Tips on getting a cat to sleep at night??


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 10, 2015
So for the first year of his life Sawyer was SO good at night!  I would always try and play with him at night and before bed but even if I ended up not having time he would still settle down nicely when we would go to bed and rarely wake us up in the night.  He always had the same routine and would eat a snack then lay somewhere and nap and eventually end up on our bed and sleep through the night.  Now, probably the past month he has decided at night he is going to walk around the bedroom, chase shadows on the wall, scratch under doors until he decides he is finally tired then maybe will fall asleep!  Last night I went to bed at 11pm and did not get to sleep until 1am because he kept me up!  He might nap a bit but then not for long and he is up at it again!  We have started leaving the bedroom door open to let him out into the living room in case he wants to play with his toys or he wants a drink from his fountain..but that doesn't seem to help much.  The only thing I can think of is now that it is light out longer his sleep schedule is a bit messed up?  We also leave the window open more often at night since it is hotter and sounds outside might keep him up, but even when we close it it doesn't make a huge different that I've noticed.  My husband is getting very frustrated with him!  Our apartment is small so there is no where to lock him out at night and his litter box and food is in the bedroom, and I know he would yowl to get in as he loves being with us..and I do love when he sleeps with me.  I play multiple play sessions with da bird until he is really tired and we do one last session before bed.  The only time he actually went right to bed and slept through the night was last Saturday because I was off all day long and I was able to play with him multiple times during the entire day.  I also feed him right before bed.  Any other tips to help get him to sleep?  Another cat at this time isn't an option, we are getting a puppy in the next couple months and that would just be too much at once, and are moving to who knows where within the next few months as well.  After all that I would consider it if my husband would agree!  Would a feliaway diffuser help maybe?  He sure sleeps fine during the day!  When I get up in the night to go to the bathroom or anything he gets SO happy and purrs so loud and rubs against my leg.  So perhaps he is just bored from being alone during the day and wants to play at night... even though we play all evening!  Sorry for the long novel.  Any tips are much appreciated.  :)   

Ms. Freya

Sep 19, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Hmm...sounds like he may just have a high activity level in the evening. I know the seasons may have something to do with it, though. Our Wendel comes to bed most nights (he's 8) but in the Spring he comes in much later. Overall, I've never really had luck locking them out - It seems easier just to let thme come and go than to deal with feline tantrums when you've closed a door.

Is it possible to get him a few quieter toys? I know that may sound silly since cats can make anything loud if they want to. ;) But when our Freya went through her "play all night" phase, we fund we had to take jingle balls away from her when we went to bed - she'd keep us up all night with those things. Also, is it possible to get one of those toys that moves on it's own? you could turn it on in the living room (maybe on a timer) and let it wear him out there while you go to bed.