What To Do About My Cat's Bad Behavior? I Need Help


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 23, 2017
My cat definitely has a big personality which is why I love him so much. However, he definitely has some bad behavior that has developed over time.

Some of the things that he does:
1) meows very loudly and paces around while meowing- he meows at closed doors especially.
-he doesn't let me sleep at all, meowing and scratching at the door all night long and I've tried letting him in the room, but he just meows and pulls up the carpet in the room when I let him in lol.
2) Pulls up carpet- especially underneath doors and in corners of rooms
3) Scratches at the furniture (I live in an apartment, and the couches are completely ruined)
4) Eats everything that is non-edible--He is like a vacuum!! (He has been diagnosed with pica)
5) Scratches at the walls to try and get the paint off and eats it
6) Has these super random crazy spastic moments. He'll look up at the wall like he sees something, meow so loud constantly, jump super high and then sprint across my apartment back and forth while jumping up on a bunch of things and knocking things over. My neighbors have complained before because it is so loud. He does this about 5 times a day and it lasts between 5-20 minutes.

I've tried so many things. I've gotten so many scratching posts, more toys, a cat tree, played with him for hours before bed and then feeding him. My apartment is a wreck because I'm trying to protect the carpet/furniture that is left. I just don't know what to do. His behavior just seems to be getting worse. I've asked the vet about it and she said that he's just being a cat.

Has anyone had a cat like this before? Any advice? Or where I can get help for this? I'm starting to wonder if he has anxiety or something.. I'm not sure. Thanks for the help in advance. :)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2015
Unfortunately you've already tried these things I was going to suggest: scratching posts (if he likes carpet instead, get a scratching post that is horizontal and where the texture resembles carpet), playing with him daily with something like DaBird to tire him out and a cat tree.

I think what we're looking for here is to find ways to distract him throughout the day. He certainly seems to have kind of a compulsive personality, from what you describe.

- Nowadays you can buy these plastic fish who actually swim around. If you put these in a fish bowl or aquarium he'll have something to look at.

- Bird feeder outside the window or just making sure he can watch out the windows

- Cat TV (youtube videos)

- Food puzzles! You can get food mazes or puzzle balls at any pet store now and these are a great way to occupy his mind

- If at all possible, a buddy for him

Other than these I have no more suggestions. If I come up with something I'll come back and suggest more; but I hope there are other members more familiar with this that can help you and your kitty.


Mother of Cats
Adult Cat
Dec 24, 2017
Sunny California
I would try what was suggested above plus for the couch you can get velcro on scratches so they scratch that and not the couch I've had to invest in a few my self luckily our couch wasnt brand new when we got it.
Also long play sessions to tire kitty out so he doesn't feel the need to bother you at night. Maybe even get an automatic toy for while you are out. We got one at walmart for 10 bucks that's got this little butterfly it drives my calico up the wall.
If he does bother you at night do nothing. I mean nothing Pay him no mind if he gets any attention he will learn he can do what hes doing to get your attention
Maybe get another cat tree and make a bridge across give him lots of things to do. distract him :D tire him out!
A younger cat friend might be good like they said above if hes receptive.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Getting a friend is a risk in an apartment. And I wouldn't do it at all if your cat is over 2 years old.

I agree that your cat is clearly bored, and likely young, which is always a hard combo especially in an apartment. Lot of good ideas above, all I can really add is Soft Paws, the plastic nail caps that you glue on. I found them a huge PITA, because caps come off prematurely with some regularity, but for as long as you can stand fussing with them, they do protect your furniture and its established that they don't hurt your cat any. And some don't find them nearly as annoying to deal with as I did. 1000x better than chopping part of your cat's paws off.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
A friend doesn't sound good to you right now, but a younger, energetic male would keep him occupied, believe me. Do not get a shy one or your cat would terrorize it. Females are not friends, so wouldn't work. Get a heated cat bed, they absolutely love them and sleep all night. Otherwise, get some clear carpet runner with those little nubs on the back and put them nub side up where he is scratching. The nubs hurt the feet and they won't go there. They are easy to move when company comes, and break them of the habit. As for staring and then taking off like a rocket, all cats do that, they are holding in too much excess energy. I call it 'the cat crazies!' That will improve as he gets older, then he will sleep 20 hours a day.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi ! Bless your heart for loving your little furry train-wreck of a kitty!
I've asked the vet about it and she said that he's just being a cat.
Well, that's true...

How To Stop My Cat From Waking Me Up At Night?

Hopefully there's something in the article that helps.

Along with the carpet runner, you could look also into some type of plastic sheeting to put up against the walls - not that you don't know this but you've really got to do whatever it takes to eliminate access to the paint.

You might also want to remove objects that can be knocked down. I know at least one TCS member for certain who has described that any/all flat surfaces are basically bare.

Also, try calming products. There are a lot of different styles and types including diffusers, sprays, collars, wipes and treats, depending on how broadly and intensely (?) you'd want to extend the benefit.

These products are made with different ingredients such as L-Tryphophan and casein, et al.

Vetri-Science's Composure is one to look at, Pet Remedy (it has valerian) is another, as is Essential Pet Pet-ease, Only Natural Pet (brand and website) has one, Pet Naturals also has one I believe and Sentry has a collar. Lambert Vet Supply is a website to look at, and of course amazon and chewy, also there's Petwishpros.

There are a couple of current discussions about calming items, here's the link to one thread. Post #6 in this has a link to the second discussion which is titled calming treats for a very picky cat.
Calming Treats?

As for staring and then taking off like a rocket, all cats do that, they are holding in too much excess energy. I call it 'the cat crazies!' That will improve as he gets older, then he will sleep 20 hours a day.
LOL, we're getting both - the Big Guy is 13 and of course does a lot of sleeping, but just this morning we got some major zoomies totally out of the blue - it was hilarious!

Blakeney Green

TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 3, 2017
Upstate NY
If you want to see how your cat does with a feline companion without having to make an instant lifetime commitment, consider fostering for a shelter or rescue. Many places will let you take the pet home as foster first to make sure it works out before you finalize the adoption.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 23, 2017
Thank you all for replying! I've tried the kitty caps and he chewed them off within 24 hours. I even had the vet try to put them on and he still got them off. I would love to get another cat, but just can't afford it at the moment with all the vet bills from my current cat lol.

But I will definitely try some of the other suggestions like the carpet runners and velcro for the couches!! Thank you all so much for the suggestions and advice, really appreciate it! :)

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 23, 2017
I just wanted to give you guys an update on how he's doing.

I finally found a way to get him to sleep so much better!! Catnip!!! I gave it to him one night on one of his toys and he slept through the whole night. So I figured out the correlation, and it's been working so well :) Apparently it's a sedative when eaten? Now he only wakes up around 3 am to go to the bathroom and then goes back to sleep. Also, with my job, I've been more on a regular schedule with bedtime and waking up, and that seems to be really helping as well!

Thanks everyone again :)