses up. I suspect it is more a change in recipe. I switched to just Fancy Feast for the moment but tummies are still touchy. It could be an issue with the cats grooming more too. I have mentioned that I don’t think the flea meds I use are being as effective or fleas are hitching a ride inside. This is always a process of elimination. I have new flea meds coming and we will see if that helps. Dolly is now wearing a seresto collar for the moment as are Whistle and Lasy. Mama has been wearing those as backup for awhile because of flea allergies. All the cats wearing the collars are NOT throwing up. I am not saying the food is not the culprit. IDK but I did have an issue some years ago where every cat in the house started throwing up after eating and would not touch the brand for many months. I switched to pate and they ate. The company denied any problems but I battled with them for many months. Finally I heard the closed a processing plant. I confronted them with this info snd they “sort of” admitted a problem but only to offer to reclaim that lot and replace it. That’s just my current take on things. We shall see.
The problem with Banjo is a bit different. Next post.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
I switched to a different lot but the cats turned their noses up.
My boy has a bloodhound nose. Any change in smell of his food even if it's a new can, up goes his nose and he refuses to eat and I have to open another new can and let him sniff for approval.

If you have time, please check your PM. I have something for you.
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TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
Just a few months ago I got very sick after eating my dinner and was vomiting the whole night. A few weeks later I got a letter from BJ's Wholefood where they mentioned the the salad mix i recently bought was being recalled for the presence or Listeria.
STRONG suggestion not to buy prepackaged vegetable/salad stuff!
Wow Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose listeria is serious stuff! Glad you got over it back then.
I agree with no bagged veggie stuff. Plus, with buying the unpackaged stuff it saves a plastic bag from the trash/environment. 🌳

I suspect it is more a change in recipe. I switched to just Fancy Feast for the moment but tummies are still touchy. It could be an issue with the cats grooming more too. I have mentioned that I don’t think the flea meds I use are being as effective or fleas are hitching a ride inside. This is always a process of elimination. I have new flea meds coming and we will see if that helps. Dolly is now wearing a seresto collar for the moment as are Whistle and Lasy.
I have had that happen, change in recipe. I hope it's not an illness in Banjo and all the others and the tests come out fine. (Aside- I think that Seresto commercial with the Boxer coming back with a plunger then a bikini top is hilarious!)


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
tabbytom tabbytom I saw your message here and have checked. Thank you!
post about Banjo to follow now.

Banjo has not been able to clear her colon on her own. It’s time. A cat can only go a certain period of time without going potty. Tomorrow she will be sedated into a happy sleep and given an enema. Her rear is sore and tender so doing this so she is not in pain will be better. She won’t hurt and won’t eat the vet.;) We would like the vet to remain intact. Banjo was great at the vet today. We had tried every trick we knew to go pop at home but it just was not going to clear her. She did eat and drank a little. She enjoyed the FF broths this morning. She too a small amount of pumpkin as well. She was alert and enjoying lots of head bumps and petting. She was obviously straining in the litter box with no results. Her kidneys tested okay. She had taken her medicine well and the Profender (with some complaining about that. She thought it was flea treatment. Lol) she took the bitter Capstar pill like a trooper! Good girl Banjo!

Even in times of concerns, Banjo can make us smile. She is always amazing.

Fresh catnip in my bedroom?

Something is up!

What did the hooman do?

Hi Banjo!

I smell vet!

Even fresh catnip can’t disguise that scent!

I knew it.

I can even taste it!

You brought treats? Ummmm. No!

Maybe I’ll take a walk.

No. On second thought…

Just feed me treats.


Even better from your hand.

I am not really enjoying the treats though.

I do this just to make you happy.

Some loving would be a nice return.

Pretty good!

I might feel like giving some love too.

You’re a pretty good hooman even if you did bring me here.

I love you Banjo!

I love you too hooman!

This isn’t so bad.

Let’s explore! Can I leave? Lol Escape to Canada or …..

Rats. Oh well. It’s going to be fine. Just wait until they turn out the lights.

Heh, heh. I have your credit card and your phone.

The vet has a vet mobile.
TCS people! Look for a big gray to be cruising your neighborhood soon! It’s our little secret but…. I got the keys out of the vet’s pocket!:insertevillaugh: We can got the whole kitty band in that thing! Tour bus coming!

:bicolorcat::bluepaw: 🚎🎻🎸🎷🥁🎹🎤🎼

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
For some reason, I haven't been receiving alerts from this thread, so this is the first I've heard about Banjo. Poor kitty; I hope that she is back to her usual mischievous self soon.
Into a world seemingly filled with gloom, might I inject just a sliver of sunshine? And the message that hope springs eternal?
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