Sweet cat with redirected aggression, please help: euthanasia may be the only option.

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  • #341


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 7, 2020
"Tiny tabs" avail for prozac (fluoxetine);smaller than a tic-tac:

Fluoxetine Twist-a-Dose Transdermal Gel

Not even sure that is the right drug for her, that is between you and the vet, but I had no idea it was available in so many forms....
Whoops, not sure why it combined my posts. But I think this was the same page I was on earlier. Then I looked at 1800 pet meds to see about cost and it looks like it’s about 20 bucks per dose, if I was looking at that right :(


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
Can you stick the pill in a piece of hot dog, something, anything......I know you have tried many foods....there must be something for your finicky gal....


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
Whoops, not sure why it combined my posts. But I think this was the same page I was on earlier. Then I looked at 1800 pet meds to see about cost and it looks like it’s about 20 bucks per dose, if I was looking at that right :(
Per dose or per syringe?
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  • #353


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 7, 2020
I dealt with one who had fits when I didn't let him fight. I found throwing a duvet over him and putting the duvet and the cat in a closet for about 15 minutes let him calm down. I never picked him up when he was in that
space, neither did the vet. However, he was just annoyed, I think your
CC has neurological issues. I looked on the Net for anything dealing with rage syndrome, which is what this sounds like, but no one said anything about cats getting. But her symptoms do sound like those
described for dogs. Medication is the only way to prevent the attacks, as
near as I can tell.

Whether or not you work out a way to give her the medications, if you keep her or even if you just want more time to consider what to do. I strongly suggest that you buy a pair of safety glasses. Women's sizes on Amazon $10 -12. They will protect your eyes, they cover the side and I know from experience a cat can get under normal glasses from the side. Or you might consider safety goggles. Don't say you won't have them to hand when you need them, get a glasses case that
attaches to your belt, or put the ear piece through your belt. If Cc
gets your eye, you will have more trouble than ever. ER's and eye
treatments run thousands of dollars. And it is hard to drive using only one eye when you aren't used to it.


View attachment 335963
I realized I didn’t reply to this earlier. Thank you ♥

Gremlin's Guesthouse

Rescue Sanctuary
Young Cat
Aug 24, 2018
I just want to mention that I can afford ongoing vet care, and that ongoing vet care has to be reserved for Tuck because of his disease. If this disease never popped up, I would be more able to explore using that money on Cc, for things that I’ve akready attempted. The vet herself suggested I don’t bring any of them in for even vaccines, because if the problems it causes. I would love to medicate her. I would love to not have a crazy landlord, I’m not even allowed to hang pictures on the wall. I tried s gate, and it didn’t work. I’m separating them as much as possible even though I’m going to have to pay for this carpet. If I had my own yard the catio would be an option, yet even if it’s removeble my landlord isn’t going to let me put one in the yard, especially since he mows the grass, plus it’s essentially one big cage, and she’d attract the neighborhood cats and be terrified and terrorized. Once I get the job I’ve been waiting on (if it hadn’t been for this pandemic) not only will I have more money for my vet fund, health insurance, I’ll have the ability to buy my own house where she can either have her own section of the house or I’ll fence in the yard. Then everyone’s life is safe. I’m desperately making it through every day so I can do that. It’s not that I’m purposely saying no I can’t do that. And I also at the same time get what you’re saying. I spent an hour this morning contemplating euthanasia. I’m afraid it’s not so black and white.
It is painful for me to think of your other cats living in such fear, and being hurt. I seriously recommend getting Tuck's eye looked at and getting drops. A scarred cornea could result in losing the eye: eye drops versus eye removal (been there, done that; eye specialists, UC Davis, etc.). You're in a terrible bind because you don't have the ability to do what needs to be done (which is not your fault). Who could possibly have anticipated this disaster? I've had to watch my ferals fall ill and die because they can't be handled and medicated. Several years ago, my vet told me that eventually I would see it all, and she was right. I am very fortunate to have had money from employment that made it possible to provide all that was needed for my cats. I am now retired and no longer able to spend the $12-14k per year that it took to support 14 sanctuary cats, and numerous temporary rescues.

In 2015 or 2016, I had to euthanize 5 or 6 cats due to old age, illness, or injury. On average, for a year I was losing a beloved friend every 2 to 2-1/2 months. So please believe me when I say I understand how difficult this is for you. If it's any help, I can tell you that once I accepted the inevitable, after the grief I did not regret the decision, only the loss. The situation is critical for the safety of your other cats and I hope you will find an answer before it is too late.

Prayers for all .........


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
You have gotten a great many replies. I hope something here strikes you as a good possibility.
With all the information pouring in, I would love to see if someone like Jackson Galaxy would be willing to come there to evaluate CC. I think you have an army of supporters here who, although opinions vary, all want a good outcome and would love to get some outside help there for you. I bet everyone here would be willing to back you up on that. I have contacted his reps once myself and found them to be most kind and considerate. He has the experience needed to give you the help you need. It might cut through a lot of time and problems for you. I truly think he could help. If not him, another specialist. tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 is a fountain of the best resources available. The other option of having an indoor structure inside the bedroom for CC is also a much safer way to buy time to work through this. She cannot tear up carpet or do any harm from inside her private space but would still be able to see out and see you.

Gremlin's Guesthouse

Rescue Sanctuary
Young Cat
Aug 24, 2018
Unfortunately. I’m pretty sure I bought one of each of everything at Walmart when I was trying to give it to her. And baby food, chicken broth, tuna, canned chicken, cooked chicken, that paste you can get on amazon, pill pockets, everything. None of my cats will touch any sort of wet food, it’s kind of bizarre. They won’t even eat a tiny piece of chicken from my meal whenever I have chicken, it’s peculiar
How about cooked chicken heart, chopped with cooking broth, cooked or raw chicken liver? My cats go nuts for these. My guys aren't fond of fish, but we use canned sardine and/or mackerel for trapping. Bumblebee now has a nice canned salmon.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
I seriously recommend getting Tuck's eye looked at and getting drops. A scarred cornea could result in losing the eye: eye drops versus eye removal (been there, done that; eye specialists, UC Davis, etc.).
I second that, a corneal scratch can become chronic. Have been there too with drops twice daily for the rest of one cat's life.
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  • #358


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 7, 2020
I’m so, so sorry, guys. I’m going to have her euthanized tomorrow. I was going to put her in her own room for bed, but before, was going to let her out and about for a couple hours with everyone (heavily monitored) as some slow reintroduction time. Everything was fine. Then, in my bathroom in my bedroom, there’s a nest of birds that live on the side of the house. They made a loud banging noise against the siding of the house. Everyone started running and Cc ran directly at the source. I knew there’d be another brawl and I was mainly trying to protect Tuck to I quickly shut my bedroom door. She came stalking towards me and I made myself relax, sat very still on my bed. She noticed me, slowly got on the bed and came sniffing at my face. I didn’t even look at her, just relaxed. And she LUNGED. I literally peed on myself, it was so terrifying. I’m so sorry, but I can’t do this anymore. I can’t. I did all I could, and I wish I could have done more, and I wish I was a better cat parent. This has traumatized me and I will be so traumatized when I do it. I feel as though there’s nothing else left to do.



TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 9, 2017
C catluvs , I think you have been a very loving cat parent. I’m so sorry, and there aren’t many words, except that you just have to believe that it wasn’t about you. My heart is heavy writing this and again, I’m so sorry for your pain. One day you’ll look back at this thread perhaps and be able to see it for yourself. Your baby is sick, and she can’t help it either. I hope you are able to get some rest tonight. (((Hugs))). I think Mer.kitten Mer.kitten gave you some good advice on how to help her. Take care.
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  • #360


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 7, 2020
One last ditch effort. Does anyone have cats who live in a screened in porch? Is there a way to cat proof that so she doesn’t shred the screening and escape? I’m talking to my landlord today and asking if I can pay for the porch to be screened, also going to ask about some kind of catio for the yard