Name Three Things - 2020

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
As if the year was not unpleasant enough - here in northwestern New Jersey the forecast is for 12 to 18 inches of snow perhaps beginning with sleet, starting midday, wind gusting to 35 mph.

Himself decided to cancel tomorrow's appointment for his stents. The hospital is 40 miles away and we'd need to be there at 8:30 a.m. Most of the travel is on limited access highways with heavy tractor-trailer traffic.

What does the cancellation mean? Need to reschedule, obviously. Pre-procedure bloodwork is only good for two weeks so that will need to be rescheduled also. And the covid-19 test must be done four days before the procedure so that also needs to be rescheduled.

The cardiologist Himself wants to do the procedure is only at that hospital Wednesday / Thursday. Himself also wants a morning appointment to up the chances of going home the same day. Next week is Christmas week and the following week is New Year's. I think we're going to be looking at January 2021.

Other than that . . .

This morning I took Domino and Mr Poe to the vet for their scheduled physicals, 3-year rabies, and as long as we're their trim their claws. I can do Mr Poe but Domino, no. Put distemper off until next year since they are indoors only, 10 years old, and have received the distemper vaccine numerous times previously. Domino is strolling around the house, Mr Poe has escaped to another dimension. Let's see if he appears for lunch.

Cookies baked yesterday. Debating melting some chocolate, tempering it, and dipping some cookies.

And I think I'll put the auxillary electric heater in the greenhouse this afternoon. Thursday & Friday nights forecast to be in the teens. If it is also windy it is difficult to keep the temps up in the opposite end of the greenhouse from the propane heater.

Fill the bird feeders before the snow starts too.

Just received a nice cookbook to review today: Nigel Slater's Greenfeast: Autumn, Winter. Vegetarian, many recipes also with dairy. Opened book for quick look and found a recipe for russet potatoes, garlic, Brussels sprouts, heavy cream. Makes me think of colcannon.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Just received a nice cookbook to review today: Nigel Slater's Greenfeast: Autumn, Winter. Vegetarian, many recipes also with dairy. Opened book for quick look and found a recipe for russet potatoes, garlic, Brussels sprouts, heavy cream. Makes me think of colcannon
That sounds so good. Sorry about the cancellation of the stent procedure.

artiemom artiemom I think there are some things going on with helper that don't make sense but I don't
think lying about having COVID19 is one of them. They just don't have any other aids. There is a crisis in NE Ohio because
so many people need them and there are just aren't enough. How is the weather?
Winchester Winchester How is the storm?

regular stuff

Yesterday got all the dishes washed, sink scrubbed, throws and darks washed. I just washed hats in Dreft and
I am done with chores for now.

The snow is pretty.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
C catapault It was for the best to cancel the stent procedure. Himself did the right thing. :hugs:

Rick is outside as I type. He thinks we got between 15 and 17 inches of snow yesterday into last night. Now? The sun is shining and it's a glorious day. He took some pictures and is doing a bit of shoveling some pathways around. Our neighbor will come over to plow us out later on. We don't have to be anywhere and no hurries.

Evelyn is doing well. I forget what the percentage is for residents in the nursing home who have recovered from the virus. The aides have her up and walking back and forth in the hallway. There is no isolation anymore, because 100% of the residents tested positive. But many of them are doing well. That would not have happened back in the spring, I'm sure. But doctors have learned so much about the virus since then. Thankfully, we think she will be fine. Thank you for keeping her in your thoughts. :grouphug:

My sister and BIL's wine glasses did come in yesterday morning. They're really cute. I'd take a picture, but the glasses have their name engraved. A wheel of baby Swiss and some choc-covered pretzels and their gift is ready to go. We'll take it over to them early next week.
  • Molli and I lounged this morning, but now I'm enjoying my coffee. And, you know, I think that that's all today calls for. I do need to scoop the boxes and will get that done in a few minutes. But we don't plan on doing much, if anything, today.
ETA: Well, that lasted long. After I scooped the boxes, I did a quick vacuum and swiffer around the house. And the dough for hot dog buns is proofing in the oven. So I did get some things done! Maybe not a lot, but some things.
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Ugh SNOW!!

I was soke up at 3 am by a huge noise... It actually sounds as if someone left a window open---crack type to the outside, and it broke off the hinge completely.. hitting the building... It was so loud.

The wind was ferocious last night. Snow began around 10pm...
The wind kept me up most of the night, but after that loud noise, I was tossing and turning. Could not really fall back to sleep. Kept hearing the wind and the plows...

I really cannot tell how much snow we received, because it is so cold, that my windows, have collected a lot of snow.
The snow is sticking to not only the screen side, but icing parts of the glass also... ugh...

From what I can see of the beach and the roads, It is a sizable amount. They did plow beach sidewalks, that snow is up to the wall... about 3 feet.. so I have no idea. The side of the building, which I can see, does not appear to have much, but that is the side, and the plow has been here all night.
One of the news guys was just reporting in Boston, where the snow is up to his knee... yuck...

*regular morning stuff
*phone calls
*nothing else..
* walk around building.. going stir crazy... The snow will stop around 2 this afternoon.

Bitter cold.. right now, 20 degrees with wind chill of 8 degrees... ugh.. I feel bad for the guys in here.

I was told they would not attempt to touch our cars until tomorrow.. but, who knows.. I will see if I can find out...
I did get myself now gear out yesterday. I have my mid calf boots, my ankle snow sneakers, and I found a pair of knee high waterproof boots, which I have yet to wear.. hope they still fit. My snow pants, ski gloves, old sweatshirt hoodie, wool socks, hat are stored in one drawer in my dresser.

ugh... I hate snow... Bah Humbug!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Hang in there, Cindy!

We have the wind now, which means that blowing snow will be drifting along the roads and in various spots in the yard. If you don't have to go out, don't. Let it go. Make some hot chocolate and curl up with Geoffrey and a book or a movie. :hugs:

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
well lets see : mailed off the last of my christmas cards today , got some letters written and later i will be working on my cat toy orders if i feel up to it


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Work until 10am
Go to grocery store
Do some laundry
Clean litter boxes
Pick up dinner


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Not much going on again today. Neighbor had us plowed out by 2:00 yesterday afternoon. Rick has us shoveled out with a nice path to the she shed and I was out there last night. Kind of spooky out there now with all the sounds from the snow cracking. (Too many episodes of the X-Files!) We're fine.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am sitting back here with my coffee. (We ordered coffee this time from White Cane Coffee; About Us | White Cane Coffee | Coffee Benefiting the Disabled. They're from up around the Warren, PA area; my GF up there highly recommend the coffee, so we thought we'd check them out. I also want to try Hounds and Grounds coffee at some point; some of their profits go to dogs. You never know, might find a really good coffee.....we really liked Bones when we bought it. Anyway the coffee was supposed to come in yesterday, but due to the snow.....)
  • I put a pound of butter in the microwave last night to soften a bit. Want to make more stamped cookies; I really enjoyed using those stamps. I don't want to eat them, but they are really good; I just want to make them. Hey, guys? C'mon over to our house for cookies and hot chocolate! Or coffee. Or tea.
And that will be my afternoon. In the kitchen with my cookies. Life is good.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Hey, guys? C'mon over to our house for cookies and hot chocolate! Or coffee. Or tea.
I'll be there:hugs:. Have a chair ready for me with a heated blanket, and we can visit outside. I have a very
warm hooded parka and warm boots with NeverWet technology.What should I bring? I'll fly into Harrisburg
and take an Uber to your house, stay in a hotel. I have my new triple layer masks that are soft and comfortable.
artiemom artiemom are you game?💗

regular stuff

only washing throws, and pillow cases and smalls

Had a a bad day yesterday from pain. I wanted to go to ER but with COVID19, didn't want to go.
I took extra meds, cuddled wih my girl. It was bad..didn't think it would quell but it did. I prayed
so hard for relief and I guess someone was listening.

Daniel is home from N.C. He brought 16 pounds of Frenched boned Prime pork chops.
The meat purveyor did the boning stuff. He's brought them before and they are amazing
but never this fresh. We'll have some maybe next week, then New Years Eve he'll grill
them on the Weber and make Gabe's famous sauce. Stone ground mustard, shallot,
heavy cream, butter and I think flour.

Going to finish laundry take my time


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Not much going on again today. Neighbor had us plowed out by 2:00 yesterday afternoon. Rick has us shoveled out with a nice path to the she shed and I was out there last night. Kind of spooky out there now with all the sounds from the snow cracking. (Too many episodes of the X-Files!) We're fine.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am sitting back here with my coffee. (We ordered coffee this time from White Cane Coffee; About Us | White Cane Coffee | Coffee Benefiting the Disabled. They're from up around the Warren, PA area; my GF up there highly recommend the coffee, so we thought we'd check them out. I also want to try Hounds and Grounds coffee at some point; some of their profits go to dogs. You never know, might find a really good coffee.....we really liked Bones when we bought it. Anyway the coffee was supposed to come in yesterday, but due to the snow.....)
  • I put a pound of butter in the microwave last night to soften a bit. Want to make more stamped cookies; I really enjoyed using those stamps. I don't want to eat them, but they are really good; I just want to make them. Hey, guys? C'mon over to our house for cookies and hot chocolate! Or coffee. Or tea.
And that will be my afternoon. In the kitchen with my cookies. Life is good.
It would be good for you to have a relaxing day...especially at Christmas time. Enjoy your house, the kitties, the quietness of the snow... Just be---

The cookies sound amazing! That is what I miss,, home made cookies. I am not a baker. I have not room to store flour, sugar.. sigh.. and no counter space for rolling out and cooking things.

*regular stuff
*phone calls...too many.. may end up just not being around for one person. It is too much. Years ago, I made a mental note of not really trusting anyone who is on the phone all day; and talking to too many people. It is true. They cannot remember what they tell people or what people say to them.
Having 2-3 call from the same person, in the same day, is just too much for me..
*went out, when the snow stopped, and the temp was dropping, to clean off my car and around it.
The guys will not get to them until sometime today.
Good thing I went out....
The drivers side had ice then snow then a layer of ice. I had to literally chip away at least 2 inches of it. It took an hour to clean the car, and the sides, back..
*noticed my tire pressure light was on!! so mad! It was on this past Monday. The tires are 1 year old!
I went down to the tire store, and they put air in the tires. It seemed once they filled the drivers side tires, the light went out.. It was on again Yesterday!! Ugh...
I called them, and have an appointment for them to check out the tires, today...
This means I have to take the junk out of my trunk, find the hubcap lock, take it out, all before I leave!! ugh..
*Came in, not so much sore, but just physically tired..

*quick morning stuff
*out to car, find the tire key
*out to the tire store
*hopefully back in time to hear the directors Zoom talk. We are waiting for the announcement of a CVS Clinic for the vaccine.
*nothing else...

It will be a full morning/day for me... never mind getting the phone call, and hearing: I called you! all day! Where were you?? I hate that.. I am not going to answer her on those questions.. be vague.

Mia6 Mia6 I am definitely GAME!! I can drive down.. should take me about 8.... pick you up at the airport....


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
It would be good for you to have a relaxing day...especially at Christmas time. Enjoy your house, the kitties, the quietness of the snow... Just be---

The cookies sound amazing! That is what I miss,, home made cookies. I am not a baker. I have not room to store flour, sugar.. sigh.. and no counter space for rolling out and cooking things.

*regular stuff
*phone calls...too many.. may end up just not being around for one person. It is too much. Years ago, I made a mental note of not really trusting anyone who is on the phone all day; and talking to too many people. It is true. They cannot remember what they tell people or what people say to them.
Having 2-3 call from the same person, in the same day, is just too much for me..
*went out, when the snow stopped, and the temp was dropping, to clean off my car and around it.
The guys will not get to them until sometime today.
Good thing I went out....
The drivers side had ice then snow then a layer of ice. I had to literally chip away at least 2 inches of it. It took an hour to clean the car, and the sides, back..
*noticed my tire pressure light was on!! so mad! It was on this past Monday. The tires are 1 year old!
I went down to the tire store, and they put air in the tires. It seemed once they filled the drivers side tires, the light went out.. It was on again Yesterday!! Ugh...
I called them, and have an appointment for them to check out the tires, today...
This means I have to take the junk out of my trunk, find the hubcap lock, take it out, all before I leave!! ugh..
*Came in, not so much sore, but just physically tired..

*quick morning stuff
*out to car, find the tire key
*out to the tire store
*hopefully back in time to hear the directors Zoom talk. We are waiting for the announcement of a CVS Clinic for the vaccine.
*nothing else...

It will be a full morning/day for me... never mind getting the phone call, and hearing: I called you! all day! Where were you?? I hate that.. I am not going to answer her on those questions.. be vague.

Mia6 Mia6 I am definitely GAME!! I can drive down.. should take me about 8.... pick you up at the airport....
Ok, I'll be wearing a navy blue parka, black yoga pants, black boots, red hat and gloves and a HUGE black mask!! I bought the extra large because someone wrote that they felt they ran small, ha!! I look like an armed robber, tee, hee


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
artiemom artiemom If your weather is veryr cold it might be that the air inside the tires is condensing from the low temperature and that is why the warning light is coming on.

Also, not all cookies have to be rolled and cut with cookie cutters. If you want something even easier consider muffins - mix everything in a bowl using a whisk, plop into muffin liners in muffin pan and bake. Apple cider muffins, cranberry muffins, and more. I think I've seen prepared chocolate chip cookie dough in the refrigerator or was it the freezer case in the supermarket. Just slice and bake one or two when the mood is upon you. You can purchase sugar and flour in small bags. It is more expensive per pound than if you buy a 25 pound bag (or even a 5 pound bag) but certainly easier to store.

Yesterday I scattered snow melter on the curve and the icy bits after Dave plowed. Brought his son who shoveled out front walk and a path to the generator. I trudged down the driveway and shoveled out my car. Brought multiple buckets of firwood up from the basement to refill the wood rack next to the stove. Never did melt chocolate to dip the cookies. Maybe today. And haven't heard anything about rescheduling the stent procedure for Himself.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
artiemom artiemom If your weather is veryr cold it might be that the air inside the tires is condensing from the low temperature and that is why the warning light is coming on.
That used to happen to me all the time. I also noticed when the spare tire in the trunk started losing air, the warning light came on. Had to do with a "balance" issue from what I was told.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
i got my writing pens and my other cat tshirt in the mail today!
i have some letters to answer later
feeling better so i need to work on cat toys really badly:catrub:


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
I finally captured a photo of all three girls under/near the Christmas tree early this morning. Since they aren’t friends, they’re rarely close to one another. You can see that Mocha is too intimidated by the sisters to find a spot among the creatures.
Walked my two miles this morning in a very dense fog. Everything is so quiet when it’s foggy!
I made this recipe from the King Arthur website this afternoon. They’re basically like mini chocolate lava cakes. I had all of the ingredients (or good substitutes) on hand know..chocolate, so I had to make them. :)
Chocolate Decadence Minis


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I finally captured a photo of all three girls under/near the Christmas tree early this morning. Since they aren’t friends, they’re rarely close to one another. You can see that Mocha is too intimidated by the sisters to find a spot among the creatures.
View attachment 362772
Walked my two miles this morning in a very dense fog. Everything is so quiet when it’s foggy!
View attachment 362773
I made this recipe from the King Arthur website this afternoon. They’re basically like mini chocolate lava cakes. I had all of the ingredients (or good substitutes) on hand know..chocolate, so I had to make them. :)
Chocolate Decadence Minis
Your tree is beautiful!! How are the lava cakes> Sound soo good!! Dear Mocha, bashful girl.,💗


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Got tire fixed!
Turned out to be from corrosion, between the rim and where the tire is mounted to the rim. I forget their name for this joint, it was a weird name. It was wearing down one tiny area, causing a tiny leak.

They cleaned off the corrosion, patched the tire, and I was on my way! Exactly one hours wait. They really went into detail, explaining it to me. The mechanic also found my wheel key!! buried in my glove compartment! ...

The mechanic even took an old tire out, from another car, to show me how this can happen. I was pretty impressed.
They were very polite, respectful... Very busy.. mostly women coming in with flats, bald tires, low tire pressure, etc.... I was watching how they spoke and treated all the customers.
It is a new national company which took over NTB tires...

Then, I went to TJ's on the way home... very busy. I picked up a small cabernet marinated pot roast.. for either Christmas Day or New Years day~ not sure.. Directions were for both over and crock pot.. just have tp pick up some some potatoes, small onion, celery, to go with it. That will be early Monday morning; during senior hours..

I was double masked all day!! a disposable with a cloth one over it.

Then I stopped at Starbucks for a Peppermint Mocha!!

Tried to listen to the semi-monthly Zoom meeting----bad reception.. rescheduled for Monday.
*Regular morning stuff
*Have to drop off Christmas Gifts.. and something I picked up at TJ for a friend.
*Rite Aid--new scripts
*nothing else...
****Definitely need to watch, It's a Wonderful Life... HAS to be today!! With a cup of tea at first.. or some sipping drink.. I do have some Almond Milk Egg Nog, courtesy of TJ's... I love that store.

Covid is making me so lazy, in here... hate it..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
I decided to hold off on my normal weekend chores until the weekdays. I am off this coming week (and the following week) and will need stuff to do. Oldest is done with college but youngest still has online classes until the 23rd so I need to be quiet. I will wait to vacuum until he is done in the afternoon. I will clean kitchen and bathrooms and dust in the meantime.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I made the worst cookies ever yesterday. The King Arthur Chai-spiced stamped cookies are terrible. I couldn't get past the taste of the whole wheat pastry flour....all we could taste. Blah. What a waste of ingredients that was.
But I also made another batch of the sugar cookies that are stamped; they're really good. And I finally got the almond brittle made. Yum!
And now? I am done with Christmas baking. I don't care who wants what....not gonna happen. Well, except for making sticky buns for Christmas morning and I'll make those on the day before Christmas. But that's it. I swear.

We were down to 4F last night. I started to close the blinds in the shed because of the plants, esp the violets. With the heaters out there, it does stay warm, but the violets are at the windows and I worry about them.
  • Molli and I lounged until 8:00, when Muffin scritched at the door. She didn't want to come in; she wanted me to come out. She was impatient for their after-breakfast breakfast. So I got up, dressed, gave them their snack, and am sitting back here with my coffee.
  • I have to scoop. When I take the litter to the trash can, I'll raise the blinds in the shed.
  • Rick will be watching football this afternoon, so I'm going out to the shed for some X-Files.
Another day of not doing much. I'll take it.


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
Your tree is beautiful!! How are the lava cakes> Sound soo good!! Dear Mocha, bashful girl.,💗
Thank you! Well, I told my husband that the mini cakes were a total bust and that to save him, I’d have to eat them all myself. I’m just that kind of person. Selfless. :lol: Actually, they were fantastic little morsels of chocolate wonderful-ness. :)
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