The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2019

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I forgot that black women are seemingly at a disadvantage because we are seen as the least desirable
I don't understand what difference your color could possibly make. It's not the 50's anymore.
People need to pry their heads out of their .....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Black women are beautiful. Look at Beyoncé...I had one guy at work tell me that any woman over 110 pounds should be shot. What a moron. If I was 110 pounds, I would be underweight and sick since I'm so tall. Judgmental people are morons, so it's best to stay away from them. Your worth isn't based on what they say.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 15, 2019
Got the boys a Christmas stocking for all their new toys. Just have to resist not giving them any until Christmas. I already gave them three presents lol so I bought a few more so they'd actually have something for Christmas day. Sigh I suck at waiting lol
Awww! I know how that is! I got all my kitties special things for Chanukah and can't wait to gift it all to them.

I'm with you on that. I have no decorations displayed and I don't care. Pain levels have been so high that I almost went
to the er yesterday but I was able to manage on my own but it's exhausting. Family is in high drama, etc.
Ok, enough whining, needed to get that off my chest.
Are you ok? I've been trying to stay out of the ER for my health issues and it's hard because then I'm like 'do I wait until I'm almost dead to go?' Because I know the flu is so bad right now. I feel wretched today and am trying to be upbeat because my gift is coming today.

Getting back into online dating has reminded me why I stopped in the first place.
I'm so sorry you are going through this but you ARE amazing and you have so much to offer to the right person. Don't let the degenerates and troglodytes get you down.

What's on my mind today?

The sun it out today which is nice! Three days til Chanukkah and I'm feeling yuck but I'll get through it and focus on other stuff. My kitties are in a snuggle mood which is fantastic lol


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Black women are beautiful. Look at Beyoncé...I had one guy at work tell me that any woman over 110 pounds should be shot. What a moron. If I was 110 pounds, I would be underweight and sick since I'm so tall. Judgmental people are morons, so it's best to stay away from them. Your worth isn't based on what they say.
Women over a certain age are dating kryptonite no matter what color they are. We're all in this boat together. Let's just kick them overboard and make them swim back to shore. :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Why do you think that? Did you talk with anyone on match?💖
You probably don't have to. If match is the same as it was four years ago when I signed up, you could put the races of people you were interested in dating, so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary to see something like "interested in: white, Asian" or so.

It's stupid to be on a site like match if you're going to be picky. I guess it has more people than niche sites, but it's a bad look.

It's the winter weather. Once it got down to the 40's, my hands started cracking. I put lotion on right before bed, that way they can heal for 8 hours straight.

Online dating is just too hard, because you build up this picture of them in your mind, and they turn out to be something completely different. If I ever tried it again, the guy would have to fill out a checklist beforehand. :lol:
That's why I tried to meet people fairly early in the process. I figured I wasn't in too much danger meeting at like a coffee shop in public, and that way I wouldn't build them too much in my head before seeing how they really were.

Willow's Mom

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 28, 2019
inside of your imagination and/or smartphone app
My kitten kid is at the spay and neuter clinic so I am trying to think of welcoming her home and saying, "You're a woman now!" as if her surgery were some sort of twisted Bar Mitzvah or something, and raindrops and roses and whiskers on kittens, brown paper packages tied up with string, or anything at all really except for the gross graphic reality of an ovariohysterectomy.

Katie M

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Kingwood, WV
My kitten kid is at the spay and neuter clinic so I am trying to think of welcoming her home and saying, "You're a woman now!" as if her surgery were some sort of twisted Bar Mitzvah or something, and raindrops and roses and whiskers on kittens, brown paper packages tied up with string, or anything at all really except for the gross graphic reality of an ovariohysterectomy.
A girl has a bat mitzvah, so I guess she's had a cat mitzvah.


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
This has just been my lived experience and I'm only 21! It could just be where I live but that wouldn't make sense since I live in Toronto! Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places or maybe I'm looking too hard.

What's on my mind is this online math course. It's been such a pain. I kept emailing the administrator to arrange my exam and get help with the course and she just responded today... a day before my exam. They have been unhelpful and unreliable. They tell me I'm not even allowed to have a cheat sheet on a math exam with around 100 questions. I don't understand how their ratings online are so high, must be bought reviews because they don't align with what I've experienced with this company.

Katie M

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Kingwood, WV
This has just been my lived experience and I'm only 21! It could just be where I live but that wouldn't make sense since I live in Toronto! Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places or maybe I'm looking too hard.

What's on my mind is this online math course. It's been such a pain. I kept emailing the administrator to arrange my exam and get help with the course and she just responded today... a day before my exam. They have been unhelpful and unreliable. They tell me I'm not even allowed to have a cheat sheet on a math exam with around 100 questions. I don't understand how their ratings online are so high, must be bought reviews because they don't align with what I've experienced with this company.
What school is this?


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
WELL SPIT! My "Insert Quotes" button isn't working, and I've forgotten what I wanted to comment on! DO NOT GET OLD! STAY YOUNG! This sucks ditchwater.

Never mind. Button working again!

I like the snow and I like the cold (I'm a weird one) so right now I'm happy. But when the snow melts and it's just gray all day and not anything fun?
I must be even weirder (STOP LAUGHING!). I like cold and snow and gray and rain and violent storms. I do NOT, however, like hurricanes in any way, shape or form.

Now I am sitting here, with the Christmas lights on. Candle lit. Feels so much better.
I'm so happy to hear that! Don't forget to turn on that beautiful new fireplace! Mine's on now, and it make such a difference, even if it is only decorative. Even Hek likes to gaze into it!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I really dislike my neighbor's kids. They're loud and obnoxious. A month ago, they locked the youngest one out of the house and she was out there screaming and yelling and my husband had to go over and make them let her in. A couple weeks ago, another neighbor asked them to not be so loud because he was trying to watch a football game and they egged his house. These kids are horrible and their parents never seem to be home. The baby's napping and I'm trying to nap and they're out there screaming and hollering and if they wake my baby up, I'm gonna be ticked.


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
I really dislike my neighbor's kids. They're loud and obnoxious. A month ago, they locked the youngest one out of the house and she was out there screaming and yelling and my husband had to go over and make them let her in. A couple weeks ago, another neighbor asked them to not be so loud because he was trying to watch a football game and they egged his house. These kids are horrible and their parents never seem to be home. The baby's napping and I'm trying to nap and they're out there screaming and hollering and if they wake my baby up, I'm gonna be ticked.
If that were me as a child, my parents would have grabbed me and whooped my butt... in front of everyone!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 15, 2019
I must be even weirder (STOP LAUGHING!). I like cold and snow and gray and rain and violent storms. I do NOT, however, like hurricanes in any way, shape or form.
I love rain and storms too! I just don't like when it's gray and doing nothing lmao it depresses me. I go outside and am like SKY DO SOMETHING!

I really dislike my neighbor's kids. They're loud and obnoxious. A month ago, they locked the youngest one out of the house and she was out there screaming and yelling and my husband had to go over and make them let her in. A couple weeks ago, another neighbor asked them to not be so loud because he was trying to watch a football game and they egged his house. These kids are horrible and their parents never seem to be home. The baby's napping and I'm trying to nap and they're out there screaming and hollering and if they wake my baby up, I'm gonna be ticked.
Holy cow! I am so sorry you have such horrible neighbors. If they keep up? I'd start calling the police for disturbing the peace. I have a neighbor who likes to play his music so loud it shakes MY house. We've called the cops on him 4 times and he still does it.

My spinning wheel came and I LOVE it! It took some finagling from me and hubby to get it how I wanted it but now I'm gold :)


I've been in bed all day. I can't really get out so I'm spinning and we watched Annie. My youngest child had never seen it so we watched and cried and she LOVES it. She told me 'Annie has spirit like Pippi Longstocking' which is her other favorite lol

Willow's Mom

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 28, 2019
inside of your imagination and/or smartphone app
My Christmas shopping is done. I got Willow and one dog spayed and the other dog tested for food allergies.

:lol: :flail:

I'm sure that's not as funny as I think it is, but if you count the low income vouchers, I probably spent as much on necessary veterinary expenses as the average (insert my demographic profile here) did on normal Christmas presents for their normal friends and families.

Don't worry; the furkids already have all the toys and human grade meat in their species-appropriate pet foods.

< warm smiles >
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