The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well, there's a reason god decided to let us domesticate the African wildcat and not the African lion.  He's small, I'm big so I picked him up and dropped him on the other side of the bed where I didn't plan on putting folded clothing.  Put the second towel on the first, reached down into the hamper to grab another item, straightened up and saw this.

Really cat?  You do know I'm planning on hanging those, right?  There's an entire half of a bed available to you, why do you want my half too?
I have 3 very happy boys.  Their new cat tree has arrived and been assembled.  They're highly preoccupied and paying no attention to Mommy.  LOL.  I posted a bunch of pictures here:
Well, there's a reason god decided to let us domesticate the African wildcat and not the African lion.  He's small, I'm big so I picked him up and dropped him on the other side of the bed where I didn't plan on putting folded clothing.  Put the second towel on the first, reached down into the hamper to grab another item, straightened up and saw this.

Really cat?  You do know I'm planning on hanging those, right?  There's an entire half of a bed available to you, why do you want my half too?
Of course he does! You know cats--he wants whatever you've  got.
I have 3 very happy boys.  Their new cat tree has arrived and been assembled.  They're highly preoccupied and paying no attention to Mommy.  LOL.  I posted a bunch of pictures here:
 Always fun to surprise the furbabies with new things. At work tonight (since I'm coming in every  night for the forseeable future, I'm getting off early) I came across this old Turky Creek box designed to be opened for display. I looked at it and thought; now that  looks like a cat cave! Brought it home, taped it up, set it down, and--nothing. The cats still haven't noticed it yet. 

I'm so sorry to hear this.

For some reason, your temari ball pictures won't repost. However, I would like to say that they do indeed look exquisite. (Also, they don't look quite like any of the pictures I found the web, they're your own thing, which you already knew. 
I haven't been here for a week or more, there were over 40 entries since I last looked. Remember when I told you about water intrusion due to the heavy rains we had here in January?  Twice! Finally got the walls dry after they had been opened up and were repaired again. No paint. The one shutter was sitting on the floor, nobody wanted to take responsibility for that.

Then the bathtub stopped up and it took forever for someone to come and push a snake down the drain. Not my fault, 5 other people use the plumbing farther down where the stoppage was, so nobody got charged for that.  

A week ago the water heater sprung a huge leak on top, water running down the sides. Couldn't reach the shut off valve without getting on a step stool and then I could not turn it off, it was frozen. Called Property Services to shut off the water. It took them 1 1/2 hours to get there, all the while the water is running, on the floor, I got all my towels to contain the flood.

The tank is located in a closet in the hallway to the bathroom. The water ran into unit down below onto her wooden floor (I have tile in the hall) and down into the underground garage where it was running onto one side of my car, making a big puddle under my car.

So Property Services came and shut off the water and drained the tank, then put it outside my front door. Called my landlord, he said to get another tank, his insurance is going to pay for it..

I arranged that with Home Depot and there were more snafus so that I did not get a new tank until this past Saturday. A whole week without hot water. No shower, just sponge bath with water heating in a big pot on the stove, also for washing dishes. They also picked up the old tank.

In the meantime of course I had the noisy dehumidifier sitting there again drying out the place with the cats not happy at all. But because of the snafus the tank was upgraded, so was the warranty, I got a senior discount and as I paid with my credit card I will get cash back on that purchase although I will take the whole bill off my next month's rent and send the receipts to the landlord. He was happy with the discounts and upgrade, he's so cheap he thought my handyman could install the tank but the old tank had been there for 14 years and codes have changed since then and my handyman would not have known those anyway. Then Property Services will come over later for an inspection and if the work and installation was not up to code it would have to be done over again.

I tried sleeping in the guest bedroom but that bed is small and I don't like the mattress although my daughter had declared it to be really nice.  So I would turn off the noisy machine which was right outside my bedroom door every night and turned it back on the next day just so I could sleep in my own bed.

Somebody finally came this morning to pick up the noisy machine and it has also been decided that Property Services was responsible for putting the shutter back up as they had taken it down which they also did today. But not the paint. Since this is a condo everything inside the paint is the responsibility of the owner. My handyman will come over later this week to paint. Landlord is paying for that also. I will finally have this place back in its previous shape, sure had to wait long enough.  

The first night I had hot water again I soaked in the tub for half an hour, actually nodded off in the hot water and then went to bed and slept like a baby. Oh yes!

On Saturday, before they brought the tank, I had to take Patrick, the foster, back to the vet because he was stopped up again. Poor baby! This cannot go on like this, he had just been there two weeks before, he's probably miserable and his quality of life can't be good with all these assaults on his body. So I will seriously have to consider sending him to the rainbow bridge. Surgery for megacolon is expensive and he may be worse off afterwards with really loose stools, smearing the mess all over the place. The vet and a few of my friends from the Cat Club and Adoption Program agree with this, so when it happens again he will be released, be that two weeks from now or 6 months from now, there is just no point in continuing his misery. It will be hard to let him go, he is affectionate when I can catch him or, like right now, when he keeps hanging around my legs (and run when I try to pick him up), he has been with me for going on 3 years and he is still a pretty young cat at age 5 or 6. 
Man, what a month! 
 2017 isn't going easy on any of us, is it? At least you were finally able to have a hot, relaxing bath! 


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Lilith and Sophie had a birthday on Sunday. We have no idea when their birthday(s) are but DD wanted them to share hers so I went with it. I got them a new toy. This one

Sophie went nuts for it. Lily saw her playing with it and tried to join in but Miss Sophiesaurus wasn't having it. She was being a little butterfly hog. So I ordered a second one. You'd think that that would do the trick. Nope. Sophie wanted BOTH of them. Lily did get some play time in but then she decided that she'd just take over the dog's bed and watch Sophie play while lounging like the little queen she is.  

The toy is very easy to knock over and when Sophie knocked BOTH of them over she wailed until I picked them up. Then she knocked them down again. 

The reviewers on Amazon suggest hot gluing the toy to an upside down dessert plate to keep it from falling over. I think I'll hit Dollar Tree to see if I can find a couple. The butterfly on the first toy is more limping than flying through the air... I'll have to hit a craft store to see if they sell anything I can switch it out for when hurricane Sophie takes the poor thing out once and for all. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Angel's mom-I am so sorry for your friend. I wasn't online much yesterday. I do remember those emotions vividly. At least she didn't suffer. Someone was with her. So very sorry again for your loss.

Yesterday was blizzard day. I was outside in it in the afternoon. I couldn't take anymore boring crap on TV, none of my shows were new ones so I decided to play in the snow and sweat up a storm. Spent 2 hours and no I didn't push myself. I tried to wear ski goggles but they fogged up right away. then my both ended up on top of my head. The hood made me sweat too much. I had sweat running down my face and nose was running. Luckily I stuffed Kleenex in my pocket. The winds were whipping the snow all over. I didn't get to the roof. I took care of the deck, tanks, walkway to front and the area right behind my truck..plow guy must have felt bad for the chick out there trying to shovel down 3-4 feet of hard snow. So he said he could push it up onto my lawn. I said yeah that would be great. I said I have to get out of here by 5:30ish and didn't want to be out shoveling at 4am. No sir I like my sleep. So he pushed most of it on Jon's side of the driveway. I dug out the exhaust on his car and cleared some more but then I had to do the front steps because the snow was too deep to open the door. I am petrified of house fires and always try to at least make sure I can get both doors open. So I shoveled both back/front doors and drank some water while standing on my porch watching the snow swirl around. Work was closed. I didn't go in because my town canceled school. I saw at 5am the size of the storm and I said NOPE I am NOT doing it. Glad I stayed home. They sent everyone home at 11. Which is stupid. Theyshould have canceled work to begin with. Everyone knew it was a blizzard. So I am glad I stayed home.

Today I had to rock the truck back and forth in 4x4 drive to get back over the crap the plow left. This time I pulled up as far as I could go and put in R and punched the throttle...the truck had no problems getting over the 12-16 inches of crap behind it. LOL. If I could I would have gone to do donuts yesterday but the wind was so bad-you couldn't see worth a darn. So today classes canceled again but I couldn't take another day on the couch. I came in. No one is here. They want us to go to some meeting at 9:30. Nope. I am not going. I am staying right here. We have our break then and I wanted to sit down and eat and take my time instead of coming back at 10:30 or later and starving. It's just more of the same bs that we listened to last month. The company still hasn't released the numbers. They got another extension until no point listening...the main office is in cranberry PA I don't understand why they don't postpone the meeting..I am sure they got hit with snow down there nothing but more BS propaganda.

Segelkatt sounds like a nightmare. And those people are morons. They should have come right over to shut off your water. And move the valve so you can reach the DAM thing|! I remember when my waterheater started was leaking for a week-I saw water under the dryer and thought it was snow from outside-we just had a big storm...allas I decided to go check the waterheater because the water became scalding hot. So yep it was leaking all over. So I couldn't get to the valve-under the house! and it was 8 degrees and a puddle to lay in...I don't want to repeat yep I remember trying to find a guy to help us..luckily one of the contractors here at work lived in my area and he said he would help us.. Lowes had the mobile home one we needed but I no longer had a platform it is supposed to be on..luckily the fittings are screw in type=so no copper soldering. That was the coldest week ever. I think it was Jan 2015? 2015 SUCKED for me. Lots of broken crap in the house.

So I feel for you!!!

So I am off to work on some orders..not many people to bother me!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I feel for all you guys shoveling that kind of snow. I've been there a few times myself. Luckily, we haven't had much snow here this year at all. All of you take care and don't have a heart attack shoveling. Plans can be delayed, and the snow will melt. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Well in defiance to the snow I am working on booking our August vacation. The one I wanted doesn't allow cats but do allow dogs. So the other one further down the road does allow kitties...Honeybee will get to have a vacation this year! And the price is very reasonable. I know Jon is picky pants and likes fancy houses but this is a basic camp. And he's lucky it's got tv. I found some very rustic places in the middle of no where but I know he would hate it. One was on 25 acres with a spring fed lake for I don't know about you but there's nothing like floating around the lake on a floaty or other device...and a book in hand with my's further down the road from the state park so hopefully it's not too noisy. They said there's a large yard out front and looks like it's all woods behind Jon can walk in the woods to his content while I read a book on the deck or under a tree...And Honeybee will be right there with me...crazy cat. She loves the lake. Pumps just sleeps on the deck. She doesn't take off. We will keep them both in the house for a couple of days at first. I am getting a harness for both of them to walk them. That way I know that they are safe. And getting a pet at least they get used to the surroundings.

and bah humbug to the snow. my plants were just starting to come up. My hosta had shoots started. Now there's 2-3 feet of snow over it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Well, there's a reason god decided to let us domesticate the African wildcat and not the African lion.  He's small, I'm big so I picked him up and dropped him on the other side of the bed where I didn't plan on putting folded clothing.  Put the second towel on the first, reached down into the hamper to grab another item, straightened up and saw this.

Really cat?  You do know I'm planning on hanging those, right?  There's an entire half of a bed available to you, why do you want my half too?
Yes, really.  She is asserting her ownership.  Don't you realize that you're there only with her permission?  She owns the house, the bed, the clothes, all of it, and she's kind enough to allow you the use of some of those things. 
which is the snub dodecahedron that forms the basis of the pattern, with added guidelines, but after that it needs to go something like this:

and it's unclear to me how to pick the point that I've marked in yellow (and all its mates), where the lines change directions.  It may be arbitrary.

(Incidentally, I created these pictures on my piece-of-junk first generation iPad, using one of the few programs that I've actually shelled out money for, named iOrnament.  It's a fun program to play with, but you can use up a whole lot of memory saving your patterns.  I added the little yellow circle in Windows Paint.)

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I love it!

Well the saga of the summer cabin ahold of the second camp=it's not at the end of the road like I assumed. It's off the main Road. I hope it's not too much traffic. I will be showing Jon tonight on the computer the listings. She's going to email me photos of the outside. Looks like the lot is about an acre in size and they own the place next door. So that's a good thing. the owners are right there incase something goes wrong. They let the cats stay too. Now hopefully mr Pickypants doesn't say no. I haven't had much luck finding anything closer. Most of the cabins on the water I am finding are north of Bangor. That's another 2 hours of driving. This area is about 3 hours to 4 hours. Just long enough to be enough. I don't know how I feel about 6 hours of driving plus it's farther away from the ocean BUT I still want to rent that other place but it's twice the money...and it's on a smaller lake than Swan lake...Good grief..I just want a simple cabin. On it's own lot. with a comfy couch and cable tv and big yard on the water. I don't care about the other stuff-coffee maker and other doodads. As long as it's got running water and a shower I am happy. Guess I am not too picky.

Gahhh I still wish I had time to drive around to these places and look..this summer we will write down addresses of the cabins online and check out the area incase we don't like this area. We were spoiled with the deadend at Daves place on the other end of the Lake. I know I shouldn't stress but I do. I just want it to be perfect and hopefully it's not smelly.

I did ask about a cheap cabin near Camden but the reviews said it smelled like yucky mold and the floors weren't finished...and from the pictures it looks like it needs some work...How do people do this? I would be embarrassed to list a home in that condition...maybe someday they will invent blow up houses. You know find a lot you like=have some kind of simple blow up home to live in with running water and power..oh I know that's called a Camper..too bad most campsites are crowded and too many people....I must be strange I just prefer NO houses on top of each other.

And with the snow...I am definitely feeling the winter blues again. I was starting to shovel the snow off my gardens and some of the hosta were poking there's at least 2 to 4 feet on top of it. Good grief.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Tomorrow is my birthday, and today the mailman knocked on my door with a box of books from a VERY dear friend.  Wildly excited, I tore into it.  Inside the box was an envelope, and in the envelope was the CUTEST birthday card with a picture of, of course, a cat on it.  "Oh, how cute," I thought as I opened the card...and almost fell on the floor.  Enclosed was a VERY generous gift of cash, EXACTLY the amount I need to either A) get my daybed and mattress if I get my XTO royalty check this month, or B) at least get the mattress if there is no extra check! I had some saved, but was short anyway I looked at it.  A friend is coming to stay next month, so this is a HUGE worry off of my mind!

And need I add, the books are SUCH a welcome thing!  I shall restrain myself for now, and begin reading tomorrow!
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
What is an XTO royalty check?
When my great-uncle died without issue, he put all of his assets into a trust.  The great bulk of this comes from natural gas wells on his property.  There is actually oil under the gas, but Exxon is going to drain the natural gas before punching into the oil.  I get a royalty check from them, through a sub-company, XTO Energy.  They only send a check when it reaches $100, which means in the cold season I get a check every other month, in the warm seasons, I get it every 3-4 months.  But it helps.  That is my "get stuff for the apartment" money.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I need new work clothes as I've lost weight, my current work clothes just hang off me now.  I worked the mid-shift today instead of closing so I was planning on shopping for new work clothes tonight.  They don't have suitable pants in the more to love women's section so I was going to do what a lot of the women there do and go to the men's section.  Even the skinny chicks shop for work pants in the men's section because you can get cargo pants there.

There is only one person in the entirety of the store that I don't like....and she works in my area.  Tonight she had the fitting room duty.  I really, really didn't want to have to try on multiple sizes of men's pants to figure out what size I needed with her right there.

I'll shop after my doctor's appointment tomorrow.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
When my great-uncle died without issue, he put all of his assets into a trust.  The great bulk of this comes from natural gas wells on his property.  There is actually oil under the gas, but Exxon is going to drain the natural gas before punching into the oil.  I get a royalty check from them, through a sub-company, XTO Energy.  They only send a check when it reaches $100, which means in the cold season I get a check every other month, in the warm seasons, I get it every 3-4 months.  But it helps.  That is my "get stuff for the apartment" money.
So what happens when they reach the oil? Drinks all round?

I need new work clothes as I've lost weight, my current work clothes just hang off me now.  I worked the mid-shift today instead of closing so I was planning on shopping for new work clothes tonight.  They don't have suitable pants in the more to love women's section so I was going to do what a lot of the women there do and go to the men's section.  Even the skinny chicks shop for work pants in the men's section because you can get cargo pants there.
Men's clothes are so much better made than ours.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
which is the snub dodecahedron that forms the basis of the pattern, with added guidelines, but after that it needs to go something like this:

and it's unclear to me how to pick the point that I've marked in yellow (and all its mates), where the lines change directions.  It may be arbitrary.

(Incidentally, I created these pictures on my piece-of-junk first generation iPad, using one of the few programs that I've actually shelled out money for, named iOrnament.  It's a fun program to play with, but you can use up a whole lot of memory saving your patterns.  I added the little yellow circle in Windows Paint.)

Love the song. (Of course, Mercedes Lackey is awesome.) If you're able to finish that temari ball, I'd appreciate seeing a picture of it.
I love it!

Well the saga of the summer cabin ahold of the second camp=it's not at the end of the road like I assumed. It's off the main Road. I hope it's not too much traffic. I will be showing Jon tonight on the computer the listings. She's going to email me photos of the outside. Looks like the lot is about an acre in size and they own the place next door. So that's a good thing. the owners are right there incase something goes wrong. They let the cats stay too. Now hopefully mr Pickypants doesn't say no. I haven't had much luck finding anything closer. Most of the cabins on the water I am finding are north of Bangor. That's another 2 hours of driving. This area is about 3 hours to 4 hours. Just long enough to be enough. I don't know how I feel about 6 hours of driving plus it's farther away from the ocean BUT I still want to rent that other place but it's twice the money...and it's on a smaller lake than Swan lake...Good grief..I just want a simple cabin. On it's own lot. with a comfy couch and cable tv and big yard on the water. I don't care about the other stuff-coffee maker and other doodads. As long as it's got running water and a shower I am happy. Guess I am not too picky.

Gahhh I still wish I had time to drive around to these places and look..this summer we will write down addresses of the cabins online and check out the area incase we don't like this area. We were spoiled with the deadend at Daves place on the other end of the Lake. I know I shouldn't stress but I do. I just want it to be perfect and hopefully it's not smelly.

I did ask about a cheap cabin near Camden but the reviews said it smelled like yucky mold and the floors weren't finished...and from the pictures it looks like it needs some work...How do people do this? I would be embarrassed to list a home in that condition...maybe someday they will invent blow up houses. You know find a lot you like=have some kind of simple blow up home to live in with running water and power..oh I know that's called a Camper..too bad most campsites are crowded and too many people....I must be strange I just prefer NO houses on top of each other.

And with the snow...I am definitely feeling the winter blues again. I was starting to shovel the snow off my gardens and some of the hosta were poking there's at least 2 to 4 feet on top of it. Good grief.
Yeah, I'm concerned about the pears and blueberry bush myself--we suddenly got a week of cold weather after everything had bloomed. 
 (And people are saying the cold snap means summer won't be that bad. 
 You'd think they were new here.)
Tomorrow is my birthday, and today the mailman knocked on my door with a box of books from a VERY dear friend.  Wildly excited, I tore into it.  Inside the box was an envelope, and in the envelope was the CUTEST birthday card with a picture of, of course, a cat on it.  "Oh, how cute," I thought as I opened the card...and almost fell on the floor.  Enclosed was a VERY generous gift of cash, EXACTLY the amount I need to either A) get my daybed and mattress if I get my XTO royalty check this month, or B) at least get the mattress if there is no extra check! I had some saved, but was short anyway I looked at it.  A friend is coming to stay next month, so this is a HUGE worry off of my mind!

And need I add, the books are SUCH a welcome thing!  I shall restrain myself for now, and begin reading tomorrow!
  And congratulations on surviving another year! 
I need new work clothes as I've lost weight, my current work clothes just hang off me now.  I worked the mid-shift today instead of closing so I was planning on shopping for new work clothes tonight.  They don't have suitable pants in the more to love women's section so I was going to do what a lot of the women there do and go to the men's section.  Even the skinny chicks shop for work pants in the men's section because you can get cargo pants there.

There is only one person in the entirety of the store that I don't like....and she works in my area.  Tonight she had the fitting room duty.  I really, really didn't want to have to try on multiple sizes of men's pants to figure out what size I needed with her right there.

I'll shop after my doctor's appointment tomorrow.
Don't blame you a bit. Good luck on getting new clothes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I need new work clothes as I've lost weight, my current work clothes just hang off me now.  I worked the mid-shift today instead of closing so I was planning on shopping for new work clothes tonight.  They don't have suitable pants in the more to love women's section so I was going to do what a lot of the women there do and go to the men's section.  Even the skinny chicks shop for work pants in the men's section because you can get cargo pants there.

There is only one person in the entirety of the store that I don't like....and she works in my area.  Tonight she had the fitting room duty.  I really, really didn't want to have to try on multiple sizes of men's pants to figure out what size I needed with her right there.

I'll shop after my doctor's appointment tomorrow.
My daughter used to buy jeans in the boys' dept, she was really small and had no butt.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I've been buying shirts from the men's section at Wal*Mart.  They have a bunch of really cute cat shirts and I don't like any of the graphic tees in the women's department.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
That looks like fun. What does it sound like? My cats don't like things that make too much noise (vacuums, showers, battery-powered mice).

That's usually when I curl up with a book--even one I've read before. 
 (Of course, I like to stay warm.)

Love the song. (Of course, Mercedes Lackey is awesome.) If you're able to finish that temari ball, I'd appreciate seeing a picture of it.

Yeah, I'm concerned about the pears and blueberry bush myself--we suddenly got a week of cold weather after everything had bloomed. 
 (And people are saying the cold snap means summer won't be that bad. 
 You'd think they were new here.)

  And congratulations on surviving another year! 

Don't blame you a bit. Good luck on getting new clothes.
It's not loud at all. Kind of like a small hand held fan maybe?? It only takes 1 AAA battery. It's a soft whirring sound.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Well looks like I got a spring Cold. It's horrible. I felt it coming on the night I shoveled. Today I feel horrible. I am working long hours this weekend. I hit the gym yesterday but quit after 35 minutes. Felt incredibly tired.. went to the store to get salad and straight home. Tonight I am going to get gas then straight home. I feel miserable. I can't stop sneezing. At least it's not too bad but I just want to lay down. I always get sick when these crazy temps happen. hot to cold. Cold to Hot..makes me absolutely miserable. And the winds blew all the dust out of the ductwork I think-all I can smell is dust. I need to do some serious vacuuming but everytime I do it I get sick. So Tue night I vacuumed the vents for the furnace and the air purifier...what a bunch of YUCKS. I still need to do the bedrooms and livingroom. the kitchen I just use a bounty towel wet and wipe down all the surfaces..forced hot air is very MESSY. I have to wipe the counters daily. I am when I get better going to find some cheeseclothe and stick it over the vents to help stop the dust but I am afraid it will hamper the air coming through. The furnace has two separate filters but it's not enough. Bah humbug.

And still trying to locate a rental. So far the ones Jon wants are too $$$. I just want something basic but he was complaining about the tv in the one on Swan lake..I said well we can rent a tv if they have a rentacenter (seriously-what?!) I just want to catch the news forecast to get the daily weather report incase cell phone doesn't work...

I am still waiting to hear back from one of them-they advertise a bathroom but don't specify if it's just a water closet or if it has a shower and doesn't say well water...someone left a review and said the water comes from the I wonder if there is even a shower...GRRRR. I just wish they would specify these things. Because I refuse to use soap in a harms the fish etc...


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Well looks like I got a spring Cold. It's horrible. I felt it coming on the night I shoveled. Today I feel horrible. I am working long hours this weekend. I hit the gym yesterday but quit after 35 minutes. Felt incredibly tired.. went to the store to get salad and straight home. Tonight I am going to get gas then straight home. I feel miserable. I can't stop sneezing. At least it's not too bad but I just want to lay down. I always get sick when these crazy temps happen. hot to cold. Cold to Hot..makes me absolutely miserable. And the winds blew all the dust out of the ductwork I think-all I can smell is dust. I need to do some serious vacuuming but everytime I do it I get sick. So Tue night I vacuumed the vents for the furnace and the air purifier...what a bunch of YUCKS. I still need to do the bedrooms and livingroom. the kitchen I just use a bounty towel wet and wipe down all the surfaces..forced hot air is very MESSY. I have to wipe the counters daily. I am when I get better going to find some cheeseclothe and stick it over the vents to help stop the dust but I am afraid it will hamper the air coming through. The furnace has two separate filters but it's not enough. Bah humbug.

And still trying to locate a rental. So far the ones Jon wants are too $$$. I just want something basic but he was complaining about the tv in the one on Swan lake..I said well we can rent a tv if they have a rentacenter (seriously-what?!) I just want to catch the news forecast to get the daily weather report incase cell phone doesn't work...

I am still waiting to hear back from one of them-they advertise a bathroom but don't specify if it's just a water closet or if it has a shower and doesn't say well water...someone left a review and said the water comes from the I wonder if there is even a shower...GRRRR. I just wish they would specify these things. Because I refuse to use soap in a harms the fish etc...
Feel better... make some ginger tea... with honey.. good for colds. 

take care of yourself. Your babies need you to be healthy...chicken soup, also....

Good luck with the rental.. yeah, most people start searching in January, right after the holidays.. too bad they did not tell you earlier.. you are really scrambling now. 
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