

TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 23, 2019
I joined this website about a week ago. I was looking for advice for my kitty, Tiger. What he was battling was odd. He ate ALL the time, played, cuddled, talked, ECT. When he doesn't feel well, he isolates himself. So I was very confused. I was talking with some other members and updating them on him. This morning, about 1:30am I got out of bed to check on him. I found him in his bed, and he had passed. I was (and of course still am) broken hearted. I was advised to share my story of him on this post. So I thought I'd go ahead and show off my loving boy.
His name was Tiger. His story starts off when I was in 3rd grade. (11 years ago!) My neighbors cat had kittens. We already had a cat, and parents said, no more. But one of the other neighborhood kids adopted him. However, this cat was always at my house, guarding the porch. We became very close and I practically took care of him. Up to about 2 years ago, the neighbors moved and left him. Of course I was angry at them for doing
that, but I was happy because he was officially MY cat. This boy could not get enough love from humans. He greeted me at my car when I would come home, beg to be picked up and snuggled and kissed. And would tell me all about his day. Man did he have the loudest purr! I eventually started to bring him in and he loved it. Something he never had done in the past. Our bond got so strong and I knew he had chosen me and didn't mind at all that the neighbors left him! Throughout the night, I would constantly be woken up by headbutts and loud purrs. And I didn't mind one bit, I loved him!! ...oh how I wish I could hear those purrs again!
Well, this summer he got skinnier and skinnier. He was always losing weight in the summer, so I shook it off at first. However, he was eating A LOT and losing weight. I had so many tests and visits done, but nothing was found. His personality never changed, but his body weight kept decreasing. And last night, I found him in his bed. Peacefully resting and I hope deep down that he didn't suffer. The guilt I feel for not being there with him!
The pictures you can see how HUGE he was. About 15 pounds. In his last days he was about 6. Trying to find peace that he is in a better place!
Here are a bunch of pics of my angel boy ♥
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white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
My god, he was spectacular! What a cat!

Yes, he knew where he was loved...all along. There's truly no bond that's eternal....except one with a being like this.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but....did you notice the calendar script in that picture?

Now, that's perfection - it says everything!


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am so sorry, you lost your best friend.....but the relationship that you had with him was wonderful, and it is a blessing that he passed peacefully in his sleep, he made the decision for you and spared the agonizing game of having to "play God", and don't feel bad that you weren't right there with him, many times animals as well as people prefer to pass on their own, when they are away from people. But you and he have no regrets, you gave him a wonderful life and he is fine now, just fine, and many years down the road you will see him again and it will be a joyous reunion.

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I am so sorry for your loss, think of what you had all those years and smile, he would want that.

I hope your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless....:alright: :grouphug2: :rbheart:


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
I really appreciate reading this heartfelt tribute to Tiger. He sure is a stunner.

When a cat dies unexpectedly it is usually because of a heart issue and that is a very peaceful way to go.

Please be comforted by the very special bond you had with this unique feline and realize that although you can't see Tiger now, you will see him again.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 12, 2018
Tiger was a "Hoss" of a cat, and he was a very smart gentleman as well, because he picked you as "his" human. Cats know who they want to spend their time with, and he choose you!

I am truly sorry that Tiger has passed. He left his paw prints all over your heart, and he will never be forgotten. It may not seem so today, but you will have many fond memories of your time together in the coming years. Those memories will make his passing a tiny bit less painful as time moves forward.

May Tiger rest easy. He had a wonderful life.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
All of us at this site pray to have our little ones die in their sleep, at home, and it so very seldom happens. Your boy gives us hope.
He was exactly where he wanted to be, in his familiar bed, surrounded by your love. He shared your life's journey for a while, and he brought much joy and happiness into your life. To have never had him in your life at all would be unthinkable. Although he now follows a new path, the connmectiion to your heart will be forever. He will always be as close as your thoughts and prayers. Go froward through life as he would want for you, it is through you that his memory will live on. Just as you would want for him, he wants for you.
I am so sorry for your pain. I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers, take care......RIP dear Tiger. You will never be forgotten, you will have a secure place in a loving heart for eternity. May teh good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Tiger, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

What a magnificent cat Tiger was, is, and will always be! I know your heart is broken, how could it not be? I will tell you the deepest Truth I know...that love never dies, it simply changes form and continues on, still Love. And Love abides, always, forever, Love abides. The best part of Tiger, his love for you, is now purified and translated into Love, and it is with you always. Forever. Love abides.