This last year I lost two cats to renal failure and vet had to restart his heart on my one cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 10, 2020
Normal routine my one cat that just turned nine. Kolohe had to go in for a dental. He had a problem with anesthesia. They said his kidney levels were elevated and it looked like he drank antifreeze. I said my cat doesn't go out and you guys did pre-work before you started the dental. They gave him something. He got home the next night he started throwing up foam and he was in pain. I took him back they flushed his system. Six days later his body couldn't take it or tolerate it and I had to let him go.

In the meanwhile my older cat Taz , age14, had been throwing up and had bloody stools. I got samples and took to them. They said not enough but they couldn't see him right then. I said I need something so they gave me medication he needed to let me back up here. He went in for a dental also his heart stopped on the table. The vet called me, had no clue who this guy was. He told me his heart stopped and he had a heart condition. I said well that's awful peculiar because you guys see him on a regular basis and I didn't have any heart problems with him but he had a problem. I said fine. Well a few hours later they release him let me take him home tell me to watch him. Well now this is when all the diarrhea and the bloody stools everything started happening. The virus was here. They couldn't get him in for a month and gave me more medication for him. At this time he couldn't stop going. Wherever he walked he couldn't make it to the bathroom anymore. I finally get him in after me complaining that he had a pain under his stomach. He couldn't hug me, he couldn't lay comfortable in the arm of the chair. I get him in and they told me that his left kidney is swollen. I said how could this happen? Medication, food change, well it's getting worse. Another month getting back they tell me well now he's other kidney is swollen and I said how can this happen? You guys have seen him for the last 2 months. He's never had any problems until you guys restarted his heart. They said they could give me medication to make him comfortable but in this point he was under the bed. He wasn't eating much. He came out and he was still wanting to be so loving but I could see the pain so I let him say goodbye to his little ones that he had raised his whole life. He was the best daddy kitty in the world he raised so many kittens and I called them and told them I wasn't going to make him suffer. I promised him I would never ever have him in pain. His Mommy gave him to me. She was a feral. She didn't have any milk and I bottle fed this little boy. I took him in and they wouldn't let me even hold him. They laid him on the table and they putting the sleep. I sing to him I cried and they said well we have other people we have to get in. Linda you're going to have to just say your goodbyes. This was my baby that I've raised.

Now my question. I had a friend that used to go hiking all the time out in the woods and he was always spraying pesticides on his lower pant legs and stuff so we would stop bringing fleas in my house. So with that, two cats high kidney problems levels could the excess of the deet and stuff wear off that fast on his clothes and transfer to my furniture that these two cats had ingested? My other three cats aren't sick but both of my boys that were very sociable with people that would come in. I live in the Oregon coast with the mountains in the deer. They would always spray themselves. I hope this wasn't the cause can anybody else answer this question. I lost two cats and I hope this wasn't my fault. These guys were my life. I should have never let these people in and I do blame the vets. It's become a teaching hospital. I don't know who anybody is. I didn't know who this vet was. I'm just still trying to recover. It's been a year on the 17th that I lost has and three months before that I lost kolohe. Heartbroken isn't the word. I am so lost without Taz he was my rock he was everything my little soul Kitty little tuxedo boy.
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di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm SO sorry for you having to go through all this. What a string of tragedies! I know how much this hurts, to feel so helpless and have no answers, to have questions and no peace. My heart goes out to you.....
It takes a LONG time to heal a broken heart. It will always leave a scar. They were both in your life for a reason, and that reason was love. Neither one would want you to be so sad and depressed over them, they would want you to go forward and live your life as you would have wanted for them if you were the first to go. Because that is what love is. They will always be a part of your life because they are now a part of your soul. You are bound together by something stronger than both of us, by love, which is spiritual, so eternal. You could NOT let them suffer, when life becomes existing and no longer truly living, it is time. And you know your little ones best, you are the ones they trusted to end the pain. There is ALWAYS guilt and unanswered questions after a death, it is a part of grieving. You have no blame, your only guilt is loving them so much. Please cling to the fact that they are out of pain, they are at peace because they carry your love. You will ALWAYS love them and they will send you strength to get through this if you ask. They are grateful for the time you did get to spend together, you were their world, and they yours. There is absolutely no way to change the past, no matter how much we want to. The future is not ours to see. So live in the present, and try to use your memories in happier times as comfort. There were so many more of them. Do something to make yourself feel a little better, give a small donation or your time to your local humane shelter, and do it in your soulmate's name. Sometimes giving comfort to those who so desperately need it brings a small measure of its' own. In times lieke these, i cling to the saying "Do not cry because it is over, smile because it happened". Though these anniversaries bring pain to our heart, remember your pain is equal to your love. You bring honor to your little ones by remembering and loving them after death. I'll pray for you all, please know I'll keep you in my thoughst and prayers, just get through the next day, one day at a time......RIP sweet Kolohe and Taz, you were so very loved..... You will never be forgotten, you will always have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again.
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