I've been adopted again! Kind of long,(sorry) & picts! :)

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  • #202

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Hi Kelly

How are you and Sammy doing? 
Hi Eric!   Sammy is doing fine.

 Warning, a little venting going on below. 

 I on the other hand have been SO stressed out about this stupid stuff from my landlord. I am still looking everywhere on line, & asking around about any possible new places to live but unfortunately what I am currently paying, all I can afford to pay, just doesn't exist anymore!  I really do have it good here. I just wish my landlord would be better!  

I still plan on typing something up for the neighbors to sign, saying they don't care I have a cat, & don't plan on getting one either.  I know no one else cares, I just want to do that to get that lady downstairs to sign, since I know she is the troublemaker, just because I called on a barking, visiting dog once. Knowing her, she would be all sweet to my face, saying she doesn't mind, & then telling the landlord different!  She's the only reason I want something signed, so she can't deny it. IF she will!

ANYWAY,  So I am hoping to somehow catch her & my landlord in good moods when I do this. I have just been too busy to do it yet. I was spending a lot of time online trying to look for places.

I am also thinking about calling to see if I qualify for rent assistance/ housing program.  From what I saw online, I think I do! SO I thought, "why not?"  I am tired of struggling, have no insurance, etc... while these women who have baby after baby are living off the system, as well as substance abusers!   VS/ Here I am started my own business 3 & 1/2 yrs ago, work hard, & still barely make ends meet. If that can help me, why not!

 My only concern is how long is a waiting list, & will I be able to get the space I need similar to what I have. I also have a storage outside, under my porch full of stuff (Christmas stuff, a bike, a small grill, flower pots, etc..) so I would also need some kind of storage shed on site. I get things from there, take things out all the time, so want access right there. (like extra fans, heater, etc..)  

So, I guess I will just have to talk to someone & see what I can find out.


       I feel So stupid!!!  
 Now, I did try & look & feel in all the fluff, & I thought I saw or felt a little pee,pee, but it must've just been all the fluff or a roll of skin.  He, ...I mean she, wouldn't really let me look very well, & I lifted the tail, but she wouldn't let me near there to spread the fur, so I thought all I saw was one hole, so I thought, OK, it's a boy. Funny, because just looking at her, I felt like she was  one too. WOW,  it feels SO weird! I still see a little boy when I look at her. I think I'm going to have to buy a new collar with some pink in it, to subconsciously register in my brain!! I think after two months, she already is getting her name, so don't want to change it, but it sucks, because I had some good names for a girl, but no, I thought a boy, so...Just a few,  I thought of Raven because of her color, as well as Onyx, or Velvet, because she is so velvety!! 

She just doesn't look like a girl to me. CRAZY!!!!!   So I keep saying, good girl, sweet girl, etc... to try & get used to it.... it's just weird!

The vet also changed Samuel to Samantha in the computer. LOL!  I guess it should be an "ie" but I like the "Y"  

What's so funny is that I thought Angel was a girl for almost the first year, because he was my first kitty. I had only grown up with a female peek-a-poo, & his little thing looked like her little thing, (since he was already neutered when he came to me), So I thought he was a girl. 
 Boy did I have some kitty things to learn, but I should've known this one!! Geeez!! 

So, now Sammy's first appointment went well, otherwise yesterday. That's where the tech showed me it was a girl!   She tested negative for FIV/Leukemia, so that's great!

She got three shots yesterday. The Leukemia, distemper, & rabies. We have to go back in a month for 2 boosters. 

She has also had a little stinky breath, so asked about teeth. She does have one bad one that has to come out.

It's on her back upper left side. It has a cavity hole in it. The vet said she will probably be fine to wait until the cleaning special month, February. The only problem is, it's not going to be cheap!  She said something like around 400.00!   I thought that was a lot, because back when Angel had a cleaning & extraction it was around 300.00. Still not cheap, but wow, did it go up that much in a few years??!!   So, That's just what I need on top of everything else right now.  SO, the only thing I can think of right now, is whatever Christmas bonus money I get from clients this year, I will probably have to use it for that. I'd love to use it to treat myself to something nice, just for me, but I don't think I'll have that option. Last year, I used what I got toward Angel's first chemo appointments, before the Go Fund Me got going.  

I swear, I was telling a friend with the year I've had, I don't need a spa day, I need a spa vacation, or spa month!!

Dec was Angel's diagnosis, then treatment for two months, just to loose my soul kitty. Then in June/July when I was so dizzy/sick for 10 days, & now all of this stuff w/ my landlord!!

(aaand, a Sammy tooth that needs to come out).  Oh yea, they also think she is about 5 years old. Not 2 or 3, as I thought. I guess because she was so little when she first came to me,

the first time I weighed her she was only 7.8 lbs!  She is 9 now. This seems to be a good weight on her, because she is small. I don't want her to be more than 10 lbs.

So, ...sorry for venting, but thanks for listening my friends!!!  
       ....And that the whole update right now!



La Folle Aux Chats
Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2016
La Rochelle, France
I don't know where to begin! I love your update!

I guess I'll take care of the not so nice stuff first... I'm going to vent a little too...

Here in France, the health care system and welfare system is good. I too, started my own business back in 2011, and found myself on welfare for the first time. Let me tell you, it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's not enough to live of off, I have barely enough to pay the rent, the rest I pay on credit. My health insurance is free, that's the great thing about it. Sure, there are people that use the system, and abuse it. Do you really think that the sum of these people and what money they take equals all of the tax shelters of really well off people? They too, use and abuse the system. I just wish people would stop thinking about welfare as some kind of great thing that allows you to do nothing and watch TV all day. That's just not the reality of it.

OK, I'm done.

Sammy is a girl!
I thought she was a boy, even in the pics she doesn't have that female vibe that I normally get. Weird. I love the name you chose for her, Sammy is a great name!

About the teeth cleaning, if you do it now, I think a YouCaring page or something similar would be great. I know I would donate. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it. After all, that's what we are here for!


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
 Sammy is a girl?  Oh, dear.  At least she has a name that works either way. And she's every bit as beautiful a lady as she was handsome a gent!  

I don't know about North Carolina resources but for federal help, check out:  http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/topics/housing_choice_voucher_program_section_8   You're right about having to get on a waiting list so this wouldn't be immediate help but down the road.  For updates on waiting lists see:  https://freshpickeddeals.com/helpwithsec8.com    You can email them at:  [email protected].  

Another resource is calling 211,which is like 411 except it provides info on state and local human services resources for things ranging from housing help to storm recovery.  I think in NC, it's run through the United Way.  Here's their website:  http://www.unitedwaync.org/nc211

I hope you can find a new place.   My low rent is keeping me where I am as well, although fortunately they allow cats.  


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 18, 2012
Los Angeles
Kelly, Angel is laughing at the joke he's played on you, that Sammy is a girl! Sarah would say, "Mother, Aunt Kelly has a daughter, just as you do!" To be fair, it is difficult to tell the genders of cats, especially when the cat is uncooperative. As you know, Sarah was three months old when she came into my life. I wasn't sure of her gender until I took her to the vet.
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  • #206

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Nov 5, 2011
I don't know where to begin! I love your update!

I guess I'll take care of the not so nice stuff first... I'm going to vent a little too...

Here in France, the health care system and welfare system is good. I too, started my own business back in 2011, and found myself on welfare for the first time. Let me tell you, it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's not enough to live of off, I have barely enough to pay the rent, the rest I pay on credit. My health insurance is free, that's the great thing about it. Sure, there are people that use the system, and abuse it. Do you really think that the sum of these people and what money they take equals all of the tax shelters of really well off people? They too, use and abuse the system. I just wish people would stop thinking about welfare as some kind of great thing that allows you to do nothing and watch TV all day. That's just not the reality of it.

OK, I'm done.

Sammy is a girl!
I thought she was a boy, even in the pics she doesn't have that female vibe that I normally get. Weird. I love the name you chose for her, Sammy is a great name!

About the teeth cleaning, if you do it now, I think a YouCaring page or something similar would be great. I know I would donate. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it. After all, that's what we are here for!
Hi Lyzzie,  Yes, I understand what you are saying, & I agree. I was not however talking about getting on welfare. I do not have children, so I wouldn't qualify. (Just like Medicaid). 

What I was referring to, was possibly looking into section 8 as Margd posted.  Honestly, I've done so much to this place to make it better, make it my own over the years, I'd like to stay. BUT, I may have to rehome Sammy if I can't convince my landlord to let her stay.  With a waiting list, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to find a place in time.  It's just A LOT to deal with!  

Honestly, if I could just get a few more clients, I'd be ok, as long as my landlord didn't raise my rent, but that's something I need to be prepared for & able to afford if he does, because I still wouldn't find any place cheaper.  

Rehoming Sammy isn't something that I want to do either, but it may come down to me not having a choice. She will be a hard case to rehome, having to stay inside somewhere. I have had a really hard time keeping her in, just the few times I had to. She is usually good at night, sleeps, or is looking out the windows, but last night, for some reason, she meowed almost ALL night. She tried my patients to say the least!!!

I was also worried that they could hear her downstairs, which will not help this whole situation!!

I gave calming treats, & sprayed the calming spray around as well, but it didn't seem to make a difference!  I finally gave in at 4:30. I couldn't take it anymore, & had to sleep. I checked the weather for the temp. It was 47 out, so not too bad, plus she has that bottom of an old carrier out on the porch w/ a towel in it, to lay in.  Even when I let her in for breakfast at 7:30, she was back at the door. I was like, "Well, why did you come in then, if you want to go right back out?" I made her eat first, she came over when she saw me put it down. She ate about half, then wanted back out. She came in again to finish it, one more time before I left for work.

She has just been so adiment about going out.  She's out there right now, ate most of her dinner, then went back out, & is just laying in the carrier. 

She better get it together in the next couple of days, because it's supposed to finally get down to the mid 30's at night this weekend!  I don't want her out at night, especially if it's that cold!

I know this...She will definitely NEED some amatriptyline if she has to transition to indoor only!!

YES, I know what you mean as a boy vibe with her. I feel the same way. It's hard to call her little girl, when I still see a little boy.  

Oh, & thanks for the YouCaring suggestion. I haven't heard of that one before. I'll check it out. Thanks!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Where I live people are on the Section 8 housing list literally for years before their turn comes. Edit: And these are people who have children. One little family I knew was on the list for 8 years.
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La Folle Aux Chats
Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2016
La Rochelle, France
Hi Lyzzie,  Yes, I understand what you are saying, & I agree. I was not however talking about getting on welfare. I do not have children, so I wouldn't qualify. (Just like Medicaid).
Oh I didn't know that! Here you don't have to have kids to be eligible. There is a separate allocation for people who have kids.

I have no idea what section 8 is, but I'm going to look into it, it's always interesting to know how things work elsewhere. The part where your landlord can just raise the rent whenever is also baffling to me.

But I understand that after (I think you said 17 years?) such a long time, you consider your house to be your home. I'm sure we can help you find a way to make all of this at least bearable.

If you need more clients, maybe we can help with that as well? For example, I know I could make you a website, to present your work, you could tell your clients about it, help spread the word. If someone here draws, that could be an opportunity to get an awesome logo to put on business cards! Hey, maybe someone here works in the paper business, and could even make you some!
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  • #210

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Nov 5, 2011
@Lyzzie, Yea, unfortunately, that's NC for you!! They are one of the only states that didn't change that when Obamacare went into effect. Hopefully, we will get a new governor, & that will change!
It is frustrating to be "caught in the middle" so to speak. That's why it's so hard for me. No kids, or disabilities to qualify for Medicaid, & don't make enough to qualify for Obamacare! It all sucks!!
Nothing for people like me.

As for my business, I do residential cleaning, so it mostly only works on referrals. As many cards as I have put out, given out, etc...I never had anyone call me from that, that I didn't get from a referral. Clients usually come by way of other clients referrals. People want someone who actually knows you, or uses you, because you are coming into their home. Trust is a big issue. All of my clients would give me good references if needed. I have had most of them for either the entire 3 & 1/2 yrs I've been doing it, or at least over 2 years. Any other clients I have lost, it was only because they had to cut back financially.
I have keys to half of my clients homes, because they are at work when I come, & the others are either retired, or work from home, so are there when I am.
I have let them know that I have a couple of openings to fill if they know anyone who is looking.
I actually gave out cards 3xs on Saturday. Two to the people in front of & behind me while talking for 30 minutes in line waiting to vote. Then, I stopped at the grocery store, & saw my old aerobics coach from high school (& I am 47 now!) & Caught up w/ her, & she said she is teaching at two schools now, & busy, so had thought about it, asked for my email, & said I would definitely be hearing from her. I hope so!
She seemed like she was really interested! So, hopefully all of that will manifest some new business!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
What a surprise that must have been when your vet told you Sammy was a girl.  Good thing you picked a name that will also work for a girl. And, yes, Sammy needs a pink collar now. 

Still hoping you will be able to keep Sammy, either at your current place, or somewhere new.

As I was reading about your job, a thought come to my mind. Have you ever considered adding cat (or pet) sitting to your house cleaning business. Since you already go into people's homes, it seems like an easy transition.  And you already have some people to use as references. Plus, after all you did caring for Angel, I think you'd be fine administering medications to pets who needed them.  You could probably get a reference from your vet as well, and maybe referrals too. Anyway, not sure if it's something that would work, but thought I'd mention it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
As I was reading about your job, a thought come to my mind. Have you ever considered adding cat (or pet) sitting to your house cleaning business. Since you already go into people's homes, it seems like an easy transition.  And you already have some people to use as references. Plus, after all you did caring for Angel, I think you'd be fine administering medications to pets who needed them.  You could probably get a reference from your vet as well, and maybe referrals too. Anyway, not sure if it's something that would work, but thought I'd mention it.
Great idea! A girlfriend of mine who was unemployed for years does that now. She loves it. She walks dogs - that's the main part - but she spends a lot of time visiting owners' cats & making sure they are ok. Many times she even does overnights. And you wouldn't believe the tips she makes now that the pet owners know her. $100 is not uncommon.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Just catching up with this thread now. So funny that Samuel is actually a Samantha!

Cats are full of surprises.


Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
angels mommy angels mommy
Hi Kelly,
Just catching up on you and Sammy or Samantha. Either girl or boy, Sammy is still fine. Sorry to read about all you have been going through. I do hope things all work out. Yes, rents are very high, almost like a mortgage. I found that out years ago when I was looking for another apartment after my landlord sold the house and new landlord wanted all tenants out. I had also been paying a low rent, never realized how low until I went looking. The rents were outrageous, so outrageous that my husband decided to buy a house instead. The mortgage was the same as landlords wanted for rent. So believe me, I do understand and sympathize with what you are going through. I truly hope things go your way and you can also keep Sammy. I think you two need each other, just like me and my kitties. I wish you all the luck, Kelly. I will be thinking of you and Sammy both, and praying for the best.
Your TCS friend, Gloria
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  • #216

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Nov 5, 2011
@rubysmama  , That is a good idea, however, I don't know if I would add it on my cards. Usually pet sitting implies, or includes overnights, & having Sammy now, I wouldn't be able to do that. If I had someone else here at home I could, but it's just me.  Also if I had to most likely go to a house in the morning to feed a pet, & then wherever I am working that day, maybe being on opposite ends of town, It would have to be worth all the running around I'd be doing before & then again later after working. It's a good idea, but I'm just not sure about it.  

@Norachan, Yea, I think Angel was playing a trick on me, since I thought he was a girl for almost the first year! 
  In my defence Angel was my first kitty, after only growing up w/ a female peek-a poo. LOL!  I have no defence w/ Sammy, except her not letting me look thorough enough to tell. 

@Loving Mickey, Thanks Gloria. Yes, it is expensive out there!!  Right now, I am going to see about qualifying for section 8 here in NC. I looked at it, & I definitely make less than what they say a one person household should make to qualify.  Those kind of things have very long waiting list so I am going to see if I can just get where I already am on that program. Downstairs already is, as well as the downstairs in the house next door, so don't know why my landlord wouldn't agree to it. He would be able to raise/ get more rent, that I'm sure he has been wanting, & I will only have to pay 30% .  That would put me in a much better place financially!  I would actually work on paying some bills down & off as well!! Then, I will be in a better position. Not that that's why I am where I am, I still make less than the minimum amount to qualify, so I guess I've been struggling all theses years, & maybe could've had this!  Just a good example of someone trying to work hard to make it w/ out help.  The only thing is, getting my landlord to still let me keep Sammy!  Hopefully since he'll be getting more money, maybe he will. I don't know......   Yes, thank you for the prayers, we definitely NEED them!!! ...LOTS of them!   

OH, So when I came home Thursday, Sammy was laying in the carrier bottom bed out on the porch, & when she came in her collar was gone!

Of course, after just getting the tag from the vet on Monday, it's already lost!! If it got hung up on something, I'm glad it was a breakaway, but wonder if she accidentally did it scratching or something, like w/ her foot. I hope no one took it off of her!!  So, I made her stay in, & ran to PetSmart for another collar & name tag. I thought about changing her name, now that I know she's a girl, I liked Velvet, because she is so velvety! BUT, I think she already knows Sammy pretty good after a couple of months, so I decided to just keep it. 

Of course I did get a pink collar this time! I hope this one last longer than less than 2 months, or this is going to get expensive. I only want the glow in the dark collar, for her safety, & they are almost 9.00, then the name tag was almost 8.00. 

If she does get to stay here, I will have her microchipped, since she goes out. Might as well add that to the large amount it's going to be to extract that tooth! 

All tuckered out!
This morning, snuggled up to me [emoji]128571[/emoji]
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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Sammy looks lovely in her pink collar.   I hope she keeps it on for awhile and is not like my old Wesley who could get them off in mere minutes!  
  She really is a little sweetheart.    

About petsitting - you could always just accept clients that fit in with your schedule.  There really is a need for pet sitters and you would be a godsend to those in need.  
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  • #218

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Nov 5, 2011
Sammy looks lovely in her pink collar.   I hope she keeps it on for awhile and is not like my old Wesley who could get them off in mere minutes!  
  She really is a little sweetheart.    

About petsitting - you could always just accept clients that fit in with your schedule.  There really is a need for pet sitters and you would be a godsend to those in need.  
Aww, Thanks Margd. Yes, you have a point there, I could say "Some pet services" as well. Then people could inquire about it. 
   @rubysmama, has a point, after everything I went through with Angel, I definitely

could do quite a bit, cat willing...of course. 
LOL!  ...And maybe add / assistance to it. Having to give Angel fluids to flush his bladder was no fun, but once you do it, it's not too bad. At first, it takes two people anyway. My mom came over to help keep Angel in place the first few times, until I had it down.  Maybe I could help someone else like that. I could always ask my vet, if it's someone in the area, & not  out where they are, way across town. Only 11 miles away, but "in town traffic" & lights, it' at least a 25- 30 minute drive. Longer if traffic is at a busy time, & you get all red lights! It's taken me up to 30-40 minutes before! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
All tuckered out!
This morning, snuggled up to me [emoji]128571[/emoji]
your Sammy looks so pretty in her new pink collar! 

i think seeing if you can get on the section 8 program with your current apartment is a great idea! that might actually get you on section 8 faster. and, once you're on it you may very well have more options as far as looking for another apartment, if needed.
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  • #220

angels mommy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
your Sammy looks so pretty in her new pink collar! 

i think seeing if you can get on the section 8 program with your current apartment is a great idea! that might actually get you on section 8 faster. and, once you're on it you may very well have more options as far as looking for another apartment, if needed.
Thanks Jenn!  Yes, it really is helping me see her as a girl now... 

I agree about the housing as well. Hopefully it can/will be an easy transition, & my landlord won't have any issues with it. I'd like to get to negotiate keeping Sammy, for him getting more rent, but it's something I need to do anyway, so don't know if there is any kind of negotiating. Especially with him!  I don't want to mention anything that I am trying to do to him, just incase. I want to see what I can find out first, & if it is possible to do, & just need him to agree & sign paperwork, etc.. then we'll see. At least then, I will have some kind of lease as well. 

Maybe through every ones prayer's, & good vibes, we can get it manifested without any drama!!  I've had enough of that!!  

This could be such a big help to me financially. It would be great to not have things be So tight, & to start paying down some bills, especially that care credit!!! 
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