I've been adopted again! Kind of long,(sorry) & picts! :)

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  • #221

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Zed Xyzed  
"what a beautiful girl, I pray she gets to stay with you"

Thanks Eric! Me too!  We're gonna have to call in some prayer warriors for this one!  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2015
Orange County New York
Hi Kelly!

     It was so wonderful to finally speak to you directly. I can't believe that Sammy is a little girl! If you could not get her to let you take a good look at her,that is a good reason for not knowing she was a she.I love her new pink collar. Is she spayed? I hope so, if not you could be in for what I had with Omelette when I took her on. Of course with my luck she was pregnant.I know that there are programs that help women who own their own business. The worker you have at social services probably knows about these,and could refer you to find them. Section 8 is probably a good idea to get on their list. I am waiting to hear from them,as I applied to them in June of 15. But this is N.Y. State and there are so many people waiting to hear  from them. This was a local list for my tiny town so perhaps it won't be too long to wait. This would greatly improve my financial situation, since this complex accepts sec 8. I hope you can get help with medicade now that Trump will be our Pres.thank God. He is going to keep some good parts of Obamacare and change other parts. Also,trying to add taking care of other pets might be a good idea. I think that trying to get people to sign ,to let you keep Sammy from the people who live there is a good idea. I also would not give it to him unless he brings it up to you again. There is nothing wrong with asking for some help from D.S.S .if you do work.I hate the fact that they look into your life to the extent that they do,but when you need some help it can't be helped. I have to  renew my wonderful $146 a month for two people food stamps soon.I truly hate to do it also. I pray for you and Sammy that a solution to your problem will be found.Keep researching and asking friends for their ideas, you never know who will come up with the best idea. Keep me informed,and send more pics of Sammy,she is so beautiful! You can call me any time. Speak and write to you soon.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Kelly, I've been lurking on this thread and hoping you would be able to keep Sammy, but I've been almost afraid to look sometimes. I do hope you get a rent subsidy if not a Section 8 apartment. Section 8 housing is always in short supply, but a rent subsidy should be easier to get. My sister has a rent subsidy that pays a good portion of her rent. The amount that is paid depends on your income, and it sounds like you've qualified. The apartment my sister has allows cats, so that type is out there. Not every landlord is like yours. I'm hoping and wishing the best for you and Sammy. 
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  • #224

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
@kittylove53  , Hi Barbara, yes, it was nice talking to you too. Yes, hopefully I will hear back this week, & be able to talk to someone to find out more info.

@DreamerRose, Thank you. Yes, from what I read online, it says you are responsible for 30% of the rent, so that would help a lot, to have 70% paid!  Hopefully I will get some info this coming week. 

I know there are better landlords out there, I just am not sure how long of a list there is to wait, especially since I already have a place, so not exactly a high priority. I'm also not sure if I could get as much space as I have now, for one person, or if it matters. I don't want an apartment situation. Too many neighbors, & wall sharing. I am quiet, & like it to be quiet. Especially when I still have an occasional massage client, or trade. This is an old house that was turned into an upstairs, & downstairs apartment, so there's only the downstairs neighbor. Same for the house next door. I definitely don't want to live where there are small children around, for that reason. It's pretty much all older people around here now, except for nxt door upstairs, a guy around my age, but is quiet, & at work most of the time, so we have a good group of people here.

Quiet is good for my stress level!  

Not sure how it all works, how much of a choice I will have, etc..  It would also be hard to leave here, after  doing all the work my parents & I have done over the years to make it mine. I've been here 17 years!   

In fact, the only room left with that old, ugly indoor outdoor blue carpet is my office (the 2nd bedroom), & I had planned on taking that up & painting the floors in there, as well as the walls. The bathroom is due for painting as well, so was going to do them in the same color.  I even had a nice color picked out! Mink Haze by Buhr, but of course I found out that it's from their most expensive line, so if I do it, I will be trying to match it w/ another line. Maybe it can be matched w/ the swatch I have. Anyway, That if I stay here!  


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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
@rubysmama  , That is a good idea, however, I don't know if I would add it on my cards. Usually pet sitting implies, or includes overnights, & having Sammy now, I wouldn't be able to do that. If I had someone else here at home I could, but it's just me.  Also if I had to most likely go to a house in the morning to feed a pet, & then wherever I am working that day, maybe being on opposite ends of town, It would have to be worth all the running around I'd be doing before & then again later after working. It's a good idea, but I'm just not sure about it.  
You would definitely have to ensure you could fit the petting sitting into your house cleaning schedule, and it would be just to supplement your current income, not your main focus. And I did mean you go to the cat's home, not board them at your place. If your landlord saw cars pulling up and dropping off cats at your place, that would probably send him over the edge !!!

Maybe Google cat sitters and see what comes up in your area, just to get an idea of what others are offering. Even if you just did weekends and holidays when the demand is probably the greatest. Course that's assuming you'd be available those days.

I once looked into doing cat sitting myself, but realized with Canada's weather and my dislike of driving in snow, I'd be a wreck if I was cat sitting during a snowstorm. Don't think that's a problem in your area.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 2, 2016
Hello! I've had a rough time as of late and stumbled upon this thread through some user profiles. Just spent the last few minutes skimming and reading. Your story has solidified my belief that cats can be such great vehicles for spirituality/faith. I've certainly experienced this and it's great to see others with similar experiences. Your updates on Sammy are so heartfelt and uplifting. Can't wait to hear more. Thanks for sharing! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
south Georgia
It breaks my heart as to your struggling and all.  You are a smart young woman.  Is there a reason you choose not to work a 40 hour week and with that job have full benefits???   You would have so much more financial freedom and life would be so much easier.  Hey, maybe I should start cleaning houses if that job is so lucrative.  But still, no benefits though not working full time,  and we all get older.  Please advise this stupid old woman the reason for your choice.   And love that pink collar.
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  • #228

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Nov 5, 2011
You would definitely have to ensure you could fit the petting sitting into your house cleaning schedule, and it would be just to supplement your current income, not your main focus. And I did mean you go to the cat's home, not board them at your place. If your landlord saw cars pulling up and dropping off cats at your place, that would probably send him over the edge !!!

Maybe Google cat sitters and see what comes up in your area, just to get an idea of what others are offering. Even if you just did weekends and holidays when the demand is probably the greatest. Course that's assuming you'd be available those days.

I once looked into doing cat sitting myself, but realized with Canada's weather and my dislike of driving in snow, I'd be a wreck if I was cat sitting during a snowstorm. Don't think that's a problem in your area.
Oh, I know you didn't mean bringing them home. I could never do that, nor would I.   I think probably a better choice for possible extra money right now, is just letting my current clients know that if they would like any extra help organizing, or decorating for the holidays, etc... That I have some extra time right now.  Since I am at a different house, different area every day, & pet sitting services usually would be needed twice a day, I just don't think the extra mileage/ running around for a short visit would really be worth it.
Hello! I've had a rough time as of late and stumbled upon this thread through some user profiles. Just spent the last few minutes skimming and reading. Your story has solidified my belief that cats can be such great vehicles for spirituality/faith. I've certainly experienced this and it's great to see others with similar experiences. Your updates on Sammy are so heartfelt and uplifting. Can't wait to hear more. Thanks for sharing! 
Thank you!  .....And welcome to the site! I saw your profile, &  glad to see another poet here. I started a poetry thread a little while back, but only had a few others post. Maybe you can check it out. 

It breaks my heart as to your struggling and all.  You are a smart young woman.  Is there a reason you choose not to work a 40 hour week and with that job have full benefits???   You would have so much more financial freedom and life would be so much easier.  Hey, maybe I should start cleaning houses if that job is so lucrative.  But still, no benefits though not working full time,  and we all get older.  Please advise this stupid old woman the reason for your choice.   And love that pink collar.
Hi mazie,      I always have worked those kind of jobs. After being laid off from my last job after 2 years, (Re Bath office Mgr/receptionist) this was something I never thought I'd be doing. It's one of those things that just happened, it took off, so I developed it, & built it up. My mom was helping a blind lady & she knew someone who also needed help, so I did it, & it snowballed from there, just from referrals!  I built my business up in only one year. Now, of course some have come & gone in that time, but were always replaced in not too much time. Usually only because they couldn't afford me anymore, but I am very reasonable compared to what I've heard places like Molly Maids charges. It's ridiculous!!  

Prior to the last job mentioned, I was a buyer in the wellness dpt. & sole buyer for the general merchandise dpt. at our local natural food co-op. I was there for 6 & 1/2 yrs. I had around 35 accounts that I bought for, & was not making the amount I should've been making for everything I was doing & the amount of time I was there,  (like less than 12.00/hr!! & that's w/ having what no one in my dpt had, a cosmetology license/background, as well as skincare & massage! so should've been making more like 15.00/hr!)  on top of being micromanaged, which I hated!

See, here in Wilmington, cost of living compares to other larger cities in the Carolinian's, BUT, our pay scale is much less!!   Seriously, there was even a piece on the local news about it a few yrs ago.

I guess because we are at the beach, so people sacrifice to live here. It's also a college, & a retiree town.  So, it's not easy here.

I also do not have the advanced computer skills that I would now need for any other kind of desk job again. 

My last few years at the co-op, I was ready for something else, where I could make more money, but be able to leave when my work is done, not have to sit around waiting for the clock, etc... put in a full 8 hrs.

Also to not be micro managed.  So when the cleaning business started taking off, I realized it was an answered prayer of those things. I can work a few hours, yes, physically harder work, but can make about the same in a day, for less time, & I am my own boss!  I have never done well being micromanaged. I'm sure no one likes it.

Anyway,   it's one of those things where they say how when you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, it just falls into place, & that's what happened.

I just have to fill a couple of days that are open right now is all. I'd like to get more than that, if I can manage to do it all, so if I lose someone, It won't affect me as much while waiting to fill it. 

Yes, it sucks not having benefits, but few of my jobs have, or I couldn't afford for any extra to come out of my check for them anyway.  If I can get enough business, I will have extra to do some of those things with.

Here's my Linked In profile, if you'd like to view it. 



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
south Georgia
Thank you, Kelly, I understand what you are saying and I understand it is not easy.  Thank you dear for being so candid.  One thing I have known about you since you have first started answering threads, and in particular your "Angel" story,  you are a very strong young woman and you persevere!!  Hang tight, girl.  Those with strong constitutions see that  in time life  begins to turn around.   It's true,  just hang in there!! 
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  • #230

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Thank you, Kelly, I understand what you are saying and I understand it is not easy.  Thank you dear for being so candid.  One thing I have known about you since you have first started answering threads, and in particular your "Angel" story,  you are a very strong young woman and you persevere!!  Hang tight, girl.  Those with strong constitutions see that  in time life  begins to turn around.   It's true,  just hang in there!! 
Thank you mazie! 
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  • #231

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Hi all, so nothing new to report, but just thought I'd post some new pictures of my girl! 
Kind of dark, but she's finally get'n some scritchies on the cat tree! She's so cute, she's so little, she hasn't reached up past the bottom one yet. 

Waiting for dinner one day,                                                                                     ...........still waiting, get in here mom!

She likes being on the porch

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  • #233

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Thanks Eric. I know, she is so shiny, & velvety. That's why I thought about changing her name to Velvet, now that I know she's a girl. Lol. I think she already knows Sammy though, so I decided to keep it. I say it, & sing it a lot, so she knows it.[emoji]128522[/emoji] Yes, I pray she stays healthy. We definitely HAVE to get that tooth out! Her breath is not good! I hate to wait until February, but the vet said she thinks she'll be fine. It's a upper back tooth on the left. How she got a cavity, who knows!! I need to see about maybe starting a fund raiser on that site mentioned by someone in an earlier post. I'll have to look back through to find it again. I hate to do that, but anything to help go toward it will help.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Velvet is a lovely name for a cat, it certainly suits her. Thanks for posting all those nice pictures.

I hope her dental goes well. I have to get one of my semi-ferals down for a dental check this week. Another one has developed a rash on his chin so he'll need to be checked over too. My poor vet! I'm sure his heart must sink every time he's seems me in his waiting room.

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  • #235

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Velvet is a lovely name for a cat, it certainly suits her. Thanks for posting all those nice pictures.

I hope her dental goes well. I have to get one of my semi-ferals down for a dental check this week. Another one has developed a rash on his chin so he'll need to be checked over too. My poor vet! I'm sure his heart must sink every time he's seems me in his waiting room.

Thanks, but no appointment yet. I was trying to wait for the dental discount month. If I raised the money before then, I would have it done. The sooner, the better. She eats fine & everything. The vet seems to think she'll be fine until then, but if I could, I'd have it done asap.

I do love the name Velvet, but I think she's a Sammy, since she seems to already know that name.
She's such a cute little munchkin though! [emoji]128522[/emoji]
Or I joke & sing, 'Samalina, my little ballerina." :lol3:

I hope your kitties do well at the vets!
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  • #238

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Thought I'd post some pictures of Sammy playing today. We had fun! 

Just look at that face! Such a little monkey!!     

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  • #240

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
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