What's For Dinner? - 2024


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I have tons of food in the house.. refrigerator and freezer fully stocked! Including some picture perfect organic strawberries from Trader Joes...

I am thinking, in honor of Mom's day and my mother, I may walk next door and pick up either a kid's size cheeseburger plate or a regular cheeseburger without fries. My mom absolutely loved cheeseburgers. She always got one when we went out to eat. Rarely made them at home. It is almost 30 years since she has been gone.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Instead of the cheeseburger, I got a small roast beef sandwich.
How it transpired: I was putting a placing a notice on the bulletin board on first floor. I opened up the courtyard door to see how it was in there, thinking I may practice some bocce. I saw 3 neighbors, practicing. They asked if I wanted to practice. Of course I said YES>>>
We did this for about an hour.. Then it was lunchtime. Maria asked if anyone wanted to to out for lunch. I was undecided. We played one more round, then broke up.. I was fair game for lunch.. Chet was not.. so it was just Me and Maria... Then she called me and asked if Charlie could come along-- I drove.. so we went. It was a bit of a horror show to get his walker in the trunk of my car--- with all the junk; but we did it...

I got a junior roast beef with mayo, lettuce and tomato. It was so thick, that I could only eat 1/2 of it... Worth the price. I paid for Maria's meal because it is Mother's Day.. Call me crazy...

Went to next town over... It was good. I just got a text from Maria thanking me, and telling me that she thinks I made Charlie's day... WOW....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Cool rainy day so I was willing to turn the oven on. Made two individual (rather large) macaroni ham and cheese with green peas, cream of mushroom soup thinned with milk, topped with fresh bread crumbs and dotted with butter. Baked at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until nice and hot with bread crumbs lightly browned and crispy. Thought we'd have leftover. We did not, each ate the whole thing, cleaned our plates.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
So tired after all I did today.. After I broke down the altar from the Mass, I was exhausted, from all the things today:
Regular morning stuff...vacuum, dishes,
had coffee with a few friends
snacks for lunch
Set up Community room for Mass
Changed clothes for Mass.. could not wear grubbies
Help with the mass.
By the time it was over, and I took everything apart, it was 4;30pm. I was hot, grubby and tired.

I really wanted a pizza but, it feel like toto much of man ordeal to walk down to the beach front pizza place---- 6 doors down.
I came home, put stuff in closet, jumped in shower. At that point a Lean Cuisine Pizza for One, and a glass or 2 of wine, fit the bill. I still want REAL Pizza.. maybe this week end. I may ask someone if they want to accompany me.

I could eat pizza almost every day of the week.

I was out of the apartment a long time today-- in periods... Geoffrey really missed me. He idd not eat as much...sigh...
Right now, he is at the end of the recliner; using my lower leg as a pillow.. right up against me... sweet boy.. My love.❤