Worried Sick

kitty chew

Kitty chew
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 20, 2016
Greetings fellow cat lovers, I was wondering how many people get really stressed over their cats health? I can't seem to think of much else when my cat is sick, to the point of it making me sick. I have the most beautiful, loving cat Pepe, and I have taken her to the vet a few times over a cough, which the vets said was nothing to worry about the past 3 visits. I think she may have asthma. This time the vet finally agreed, and wants to do xrays. Apart from the stress of emptying my bank acc on costs, I can't stop worrying. She has already had cat flu once, and has just got it again after a stressful vet visit. Now I have to take her back, and leave her all day at the vet for xrays, and I can't handle the thought of her being scared on her own, and getting sick again. Does anyone else get as worked up as me?! My cats are my babies.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Welcome in the world of hyper-worried cats owners!
My cat comes first always, but when something is wrong with her I can't think of anything else.
I had to leave one of them (I had two cats until a year ago) at the clinic a few times and I was worried they could feel lonely and scared, and of course they were. So, yes, I get very worried when they are sick and need attentions, but after all it's for their own sake.
Above all, the only thing that scares me to death is that vets aren't prepared enough to treat their problems and that they could mistreat, abuse, my cats when nobody see them!!!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 25, 2018
My dear departed cat, Gwen, was a timid little girl, and hated going to the vet. It wasn't just the vet, either-- everything about that trip scared her: leaving her apartment, being in her carrier, riding in a car, encountering strangers, and being in the waiting room with other animals. One time when we took her in for a checkup, she wedged herself behind the vet's computer screen. They were amazed, and said that in all their years of seeing pets in this exam room, she was the first to hide there.

Anyway, as a result of her fear, and a bad experience when we did take her in for some sort of stomach bug, we took her to the vet as little as possible. This worked fine for much of her life, but ironically, when she got older and developed a thyroid condition, I wish we'd taken her in more often. We adhered to the once-a-year schedule that the vet recommended, but it turned out that her condition managed to get out of control in less than a year. So I have learned from that experience that vet trips are a necessary evil, and it's important to just grit your teeth and share the misery with your little fuzzy friend.

We got our current kitten fully vetted, and she doesn't need booster shots until next November, so we'll find out then whether she is equally vet-averse. She is skittish, but less timid overall than Gwen was, so I am hoping that she'll be less traumatized by the experience.
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kitty chew

Kitty chew
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 20, 2016
I know we need to take them there, but they don't know why their parents would take them out of their comfort zone to be jabbed with needles, and have thermometeres put in their bottoms. I'm just so worried about another bout of cat flu right after this one, brought on by stress. It's alot of stress and medication for her little body to take. I know I have no choice though. Thanks for your replies.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I get sick to my stomach at times with worry. But you know what it always turns out OK. X rays are much cheaper than CT scans, so shouldn't be too bad, my vet usually does them while I wait. Even if it turns out to be something, at least it was caught early and most often than not can be managed with care and medication. Not knowing is the worst. I would ask if you can just wait and then take her home, or bring her in when it is getting close to when they can do the scan, that would minimize stress. Ask if you can give her a calming aide. I get mine on Amazon and give a lower dose than asked for and my scaredy cat does much better with vet visits. a cough can indicate many things, from hairballs to an enlarged heart, which by the way my Burt led a normal, energetic life with his enlarged heart for over 8 years, he lived until seventeen on medication. So don't let it get to you, knowledge is power, and paves the way to healing. I'll pray for your little one to be well!


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I like to tell people if you looked up the word worry in the dictionary my picture would be next to it. :wink: I worry about my pets too and agree that it can be stressful for a cat to be taken our of their surroundings. At least with our dog he thought he was going for a car ride and got excited but cats are a different story. For that reason we have always chosen our vet wisely, one who specializes in feline care, who we have a good rapport with and who we trust implicitly. It helps give us peace of mind. But at the end of the day, I still worry just like you. I second what di and bob di and bob said about waiting at the vet or bringing her in when it's close to the time of her x-rays. Otherwise, if you do have to leave her at the vet what I do is keep myself busy so I don't perseverate on our cat being lonely or afraid. Best of luck with the tests, please let us know the results when you get them. :goodluck:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I am also a worrier with my cats. I guess for some of us it comes with the territory.

I have a cat that coughed and hacked a lot. vet couldn't really figure out why. Slight asthma but should not have been bad enough for him to hack like he was.

I finally switched cat litter. No more clay or dusty litter of any kind. Even the most dust free clay litter, or fragrances litter will send him into a hacking fit. After a few weeks with no clay or fragrances litter the hacking went away.

I now use a grass litter. also Litter maid walnut litter. and Dr. Elseys respiratory relief litter, the crystals, not the clay. I keep these three out all the time, they are fragrance and dust free. As long as i use these three litters only he never hacks.

I messed up and tried a "dust free clay" not long ago, he was hacking again that afternoon. It doesn't bother my other 3, but with him any clay or fragrance or dusty litter is a big NO.
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  • #8

kitty chew

Kitty chew
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 20, 2016
neely neely and di and bob di and bob , Yes, I asked if I could pick her up right after, or wait, but they said I had to leave her for the day. And duckpond duckpond , my cats won't use litter anymore after my husband made a cat run with a nice garden to dig in, or poo in! It's like a giant litter box! The people nxt door smoke though. We have a catio on the other side of our house. Might have to lock them out when we smell smoke, and just let them in the cat run. She has coughed a few times after being in there later on in the evening, or early morning.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
neely neely and di and bob di and bob , Yes, I asked if I could pick her up right after, or wait, but they said I had to leave her for the day. And duckpond duckpond , my cats won't use litter anymore after my husband made a cat run with a nice garden to dig in, or poo in! It's like a giant litter box! The people nxt door smoke though. We have a catio on the other side of our house. Might have to lock them out when we smell smoke, and just let them in the cat run. She has coughed a few times after being in there later on in the evening, or early morning.
I bet they LOVE the giant garden litter box! What a great thing to give the cats :)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Oh, dear kitty chew. It's your loving empathetic nature, and never apologize for it. But don't let it paralyze you. It's one thing to feel, which is very positive, and another to come to a point where you can't make the right choice. it helps me to think of how short the stressful time is in the grand scheme of our cats' time. Even a day is *just a day* and here's to the many happier healthier days to follow...


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Our last cat had HCM, EGC, and hyperesthesia, and Mowgli has IBD as well as food allergies, so I'm very familiar with the worry about pets' health. Add in all the shelter pets - it seems like there's always at least one with an acute or chronic condition - and vet visits are a constant thing. Worrying is the norm, but most of the time it's something treatable.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2006
London, England
Pretty much the only thing on my mind since early February has been my lovely little Radar, I've been in a kind of "fight or flight" level of anxiety about his health for several weeks. It takes its toll being that anxious for so long.

So, you are not alone.
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kitty chew

Kitty chew
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 20, 2016
Oh yes, duckpond duckpond they love it. They have plenty of platforms to jump and sit on, and can watch us from the gables.

Kitty Mommy

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 7, 2017
Oh yes, I'm a chronic worrier about my cats. Every little thing that seems unusual can cause me to overreact and constantly hover. You are certainly not the only one!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
Kitty Chew, when my boy was in the ER I had just started a new job. I was in training and not able to concentrate and lost the job I was so worried about him. He ended up being fine, by the way.

Asthma is pretty easy to treat if that is when he has. I have one of those kitty inhalers (AeroKat).

Your catio sounds awesome!
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  • #18

kitty chew

Kitty chew
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 20, 2016
Yes neely neely , That weirdo must have about 20 cats and a house that smells like pee! No actually, I have 2 cats, and a very clean house. Glad I'm on the cat site!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 4, 2014
Greetings fellow cat lovers, I was wondering how many people get really stressed over their cats health? I can't seem to think of much else when my cat is sick, to the point of it making me sick. I have the most beautiful, loving cat Pepe, and I have taken her to the vet a few times over a cough, which the vets said was nothing to worry about the past 3 visits. I think she may have asthma. This time the vet finally agreed, and wants to do xrays. Apart from the stress of emptying my bank acc on costs, I can't stop worrying. She has already had cat flu once, and has just got it again after a stressful vet visit. Now I have to take her back, and leave her all day at the vet for xrays, and I can't handle the thought of her being scared on her own, and getting sick again. Does anyone else get as worked up as me?! My cats are my babies.
I'll pray for your Pepe that she's all right. But yes--yes, I get worried sick. My cat has HCM and the worst feeling is having to leave for work knowing she could be dead when my fiance gets home (before me always). As cat parents, it comes with the territory. *hugs*