Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Hope the doctor can adjust the medicine to normalize your blood pressure @Artiemom I have the opposite problem, too low. My doctor just told me to increase water and salt intake and to not move too suddenly to avoid getting light headed.
You are far, far braver than I.  I keep seeing things like beginners' tai chi or yoga for the elderly, and thinking, well, maybe...but then I look at what they are doing and my body whispers, "I will kill you if you make me do that!"
I never was interested in yoga before. It seemed like something hippies and religious people do with chanting and bending their bodies into odd shapes. I know people who do yoga and they really like it so I decided to give it a try.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
We're doing a bit better today. Its a shame that Carrot and Angua don't want to play with Ruby they both love playing together. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 8, 2015
I've only skimmed the last two pages so I'm sorry for butting in! 

Ming likes to eat in my room more than he likes to eat in his designated spot in the kitchen. He'll eat quickly and more in my room but in the kitchen?? Even if I KNOW he's hungry, he doesn't eat it right away without some time or treats. Ugh! 

I don't mind feeding him in my room, but my parents don't like it! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Hope the doctor can adjust the medicine to normalize your blood pressure @Artiemom I have the opposite problem, too low. My doctor just told me to increase water and salt intake and to not move too suddenly to avoid getting light headed.
You are far, far braver than I.  I keep seeing things like beginners' tai chi or yoga for the elderly, and thinking, well, maybe...but then I look at what they are doing and my body whispers, "I will kill you if you make me do that!"
I never was interested in yoga before. It seemed like something hippies and religious people do with chanting and bending their bodies into odd shapes. I know people who do yoga and they really like it so I decided to give it a try.
I love yoga.  The key is that if it hurts, you don't do it.  Yoga is not supposed to be painful, and if it is you're either doing it wrong or doing something too advanced for your body.  You stick to what you can do without pain.  Push yourself a little bit further occasionally, if you want to, but you don't have to.  In my opinion yoga is the perfect exercise -- basically, it's just stretching.  It makes your body feel better immediately, and then you find yourself moving more all day long just because you feel good.  Cats are masters of it -- just look at the way they stretch whenever they wake up.

Yes, some people do yoga as a spiritual practice, and I have nothing against that, but the techniques work just fine for your body without imposing any kind of religious beliefs on you, unless you get into a class with a teacher who insists on some particular viewpoint.  In that case either find a different class, buy a book, or get it from YouTube or record some of the yoga classes they run on television in the wee hours.  Just remember that you are in charge -- you get to decide how far you're comfortable going and no one has any right to try to shame you into going further than you want.

Jasmine was sitting in the window this morning just after dawn, moaning pitifully.  It seems the birds and squirrels not only don't want to play with her, they were ignoring her entirely!  Poor baby. 



Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I've only skimmed the last two pages so I'm sorry for butting in! 

Ming likes to eat in my room more than he likes to eat in his designated spot in the kitchen. He'll eat quickly and more in my room but in the kitchen?? Even if I KNOW he's hungry, he doesn't eat it right away without some time or treats. Ugh! 

I don't mind feeding him in my room, but my parents don't like it! 
No need to worry about  "butting in."  This is the babbling thread and everyone is welcome to say whatever they wish. Well, within reason of course.  
    And anything to do with cats is definitely within reason.

Ming may prefer your room because he feels more secure there.  Kitchens tend to be busy places and he might just feel a bit tense eating there.  The other reason he might prefer your room to the kitchen is because bedrooms tend to be carpeted while kitchens are not.  Sometimes a cat will come along who prefers to eat on carpet - my Chula is like that.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
all my cats prefer eating on carpet floors. I bought some cheap Christmas door matts and put those around their dishes then cardboard under that as well so any splashes gets caught by the rugs and cardboard. Honeybee is my splatter kitty. I swear she aims to get it in a 180 degree circle around her dish-so I put a hunk of cardboard against the wall where the dishes are-catches the splatters. Some kitties are just messy eaters.

Here it is Thursday and tomorrow will be 1 week since we let Floey go to the Rainbow Bridge. Today a week ago we made the long drive to meet Dr B. So very sad but so very glad she is not suffering anymore.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
Today is going to be a scorcher, so I'm getting all my chores done this morning. I'm washing all our clothes and hanging them on the line, I only have one light on in the house and I've already vacuumed. I think we're going to have a salad for dinner so I don't have to cook anything.

I have all the doors and some windows open. When the outside temp is the same as the house, I'm going to close everything up and it should stay cool in here all day. Right now it's 72 inside and 69 outside. Hopefully when we get home from ocqueoc falls, the house will still be cool.

Hope you all stay safe and cool today.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Again congratulations on your first cat sitting job. I hope it leads to many more. When you get going a bit more you should invest in a few t shirts with your company name on them. It IDs you as someone who should be there to neighbors and is a conversation starter.
On some of the pet sitting forums, I've actually seen some things against that kinda thing when it comes to house sitting (car magnets, wraps, all that stuff) because it tells everyone "Hey, the owner's not home!". A couple of people ended up having some big problems with that actually. But I think the majority haven't, and t-shirts are definitely less conspicuous than a car wrap. Actually, gonna have lunch with my nephew sometime this month, gonna talk to him about possibly making t-shirts.

   Good luck on your first job!! Will be thinking about you!  Have fun with the BBQ!!!
         Can you leave the litter boxes in your back yard, in the sun? That way no one can see them. 
I have no back yard. There is some grass behind my house but it's not really a yard per se, and anyone can go there (and kids go behind the houses here all the time when they're running around). I'll probably do it Sunday morning, after I get back from my cat sit.

After months (probably more than a year actually) of having near-constant hip pain, and then being woken up by it the last few nights, I decided yesterday to make an appointment with a bone doctor. I'm only 39, but I know my meds cause thinning of the bones, and my mom has very bad arthritis (she's had four joint replacements, and could stand to use two more, but she doesn't want to go through it again). I really want to rule out bone issues first before figuring out what the problem is. So, next Thursday. Not really wanting to do this, been trying to avoid it, but it's gotten significantly worse. And now with trying to start my own business, I need to get this fixed pronto.

So for now, putting the job hunt on hold. It is gonna suck, but I need the insurance and I have a pretty decent plan where I work. So, sucking it up for now.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Babbling is slow in the middle of the week. I am going to see a new doctor today for a physical. Yay for that. 
good luck with that.. I saw my new doctor last week. 
On some of the pet sitting forums, I've actually seen some things against that kinda thing when it comes to house sitting (car magnets, wraps, all that stuff) because it tells everyone "Hey, the owner's not home!". A couple of people ended up having some big problems with that actually. But I think the majority haven't, and t-shirts are definitely less conspicuous than a car wrap. Actually, gonna have lunch with my nephew sometime this month, gonna talk to him about possibly making t-shirts.
I have no back yard. There is some grass behind my house but it's not really a yard per se, and anyone can go there (and kids go behind the houses here all the time when they're running around). I'll probably do it Sunday morning, after I get back from my cat sit.

After months (probably more than a year actually) of having near-constant hip pain, and then being woken up by it the last few nights, I decided yesterday to make an appointment with a bone doctor. I'm only 39, but I know my meds cause thinning of the bones, and my mom has very bad arthritis (she's had four joint replacements, and could stand to use two more, but she doesn't want to go through it again). I really want to rule out bone issues first before figuring out what the problem is. So, next Thursday. Not really wanting to do this, been trying to avoid it, but it's gotten significantly worse. And now with trying to start my own business, I need to get this fixed pronto.

So for now, putting the job hunt on hold. It is gonna suck, but I need the insurance and I have a pretty decent plan where I work. So, sucking it up for now.
well, that nixes the drying in the back yard idea!!

I have hip pain also. I am a lot older than you. As @Winchester  has stated, mine is also from the piriformus muscle. I think it is a bit different from what her symptoms are because my back is not as bad. I have found that the gym does help. I think if I started doing the exercises Winchester suggested, it would improve. 

I am wishing you luck on getting this overcome so you can get on with your new business, pain free. 

I do like the idea of advertising magnets. Those can be kept on the refrigerator.. and kept handy and out of site. That is what I have from several companies. yes, cat related. Vets, groomer, etc. 

Today is a 'home' day..semi-home day.. groceries...

I got myself roped into going from business to business asking for advertisements for the Church's Festival Adbook.. yikes!! What did I get myself into.. I have to ask for donations and ads...yikes....I hate this...but it will help get me out of my shell..yikes!!!

I am really branching out.. in so many different directions...man...I cannot believe my mouth sometimes.. it automatically volunteers for things I would never have dreamed of...strange..

I always said my mouth would get me into trouble!!

Awwwww---we have a sea breeze!! I have the windows open, and I just got a whiff of the ocean, beach... automatic relaxation reminder..love that smell... I am so weird. I even like the smell of low tide!! I love the salt air smell..
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
foxxycat foxxycat glad to hear you are feeling a little bit better since floey passed. I have a messy eater too and I have hard wood floors in my kitchen where bootse eats out of the way but she is so sloppy w/her wet food and I do like it to look nice ya know Any suggestions


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
After being under the weather for so long, I arranged to have my place professionally cleaned.  So what am I doing today?  Furiously cleaning everything I can see so the cleaners don't think I'm a lazy slob. 
  There is a tremendous amount of black hair everywhere.  Paul discovered the joys of  the grooming loop recently and asks for "The Scratcher" several times a day. 

To everyone with pain issues:  ouch.  I've been there and constant pain makes every aspect of life more difficult. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I hear you about the cleaning. I know I have a mess to clean up in all the bedrooms. I vacuum the main areas often but the bedrooms not so much. I can't wait until October so I can start taking my clutter to goodwill and other thrift stores. Its too hot right now. I have boxes from when I moved in 10 years ago and I need to dump them. I have 3 boxes of forms and junk to shred that I kept for some stupid reason. So much cleaning to do but no time or will to do it.

and pain. boy do I know!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
That look nice with hard wood floors I like my kitchen to look pretty with all its big stainless steel appliances and red granite countertops and the oak cabinets. So I want to stop her messiness yet still look pretty ya know

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
So I shouldn't be aching for 2 days after yoga?  I went yesterday and he has a computer/yoga camp going this week.  It wasn't much of a work out since the kids kept complaining about doing things.  "We chanted for 30 minutes last time" - can't argue with that one LOL.  They didn't want to do 12 sun salutations (i think that's what they're called)  The oldest boy there, maybe middle school/or just starting HS spent most of the class looking at himself in the mirror.  I wasn't sore at all after that class.  Not too sure why the guy is working with kids, he doesn't seem to enjoy it.  He's nice and all but doesn't laugh or smile at their antics.  I might go to the evening class on Friday to get away from the kids.  My 30 day unlimited yoga pass is almost done.  Thinking of trying the PBS classes at 7am on TV.

Last night was tiring.  Eclipse threw up a grey hairball ( Fluffy's hair) with most of his dinner.  So at 12 pm I was cleaning that up.  At 11 pm Fluffy started scratching Kim's door.  She was downstairs so I opened the door and let her in. She and Eclipse wandered around.  Fluffy left but I had to get Kim to help get Eclipse out.  Kim was not happy she doesn't want the cats in her room.  At 3 am when Kim was going to bed Fluffy started scratching at her door again.   I finally blocked it off with a large cardboard box and cat litter boxes to keep it in place.  Then she was back at 6am look for attention.  I fed the kitties and opened the cat door.  Then Eclipse threw up a little again this morning.  If it happens again we're going to the vet.  My son was laughing at the barricade in front of Kim's door when he saw it this morning.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
After being under the weather for so long, I arranged to have my place professionally cleaned.  So what am I doing today?  Furiously cleaning everything I can see so the cleaners don't think I'm a lazy slob. 
  There is a tremendous amount of black hair everywhere.  Paul discovered the joys of  the grooming loop recently and asks for "The Scratcher" several times a day. 

To everyone with pain issues:  ouch.  I've been there and constant pain makes every aspect of life more difficult. 
That's why I got a recommendation from a friend for someone to help clean my house.  Sara never criticizes, and she doesn't make me feel embarrassed for being such a slob.

Yes, chronic pain is a real bear.  I've lost friends to it, and an uncle.  Please, anyone who is considering suicide as a way out, make absolutely certain that you've exhausted all other options before you seriously consider that one.  I'm really tired of losing friends.
Babbling is slow in the middle of the week. I am going to see a new doctor today for a physical. Yay for that. 
I got mine on Monday.  I talked with my doctor about the recommendation I'd received from another doctor that I give up coffee, for the sake of my liver.  My doctor said, in more polite language, that the first doctor was talking through her @••.  Coffee could only damage my liver if I were flavoring it with something that damages the liver.  Since I doctor it with unsweetened cashew milk and stevia, I'm go for coffee again.  My doctor's only complaint about the cashew milk is that the carton doesn't have absolute numbers on the amount of calcium in it, it just says "50% more calcium than milk," and she already knew that stevia is safe.
That look nice with hard wood floors I like my kitchen to look pretty with all its big stainless steel appliances and red granite countertops and the oak cabinets. So I want to stop her messiness yet still look pretty ya know
all my cats prefer eating on carpet floors. I bought some cheap Christmas door matts and put those around their dishes then cardboard under that as well so any splashes gets caught by the rugs and cardboard. Honeybee is my splatter kitty. I swear she aims to get it in a 180 degree circle around her dish-so I put a hunk of cardboard against the wall where the dishes are-catches the splatters. Some kitties are just messy eaters.

Here it is Thursday and tomorrow will be 1 week since we let Floey go to the Rainbow Bridge. Today a week ago we made the long drive to meet Dr B. So very sad but so very glad she is not suffering anymore.
I've seen some fairly large foam mats at CostCo, designed to give you a soft place to stand in the kitchen.  I believe it would be easy enough to lean one against the wall, if you want something prettier than cardboard for a backstop.  However, if I wanted to put one under the food dishes I'd cover it with carpet, as I'm pretty sure they're vulnerable to claws and some cats like to knead while they eat.

@foxxycat, yes, it hurts, doesn't it?  This will continue for a while.  I know it helps to know that you did what was best for her, but not even that can make this kind of loss easy.  Be sure and do your grief work, for as long as you need to, so that the wound can heal cleanly.  And remember, we're all here for you, any time you need a shoulder to cry on.  We have a lot of shoulders here.

So I shouldn't be aching for 2 days after yoga?  I went yesterday and he has a computer/yoga camp going this week.  It wasn't much of a work out since the kids kept complaining about doing things.  "We chanted for 30 minutes last time" - can't argue with that one LOL.  They didn't want to do 12 sun salutations (i think that's what they're called)  The oldest boy there, maybe middle school/or just starting HS spent most of the class looking at himself in the mirror.  I wasn't sore at all after that class.  Not too sure why the guy is working with kids, he doesn't seem to enjoy it.  He's nice and all but doesn't laugh or smile at their antics.  I might go to the evening class on Friday to get away from the kids.  My 30 day unlimited yoga pass is almost done.  Thinking of trying the PBS classes at 7am on TV.

Last night was tiring.  Eclipse threw up a grey hairball ( Fluffy's hair) with most of his dinner.  So at 12 pm I was cleaning that up.  At 11 pm Fluffy started scratching Kim's door.  She was downstairs so I opened the door and let her in. She and Eclipse wandered around.  Fluffy left but I had to get Kim to help get Eclipse out.  Kim was not happy she doesn't want the cats in her room.  At 3 am when Kim was going to bed Fluffy started scratching at her door again.   I finally blocked it off with a large cardboard box and cat litter boxes to keep it in place.  Then she was back at 6am look for attention.  I fed the kitties and opened the cat door.  Then Eclipse threw up a little again this morning.  If it happens again we're going to the vet.  My son was laughing at the barricade in front of Kim's door when he saw it this morning.
NO, you should not ache for 2 days after yoga.  If it's making that happen you need a different teacher.  You say you have a free pass to this place.  I understand wanting to get as much as possible from the pass, but that shouldn't include pain.  A lot of people say, "No pain, no gain," but for yoga the mantra should be "No pain, no pain," or "No pain, Gain!"  The book I recommend is Richard Hittleman's Yoga 28 Day Exercise Plan, by Richard Hittleman (duh), ISBN 0-553-27748-0.  You buy the book (you can probably find it used at ABE books) and a yoga mat, and then you take it at your own pace, at home, no further expense required, showers right there when you need them.  Much more comfortable and convenient than going to a class.

One of the problems with classes is that they have to cater to people at all levels of expertise, so you'll get a bunch of stuff that's really intended for kids, plus a bunch of stuff that should only be done by a full fledged yogi.  An individual class would be fine, but those tend to get very expensive, very quickly.



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
On some of the pet sitting forums, I've actually seen some things against that kinda thing when it comes to house sitting (car magnets, wraps, all that stuff) because it tells everyone "Hey, the owner's not home!". A couple of people ended up having some big problems with that actually. But I think the majority haven't, and t-shirts are definitely less conspicuous than a car wrap. Actually, gonna have lunch with my nephew sometime this month, gonna talk to him about possibly making t-shirts.
I have no back yard. There is some grass behind my house but it's not really a yard per se, and anyone can go there (and kids go behind the houses here all the time when they're running around). I'll probably do it Sunday morning, after I get back from my cat sit.

After months (probably more than a year actually) of having near-constant hip pain, and then being woken up by it the last few nights, I decided yesterday to make an appointment with a bone doctor. I'm only 39, but I know my meds cause thinning of the bones, and my mom has very bad arthritis (she's had four joint replacements, and could stand to use two more, but she doesn't want to go through it again). I really want to rule out bone issues first before figuring out what the problem is. So, next Thursday. Not really wanting to do this, been trying to avoid it, but it's gotten significantly worse. And now with trying to start my own business, I need to get this fixed pronto.

So for now, putting the job hunt on hold. It is gonna suck, but I need the insurance and I have a pretty decent plan where I work. So, sucking it up for now.
The nice thing about tee shirts is that it doesn't necessarily brand YOU as the pet sitter.   All sorts of people wear all sorts of tee shirts.  I have one that says "Grateful Dead."  I am not in a rock band, and although I"m certainly grateful, I do NOT appear to be dead...yet...I don't think.
That's why I got a recommendation from a friend for someone to help clean my house.  Sara never criticizes, and she doesn't make me feel embarrassed for being such a slob.

Yes, chronic pain is a real bear.  I've lost friends to it, and an uncle.  Please, anyone who is considering suicide as a way out, make absolutely certain that you've exhausted all other options before you seriously consider that one.  I'm really tired of losing friends.

I got mine on Monday.  I talked with my doctor about the recommendation I'd received from another doctor that I give up coffee, for the sake of my liver.  My doctor said, in more polite language, that the first doctor was talking through her @••.  Coffee could only damage my liver if I were flavoring it with something that damages the liver.  Since I doctor it with unsweetened cashew milk and stevia, I'm go for coffee again.  My doctor's only complaint about the cashew milk is that the carton doesn't have absolute numbers on the amount of calcium in it, it just says "50% more calcium than milk," and she already knew that stevia is safe.

I've seen some fairly large foam mats at CostCo, designed to give you a soft place to stand in the kitchen.  I believe it would be easy enough to lean one against the wall, if you want something prettier than cardboard for a backstop.  However, if I wanted to put one under the food dishes I'd cover it with carpet, as I'm pretty sure they're vulnerable to claws and some cats like to knead while they eat.

@foxxycat, yes, it hurts, doesn't it?  This will continue for a while.  I know it helps to know that you did what was best for her, but not even that can make this kind of loss easy.  Be sure and do your grief work, for as long as you need to, so that the wound can heal cleanly.  And remember, we're all here for you, any time you need a shoulder to cry on.  We have a lot of shoulders here.

NO, you should not ache for 2 days after yoga.  If it's making that happen you need a different teacher.  You say you have a free pass to this place.  I understand wanting to get as much as possible from the pass, but that shouldn't include pain.  A lot of people say, "No pain, no gain," but for yoga the mantra should be "No pain, no pain," or "No pain, Gain!"  The book I recommend is Richard Hittleman's Yoga 28 Day Exercise Plan, by Richard Hittleman (duh), ISBN 0-553-27748-0.  You buy the book (you can probably find it used at ABE books) and a yoga mat, and then you take it at your own pace, at home, no further expense required, showers right there when you need them.  Much more comfortable and convenient than going to a class.

One of the problems with classes is that they have to cater to people at all levels of expertise, so you'll get a bunch of stuff that's really intended for kids, plus a bunch of stuff that should only be done by a full fledged yogi.  An individual class would be fine, but those tend to get very expensive, very quickly.

OH ALL RIGHT...you've convinced me.  I shall order one of the DVDs.  Probably from Amazon.  One of my feedback forums gives out Amazon gift certificates, and I have $40 to spend on there!


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
My new camera has arrived!  
   Unfortunately I can't start playing with it yet because I am still tidying and cleaning.  I can only manage 10-15 min per hour before I have to go back to bed so progress is slow.   I will be glad when I have my energy back.  Meanwhile I am beginning to think my place looks fine and that the new camera needs attention.  It's spent all its life in a box, after all. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
My new camera has arrived!  
   Unfortunately I can't start playing with it yet because I am still tidying and cleaning.  I can only manage 10-15 min per hour before I have to go back to bed so progress is slow.   I will be glad when I have my energy back.  Meanwhile I am beginning to think my place looks fine and that the new camera needs attention.  It's spent all its life in a box, after all. 
Go ahead and play with it, take pics of everything you see, your cat, your toes poking up the bed covers, the view out the window, the cobweb on the ceiling, it will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with it. Don't forget a little exercise, just laying in bed will make you weaker, that's why in the hospital they have you out of bed and walking around as soon as possible.

And don't worry about just being able to do a little cleaning up at a time, there is nobody there messing it up, and anyone who comes visiting is there to VISIT, not to inspect your house. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
come on it can't be that bad Margd. I have weeks of dust in the bedrooms..I am not doing anything about it until the fall. other than a vacuum where I can reach. which is not much because of the junk in the way at the foot of the bed... God I hate it when people come over--we have cat toys and my clothes hanging on the back of the couch-we clean the bath and kitchen daily so at least I dont look too much like a slob. I am sorry you have been under the weather-=I was wondering why I haven't seen you on here...take it easy!! How is your daughter by the way??

yes pictures please of the kitties!!


did I tell you we bought 2 ottomans and put them up against the couch then layered 5 comforters across it and its now a full size bed? we did this because pumps and honeybee would hog the couch with no where to lay down. now we can lay down and still have room for kitties but only one person can lay down. I got my own couch across the room LOL. yeah I am weird.

I haven't slept on a bed in years. Ever since my shoulder surgery in 2007 I haven't slept on a bed. I need the couch to lean my shoulder against..something about beds tick me off. If we share a bed it has to be two separate beds because he tosses and turns every 10 minutes waking me up. i cant sleep so any sleep i manage to get-i get extremely ticked off if he wakes me up..so i sleep on the other couch and problem solved. the other thing is because our couchbed is two separate pieces=he can move all he wants-i don't wake up. so next time we get a bed we will push two twin beds together. but he bought this fancy antique Ethan Allen bed frame headboard thingy so he doesn't want to part with it. so for now we snooze on separate beds. er couches I mean. plus I cant sleep without the boob tube on anymore. and the best part=AC is in the living room!! I can't live without my AC!!!

Oh I pilled Pumps this mornin and tonight with the dasquin. She is really easy to pill-i just load it with butter and use the pill gun-she swallows right away and skuttles away from me-but purrs for me a few minutes later but Honeybee is still harrassing her. She tried to claw her tonight and I tried to intervene and she swiped my finger good. Gushing blood. good thing it was outside. 

Margaret-Thank you for your kind words but I am puzzled by grief work=how do we work through grief? I always thought it would stay with us forever and there isnt really a way to work it out-you just learn to survive with a hole in your soul. At least thats how I managed since the passing of my mother in 2008. Floey is very much missed but I am not crying like I thought I would. Is it because we got to spend so many years together? My other two cats who died were only with me for 3 years and I cried for many many weeks afterwards...perhaps I am seeing the gift that death gave her? I didn't want her to linger and hurt. 

this was the morning of. last week. I could see the look in her eyes. She was ready. And because she went fast after the first shot I know in my heart we did it just in time. If not she would have spent the afternoon having more tremors and more labored breathing. Maybe she was having seizures. I don't know. all I know is she is no longer suffering and I hope she gets to meet all our loved ones who passed on before her.
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