The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2018

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TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Why is unemployment being discussed? I didn't ask about unemployment or filing a case or anything. I asked what the best way to answer a yes or no question is if neither yes nor no are appropriate answers. So if asked, do cats purr and a "yes" answer is not correct and neither is "yes, cats do purr" or anything along those lines, what is the right answer if anything???:gaah:
Because you COULD quit and file unemployment that you couldn't stay employed there due to harassment. You have a SOLID harassment hostile work environment. Too bad they don't video tape in there so you could have proof of bad behavior.

Artiesmom wrote out exactly what I was going to say. I only shared this with you as my union body was discussing our options=one of the items that came up was in regards to unemployment-and one of them said yes if you quit for just cause=sexual harassment, other harassment=just can't get along with manager etc document. document. document. Mass has much better unemployment than NH.

The Unemployment Insurance program is mostly federally funded and thus the laws are all the same, the only differences are very small interpretations which are always up to challenge. Yes, laws change and evolve over time, indeed very little since the beginning in 1931, but those also are nationwide and most of them give people MORE leeway, not less, like a domestic partner of either sex is now treated like a spouse: at one time it did not even matter that a person was married and left a job because the other one was transferred out of state with no chance of the remaining spouse also getting a transfer with his/her employer. Before that law was changed it had to be the person with the higher salary being transferred, and so it went. Relatively small changes with big impact.
A termination requires misconduct which has to be shown by the employer for the employee to be disqualified, a genuine quit (being asked to quit is a termination) requires the employee to show that it was for good cause and that is where it becomes difficult. In this present case it is difficult to determine if it is a termination or a layoff for lack of work because the separation from work falls under union rules as far as who gets laid off first. I would need to speak to the employer first to determine that and what the deal is with the disability payments, is that person still considered to be employed under the present circumstances. Can't tell that from here.

One of the employees called the HR department - they said as long as employees on short/long term company disability follow the demands of the insurance company=they can stay on disability-not sure if they qualify for severance package=I would think they COULD. Since they are STILL employed by said company up until march 30 discharge date.

ok gonna catch up on reading.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
And I am sorry but you won't get a yes or no from me. Ever. I tend to go off on a tangent. IF that's an issue...sorry ain't changing that. It's best to gather all the facts before one makes a decision=sometimes we share our experiences to help those who are asking for help to see they have CHOICES. It's not always yes or NO. Kapesh?!

Ok to change the subject...some photos of my lovely weather...
My truck is my best friend today.



The snow is so pretty. Just think it will be melted and gone in a week.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Ugh, so one place we were looking at sled pets but it raises the rent by $150 every month. I can understand an additional pet deposit but raising the rent as well seems like gouging.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Ugh, so one place we were looking at sled pets but it raises the rent by $150 every month. I can understand an additional pet deposit but raising the rent as well seems like gouging.
I agree. It is one thing to have a pet deposit, but another to add an additional fee for having pets. I find that ludicrous.. my place does that.

Most places will only charge $25-30 per month for a pet fee..

My place is outrageous.. they can get away with whatever they want.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Ugh, so one place we were looking at sled pets but it raises the rent by $150 every month. I can understand an additional pet deposit but raising the rent as well seems like gouging.
can you guys apply to buy a mobile home? I know it's not as nice as a home apartment but one reason I moved into mobile home was to get away from annoying neighbors. And price gouging landlords.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
My grandmother lived in a mobile home. It was beautiful and I always loved going there. I could never understand the term trailer trash. Her home was really nice. I like looking at the trailers at the home shows too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I grew up in a trailer. My mom owned a decently sized piece of land, too, so it wasn't a trailer park. My grandparents bought land and a trailer after they retired and sold the farm, too. It was very nice. I have nothing against trailers - just trailer parks full of drugs. And we'd have to park it somewhere.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Neither of us has the credit for that. And trailer parks here are so full of drugs. I won't live around that. we don't put up with that nonsense. We had someone with suspicious activity and we called the cops daily-I guess they moved their pot sales elsewhere as we don't have the amount of traffic. in my park you have to pass a back ground check and criminal check. They are very fussy about who they let live here. Elderly and families/working class folk are allowed. No low income housing or renting allowed here. Kind of helps keep it a nice neighborhood. You could move up here lol.

There are drug sections of this area where the normal houses are-mostly government funded housing sadly. I would love to see the riff raff run out of our town-they cause so much trouble. One of the dirtbags tried to hot wire my truck one night-they got the scare of their lives. I had the cops here with sniffing dogs=the little jerk ran to his friends house and he was a minor-the cop said I couldn't press charges but I scared the shit out of him-as he ran away like the hounds of hell I yelled out at 3am "I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE YOU LITTLE ______!"

Evidently these 2 little criminals had already broken into many of the businesses in the area-it was a morning I was going to the flea market-I got home at 11pm didnt' lock up=left at 3am only to discover someone in my truck and some kid standing in my yard-you know I could have scared them worse=bet they didn't expect a hot p-ed off woman to come out at 3am yelling and screaming at them. Especially at 3am. This was in 2008? or so?

the cops told me these two knuckle heads have been to juvie jail and trouble for a long time-Told me their mothers bailed them out of jail all the time-never let them get punished for bad behavior. That really burns my butt!!!

that's the time many of my neighbors updated their doors/hallways to increase security-cameras, cops drive through-no more issues since then-guess the kids told their looser friends I would come after them....darn straight I would! I hate THIEVES!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
oh and in my town they require each home to be on 1/3 acre so it's not really a mobile home park except for expensive rent-I could never move my home-it's a double wide and would cost more to move it than it's worth BUT if I DID come across land and had the means-I would think about moving it but I could buy a new one for $59k. my home is 20 years old-another 10 years probably have to get rid of it but for now-it's served me well. I love my home.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
@Mamanyt1953 Check the law. Emotional support animals do have some legal weight when it comes to housing, even though they don't have full access to businesses like service animals do. Make sure the law allows for a demand of recertification. I wouldn't be surprised if it's not allowed but the manager is simply a cat hater and is hoping you won't know your legal rights.

Alicia88 Alicia88 While it's all moot if you couldn't buy a trailer, if you could then maybe you know someone who knows someone who will accept a cheap rent in exchange for parking the trailer on private property. Where I grew up there were more mobile homes than there was room in the only tiny trailer park so most people just put them on private property as if they were a house that wasn't mobile.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Yeah, we couldn't afford one and HUD wouldn't help with something like that. My mother in law owns her house, but she doesn't have enough yard space for a trailer and there are probably zoning laws against it, anyway. My uncle has a farm and a lot of land, but I don't think John would want to live in the country. I would love it, but he'd have to commute to work and we only have one car, which would make it difficult. Either way, it's a moot point because we can't afford to buy.
We're looking at an apartment complex that's income based, accepts HUD, and allows pets but the women we talked to said she'd have to ask her supervisor about 4 cats. We were originally planning to rehome Marcy anyway, but now we're all attached and she's happy here. And finding a good home for her didn't work out before. I'm mad at myself for even somewhat considering it, too. I wish our current landlord had something, but he doesn't.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
If it was just pot, I could deal. I don't smoke it and neither does John, but I don't care if other people do. But around here, we have a huge meth problem.
Sadly that's coming back here too. Despite their stupid laws to restrict purchases of Sudafed=I can go on Amazon and buy as many as I want no questions asked...not sure how we deal with this...when theres no work, low wages and broken makes for a very hard hard environment to break free from that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Yeah, we couldn't afford one and HUD wouldn't help with something like that. My mother in law owns her house, but she doesn't have enough yard space for a trailer and there are probably zoning laws against it, anyway. My uncle has a farm and a lot of land, but I don't think John would want to live in the country. I would love it, but he'd have to commute to work and we only have one car, which would make it difficult. Either way, it's a moot point because we can't afford to buy.
We're looking at an apartment complex that's income based, accepts HUD, and allows pets but the women we talked to said she'd have to ask her supervisor about 4 cats. We were originally planning to rehome Marcy anyway, but now we're all attached and she's happy here. And finding a good home for her didn't work out before. I'm mad at myself for even somewhat considering it, too. I wish our current landlord had something, but he doesn't.
Have you tried that site called Next door neighbor or something- it's a website for communities-maybe you can network to see if there's a rental in the works-like maybe someone is on the road for their job and needs a renter to keep the house going or apartment or elderly folk who have empty house and need income..maybe someone can put a bug in someone's ear for you guys-since you obviously don't party and hard working family-renters have a hard time finding decent clients without destroying the place or skipping out on rent. It's a sucky way all around.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I've never heard of that, but we can look into it.
It doesn't help that this is a college town and a lot of college kids have rich mommies and daddies who will pay their rent, which puts a good percentage of places out of our price range. If people willb pay it, landlords will charge it.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Sadly that's coming back here too. Despite their stupid laws to restrict purchases of Sudafed=I can go on Amazon and buy as many as I want no questions asked...not sure how we deal with this...when theres no work, low wages and broken makes for a very hard hard environment to break free from that.
One of my eternal rants is Sudafed. Sudafed worked wonderfully, so well that people weren't ending up with sinus infections that would require a doctor's visit and antibiotics to get over it. Sudafed PE barely works, and now people are ending up at the doctor's all the time with sinus infections. My last workplace from late fall to early spring most of the people would come in and say they were just diagnosed with a sinus infection, and they got them repeatedly during the six months. Just last month my husband had a fever for 5 days due to a sinus infection. I find it really, really hard to believe that the Mexican cartels that are smuggling the bulk of meth into the US are crossing the border to buy Sudafed, crossing back over to make meth and then crossing a third time to sell it. I think the campaign to make Sudafed hard to get was waaay exaggeratiing the possibility of drug production and simply was a planned moneymaker to get more dollars out of people's pockets and into the health care system.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I've never heard of that, but we can look into it.
It doesn't help that this is a college town and a lot of college kids have rich mommies and daddies who will pay their rent, which puts a good percentage of places out of our price range. If people willb pay it, landlords will charge it.
damn it. Sorry-let me hunt for that site- of course one never knows who they are even if they sound convincing-so many whackos-yeah college towns tend to be expensive because of those um people who have things paid for them. Unlike the rest of us who work for what we have-I asked my dad to help me out with college-he laughed at me-said figure it out! :rolleyes3:
Of course now It doesn't bother me-but anyways=seems like so many roadblocks nowadays- in fact I have been looking into South Carolina shoreline or Kentucky to move in next 5 years if this job dries up-I do love the snow-but I am sick of high cost of living-one must work overtime or prepare to drown in debt... :rolleyes3:

Alicia88 Alicia88 it's called I can't open the site here on this computer- but I have cruised it on my phone-maybe you will see something- hoping something works out for you. If I could afford it I would buy houses so I could rent out to hard working families!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I completely agree, but there are to a o f "cookers" around here. They've passed a law in this town making it illegal to possess Sudafed without a prescription. Sri, here's my question: how enforceable is that? I could go a couple towns over and buy Sudafed - for a cold, of course. If I got pulled over and searched for some reason, could they really press charges for me having a single box of medication that was legally purchased 30 miles away?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
One of my eternal rants is Sudafed. Sudafed worked wonderfully, so well that people weren't ending up with sinus infections that would require a doctor's visit and antibiotics to get over it. Sudafed PE barely works, and now people are ending up at the doctor's all the time with sinus infections. My last workplace from late fall to early spring most of the people would come in and say they were just diagnosed with a sinus infection, and they got them repeatedly during the six months. Just last month my husband had a fever for 5 days due to a sinus infection. I find it really, really hard to believe that the Mexican cartels that are smuggling the bulk of meth into the US are crossing the border to buy Sudafed, crossing back over to make meth and then crossing a third time to sell it. I think the campaign to make Sudafed hard to get was waaay exaggeratiing the possibility of drug production and simply was a planned moneymaker to get more dollars out of people's pockets and into the health care system.
Just another of our overbearing government to "protect" us. I have the SAME issue. Newer Sudafed STINKS. And I have to take more of it. They changed many formulas of over the counter medications- Coriceedin (sp?) used to be really good-the thing is they water down everything and still call it same strength=just like our ice cream-you know they add air into our ice cream to get more money for it? And don't forget toilet paper rolls getting narrower to save pennies. Disgusting.
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