Two Bengals Hate Each Other ...


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2019
Hey ... I'm new to the forum and I have a rather uncomfortable problem that I need some advice about. Hang tight ... it's a bit of a long one ...

I have two beautiful, spayed, female bengal cats. They are 4 and 5. I got the first one (Journey) as a three year old retired breeding female as she wasn't getting along with the 8 cats in her cattery home (which was a small row townhouse) about 2 years ago. About 8 or 9 months ago, I thought it would be nice for Journey to have some low-key feline company and I was living in a large house with lots of space for two cats so I found Belle, who was also a retired breeding female. Belle's personality seemed perfect. She was loving, sweet, and SUPER chill. Belle has lived alongside other cats her whole life with no issues up to that point. It seemed perfect. I figured, with proper introductions, lots of space, and supervision, Journey would be fine with a 2 cat house.

I was wrong. I have spent the last 9 months doing EVERYTHING to try and mitigate the constant spats between the two. Since the problems were stemming from Journey, I have tried putting her on anti-anxiety meds, mild sedatives, providing lots of exercise, putting calming supplements in the food, using Feliway diffusers (both the classic and Feliway friends) and every combination of this stuff that I could think of with vet guidance. I have tried reintroducing them a couple times, feeding them in the same room and at the same time ... everything I could think of and read about, I tried it. I had Journey in for a behavioural assessment at the vet and the vet's diagnosis was that Journey is just a B-word to other cats. It's just who she is.

Things have calmed down for sure. We've actually gone quite a while without a fur-flying fight, but Journey constantly terrorizes Belle (the second cat). Journey stalks Belle when she tries to use the litter box and it got to a point where I had to put Belle in the litter box and protect her so she had a chance to use it in peace several times a day and I have three litter boxes in the house. The cats do have positive interactions sometimes. When I come home, they both run to the door to greet me and I like to use that time as kitty bonding and they will actually sniff each other and Journey has even licked Belle a couple times. That being said, Journey has continued stalking and chasing Belle, and Belle is scared of Journey all the time.

Belle spends most of her time at the top of her cat tree (they each have one that's 6+ feet tall and both are on opposite sides of the same window) and only comes down to sit with me on the couch when I'm there. She definitely sees me as her protector and feels safe to come down when around, but otherwise, she lives on her cat tree and it breaks my heart. When she does dare to come down, and I'm not around or close enough to intervene, Journey chases her back to her cat tree.

I don't know what else to do or try and about a week ago, I broke up with my boyfriend, who I was living with. He has no claim to either of the cats. They have both been my financial responsibility 100% from day 1 ... but he did suggest that maybe we should split up the cats, for their own well being.

A large part of me wants to tell him to pound sand ... they're my cats. Always have been, always will be ... but another part of me says, maybe it is best if we split them up. Belle has always had normal reactions to other cats. Journey is the one perpetuating the cycle of cat aggression in the house and nothing I have done has really curbed it to a point where Belle can live her life in peaceful co-existence. The problem is both Belle and Journey are highly attached to me. Journey is my constant shadow ... no matter where I go, Journey is there. If I sit, she sits, if I go to bed, she comes to bed with me. Belle would be the same if she had freedom to do it. Belle gives me head bonks and purrs and kneads when she gets to come sit with me. How could I possibly choose?

Journey is a delicate flower with lots of idiosyncrasies. Moving would be super hard on her ... so my first inclination, if I DO decide to only move one, would be for me to take Belle and leave Journey. My ex adores both cats and I have no doubt that he would attempt to take good care of one of them if I decided to leave one with him. On the other hand, part of the reason I left was because he's not a responsible person. I'd be concerned that, with his absentmindedness and lack of ability to plan, he'll run out of food and Journey needs to eat special food to prevent her from getting urinary crystals. The food is expensive and there are only one or two vet clinics that actually stock and sell it, so if you haven't planned to make sure you have enough food, it's easy to run out. Belle is easy to look after. Eats anything ... no weird preferences ... doesn't necessarily need the special vet food ... just ... simple and straight forward cat care.

I don't know what to do. My heart says take them both and figure it out. My head says, they're miserable when they're together and it's not fair to the cats to force them to live in a stressful environment ... what would you do?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
My personal thinking? Belle will handle/adapt going with your ex more easily.

However, would there be a possibility of Belle's confidence being increased through more playtime, more loving ...?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2019
I have tried increasing Belle's confidence using extra play time ... extra cuddles ... sometimes, if Belle has been in her tree a long time, I go get her and bring her down for love and snugs. Inevitably, if I walk away, Journey can't leave her alone.

The vet feels strongly that Journey is just neurotically territorial. Perhaps because, as a young cat, she was in such an overcrowded scenario that now she's hyper-territorial as a result. And how do you fix that? I can't change the experience she had as a young cat and, despite my best efforts, I can't seem to rehabilitate her.

Another factor is (and please don't judge me ... I'm heartbroken enough) ... I plan on getting future pets. I want a dog. I have always wanted a dog. If I take Journey because she's a pyscho about territory and then get a dog, what then? It's going to be fighting and stress and neuroses all over the place. If I leave Journey with my ex, he's happy having a one pet household ... also probably too lazy to seek out another pet to begin with ... but, he would keep a one pet household. If I take Belle, I don't think I'd have an issue introducing another cat or a dog eventually.

I love both my babies ... I have gone to hell and back trying to get this situation resolved and spent more dollars than I care to count on vet visits and assessments and pills and food ... and if I decide to keep both, I will continue to shell out as much as is necessary for that. Maybe changing the territory and removing the constant stress that I'm sure my ex and I created will help things calm down? Am I just being overly optimistic?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
I would give things more time, with your ex being gone and them having a big place with 3 boxes and their cat trees. Maybe less stress in the house will help. They are not shedding blood or refusing to eat or too terrified to come out from under the bed so this isn't a desperate situation. I would wait a bit and see how things go now, use Feliway and calming collars on both pets if you haven't and go from there. You always could see if your ex wanted Belle later on.

Ultimately though, you took on Journey knowing her issues with other cats. She could be perfectly fine with a dog, but you knew this before hand. So she is the one you need to work with. You are, don't get me wrong, but some cats just need a lot more patience and time.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2019
To be fair, I had no way of knowing her issues were to this extent. Her previous owner just told me that some of the other cats picked on her. When I adopted her, she was living peacefully with 2 out of the 8 other cats ... she just wasn't getting along with all 8 cats at once. I really had no inkling of just how neurotic she is. I'm totally willing to give it a shot and move them both to see how they will be in neutral territory. I have a spare bedroom so I think I would put Journey in the spare room, to start, and allow Belle a few days to check things out, then try a reintroduction. Maybe I can still turn things around... I don't need them to love each other. I just need them to coexist ... Is there really still hope?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
I think there absolutely is. You are doing everything right. Just be patient and keep at it!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2019
Thank you for your input. I feel relieved that you think there's still hope for this situation. It was never my intent to create this kind of kitty conflict. I truly believed it would work out if I just tried hard enough. We've actually come a LONG way from where we started ... at the beginning, Journey wouldn't even sniff a blanket that had touched Belle and now they do interact positively when I'm there to mediate.

I have actually cried and stressed out more over what's the right thing to do with my cats than I did about the relationship ending. I just want what's best for my fur kids.

Based on this feedback, I think I'm going to take them both and see if I can do a full reintroduction on neutral turf. I'll put the feliway diffusers around the new place and see if I can reset how they think of each other and give Belle some confidence. A fresh start for all of us is much needed, I think ...


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 25, 2018
You're going above and beyond for these cats, and doing your best, and that's a wonderful thing. It's clear that they've made some improvement, due to all your efforts, and I think that's a good sign for the future.

There are quite a few episodes of Jackson Galaxy's show My Cat From Hell that deal with situations like this. Based on seeing some of these, I think that you could try a re-introduction in new territory. It might also be helpful to try to create more spaces that Belle can claim (it sounds like Journey respects the cat tree as Belle's and leaves her alone there, and if you can mark more spaces as Belle's maybe things would be more even). I think scent-marking might help. It's also important to notice spaces where the cats tend to get in each other's way (like the litterboxes, which you're already addressing) and try to give them a way to avoid each other if they want to....adding more vertical space, for example, or moving furniture to widen high-traffic corridors.

Good luck!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2019
Thank you for the input! I hadn't thought of trying scent marking. I will have some work to do for sure but I'm hoping I can still turn this around. Maybe I should be watching this Cat From Hell show lol ... I've never heard of it! I must live under a rock!