Urgent vibes and prayers needed for feralvr's Perla!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Perla has been doing SO great BUT today seem's a bit out of it. Hiding under the bed. I pulled her out. Took her temp. It was normal. I noticed that her rear end was a teeny bit messy. So I went to check the litter box. There was a loose poop in the box :(. I am putting her back on the I/D. Maybe she needs that food until she is off of the Orbax. But you would think the Metro would keep the poop normal too :confused: I really hope the diarrhea is not coming back. There has been no vomiting though. KNOCK WOOD..... I worry so much about her. It could be the Orbax too. She is getting a probiotic with her wet meals. I am also concerned because the left eye is still a bit runny, especially after she eat's. So I am still keeping a close watch on the little :princess:....... :wavey:


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Aw, I'm sorry! :hugs: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:

If she was doing well on the I/D, then I'd go ahead and keep her on that until the meds are done. :nod: Sounds like a good plan. :cross: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:

Let's hope with that approach, in the new year this is behind you! :hugs:


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Perla has no more diarrhea or vomiting..... Today is the last day of the Orbax and yesterday was the last day for the Metro. She is eating, but now has to eat upstairs on the counter in the kitchen. For some reason, since she came home from the hospital, she refuses to eat downstairs on her spot with the other cat's. :sigh: So I follow her upstairs with her bowl and she will eat up there. But at least she is eating, not as much as she used to though.

The issue now is that watery left eye. The vet prescribed Tobrimycin eye drop's for her a few day's ago. I really wanted an ointment because her eye is so watery that when I would put the drop's in her eye they would just splash out. I also noticed that on day two of the drop's - her eyelids were getting red spots on them. I called the vet and they put up the Terramycin ointment which I started to use yesterday. Her eye has progressively gotten worse :sniffle: It is more red today - all the way around and she is now squinting and keeping it half-way open. I tried to catch her for a 4:30 vet appt. But she could NOT be caught...... She is now on to me about her medication's and it has been difficult to stay on schedule with the meds. I am sure she heard me getting the crate out of the closet downstairs this afternoon (big mistake on my part) before the vet appt and everytime I would get within two feet of her :dash: Off she would go. I have another appt. tomorrow afternoon, I will have to be very sneaky in getting her.

Poor :princess: Perla - she has been through so much these last two weeks. On the plus side, Wendall is no longer teasing her in the early evening after my hollering the other night. Perla is a drama queen and just scream's and hisses if Wendall gets too close or even stares at her. He never touches her or tries to fight with her - it is just him getting too close and then he just stares at her like what is your problem. The other night - he had her cornered by the fridge in the kitchen, sitting there looking at her and she was SO LOUD with her screams. I jumped out of bed, tore into the kitchen (with Pipsqueak as my aide :flail:) and chased off Wendall. I hollered at him LEAVE PERLA ALONE....... SHE IS SICK....... :mad:..... I just couldn't help myself - I am protective of my angel Perla right now. Wendall looked so sorry and was shocked to hear me yell. I NEVER yell at my cat's, EVER. I just feel so bad for Perla being sick and I don't want those boy's (Perkin's and Wendall) teasing her. WELL for the last week :thud: There has been no more teasing of Perla - none - I guess Wendall got the point :clap::clap::clap::clap: and doesn't want to upset the apple cart right now - the "mommy apple cart" :lol3:

If you could, please send me "catch Perla" vibes tomorrow so I can get her to the vet !!!!!!! :thanks: ;)
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TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Oh Lauren, that poor baby girl! :hugs:

Sending :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: for you to be able to get her to the vet without too much stress & drama, and :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: they can figure out what's up with her eye!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Lots of :vibes: that you can catch her and that her eye clears up. They know exactly what that carrier means!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Oh hun..... When it rains it pours it seems, huh? :hugs:
Poor Little Perla.... Could her eye situation be caused by stress? I mean... as you said, she has been through SO much these last couple of weeks.... This "smells" like stress all over to me.... Could she have herpes? I think you said she does take L-Lysine, right? Was she off of it while on the vet?
I am just tossing possibilities here.... and thinking if this will go away with time if she just relaxes, keeps the ointment going, and the stress level down?
Don't know, just something to think about it :scratch:

I totally relate to her eating upstairs - no offense, but she had you trained... They are so much better than us on that department!! :nod::lol3:
That's what happened to my cats each time they got sick, and they got my complete attention....... all the way to Bugsy being spoon-fed - which really works..... problem is, it became a habit WAY past the time he was sick :flail:
I think Perla wants her mommy :heart3: all for her own, and peace and quiet when she eats :nod: and..... we love them so much.... and are so on edge with worry.... how do we not abide by their rules?
I am just so glad though that she is doing so much better! My goodness, that was so scary!
I will have you in my thoughts near and dear to my heart for a wonderful and healthy 2012..... for all your furfamily..... you deserve a break momma :hugs:

Here are many many vibes for Perla to continue to improve, and for her eyes to get better and better in no time! :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Oh hun..... When it rains it pours it seems, huh? :hugs:
Poor Little Perla.... Could her eye situation be caused by stress? I mean... as you said, she has been through SO much these last couple of weeks.... This "smells" like stress all over to me.... Could she have herpes? I think you said she does take L-Lysine, right? Was she off of it while on the vet?
I am just tossing possibilities here.... and thinking if this will go away with time if she just relaxes, keeps the ointment going, and the stress level down?
Don't know, just something to think about it :scratch:
I totally relate to her eating upstairs - no offense, but she had you trained... They are so much better than us on that department!! :nod::lol3:
That's what happened to my cats each time they got sick, and they got my complete attention....... all the way to Bugsy being spoon-fed - which really works..... problem is, it became a habit WAY past the time he was sick :flail:
I think Perla wants her mommy :heart3: all for her own, and peace and quiet when she eats :nod: and..... we love them so much.... and are so on edge with worry.... how do we not abide by their rules?
I am just so glad though that she is doing so much better! My goodness, that was so scary!
I will have you in my thoughts near and dear to my heart for a wonderful and healthy 2012..... for all your furfamily..... you deserve a break momma :hugs:
Here are many many vibes for Perla to continue to improve, and for her eyes to get better and better in no time! :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, Carolina, she has been off the Lysine :anon:..... but I started her back up last week 500 mg. per day. WELL yesterday, I decided to bump it up to 1000 mg. per day. 500mg. twice daily. Last night her eye was running like a faucet and oh so red - she kept rubbing it to clean it of the dripping tears :(..... This morning - her eye is SO much better. The red and irritated eye lids are almost completely healed :shocker:!!!!!!! I went back to the Tobrimycin eye drop's last night too because I think the ointment was making her squint her eye more too. Either way - I don't think it was the Terramycin OR the Tobrimycin that helped overnight - I am sure it was bumping up to 1000 mg. of Lysine.... I hope this really works for my angel :heart3:. AND her eye is not nearly as watery either. Still some and if that keep's up for another week - then I will bring her in for the tear duct staining. BUT I really think the eye is part of this serious virus she had - and YES I do think it is the Herpes virus in her eye. AND, yes, she has been under a great deal of stress..... I am sure that hospital stay didn't help the eye issue :nono: That is why I am also being extra protective of her with THOSE boys, Perkin's and Wendall, who seem to enjoy making her hiss and scream..... What a drama :princess: though, but I have to keep them at bay right now and it is working. My boy's seem to know that momma does NOT want Perla bothered. SO :woohoo: for that too :happy3:

You are right about her wanting mommy time now. Again, I fed her alone in the kitchen with everyone else downstairs. Peace and quiet - she ate like a champ :clap::clap::clap: I don't mind either doing it this way because it makes my day better knowing she ate something and is finishing her meal and getting the full dose of Lysine. Today the Fortiflora comes too and that will help to pick up her appetite a bit more :cross:. Thank's for you kind words :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I think we are on the mend KNOCK WOOD :lol3: :cross:
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Oh Lauren, that poor baby girl! :hugs:
Sending :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: for you to be able to get her to the vet without too much stress & drama, and :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: they can figure out what's up with her eye!
Lots of :vibes: that you can catch her and that her eye clears up. They know exactly what that carrier means!
:vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: Perla :heart3:
THANK you all SO much for your vibes :hugs::hugs: THEY worked !!!!! (along with the Lysine :jump:) I am one happy momma this morning AND now I don't have to stress her out by taking her to the vet :clap: PHEW!!!!! Hope this continues through the weekend :cross: :D


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
So glad she is already doing better now that she is on a large dose of the L-Lysine.  Keep up the good work.

auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
I'm so glad to read this news. Perla - and you, Lauren, have been on my mind lately.

I'm sending continuous thoughts of healing your way!!!!!



TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
THANK YOU, friends :hugs:... Perla is doing SO much better. That little :princess: - Her eye is still very slightly watering - but much better and NO more redness on the eye lid's. :clap::clap: I am still giving her the 1000 mg. of Lysine for up to five days then will go down to 500 mg. Hope that will hold her. I don't know HOW long you can keep a cat on 1000 mg. of Lysine. IF her eye is still even slightly wet in another week - I am going to take her in for the staining - just to be sure it is not a clogged tear duct. I am banking on that Lysine to help clear that watery eye. She has finished all of her medications for the virus and so far so good :D. She LOVES her momma time now and I love :princess: time. I am still feeding her upstairs - just because she loves it :lol3: :heart3:


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2008
Añasco, Puerto Rico
Hi Lauren, I'm so glad your beautiful girl is doing so much  better!! 
 Sorry for not posting earlier, I've been a little crazy lately.   It makes me so happy when the kitties get better, it just breaks my heart to know they are sick.  I hope she continues to improve:) 

just mike

TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 11, 2011
Saint Louis, MO
Continued vibes for the weekend.  I am so sorry for you and poor Perla. Hopefully she is on the road to recovery.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Perla and I just got home from the vet. As of yesterday afternoon, her eye lid's started up again AND now her ear's are red. Almost hive looking. The vet gave her an antihistamine injection. She is also on a different antibiotic starting today - Baytril :(. Also continuing on with the Tobrimycin eye drops. She has a pretty bad Herpes virus going on and possible allergies of some sort :dk:. Vet also mentioned the Lysine :lol3: and I said already doing it :D. She has also been meowing this morning after we got home from the vet. I thought she was telling me she was about to vomit. BUT she wanted some food. Of course, not anything healthy though - refused all the good stuff so I broke down and gave her the Fancy Feast :sigh: She has to eat and I am waiting desperately for the Fortiflora to be delivered and surely hoping that will get her back on a better diet. I also think she might be allergic to the beef in the S&C freeze-dried raw cubes. She has me quite well trained now - and completely refuses the wonderfully expensive grain-free diet's she used to eat. I may have to go totally raw with her. I am returning the bag of S&C beef freeze-dried raw cubes. She could be allergic to beef for all I know :dk: :sigh:

Poor :princess: Perla
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auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
It's a truly rare thing for a cat to be allergic to a protein source. It's far more likely that Perla is reacting to the form the protein is in, or to something else in the food.

Stella and Chewy's freeze-dried chicken caused Carolina's Bugsy to react poorly, too, where the Halo freeze-dried chicken did not. It's possible S&C sources their animals from a farm that feeds a corn-heavy diet, or something similar, that then affects the cats. Fascinating. But poor Perla!!!!

Time to try Rad Cat or Feline' Pride or maybe even whole fresh meats!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
It's a truly rare thing for a cat to be allergic to a protein source. It's far more likely that Perla is reacting to the form the protein is in, or to something else in the food.

Stella and Chewy's freeze-dried chicken caused Carolina's Bugsy to react poorly, too, where the Halo freeze-dried chicken did not. It's possible S&C sources their animals from a farm that feeds a corn-heavy diet, or something similar, that then affects the cats. Fascinating. But poor Perla!!!!

Time to try Rad Cat or Feline' Pride or maybe even whole fresh meats! ;)

And S&C beef treats mad hope throw up immediately..... but then so did NV Bison... and S&C Beef raw (for dogs). So I do think she has an intolerance to beef - In any case, I am just not willing to clean up raw puke from my rugs anymore :lol3:

Auntie has a point though - kitties have done FANTASTIC on Rad Cat - even though I was so scared of feeding Bugsy anything outside of the 100% pathogen free guaranteed meets.... such as NV and S&C..... That is some fresh/quality meat right there!
For what Auntie says, and the reviews too, Feline's Pride is the same way.... I will be ordering their rabbit too :bigthumb:
Auntie, thanks for pointing out the corn fed meats....... but how do we find out who is fed that and who is not? :dk: