Two cats with two separate litter box problems at my wit's end


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 2, 2015
This has become an urgent issue for me, because I am planning on moving at some point soon and if this behavior doesn't go away I am going to have to find them a new home (because I am planning on sharing an apartment/house) and they are my babies.

1. Teddy (10 lbs)

She is 1 and a quarter years old. She is very, very stressed and scared of being outside my room. She gets scared when you pick her up and try to hold her. She gets scared of people coming in a room, or loud-ish noises and basically anything that is not utter quietness. 

She only really likes it in my room because I am her owner and the only person she trusts. But she pees on my bed (and clothes, if there are any on the floor). This became a more and more common issue that she is now no longer allowed in my room (or anyones room) and stays in the kitchen/living room all day. She has a cat tree that she can sit in, but she seems unhappy there. 

She does not have a problem with the litter box, because she uses it all the time when she has no access to my room.

I only have one and I have 3 cats but I cannot put one anywhere else (it is my dad's house and he won't let me. There isn't space for another one anywhere), besides my closet and I do not want my clothes to smell like cat pee or to encourage her to pee in my room.

Basically now, if my door gets left open and she gets in, the first thing she does is jump on my bed and pee there. She does not pee in the house when she is not in my room. 

I have tried different litters, having a top on the litter box and not having one, having a top with a door, different amounts of litter, etc. I clean the box twice a day. She does this even right after it has been cleaned. 

Also, she is not declawed, she is spayed, she is healthy (took her to the vet), and she has no animosity towards my other cats. 

My guess is that she is doing this because she feels safe in my room and does not want to leave to go to the bathroom, but that has some holes in it. Because she doesn't poop on my clothes (though she HAS a few times), and she does it asap when she gets in my room. My idea right now is to try out a phermone collar and hope that it helps her get de-stressed. But now she's so used to peeing in my room I don't think it will stop and I'm not even sure that's the problem.

2. Sebastian (11 lbs)

He is 1 and a quarter years old. He is Teddy's brother. He is not stressed, ever. He is very nice, he is very pleasant, he likes to be pet. He is not particularly attached to people, but he lets me fawn over him and play with him. He is a very good cat.

But he poops outside the litter box. Always... He poops right in front of it. In the middle of the hallway. It is gross. He has also lived in a different home, where he did the same exact thing. He pees in the litter box. He's only peed outside of it 1 time and it was right in front of me, on my hardwood floor for some reason. 

I have tried punishing him, but it doesn't work. I mean, I really did try, but it never made him stop, not even once. And I feel so guilty about it I haven't done it in a while. He knows it's wrong because I caught him doing it the other day and he ran away as soon as he saw me look, mid-****.

Also, same things I've tried with Teddy. 

He is not declawed, he is neutered, and he is very healthy, and he does not mind the other cats in the house one bit.

My only idea right now is to try getting a bigger litter box, but like I said, there's no where to put it. I have a decent-sized one, it's not small, and he pees in it, so I don't really think that will fix it... The litter box I have is in a niche in the wall where a bigger one will not fit. 

I might just break down and put another litter box in my closet, but I think it's a bad idea and I am 99% certain the litter box is not the problem.

It may be worth mentioning I also have another cat who is almost 2 and he is perfect and has never pooped or peed outside the litter box once. Sigh. And I do not have tons, and tons of money to spend on these cats. I already paid a 400 dollar vet bill (because I got tricked by my scummy vet into getting a bunch of tests that all turned out to be negative and so on). I am willing to spend money on them, of course, but I can't just spend out the ass. It's too much. I really need help. I don't know what to do. :( Thank you to anyone who has read this.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I would increase the number of boxes in your house, one per cat + one more, and then start using some calming agents to help you little girl de-stress.

gangsta chanca

TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 15, 2015
Hey, read through your post a few times, here is some things i have come up with. How do they all get along? Do they fight at all, or do they cuddle and love each other? My cat, and his brother, absolutely hate each other. While my cat will try and clean his brothers ears and be nice, the other one doesnt. I thought that maybe if your cats dont get along very well, or if there are some strange smells in your house? (Not sure what i really mean by that myself, but smells can cause cats to mark things like that) Another thing is: Do the cats see other cats/animals out windows? It could be something like a territorial issue. For example a cat i used to have would pee and mark when he saw another cat outside. 

Good thing to keep in mind is that each cat might need their own litter box. May be pricey, but could help. They are very specific on what they like. One of them may like an enclosed litter box, or an open one. Certain litters too, although you said it may not be the problem, but i have had cats that are very particular of what they like.

Hope this helps a little!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Are they all fixed? Can you try different types of boxes? Covered? Uncovered? Bigger?

What about types of litter? Cat attract can help to draw them to the box.
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TCS Member
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Nov 2, 2015
@stephanietx: as  I said, there is no room for any more except in my closet. But if I put one in my closet I have to let Teddy back in my room, and if it doesn't work = more pee-drenched bed. I will try to convince my dad to put another one in the house, but he has flat out refused so far despite my explanation that it might stop these problems. Will update if I get a litter box.

@Gangsta Chanca: They all get along, really no problems with that. I've never seen them fight or get irritated with each other even. I mean, they kind of do their own thing and mostly don't interract with each other, but once in a while they'll lick one another. None of them are even slightly aggressive, so I don't think it's a territorial thing. And no, they don't see any other animals outside (third story) but about the smells thing - we have rodents. A lot. Like 11, in total. They are my sisters and she doesn't clean their cages (I am wanting to find them new homes because of this), but they never pay attention to them, except when I take them out of the cages, the cats get a bit curious and kinda want to eat them, but they have never tried to mess with them in their cages.

It's not that I don't want to spend money on that, because I would, but only my closet is the possible option. Like I said above, then I'd have to let Teddy in my room and if it doesn't work right away I'm not really willing to deal with that. Also, I've tried a cat-repellent for furniture and it didn't work. What are your thoughts on this? Thank you, also, for your advice. I really appreciate it.
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TCS Member
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Nov 2, 2015
@talkingpeanut: They are fixed. I have tried covered, uncovered, with/without a door, and I have had a different box that also didn't work. 

I really have been trying to stress that the litter is not the problem. I have tried many different types of litter, besides the fact that both do use the cat box, its just that Sebastian only uses it for peeing, and Teddy uses it when there isn't a bed available to pee on.
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TCS Member
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Nov 2, 2015
I will put a small one in my closet for a day and see if Teddy uses it. So please stop giving me the same advice now. I am looking for things I haven't considered already. I cannot put a litter box anywhere else. It is not my fault. And this will not help Sebastian because he doesn't even want to go in my room, he likes it in the kitchen/living room better. Can someone give me some advice about him instead that is not related to litter?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
We are trying to help you, and even though you have tried some things before you might consider trying them again.

If a cat goes somewhere they shouldn't it has to be cleaned, possibly several times, with an enzyme cleaner. This is the only thing that will remove the smell that they associate with an appropriate place to go.

It sounds to me like they are stressed about which space belongs to who. As a result, they are using the bathroom all over to leave their scent and comfort themselves. The rodents are certainly not helping.

I would try enzyme cleaners, a feliway diffuser or two, and the cat attract litter in addition to what they have. It is formulated to draw the cats to the box.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 27, 2015
Des Moines, Iowa
Echoing what everyone else said:

1. More litter boxes. Many cats prefer to A) Poop and pee in separate boxes. Or B) Refuse to share a box with another cat. You really need at least 3 litter boxes. 4 would be better, but depending on the cats you might be able to get away with three. I think your room is the perfect place for another litter box, because you're shy cat feels safe in your room. It doesn't have to be in the closet, is there a corner you could put it in? Under a desk? And I know that you do not want to hear the more litter boxes advice, but Sebastian might be the type of cat that wants to pee and poop in separate litter boxes. If he is that type, that will be the only way to get him to poop in the box. You need to have at least two available outside of your bedroom. Talk to your dad, show him what everyone on this thread is saying. Also, "Cat Attract" is a litter additive, it makes cats love litter box. It is not expensive, and a jar last forever

2. Wash your comforter with an enzyme cleaner, Nature's Miracle is a good one, and can be found in any pet store. Make sure you wash the comforter, and any other bedding very well, possibly several times. Cats have a much better sense of smell then humans, so even if you cannot smell it, they can. I would also recommend getting a cheap shower curtain liner, and covering your bed with it. You can just place it on top of your comforter. Cats don't like the crunchy Plastic sound and slippery feel, so she will probably stay off of it. It will also protect your bedding, until you can get this under control.

3. Feliway is awesome, I would highly recommend both getting a Feliway plug-in, and a Feliway collar for your skittish cat. It may help her feel not so scared all the time, which will help you with your litter box problem.

And I am glad that you are adding a new litter box to your closet, but please leave it for a week or more. It may take Teddy that long to get used to the new box, and use it.
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