Trapped A Feral Tonight...


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I think getting him neutered will make a difference in his behaviour. For one, his pee will stop stinking. (and hopefully he'll stop spraying) And he won't have the urge to go out prowling for females. It does take a few weeks for the hormones to get out of his system, so don't expect the changes to happen overnight.

Another thing I've seen suggested is before you open the door to his room, talk to him. Say his name. (what is his name?) Tell him you're bringing dinner or treats. Something that he will eventually learn means good things will happen when the door opens.

And if he will eat the treats while you're in the room, make a trail of them that get closer to you so he'll have to get near you to get them.

And when you look at him, slowly blink your eyes. That will let him you you're not being aggressive. And stay low to the ground. Don't loom over him.

If you have a portable device to go online, maybe when you're spending time with him read some of the other threads about ferals. Maybe even read them out loud, just to have something to "talk" to him about. Here's one to get you started: meet Buggy

And don't stress over worrying that you're keeping him from his former life. While young he probably would be ok, but as he aged and younger feral toms came into the picture, there'd be fighting for territory (and females) and he'd get bites that would become abscessed, and his life wouldn't be all that great. He doesn't know it yet, but he's on the road to having a wonderful life.
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  • #22

lab mom

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Mar 8, 2017
Denver, CO
Need some advice. So still haven't make any progress as far as getting close to this cat. He just seems so down and depressed. He hisses at me sometimes if I get a little too close. I have gotten a carrier, and I have it covered up with a soft blanket inside. I have taken away any other hiding places, so now he just goes in there to hide, which is perfect for getting him neutered. I think I am doing all the right things, soft classical music, talking to him kind and low, reading books. We don't "live" in the house that he is in right is an empty house that was my parents.... We go to visit him 4 times a day and try to spend as much time with him as possible, but it is not an ideal situation.

We have an appointment to have him fixed on this Sunday but I have a few problems. Denver has a great Dumb Friends League that fixes ANY cat for free...the received some grant and it is hopefully helping the cat problem in our city, which is awesome. However, I noticed today that he has some sort of problem with his is goopy and runny. But this clinic only neuters and does vaccines...but doesn't do any kind of medical treatment. The problem is that while he is sedated, it would be a good time to look at this and address it along with de-worming. So, I don't know what to do....I think I need to find another clinic and see if they can treat him for all his needs. I would hate to go through all of this but not be able to really address anything he needs while we can handle him. And advice? It's not about is about finding a place that will take a feral cat (not in a trap) and treat his needs.

Also, I don't know if I can really make much progress with him regarding socializing him....and if I do get him to come around...I can't keep him.. My mom who is in her 80's just took in 2 cats and I have a black lab that doesn't like cats. My mom lives in an area of open space where there are coyotes. I want so badly to help him, and I will do what ever is necessary but what do I do with these circumstances? Has anyone ever heard of socializing a possible feral cat and finding them home? Ugh...Any advice to any of this would be so helpful!! Thank you!
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  • #23

lab mom

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Young Cat
Mar 8, 2017
Denver, CO
Hi, Just need some encouragement. So, the little boy has had some eye discharge going on. I was going to have him neutered on Sunday but this is more of a place that just does neutering, no medical treatment. So, I reached out to a couple of people in the cat community and they recommended a low cost place in downtown Denver. Ugh.... So this morning I had him in the carrier, covered and calm. They helped get him out of the car and ripped the blanket off to expose him. They told me they didn't have me down for neuter just a office visit (but later realized that I did have an appt for neuter). They brought him in a room and proceeded to take him out of the carrier with a towel, he was very calm so she decided to let go of him and he totally flipped out, was climbing the walls and running around the room. I felt horrible at this point, I am a very sensitive person. so they had to get a net and then put him in a plastic storage box where they would put gas in to knock him out. I just feel horrible....this is not the way I saw this going down. My personal vet is so amazing and very gentle and holistic. I just didn't want to put him through all of this when I am trying to get him to trust me. This place was definitely rough around the edges and I didn't want him to go through something like this, I was hoping it would be an fast and easy experience. I had to leave him there and they just were not helpful and seemed put out, even though I had a long conversation with the girl on the phone when I made the appointment They just didn't seem like they knew what they were doing. Feeling sad....


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I hope the members with feral experience see this thread again and pop in with advice. All I can do is tell you getting him neutered is a good thing. But I can understand you feeling terrible about what you had to experience today. It probably would have been difficult even for your personal vet to handle a wild and frightened feral. Sending good thoughts and hugs your way. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
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  • #25

lab mom

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Young Cat
Mar 8, 2017
Denver, CO
Thank you...I just hope I didn't ruin any possible friendship with him :-(. It really shouldn't have been this way, and maybe I just didn't need to be there.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
All these feelings are normal. Believe it or not, you HAVE made progress. He ate some treats in front of you, and you actually touched him with the wand. Both of those are wonderful beginnings. Of course this neuter experience will set him back a little, but his life will be so much better, no more fighting and abscesses.
I would be VERY upset with the person who let him go in that room, he could have been hurt, or she could have been bit and he would have been quarantined. That is why I always suggest writing in big letters right on the carrier. "Feral" or "unsocialized cat, caution!" There is really no excuse for such incompetence. My vet puts them right into a chamber that gives them a calming gas, the cat is not touched at all. It sounds like they could have done that too.
The goopy eye is most likely a 'kitty cold', feline herpes, and he needs some L-lysine to clear it up. I get mine on Amazon as treats.
There was really no way you could have prevented any of this, they are supposed to be professionals. As for YOUR friendship with him, he will be relieved to go home with you, so don't worry.
How is he doing? Are you home yet? Neutering will cause a lot of wooziness, so try not to let him jump on anything or run around. I would just keep him in the carrier with a blanket over it until he is a little more steady. Let him have some peace, give treats, and water when he is back to normal, a few hours. On him, NO CONE OR E-COLLAR, I have not used them on any of my cats and they are fine, it sounds like something that vet would do.
One other thing I thought of, when you get him home, start leaving a shirt in the room that you have worn and not yet washed, it will help him get used to your scent more. He may pee on it so have it be an old one. You have made progress, it just takes a long time. Any questions at all, please post or you can contact me direct by clicking on my name, a box will come up and then you click on 'starting a conversation' It is private. all the luck and keep us posted!
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  • #27

lab mom

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Young Cat
Mar 8, 2017
Denver, CO
Thank you so much di and bob!! I can't tell you how much your words mean, especially when I am completely stressed out right now. It broke my heart to seem him handled that way this morning. I told them clearly that he was feral before we went into the room and while in the room. Also, I had a long conversation on the phone with a gal and told her the whole story before even going there. They seemed shocked when I arrived, like they weren't ready to handle a feral. I hope he is doing okay there...seem like a very low cost clinic, but still charged me $200.00 I wish I would have taken him to my vet....

If he has herpes....can you get rid of that? I worry about transferring that to my kitties even though they are not even in the same house.

No, he is not home yet...I will pick him up around 4pm this afternoon. So should I keep him locked in the carrier for a little bit after bringing him home? and then in a couple of hours give him treats and water? when should I feed him?
I left some stinky socks in the room...maybe I should do a shirt too?

Thanks again!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Hi Lab mom, Going thru the same thing you are.
How did you get the cat in the carrier? I will need to this too, I know it's a heartbreaker, your doing great.
My Feral is under the bed, it's day 7 now, I failed at blocking under the bed so I have to do it again.
backward steps on that one. I got her a cat tree, should get it today. I know it feels like were failing but this is how it's done especially us newbies!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
A week, a month, is absolutely nothing to a cat, they need a LOT longer than that to accept change. You are NOT failing! To even take on something like this, even with experienced handlers, is daunting. The only thing is, IT WILL GET DONE! It takes a lot longer then we like, it has it's setbacks and heartaches, but it is so rewarding at the end it is worth it. It took me over 6 months once to touch a cat. But once they allow you, it goes quickly after that. I have taken at least a couple of dozen cats in to be neutered/spayed. I have been sick to my stomach and almost crying on EVERY one. We hate to think they are unhappy, but you have to believe that they are so much better off they will forgive you.
Feed him when he can walk normally. He most likely is famished. You might want to start with a small amount, or pate, at first until you see how he takes it. the anesthesia takes a while to leave their system and slows down digestion. Make sure he is peeing and pooping in the next 24 hours.
Feline herpes is a virus that almost every cat carries. They usually get it in utero or very young and most kittens come down with it, runny eyes,nasal discharge, sneezing and sleeping a lot more. It cannot be passed to humans. Your cats at home most likely already carry it, 90% of the population does. It can flare up when a cat is under stress or their immune system is down. Some cats get it once when they are kittens and then never have another episode. Some get it all the time. My cats pass it around about once a year. A couple get really sick, sleeping a lot and having sneezing, etc. for two weeks. Most get over it in a week to ten days. L-lysine stops the replication of the virus, so they get over it quicker. The Lysine I get has an immune builder in it too, doesn't hurt. Your kitty is definitely under stress right now, so it is to be expected.
PLEASE tell us when you hear something about your kitty, I am on pins and needles here!
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  • #30

lab mom

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Mar 8, 2017
Denver, CO
I will let you know as soon as I hear. I am suppose to call in 2 hours to hear. super worried and super appreciative of the support. I have a huge heart that gets me into more trouble than I know.
What kind of treat/L=lysine do you like or buy?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Whatever is cheaper on Amazon! I get treats that has L-lysine in them. But some cats don't like the treats. so then you can get a powder to mix in tuna juice, or their food. The stinkier the better. It wouldn't hurt to give it to him even if he doesn't have it, I hope he doesn't have an infection. Are your vets going to prescribe a antibiotic? I started getting the antibiotic injections they can give in the office that lasts a week, they are a little pricey, mine charges 50.00 but it is well worth it instead of trying to give an antibiotic twice a day. If they give you one, I'll give you some tips on how to trick him into taking it. Good luck! PS I said a prayer for him, and for you!
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  • #33

lab mom

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Young Cat
Mar 8, 2017
Denver, CO
Oh my gosh...I am so sorry, I was away from my computer and I haven't figured out how to do this from my phone.
So, he did good. He doesn't have feline leukemia/aids, they vaccinated him but not for the leukemia because he would need a booster in 3 days (?). He was a bad case of worms so they dewormed him by injection. His cold, they don't know if it is from herpes or just a cold??, but I don't think he had that when we trapped him 2 weeks ago.
I am upset because they tipped his ear...I completely forgot to tell them not to do it, but he wasn't a tnr so I don't know why they did it....I am hoping to get him adopted, so I didn't want to have his ear like that....nothing I can do about it now.
So, he is at home resting, will go check on him in another hour and give him some food.
Whew....that is so stressful!! Thanks for your support!!
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  • #34

lab mom

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Mar 8, 2017
Denver, CO
W walli , Sorry I missed your post earlier.... So he is in an empty room in an empty house we are getting ready to sell. So there is no place for him to hide. I borrowed a carrier from a cat organization and put some comfortable blankets in there. It was his only place to hang out and hide, so I knew I could just shut the door and take him. I think di and bob gave me the idea. Can you put some of those under bed boxes under the bed to keep him from going there and then give him a medium sized carrier?
This stuff is so hard, and stressful and heart breaking. But I think it is worth it, and it saves lives. :-) Good Luck....This place has been a great place for support.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Now you can really settle down to taming him. As he loses his urges to roam and to mate he will be much calmer and more receptive to your love and care. This can take up to 6 weeks after a neuter. Having him already neutered is a BIG factor in finding him a good home too, most people want that already done. Don't worry too much about the ear tip, there are so many people that are used to it and know about it, it shouldn't be a factor. In fact it may help him find a home once they know his homeless, stressed out past. I have many people that have given homes to my strays that showed up here as dumped cats when I put in the paper or say on the radio on those buy and sell programs, they were abandoned and so scared.
Remember too that although he will eventually love and warm up to you, he may be deathly afraid of strangers that come to look at him. Who ever adopts him will have to understand this and be prepared to be very patient. One of mine was under the bed of their new owners for a month, and only came out at night! They called several times and said they would have to return her, but I encouraged them and she did turn out to be their lap cat, and they still have her almost ten years later, even moving with them to assisted living. So make sure you keep in touch, you don't want your little one to be surrendered to a shelter or abandoned, I always worry about that!
I bet there is such a relief that this is all behind you, I know how it affects me and my nerves!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Thanks Labmom! I'm one step at a timing it right now. The stressing trying to figure it out doesn't work:D
I will get one of those Cat Carriers and make a bed out of it and start there.
Your doing great, I'm so thankful I can hear how other people are going thru this too!
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  • #38

lab mom

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Young Cat
Mar 8, 2017
Denver, CO
W walli ...Yes it is super stressful, but you're right, stressing out doesn't do much to help :-). The cat carrier helped a lot, he is, what I think to be a pretty mellow cat, except it might just be because he is scared to death and just freezes.
You are doing great too, it helps to have people around to support you. Good luck...let me know how it is going.
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  • #39

lab mom

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Mar 8, 2017
Denver, CO
di and bob di and bob Sorry I haven't responded for the last 2 days, I have so much going on but I wanted to give you an update...He is doing ok, I think he must be a little uncomfortable because they didn't give me any pain meds, so he is not moving around very much. I gave him some of his hiding places back (boxes) so that he could feel safe (not sure if that is a good idea). I know he will be feeling better they gave him a strong dewormer (he had noticeable worms) and a shot of antibiotic for his cold. So, hopefully he will fell better than when I first trapped him.

We have made some gains today and a little before neutering him...I will toss treats to him and he will get them and eat them in front of me, although cautiously. and today I was able to touch him with the toy stick on the paw and behind the ear/under the chin. I don't know if he likes it but he did move kinda towards the stick, but then he moves away as though he doesn't like it. I have a feeling he is a very shy cat and is more of a freezer than runner, so he ends up enduring things he doesn't like just because he acts like a statue....does that make sense?....does he sound like a feral? When he was climbing the wall at the vet...he seemed very feral but not super aggressive.

My fear is that I am not spending enough time with him...he is in an empty house and we go there about 4-5 times a day and spend about 20 min each time. I really want to tame him but not sure if I am going it right? Also, what if I can't find him a home? How will I find someone to take him and be sure they give him a good home? I completely understand about keeping in touch with wherever he goes....I know not everyone is like me. I also fear my heart....I am not good at this stuff, I get too emotionally involved and attached....ugh....the whole thing can be heart breaking.

Any tips on working on taming him would be helpful. I know mostly, it is in their time.

Hope all is well!!'


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Are you able to cook a meal there? So it smells like home?
or bring a meal there and eat with him? He may look forward to the smells.
But I really don't know anything, Going to try and get Walli out from under the bed this weekend! hee hee