My son rescued a 3 week old kitten last September after he saw someone tip something out of a bag. He brought her home & when the vet couldn't take her in, I hand raised her.
She's a torty/calico & my 15 y/o old cat is also a torty & I was told they aren't the friendliest of cats as the 15 y/o never lets you hold her unless you're standing.
Blossom is now 9 mths old & she is wild at times. She looks so cute when she rolls on her back & stretches as cats do, I just want to pet & cuddle her. She seems OK for a few seconds & then she grabs my hand with claws out, scratches & bites.
Is this because she had no feedback from her mom & siblings? and what can I do about it? We have 2 dogs & she loves to play with them & they don't chastize her if she goes over the line.
Also is there any way to stop her from jumping on anything she likes? I've tried double sided sticky tape, aluminium foil, water spray bottle (which I don't use often, if I do & she sees it she runs away). None of these work. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I love her to bits & want to be able to have a friendly, snuggly cat as a friend.