My 5 Month Old Kitten Is Very Ill And Vets Have No Answer

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Ann Loves Cats

TCS Member
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Aug 28, 2018
I'm Sorry this is going to be a bit long...
We went on vacation in July when we came home our 3 1/2 month kitten was acting frumpy. I thought it was because he was depressed we were gone. We had a sitter that came in the morning and in the evening to check on everyone. I have 3 adult cats as well and none of them are having any issues. I also will add that none of my cats go out doors because I know that is important to know. Back to our little Arlo. We returned on a Tuesday and I ended up taking him in on the next Monday because he was just lying around and not acting himself. He wasn't sneezing or coughing he was just not a kitten. He had a 103.5 fever. He was prescribed Amoxicillin and given a Depo Medrol Injection and that evening he perked right up. The next evening he declined again. Just laying on the couch and now not eating much. We got him some soft kitten food to entice him to eat witch he did. So I gave him his weeks worth of antibiotics but he was not getting better. On Monday morning I spoke with the nurse at the vet clinic and asked if Arlo should be on antibiotic for another week , she needed to talk to the vet and when she called me back the vet said he needed to see him again. Wednesday came and I have now started force feeding him AD soft food but he was drinking fine. Still going to the bathroom his self but he was week. On his appointment Friday he still had a fever 103.5 so the vet first tested him for FELV / FIP witch both came back negative. He then gave him Azithromycin and Metacam. Friday night I gave him his Azithromycin and there was no change at that time. Saturday morning he had the little tiny syringe of Metacam and Azithromycin and we went to work. Saturday night when he had his second dose of Azithromycin Arlo appeared to have a seizure and then another one an hour apart. I believe he may have had 4 that night. Sunday morning I gave him his last tiny dose of Metacam but did not give him Azithromycin. I have now been force feeding him about a 1/4 can of AD at breakfast and dinner. I also started him on a syringe of water and KRM. I didn't want him to become dehydrated. I took him to the vet Monday morning asap. He can not walk now without help. He is very wobbly. All this time he is still alert his eyes wide and purring and pawing threw everything. He didn't have a fever it was 101. But he was very week. They gave me more Amoxicillinand another Depo Medrol Injection. We came home. I than have been force feeding him AD, KMR, and water through a syringe breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He was just able to get up and use the litter box. I had to go to a seminar for the weekend so Thursday night my husband took over the feedings and medication giving. Saturday came and Arlo could not stand at all. He was very limp and now he was throwing up his lunch and some of the KMR. Arlo now has not peed or pooped since Friday. Sunday I came home to a kitten that has now lost a pound and can barely lift his head. Monday morning he ended up peeing on the floor. I took him back to the vet asap and the vet said there was not much more we could do. He did administer fluid under the skin because he was very dehydrated and also decided to keep him over night. They gave him more fluid under the skin that night but there was still no change. Today Monday they gave him more fluid. He has peed 3 times, force fed 3 mg of AD mixed with water. They said he has perked up a little but still can not stand. He has ate a little more after lunch (I've been calling them every 3 hours today) They are keeping him another night. I am just beyond myself. I LOVE this little guy. I want more tests but my vet said there isn't really anything else. I am praying that something turns around for him. Has anyone gone threw anything like this with a 5 month old kitten? Dose anyone have any other suggestions on test the vet may not know about to run? He is a good vet and a forward vet. I am lost.
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  • #2

Ann Loves Cats

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2018
Our little Arlo has now been at the vet since Monday. They have been giving him fluids and antibiotics. I went to see him yesterday and he is now able to lift his head better and his ear is draining. He has been peeing on himself but still wobbly and week. I call them every day and he has been the same until today, Wednesday. He is holding himself up with his front legs and moving around more but still can't stand and still hasn't pooped. They are spoon feeding him like I was and giving him fluids. The vet is now hopeful but told me Arlo is not out of the woods. The vet said he still does not know what is going on with him. I know there is not many tests that can be done but he was a healthy and happy playful boy and just all of a sudden this came on.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hello - I don't have any thoughts, other than to send you-all my very best thoughts and prayers!!
Maybe there is another TCS member who might have something for you.
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  • #4

Ann Loves Cats

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2018
Hello - I don't have any thoughts, other than to send you-all my very best thoughts and prayers!!
Maybe there is another TCS member who might have something for you.
Thank you. This little man is a fighter and we will not give up on him. He is so special.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
Just a thought. Could he have been poisoned? Not intentionally, but via a house plant or something dropped.
Does the pet sitter take any pills that may have dropped on the floor?
Did the vet do a blood panel and check liver and kidney function?

Sending well wishes and hope he pulls through.
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  • #8

Ann Loves Cats

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2018
Just a thought. Could he have been poisoned? Not intentionally, but via a house plant or something dropped.
Does the pet sitter take any pills that may have dropped on the floor?
Did the vet do a blood panel and check liver and kidney function?

Sending well wishes and hope he pulls through.
I have a very cat friendly house but anything is possible. He isn't much of a climber so we ruled out a fall. We don't keep house plants and it was so hot when we left that we closed off all the rooms except the living room/dinning room/kitchen area for them. I have 3 other adult cats 2,3,and 6 years of age and they are all well. The sitter did not stay over night she came in and changed there water daily. She fed them there breakfast and then fed them dinner. I don't give treats or soft food so that was ruled out too. My cats are a bit spoiled. They get fresh Besco Bottled water every morning. Ive been feeding everyone Chicken Soup Kitten food because it was difficult to keep it away from the girls so I just went with all kitten until he becomes an adult. The sitter is actually the one I received the kitten from and she is my employee and has a sibling of our little Arlo. She even took a few videos of the cats and dogs I have and sent them to me when we were on vacation. I know she picked up my boys (2 Dogs) in the morning and took them to work with her and then dropped them off after work. We have the privileged of taking them to work with us. I kinda know what went on when I was gone. I also have security cameras that everyone is aware of so I wouldn't think anything strange would have went on or happened.

Update: I went and seen him today (Friday) and he is doing about the same. He is really trying to stand but his back end is still so very week. They will be sending him home with me tomorrow. I may or may not have to administer fluids under his skin while the vet is away for the long weekend. I thank god I know how to do this or I would be so scared to administer the fluids like that. I have had experience given shots to all my pets so that helps as well. We just don't want him to become so dehydrated as he was. The vet is now hopeful and thinks maybe it is Vestibular Disease but told me Arlo is not out of the woods yet.
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  • #9

Ann Loves Cats

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2018
Have they done x-rays to check his abdomen?

Not yet. His abdomen is not swollen or painful so the vet didn't want to subject him to anything that would be unnecessary.
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  • #10

Ann Loves Cats

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2018
Just a thought. Could he have been poisoned? Not intentionally, but via a house plant or something dropped.
Does the pet sitter take any pills that may have dropped on the floor?
Did the vet do a blood panel and check liver and kidney function?

Sending well wishes and hope he pulls through.
No the sitter doesn't take any meds. She didn't stay the night she came and picked up my dogs to take them to work with her like I would normally do and watered and fed the cats and then the same on her way home. The vet did a panel and everything seemed okay at that time the first time I took him in. He has not done a new one since I took Arlo in on Monday. He is peeing but not pooping.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I'm not a vet, but he doesn't have much in his system to poop, does he?

She even took a few videos of the cats and dogs I have and sent them to me when we were on vacation.
I also have security cameras that everyone is aware of so I wouldn't think anything strange would have went on or happened.
I'm assuming you have already, but what if you went through the videos from your cameras and also what the sitter took, to see if there's anything that did happen, or if you can pin down the time that he started to act differently.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
In a bit of a pinch for time, so I'll just mention one point I observed in your account.

I read (post #1 above) that his last dose of Metacam was on a Sunday....then, on the next day, Monday, he was given Depo Medrol. And, while it's hard to follow your timeline prior to those two days, it appears he may have had Depo Medrol prior to these same two days.

That's a huge concern for me.....Metacam is not to be given concurrently with glucocorticosteroids.

I don't know where you're located....oral Metacam is licensed for cats in Canada and the UK. I do not have the package insert for Metacam, so I'll give you a UK reference for this info:

Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

Other NSAIDs, diuretics, anticoagulant, aminoglycoside antibiotics and substances with high protein binding may compete for binding and thus lead to toxic effects. Metacam must not be administered in conjunction with other NSAIDs or glucocorticosteroids.
LINK: Contra-indications, warnings, etc

Here's the info as it applies to Canadian licensing: (see 'Contraindications') Metacam Oral Suspension for Cats (Canada) for Animal Use -

My own Vet is extremely conscientious about this....she insists on a min 72 hours separation between use of each drug (steroid and Metacam).

Metacam (meloxicam), as a NSAID, has a very narrow margin of safety in cats and it's well known that it requires judicious use....versus 'willy-nilly'

I know what my own suspicion is here.......especially around the seizures, and some of the other symptoms you're describing.

IF you're in the UK, there's another commonly used antibiotic - an injectible- called Convenia. This also should NOT be combined with Metacam.

I would be all over these Vets about this - you say he's there now until tomorrow - tell them to read the bloody Contraindications section of the prescribing instructions/product insert or from which ever documentation they have for Metacam.

I'd insist they continue IV fluids - I wouldn't be taking him home if he's unstable. If they're closing, I'd probably insist they have him admitted to an ER facility for continued fluids and observation until they reopen.

A suggestion for you might be to contact an experienced feline-only Veterinarian, explain the situation and have him seen.

Again, I'm not speaking to the original and unknown issue/cause of his condition...only to the probability (IMO) of adverse events resulting from the administration of a contraindicated drug with Metacam.

I'm overtime !

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
In a bit of a pinch for time, so I'll just mention one point I observed in your account.

I read (post #1 above) that his last dose of Metacam was on a Sunday....then, on the next day, Monday, he was given Depo Medrol. And, while it's hard to follow your timeline prior to those two days, it appears he may have had Depo Medrol prior to these same two days.

That's a huge concern for me.....Metacam is not to be given concurrently with glucocorticosteroids.

I don't know where you're located....oral Metacam is licensed for cats in Canada and the UK. I do not have the package insert for Metacam, so I'll give you a UK reference for this info:

Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

Other NSAIDs, diuretics, anticoagulant, aminoglycoside antibiotics and substances with high protein binding may compete for binding and thus lead to toxic effects. Metacam must not be administered in conjunction with other NSAIDs or glucocorticosteroids.
LINK: Contra-indications, warnings, etc

Here's the info as it applies to Canadian licensing: (see 'Contraindications') Metacam Oral Suspension for Cats (Canada) for Animal Use -

My own Vet is extremely conscientious about this....she insists on a min 72 hours separation between use of each drug (steroid and Metacam).

Metacam (meloxicam), as a NSAID, has a very narrow margin of safety in cats and it's well known that it requires judicious use....versus 'willy-nilly'

I know what my own suspicion is here.......especially around the seizures, and some of the other symptoms you're describing.

IF you're in the UK, there's another commonly used antibiotic - an injectible- called Convenia. This also should NOT be combined with Metacam.

I would be all over these Vets about this - you say he's there now until tomorrow - tell them to read the bloody Contraindications section of the prescribing instructions/product insert or from which ever documentation they have for Metacam.

I'd insist they continue IV fluids - I wouldn't be taking him home if he's unstable. If they're closing, I'd probably insist they have him admitted to an ER facility for continued fluids and observation until they reopen.

A suggestion for you might be to contact an experienced feline-only Veterinarian, explain the situation and have him seen.

Again, I'm not speaking to the original and unknown issue/cause of his condition...only to the probability (IMO) of adverse events resulting from the administration of a contraindicated drug with Metacam.

I'm overtime !
Very good information.
If he's still very wobbly and not eating on his own I would hesitate to bring him home, too.
I am not in any way blaming the pet sitter for a single thing, but did they happen to notice what day he was acting off at first? It's hard when they're not our own, as we don't know them as well, but did they notice him acting weird or not eating or not being frisky, etc.?
I would ask for an X-ray or ultrasound. There could be something simply like a blockage (wouldn't necessarily explain the back leg dragging, but I knew a dog that was so horribly blocked with POUNDS of food that his rear legs were "Sloppy") that could be fixed.
What a terrible situation for you. I hope things resolve ASAP and he's back to being a silly, crazy kitten in no time.
:hangin: Hang in there.


TCS Member
Aug 1, 2018
I'm so sorry for everything that you're going through with Arlo (adorable name!).

I just found your thread, but have been dealing with a similar situation with a 12 week old kitten. She had her first vaccine (Purevax non-adjuvanted FVRCP) last Thursday (8/23). On Monday (8/27) she started acting lethargic and had a swollen lymph node. She went back to the vet on Tuesday (8/28) - they decided that it must just be her "processing" her vaccine, They gave her Metacam (without asking me first, or telling me that it would be off label and not approved for use in cats) and sent her home. She perked up a tiny bit, but then went right back to being lethargic. She was still eating well, but would do nothing else but sleep - it certainly wasn't normal, especially for her.

I too her back into the vet on Friday (8/31) because she was still acting like a vegetable and asked them to do bloodwork. They decided that she likely had an infection of some sort (without seeing the results of the CBC yet) and gave her another dose of Metacam and sent azithromycin and more Metacam home with me to give her. I was to give her Metacam once per day for 4 more days, and azithromycin once per day for 5 days. I gave her the first dose of azithromycin (they had already given her Metacam at the vet) at 5:00pm on Friday - by 6:00pm she was having trouble walking and her legs were almost "seizing" or spasming to the point that she couldn't control them.

She went straight to the ER vet - they said no more Metacam or azithromycin, and didn't feel that there was any evidence to indicate the need for an antibiotic - if she did have an infection, it was likely viral. The strange part, is that all of her bloodwork is completely normal - organs all functioning well, and blood work all normal - no anemia, elevated WBC's, etc.

They started her on IV fluids to "flush her system" and to help with a fever that she had. The fever is coming down now, and she hasn't had any more episodes of ataxia or leg spasms, so they are hopeful that she can come home tomorrow.

I just wanted to share Lilly's story since the symptoms and meds seem to be similar in both of our cases - though Lilly's aren't as severe as Arlo's. I'll be thinking of your little guy, and sending healing thoughts to you both. I hope to see a happy update on him!

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
I had an old country vet tell me once many years ago that 1 in 1,000 (animals) drop dead at the needle end of a vaccine.
I don't know if that's true or not, but we've had our share of vaccine reactions (we have many animals) which has made us "unconventional" when it comes to routine, yearly vaccines for pet animals...especially when the reactions happen in such youngsters like your Lilly, J Jess_Noble .
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  • #16

Ann Loves Cats

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2018
I'm not a vet, but he doesn't have much in his system to poop, does he?

I'm assuming you have already, but what if you went through the videos from your cameras and also what the sitter took, to see if there's anything that did happen, or if you can pin down the time that he started to act differently.
Yes we have now done that and he only started hiding during the last day we were gone. We didn't see any falls he mostly played in his tubes on the floor and toys on the couch. We ate still puzzled.
I'm not a vet, but he doesn't have much in his system to poop, does he?

I'm assuming you have already, but what if you went through the videos from your cameras and also what the sitter took, to see if there's anything that did happen, or if you can pin down the time that he started to act differently.
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  • #17

Ann Loves Cats

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2018
In a bit of a pinch for time, so I'll just mention one point I observed in your account.

I read (post #1 above) that his last dose of Metacam was on a Sunday....then, on the next day, Monday, he was given Depo Medrol. And, while it's hard to follow your timeline prior to those two days, it appears he may have had Depo Medrol prior to these same two days.

That's a huge concern for me.....Metacam is not to be given concurrently with glucocorticosteroids.

I don't know where you're located....oral Metacam is licensed for cats in Canada and the UK. I do not have the package insert for Metacam, so I'll give you a UK reference for this info:

Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

Other NSAIDs, diuretics, anticoagulant, aminoglycoside antibiotics and substances with high protein binding may compete for binding and thus lead to toxic effects. Metacam must not be administered in conjunction with other NSAIDs or glucocorticosteroids.
LINK: Contra-indications, warnings, etc

Here's the info as it applies to Canadian licensing: (see 'Contraindications') Metacam Oral Suspension for Cats (Canada) for Animal Use -

My own Vet is extremely conscientious about this....she insists on a min 72 hours separation between use of each drug (steroid and Metacam).

Metacam (meloxicam), as a NSAID, has a very narrow margin of safety in cats and it's well known that it requires judicious use....versus 'willy-nilly'

I know what my own suspicion is here.......especially around the seizures, and some of the other symptoms you're describing.

IF you're in the UK, there's another commonly used antibiotic - an injectible- called Convenia. This also should NOT be combined with Metacam.

I would be all over these Vets about this - you say he's there now until tomorrow - tell them to read the bloody Contraindications section of the prescribing instructions/product insert or from which ever documentation they have for Metacam.

I'd insist they continue IV fluids - I wouldn't be taking him home if he's unstable. If they're closing, I'd probably insist they have him admitted to an ER facility for continued fluids and observation until they reopen.

A suggestion for you might be to contact an experienced feline-only Veterinarian, explain the situation and have him seen.

Again, I'm not speaking to the original and unknown issue/cause of his condition...only to the probability (IMO) of adverse events resulting from the administration of a contraindicated drug with Metacam.

I'm overtime !
Thank you for your time it is greatly appreciated. I read all about Metacam and was a bit upset about the vet giving it to him at all. I am in the USA. We did end up bringing Arlo home last Saturday. I have been administering the fluids all week once in the AM and then in PM. We have been force feeding him AD and he has been eating a few hard morsels here and there that I sit in front of him. I've been calling the vet every day. He has had 3 solid bowel movements. But Friday he began to go down hill after his dinner. We skipped a fluid administer and started him on Pedialyte that is what the vet wanted. We began the fluids again tonight because he is now not moving again. I have talked to a cat vet in the area and he will be seeing Arlo on Tuesday. He said to continue with the fluids because that would be all they would do as well until full blood tests panels could be done. He is hanging in there but is touch and go right now. He seems on the cold side so I have been keeping him under blankets. We had a real problem eating tonight so we only got 1/2 of an 1/8 of a can down him 4ml of Pedialyte and his fluids under the skin. He is so limp tonight he can not ever lift his head up. I don't want to take him to the ER Vet here. They will just put him down. I am praying he will make it until we can see the cat vet. I don't want to presume anything but I do believe that the medacam had something to do with all this. Because he could walk and use the litter box with no problems until he was giving that drug. I am so heartbroken because I do not know the outcome of Tuesday and we may have to say goodbye to our little guy.
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  • #18

Ann Loves Cats

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2018
Please let me add that I am so thankful for all of your responses. I have been a mess. I have no one except my husband here for we have no family in this area. Your forum is truly a blessing for me. I just pray our little guy has better luck with the cat doctor.
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  • #19

Ann Loves Cats

TCS Member
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Aug 28, 2018
Very good information.
If he's still very wobbly and not eating on his own I would hesitate to bring him home, too.
I am not in any way blaming the pet sitter for a single thing, but did they happen to notice what day he was acting off at first? It's hard when they're not our own, as we don't know them as well, but did they notice him acting weird or not eating or not being frisky, etc.?
I would ask for an X-ray or ultrasound. There could be something simply like a blockage (wouldn't necessarily explain the back leg dragging, but I knew a dog that was so horribly blocked with POUNDS of food that his rear legs were "Sloppy") that could be fixed.
What a terrible situation for you. I hope things resolve ASAP and he's back to being a silly, crazy kitten in no time.
:hangin: Hang in there.
Thanks I appreciate your concern. Arlo is trying to hang in. We see a all cat doctor Tuesday. All we can do is make him comfortable right now and keep fluids going.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Hi Ann Loves Cats Ann Loves Cats ,
Did your vet run a FULL blood panel, including the electrolytes.
Was any of them out of the range?

When my cat was wobbly, weak, not pooping, not herself, etc, she had low potassium.

Could you post your last blood panel result?
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