What's Next On Your "to Create" List?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I went to my computer club last night. We've been meeting in a room in the library at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, and the room has two walls that are nothing but windows, so it's known as "the fishbowl." This has the advantage that occasionally a student will see us, check to find out what all the old geezers are up to, and discover that he'd actually like to join the club. We had one such student last night.

As the new guy was leaving he said that he wouldn't be able to make it next week because he'll be attending a meeting of the Colorado Woodworkers Guild, and my ears pricked up. I asked him to keep his eyes open for the kind of electric saw I need for the cat tree, for $30 or less, and he said that he had one he thought would work for me and that he'd be happy to give it to me! How cool is that!

If this pans out, it looks like I'll actually be able to make the cat tree for Jasmine. Now if I could just build her a catio as well. I wonder how to attach chicken wire to the side of a concrete and tile patio...



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I used to knit, crochet, counted cross stitch - but I haven't been able to summon up the energy for any of it these days. I have unfinished projects in all three. I did recently discover Cross Stitch World App so I've been busy creating patterns of my cats and "cross-stitching" them.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
i'm creating a 'feature wall' in my living room. it's a very small section of wall, which has studs that are very oddly spaced, so i'm using 2x6's (horizontally, and will be using Minwax's Polyshades on them) to fix that problem -- and then will install some cat wall furniture into the 2x6's.

i've started working on this already, the planning and measuring part before i go buy the lumber. i'll have them cut the 2x6's to the right length (and width as needed) at lowe's, because (very) precise cutting of lumber is not one of my strong points. and my hope is to have the feature wall and the cat wall furniture installed by around mid-september.
Oh, I can't wait to see that. You have to share with pictures when it's all finished! :)

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
I haven't done anything in a long time.
I want to start a scrapbook for Sammie.
Loving photohaphy, I have a lot of pictures!
Angels scrapbook was my first one, so I can't wait to start one for Sammie now!
I bought a large, thick book of different pink scrapbook paper on clearance at Hobby lobby, for only $6.00! I may put a Hobby lobby gift card on my Christmas list, so I can get a book & get started!
Labor day was her first gotcha day/wknd.
Can't believe it's been that long already!
I also want to start an album of her on my Photobucket. I haven't been on there in a while.
Here's one I took a few wks ago of her playing. I love the joy on her face!
Silly girl!!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
That's amazing! I want to do this!!
thank you! :) i'm very pleased with how the feature wall turned out. this was the 'biggest' project i've done so far, and because it turned out so well i'm comfortable tackling another 'bigger type' project, which i'll start on next spring.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
micknsnicks2mom micknsnicks2mom , That turned out nice.
I know the kitties are going to love it!
How are they taking to it?
thank you!! :D it was actually just the feature wall, with the wood planks, that was my most recent project. the other cat wall furniture has been up for a while now. :) and it really makes the living room feel......warm, with the wood and the stain coloring on the planks.

my three were interested while i was working on the feature wall, but now it's completed they're like......'meh'.

i had planned on installing more cat wall furniture, into the feature wall. but i'm rethinking that, because should i ever decide to sell my house taking the cat wall furniture down off the feature wall would leave that wall looking......not as nice, with all the screw holes drilled into it (from the cat wall furniture). those screw holes would really ruin the look of it, and taking the entire feature wall down would leave masses of screw holes in that wall. so later this week i'll investigate the stud spacing on another wall, with the thought of installing the cat wall furniture there.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
my three were interested while i was working on the feature wall, but now it's completed they're like......'meh'.

Give them time. I'm remembering that after Artie got steps, to help him get on the bed because he's apparently having trouble with arthritis, it still took him several days to decide it was worth climbing on them.

i had planned on installing more cat wall furniture, into the feature wall. but i'm rethinking that, because should i ever decide to sell my house taking the cat wall furniture down off the feature wall would leave that wall looking......not as nice, with all the screw holes drilled into it (from the cat wall furniture). those screw holes would really ruin the look of it, and taking the entire feature wall down would leave masses of screw holes in that wall. so later this week i'll investigate the stud spacing on another wall, with the thought of installing the cat wall furniture there.
I feel I should mention that there are two possibilities that you apparently haven't considered:
  1. If you should decide to sell the house you could just leave the wall furniture there, put a few knick-knacks or books on it for the benefit of the realtor and just don't mention that it was originally intended as cat furniture.
  2. It's perfectly possible to fill in those holes with some spackle or something and paint them over. I believe this is what most people do when they sell their houses. Anyone who's lived in the same house long enough has at least a few of those, if only from pictures.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...

Give them time. I'm remembering that after Artie got steps, to help him get on the bed because he's apparently having trouble with arthritis, it still took him several days to decide it was worth climbing on them.

I feel I should mention that there are two possibilities that you apparently haven't considered:
  1. If you should decide to sell the house you could just leave the wall furniture there, put a few knick-knacks or books on it for the benefit of the realtor and just don't mention that it was originally intended as cat furniture.
  2. It's perfectly possible to fill in those holes with some spackle or something and paint them over. I believe this is what most people do when they sell their houses. Anyone who's lived in the same house long enough has at least a few of those, if only from pictures.
thank you, Margret! :)

those are two good possibilities. however, the cat wall furniture i have is two cat shelves and several other pieces that are specific to cats/obvious that they wouldn't be for knick-knacks or books.

the other possibility, spackling and painting -- yes, that's something that i hadn't seriously considered. the feature wall looks really very good in the living room, and it brings a 'warmth' to the living room too.

the other section of wall i'm considering for the more cat wall furniture would be an extension of the cat wall furniture 'super highway' we already have, just like the feature wall would be. this other wall also leaves open the possibility for me to create a cat window shelf spanning the window near/next to it. i do enjoy these projects!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
OK, I am really excited about this......many of you know that I took piano lessons for almost 14 years, starting when I was four years old. Even after I got married, I continued to take lessons for almost 2 years. I finally quit, saying that I would never, ever go back to the piano.

When my parents downsized, they gave me "my" piano and it's been in the living room for quite a few years now. The idea was to get it tuned and then I'd start taking piano lessons again. As often happens, life got in the way and I never did anything about it. Until this morning.

I called a local tuner and he's coming to the house in a couple of weeks to inspect the piano, see what it needs, and determine if it's even feasible. Well, it's feasible, everything is feasible, depending on how much money one is willing to spend. But we'll see what he says and take it from there. I would dearly love to start taking piano lessons again; I've lost a lot of my skill, I'm sure, but I'm hoping that I won't have to start completely over from the beginning. (I have a feeling it's going to be ugly, though, for a while until I can get the hang of it all again.) I am so excited!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
OK, I am really excited about this......many of you know that I took piano lessons for almost 14 years, starting when I was four years old. Even after I got married, I continued to take lessons for almost 2 years. I finally quit, saying that I would never, ever go back to the piano.

When my parents downsized, they gave me "my" piano and it's been in the living room for quite a few years now. The idea was to get it tuned and then I'd start taking piano lessons again. As often happens, life got in the way and I never did anything about it. Until this morning.

I called a local tuner and he's coming to the house in a couple of weeks to inspect the piano, see what it needs, and determine if it's even feasible. Well, it's feasible, everything is feasible, depending on how much money one is willing to spend. But we'll see what he says and take it from there. I would dearly love to start taking piano lessons again; I've lost a lot of my skill, I'm sure, but I'm hoping that I won't have to start completely over from the beginning. (I have a feeling it's going to be ugly, though, for a while until I can get the hang of it all again.) I am so excited!
that's really great!!! :clap: i'll be crossing my fingers that your piano can be tuned, and etc for a reasonable price. :crossfingers:

i also think taking piano lessons can be a wonderful way to relax and enjoy yourself! you work really hard, like pretty much all the time -- believe me, i get it, many of us need to.