The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
First, thank you to all who have taken the time to wish me a happy birthday!  It has been a lovely day.  I have my new books to read, and Suzanne brought me a really cute denim purse with JUST the right amount of compartments to allow me to really organize!  I've received about 75 birthday wishes on FB, as well!  

@Primula  when and if they ever punch through to the oil, I'm doing a TCS Tour!  And yes, there will be drinks of choice for all!

@foxxycat   Sorry you are feeling nasty.  Colds are miserable.  Take @Artiemom's advice.  Ginger tea is GREAT for colds.  I keep a ginger root at all times! 


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
How the heck are men's pants cut anyway???

So I need new work pants because mine are way too huge now.  I know a lot of women at work shop in the men's department for work pants.  Sure, I'll give it a try.

I measured myself when I was looking at possibly ordering online so I know my waist is 45 inches.  My hips.....I definitely inherited the child-bearing hips of my more fertile ancestors.  And I know that men aren't shaped that way, so I'll have to buy for my hips, not my waist.

The absolute largest I could find at work was 44x30.  Yeah, that's not going to fit.  But for laughs I grabbed those and a 42x30.

The 42 were too snug in the hips.  But the 44 were just a tad snug, I could do squats in them without the fabric binding.  And at the rate I'm going, they'll probably be loose by the end of April.  However the waist was so big that I could fit a slim woman in the waistband with me.

But how does a pair of pants that measure one inch smaller than my waist manage to fit my huge hips and be waaaay too big for my waist?


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
AWM has as well. A few years ago, however, she discovered that the junior girls (she was really  small) were the same shape and had a slightly more feminine cut, despite having no rear end to speak of.

I've had problems with that. I've been trying to find some more insulated undershirts, but the women's and men's sizes don't come close to matching and I have no idea what I am in a men's. (And then, of course, there's the fact that the insulated undershirts in the women's section have half  the weight of the men's for shirts that are identical in every other way--I'm just doomed.)

Sounds awesome! I'm sorry; I know you've already posted this, but you could repost where you got it from? I'd like to get some for my kitties.

Garlic and vitamin C help you recover faster. (I don't know why.) Hope you feel better soon! 

Here you go! This is the one we have but it's temporarily out of stock at Amazon (where I got ours)

Wal Mart sells it too


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well, it's been a little while since I've been on the site--here's why. (Side note--this is kind of ranty. Feel free to skip.) Every  store in the area (and they pretty much have a monopoly in the city) is understaffed--and even managers are pulling double duty as we've lost three  store managers in the last week. (I've lost four pounds in the last couple weeks, which seems strange to me--when I'm off and awake I'm pretty much inhaling food. Seems to me I should be gaining  weight, but I'm not complaining. Yet--I'll probably start complaining when it warms up again and my pants are way too large.) My manager has  informed me, however, that she's managed to hire someone to train for my shift (
), but we're waiting on the background check to go through. Man, this sucks. The company has had  four  hiring events (basically a hiring fair with only one company involved) in the past two months, and so far there's only been one  candidate our manager is willing to hire for the store. (She says that she's not just going to hire a warm body, because she wants to prevent more issues like the ones we've got now.) Everyone is pulling overtime, and we're all  hoping for relief--and we're not the only store going through it.

Last night was all kinds of not-fun. First, yesterday at some point, the cats came romping in my room (didn't wake me) and unplugged my alarm clock. I ended up oversleeping by an hour. (Not as big of a deal as it could have been, since I get up three hours early--but there's a reason I get up three hours early. It takes me a while to wake up all the way.) I was a few minutes (but only a few!!!) late to work. I went to call (because I try to let my coworkers know when I'm going to be late), but I had left my phone at home, on the charger (because it's battery was low the other day; nice thing about a flip phone--battery lasts about a week once charged) so I couldn't call. Since I had to work so much this week, I've been getting off early, and last night I was supposed to get off at two in the morning. I'll get back to that. I get to work to find that we have a brand-new cigarette and tobacco wall--and they put the most popular brands literally over my head where I have stand on tip-toe to reach them. (Considering I have two coworkers who are shorter  than me, this is not  a good thing.) And, once again, I need to relearn where everything is on the wall. 
 Then there were the customers. No really bad customers (except for the drunk guy who wanted his gold because I'm clearly an Irish leprechaun 
), there were just a lot of them. So two in the morning rolled around, with no relief in sight (literally--I was supposed to get off at two). At three thirty I reached into my purse for my phone--that I had left at home, on the charger (it's back in my purse now). Well, while everything was being moved around for the cigarette wall, the manager's phone number got pulled, so I couldn't call to ask where she was. At three-forty the truck rolled in to deliver--with a new guy on board that I had to teach the ropes to. (Everyone's getting new people, and they aren't being properly trained.)  At four-thirty I got a call from my manager, panicked, saying that she'd slept through the alarm and she'd be there in just a few minutes. (She got there about an hour later). By that time I had coffee going, but had run into a new problem--all of our filters are too small. They can only hold one pack a piece (and we make large  pots for morning)--so had to make each part of the pot separately. (Luckily, they get bought fast in the morning.) So--I got off a few minutes before six, almost an eight hour shift, and I'm exhausted. (I'm also wired, because I ate some honey sticks before the manager finally  got there--I had no idea when she'd get there, and the next person to come in wasn't scheduled until seven in the morning.) Bright side--with all this crap going on, the whole subject of me being trained to be lead third clerk has been tabled (for the moment), so I get a reprieve on that.

In good news: RB finally got the parts he needs to get some animation software running so we can start our Youtube channel. (It's like this; I inherited a set of green-backed children's books that have been in the family since my great-grandmother's generation, and I want to share the stories with the world at large--because a lot of them have been lost and I think it's sad.) So, yay on that! SD's recovering well from his ordeal, and has managed to gain back some of the lost weight with very few physical side-effects. (Mental are another matter, and he's looking at suing them. He hasn't decided either to or not to yet, but he's thinking about it.) All four cats are healthy, happy, and playing the boxes RB's computer parts came in to great amusement all around. My honey sticks and candy came in early, and I started a box subscription. (I need something  to look forward to--and the way my free time isn't going it had better be something that comes to me.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Well The cold has backed off a bit. Took some Sudafed and the nose dripping has slowed down. Still got the headache...probably tryin to figure out where to go. I heard back from one that looks really nice and it's pricier than I want but I am going to use my tax return to pay for 2/3 of it. I have debated just telling Jon to give me what he normally does or ? Either way the only thing I don't like about this camp is that it's farther away from the ocean and so close to the highway. But there's a small island in the middle of the lake I think will cut down on the sound. Sound travels and not sure I want to hear traffic but there's another camp we found on one of the fingers of the bay area of midcoast maine but it looks trafficy there too. So hard to tell...the good news is the one in China Maine is at the end of a dirt road...and seems to have everything we need minus the washer/dryer. That is the only thing I will miss because doing laundry at the matt sucks.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Well they are vents but cheeseclothe is said to be ventable. Is that a word? LOL.

I am hoping our search for something for summer is over. I am just waiting for my deposit to go into one of my accounts then I can reserve those weeks. I think that place will be fine..the hardest thing is being so close to the city. But that area looks under developed so hopefully it's QUIET. That's what I liked about the other rental-only 2 people around on that area and no obnoxious people with their darn dogs running around...this place looks like it's a few hundred feet of privacy. And a new area to explore..but I am going to look one more time online to see if I can still find a pet friendly place. Seems many places allow dogs and when I ask about cats they act all snobby! Like one said oh we never heard of cats going on vacation..ummm Honeybee thinks she is a dog and runs out to greet people who are in my home. So why wouldn't people take their cats? Especially when mine sleep with us. They would be depressed to be in the house all alone for 2 weeks. I couldn't imagine leaving them behind. We did take a short vacation of 1 week back in 2007 and I hated being away from my pets. I didn't know they allowed pets cause I didn't even ask. I found that one on craigslist too. And well I know this will tick off some people..but I noticed that dealing with a man who rents-is much more easy going and doesn't worry about details so I guess maybe it's just me. But I prefer to rent from a man. They don't get all nosy about questions and seem to accept me as I am. I don't know if it even makes sense.

So today I am still waiting for some orders to come in but so far no one knows what the hold up is. One order was placed March 8. And I wonder if there's a money issue. So here we are March 17 and still waiting for those orders to times at work!

Last night Honeybee slept on me! She took off around 4am but I did wake to a warm bundle on my right hip against the back of the couch. She always tucks herself into the corner. Love that sweet girl.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
How the heck are men's pants cut anyway???

So I need new work pants because mine are way too huge now.  I know a lot of women at work shop in the men's department for work pants.  Sure, I'll give it a try.

I measured myself when I was looking at possibly ordering online so I know my waist is 45 inches.  My hips.....I definitely inherited the child-bearing hips of my more fertile ancestors.  And I know that men aren't shaped that way, so I'll have to buy for my hips, not my waist.

The absolute largest I could find at work was 44x30.  Yeah, that's not going to fit.  But for laughs I grabbed those and a 42x30.

The 42 were too snug in the hips.  But the 44 were just a tad snug, I could do squats in them without the fabric binding.  And at the rate I'm going, they'll probably be loose by the end of April.  However the waist was so big that I could fit a slim woman in the waistband with me.

But how does a pair of pants that measure one inch smaller than my waist manage to fit my huge hips and be waaaay too big for my waist?
I have no clue.  But I do know that the basic issue is the fact that men have very little differentiation in waist/hip measurements, while women do.  For most women, men's pants that fit the hips will be far too large in the waist.  At least until menopause, when all bets are off.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Cats had their vet appointment this morning. Well, Carrot and Angua did. Ruby is on a different schedule. Angua always is miserable at the vet, but Carrot is typically fine and likes to run around exploring. He wasn't okay at all today (maybe since he went with Angua for the first time and she was upset). He even started growling at the vet and the vet tech when they were doing his yearly exam. 

Looks like they want to do a dental on him within the next year. Totally something that is doable as it is only like 400-500 dollars. I knew that it would need to be done since there is tartar we can't get rid of just with brushing. He was almost three when we got him, so there was no hope for the brushing really fixing that. 

I'm nervous about having him go under of course, but I know healthy teeth are important.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Happy birthday Angua!!!

Going out tonight to see a band called Beer Nuts that plays every year on St. Patty's Day (regardless of the day of the week it falls on). They throw green beer at the audience while playing :D The frontman owns my favoritest dive bar in the city, so that will be the first stop. They are renting a bus to shuttle some folks to the venue where Beer Nuts is playing, so we're gonna take that. Then we're gonna cab it a half mile to another venue (in a boot so walking a half mile is a bit hard!) to catch a friend's band, and then cab it back to the venue for the Beer Nuts to play.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Foxxycat is not going to BLOCK the vents, just make the holes smaller through which the air passes. As long as the cheese cloth or anything else she uses to catch the dust gets cleaned often enough Foxxycat should be ok. It's a FILTER, not a BLOCKAGE.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Foxxycat is not going to BLOCK the vents, just make the holes smaller through which the air passes. As long as the cheese cloth or anything else she uses to catch the dust gets cleaned often enough Foxxycat should be ok. It's a FILTER, not a BLOCKAGE.
I know.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I think they sell little vent filters that might be less likely to clog than cheesecloth. . .let me look around. . .

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
@Mamanyt1953  Happy Belated Birthday!

And Happy Birthday to Angua.

John and I went to Beauty and the Beast tonight.  It follows the original Disney version almost to the letter.  It was beautiful.  I adore all the Disney classics and the live action version really brought the magic to life all over again.  Emma Watson really was the perfect person to play Belle.
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