This is going to be one for the books! Transitioning Lucky, Bugsy and Hope to Raw.... Challenges Gal

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  • #261


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Closing up Day 14 with a golden key! yey!

:clap::clap::clap: Whew!! We had great meals again at late night dinner tonight :woo: go lucky!

Hope and Bugsy did great as always with their 50/50 Rad Cat NV Rabbit :clap: Same routine, same success - They are both flopped belly up full to the max :lol3:

For Lucky, I decided to make her treats with Rad Cat this time - I made 3 to put with her kibbles. They are much harder to make, as the meat is so juicy.... So what I did is I blotted the meat in a paper towel to remove the blood/moisture first, then worked the clumps into little meatballs, and rolled them on halo treat powder. Put that in her plate, add the kibbles and hope for the best :lol3: I always make sure to add some extra treat powder in there to give some more scent, driving her a little insane :lol3:
It worked!! She ate 2 1/2 out of the 3, and had a great meal too :clap::clap::clap: She did get out of the room for a sip of water but I let her come back for more.... It was still within her 200 minutes, so it was ok. She ate almost 1/4 cup tonight, so in between dinner and late dinner she ate well over 1/4 cup :clap::clap::clap:
MUCH better than the prior days - yey Lucky!! Making momma happy!!
Tomorrow I will put her on 50/50 Purina and EVO - hopefully she will be a-ok! :cross:
Oh Lucky Lucky....... Make this easier on mommy, will you? Will you just be like your brother and sister and eat some good, yummy raw food already? It's good for you sweet pumpkin girl! :D
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  • #262


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Wondering about Qty's.....

How do you gauge how much they need to eat?
I am not quite sure if Bugsy weights 19 or 20lbs - but he is around that weight..... He doesn't fit my scale :lol3: He fits if he sits on it - but he likes laying down :rolleyes: Last time he went to the vet he was approximately 19.

Hope is 12 on the dot.

Bugsy is VERY sedentary - changing for more active now, but Hope is still much more active than him.

Bugsy is eating 2.25oz per meal for a total of 6.75oz/day; and Hope 1.92oz per meal, fora total of 5.76oz/day.

If they eat NV, in Calories, that amounts to:
Hope: 374.4; Bugsy: 438.75

I do not have the caloric information for Rad Cat, but based on Feline's Pride, it is more.....
I know for Raw it is not really relevant......... but my point is:

How do I know if they NEED more food? Even though that sounds like a LOT to me :dash: (yep I know protein will not be transformed into fat in their bodies....... but it still scares me :lol3:)

They do not look like they need at this point?

They do come to the kitchen when I go there, as they know kitchen = treats...... .but they sit and wait, do not beg - unless I get the Halo container.... then the little heads go up and they flip.
They are not screaming, talking, waking me up, begging, nothing..... They are not hanging around the kitchen - just during meal times..... Bugsy always leaves a bite behind, which Hope eats it, so I know he does get full.....
So I assume they are fine with these quantities?

Also - is it worth investing on a baby scale to monitor Bugsy's weight loss progress? Does anyone know of a reliable, but affordable (I am talking cheap) one?


I hold your heart close to my chest.
Adult Cat
Dec 16, 2010
Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa
Coincidence or not..... This simply did not happen before feeding raw.... I can't explain why the changes.... But Bugsy is no longer a loner
He now has company - he plays, gives and receives love
I am SO happy for my little boy

I just walked into my room, and this is what I saw:

I expected many health changes.... But I was not expecting this wonderful bonus

Oh, my goodness!!!  What a beautiful trio!  Such sweetnesses!  This is no coincidence here!  You've worked so hard for them to be so happy!


I hold your heart close to my chest.
Adult Cat
Dec 16, 2010
Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa
Wondering about Qty's.....
How do you gauge how much they need to eat?

How do I know if they NEED more food? Even though that sounds like a LOT to me
I heard often that unlike dogs - cats can not overeat.  Especially with raw feeding.  I feed mine as much as they will eat and leftovers I cook for myself or if it's a little - dogs get a treat of raw bite.

When the correct protein is consumed - they regulate the intake based on their body needs, not on gluttony.  Sometimes some cats will eat too fast and may vomit just because of it, not because they are sick.  But this happens very seldom.  It is possible that some cats will grow fat on some commercial foods, but it's because the quality is not correct for natural metabolism of feline body.

I also noticed that in different weather mine don't eat the same way (that's because I don't have schedule for them - they have food all day and night).  Some days they will eat a lot, and some days very little.  But if feeding raw - I would not worry about the amount as long as it is not too little.  But also - for inside only cats the situation might be different?

For example: 9 month old Johnie could have a meal of raw chicken, mince meat and after that he would eat his prey he'd catch sometimes.

(I didn't put the prey on a table - he did it himself, sorry about this.)

Now at three years of age - he does not eat near that much for he has stopped growing.

If I am wrong in my thoughts - please could anyone correct me?
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  • #266


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
:woo: Hooray for day 15 :woo:

Kitties all agreed to make momma's life easier this morning........... Good babies! :thanks:

Lucky was staaaaaaaaaarving!!! :lol3: She ate the three Raw treats I put into her kibble bowl, made with Rad Cat now, without any hesitation :blobturq: Then she proceeded to devour 1/4 cup of her dry food, with a quick break for a sip of water :nod:. Her mix now is 50/50 Purina and EVO :clap:
I can totally see now how drying is dry food - she gets very thirsty during her meals - paws at the door for me to open for her so she can get some water, then she comes back to eat more..... I think I will just move her water bowl to the feeding room during her meals :nod:

Bugsy and Hope...... Well..... Those are my carnivores that make me proud! :clap::clap::clap: 50/50 Rabbit and Turkey again..... Hope as always, ate VERY fast..... Bugsy slower, and took a little more Fortiflora - he does better on Rad Cat definitely. But nonetheless, he left a tiny bite behind, which Hope was glad to come for polishing :nod:

Oh...... this is a GOOD way to start the day!!!!

Can't wait for the mid-day treats for Lucky - will make them Rad Cat meatballs this time :nod:
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009

Can I share my exciting news too - don't want to take away from your babies though
BUT>>>>>> the Fortiflora came and (yes, another)
PERLA ate a wonderful 1/2 Nature's Logic raw rabbit pattie and her wet EVO. I mixed it together and sprinkled on the Fortiflora....
It worked. This is the best meal she has eaten like that in week's. AND.................drum roll......................PIPSQUEAK ate some Nature's Logic raw rabbit too, mixed in with his wet and Fortiflora on top.
Everyone had a bit of raw red meat with their meals tonight for the first time ever. Usually I would just offer some to the cat's that circle around when I am feeding Wilbur. Again, thank you for this thread - it is giving me and I am sure many other's that are reading it the necessary information we need to get started or at least try

p.s. I do wear disposable gloves too when handling the raw meat - and am trying to be very careful with keeping area's/bowls/dishes clean and disinfected.
Looks like you'll be needing to start a thread of your very own chronicaling (sp?) your experiences switching to raw
.  So many new raw little time to read anymore


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Hope it keeps up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And WTG Lucky!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:

:yeah: YAY FOR LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am floored at how patient you are, Carolina - it is frustrating trying to transition and one could easily just give up. I think you have made it over the hump now and it's clear sailing here on out :cross: KNOCK WOOD :lol3: I am SO happy for you :clap::clap: and Lucky !!!!!!! :jump: :D


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Looks like you'll be needing to start a thread of your very own chronicaling (sp?) your experiences switching to raw :lol3: .  So many new raw little time to read anymore ;)
:lol3: I know, so much reading and so much excitement all at the same time. I just HAD to share my news and will absolutely start a thread when I am ready - I am just not sure I can go TOTAL raw - but considering it for sure because of Carolina's great reports and how she is seeing the changes so quickly in their health - It is just amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigthumb: We are all sharing in the excitement of this thread :lol3::clap::clap::clap::clap:
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  • #272


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Super quick update on dinner while late night dinner is defrosting on cold water :)
Kids are hungry and waiting lined up on the kitchen - Mo-o-M - you are LATE :hyper:

I was at dinner with a friend from LA and they are not happy with me :nono: How dare you mom! :wife: :lol3:

Anyways -

Lucky had a relatively good dinner..... not as good as breakfast..... but she ate 1/8 of a cup :clap: That, with breakfast makes a nice day already :woohoo: She is getting better at this schedule deal!
She only had one treat though - she did chew on the other two, but spit them out.... kept going back to them though..... I just left them there..... I will try to see if Fortiflora does something.... she is not a big fan, but maybe if I try again?

Hope and Bugsy had an ok meal - they ate everything, but needed a bit more fortiflora, especially Bugsy - not too much, like before, but still - their mix was 50/50 rabbit NV and Turkey Rad Cat....

And tonight....... they have a wild menu - LAMB :clap::clap::clap::clap:
I am adding lamb to their menu - 25%, also Rad Cat - hope they love it!! :clap::clap::clap:
Will update as soon as they eat - now let me tend to my cute furry beasts before I am eaten raw and alive hehe :lol3:
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  • #273


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Day 15 late night Dinner

:yeah: YAY FOR LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am floored at how patient you are, Carolina - it is frustrating trying to transition and one could easily just give up. I think you have made it over the hump now and it's clear sailing here on out :cross: KNOCK WOOD :lol3: I am SO happy for you :clap::clap: and Lucky !!!!!!! :jump: :D
Thank you :hugs: Yeah..... It does take a LOT of patience..... But I guess you get into a point of no return and it becomes routine.... you just keep going.... The big stresses are when they are not doing well... like in the beginning when Hope was sick, Bugsy had the runs, or with Lucky' recent episodes of vomiting and not eating..... Those times can really take you off balance as there is a very fine line in between staying on track or taking a step back for safety issues..... You just don't know if you are doing the right thing or not..... But I SO want to do this..... The benefits for their health in the end will be worth everything we are going through now :nod: Now that they all seem to be ok, I feel I can push Lucky a little farther - I feel she is safer now :nod:

:woo: Yey Lucky!!! You are getting into the program Girl!! :woohoo:
Not so much with the raw yet, but it seems we got the schedule down! :kisskiss: I was so worried about Lucky..... with all the throwing up.... the not eating.... This process of putting her on a schedule was really quite stressful on both of us :stars: - I feel confident we are on a good place now :jive:

Lucky ate almost her 1/4 cup of 50/50 purina and EVO mix tonight :woohoo:
I changed her treat a bit also - I put a bit of raw in a little plate, and a lot of Halo powder on the top of it - she did lick the halo, but when she got to the raw, she left it there..... Then she circled that little plate, tried to cover it :lol3: and meowed her head off asking for some kibbles :lol3::lol3::lol3:
And eat she did! She ate ate and ate some more! Again, she wet for a sip of water, then came back for a another bite or two. I think she gets it now that either she eats NOW or she will get none for a long time :nod: Yeah Lucky - mom hold the power of the oposable thumbs! :lol3:

Hope and Bugsy got some new meat tonight :clap::clap::clap: And they love it :woohoo: Lamb is another Rad Cat success :bigthumb: Got a little piece and gave to Bugsy...... he was wowed!! Then Hope - she smelled..... smelled..... smelled..... then she tried..... Oh my! :thud: She L-O-V-E-D I-T :clap:
So I mixed lamb 25/75 turkey, all Rad Cat. I noticed that the meat has even more juice, and it is clumpier - very soft, but clumpier - a bit denser perhaps? Don't know how to explain - other than you can see the shape of the ground meat better than turkey. Looks good, smells good..... Looks and smells like MEAT - lots of fresh, pure MEAT.

Bugsy dove right in, and Hope did as well, after her bit of fortiflora.....
I am having to monitor Hope, as she is attacking Bugsy's plate.... Poor Bugsy eats so slowly... so politely and full of etiquette.... :lol3: Hope on the other hand...... Licks her plate clean - she means business :nod: She was seen today rubbing on Bugsy as who says :please: let me eat that.... while Bugsy is there, taking his little bites.... chewing and chewing.... looking at the roof.... :lol3::lol3::lol3:
He does eat it all, but if we (yep, it takes me protecting his plate :lol3:) are not careful, I am not sure if he will get only half of his food while Hope will get twice as much :shock:
On another note..... I TOTALLY forgot to give their probiotics today :doh3: I hope it doesn't show tomorrow in the box... ai ai ai!
Talking about that....... How can big cats have such little poop? :scratch:


Funny thing happened to me last night - I was sleeping and woke up in the middle of the night with my hands up in the air, on a 90 degree angle from the bed - as though to not touch anything..... I was dreaming that I had just made their meals and had my hands dirty from raw meat..... couldn't touch anything :lol3:
Gee.... am I raw'ed up or what?
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TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Yeah on the lamb.

Just a note about RadCat lamb--it has considerably more fat in it than the chicken or turkey.  Which may be reflected in the BM and your kitties' degree of hunger.  (Hunger is not the same as appetite.)

Ritz loves rabbit, but it's a very lean protein source so she is even more hungry than usual.

I avoid lamb because of Ritz's (and mine) weight issues.  Though I do feed her pork, which she loves.

GO cats!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Day 15 late night Dinner
Thank you :hugs: Yeah..... It does take a LOT of patience..... But I guess you get into a point of no return and it becomes routine.... you just keep going.... The big stresses are when they are not doing well... like in the beginning when Hope was sick, Bugsy had the runs, or with Lucky' recent episodes of vomiting and not eating..... Those times can really take you off balance as there is a very fine line in between staying on track or taking a step back for safety issues..... You just don't know if you are doing the right thing or not..... But I SO want to do this..... The benefits for their health in the end will be worth everything we are going through now :nod: Now that they all seem to be ok, I feel I can push Lucky a little farther - I feel she is safer now :nod:
I think the imperative word or words here are the fact that you SO WANT THIS FOR THEM..... and that the benefit's in the end will be worth this journey :nod: Difficult as it may be in the beginning - BUT you have to want this and STICK to the plan no matter what. You are paving the path for some of us and this thread will be a great benefit and support for anyone that decides to go total raw - must be prepared for a possible bumpy road in the beginning of the transition and it takes much commitment :nod: :bigthumb: :hugs:

Funny thing happened to me last night - I was sleeping and woke up in the middle of the night with my hands up in the air, on a 90 degree angle from the bed - as though to not touch anything..... I was dreaming that I had just made their meals and had my hands dirty from raw meat..... couldn't touch anything :lol3:
Gee.... am I raw'ed up or what?
:flail: :rofl: FUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are committed, are you not ?!!!!!!! :9: Dreaming raw now - EH !!!! :lol3: You don't sleep walk, do you...... :nervous: :lol2:
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  • #276


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Yeah on the lamb.
Just a note about RadCat lamb--it has considerably more fat in it than the chicken or turkey.  Which may be reflected in the BM and your kitties' degree of hunger.  (Hunger is not the same as appetite.)
Ritz loves rabbit, but it's a very lean protein source so she is even more hungry than usual.
I avoid lamb because of Ritz's (and mine) weight issues.  Though I do feed her pork, which she loves.
GO cats!
Ok - my my did I notice all that fat on the Lamb! The white was sticking to the sides of the Ziplock Bag....... :thud:
So..... what does this mean exactly? Will Hope and Bugsy feel more satisfied? or Hungrier? And....... My goodness - am I risking the Big "D" here, not as in Dallas, but as in Diarrhea? NOooooooooooo! :paranoid:

AC - Should I be feeding them less of this food? Am I running the risk of porking them up here?

I think the imperative word or words here are the fact that you SO WANT THIS FOR THEM..... and that the benefit's in the end will be worth this journey :nod: Difficult as it may be in the beginning - BUT you have to want this and STICK to the plan no matter what. You are paving the path for some of us and this thread will be a great benefit and support for anyone that decides to go total raw - must be prepared for a possible bumpy road in the beginning of the transition and it takes much commitment :nod: :bigthumb: :hugs:

:flail: :rofl: FUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are committed, are you not ?!!!!!!! :9: Dreaming raw now - EH !!!! :lol3: You don't sleep walk, do you...... :nervous: :lol2:
Thank you :hugs:
Luckily I don't sleep walk..... Thank goodness - next thing you know I could be grilling one of their NV patties for me in a midnight hunger pang :flail:
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  • #277


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Day 16 Report

Another Day starts without ANY drama :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Lucky was about to do back flips for her kibbles :lol3: I feel that she is about ready for the next step - weekend will be the next phase of her transition..... :seesaw: Pulling the plate - eat raw or go hungry missy! :lol3:
I just want her to be fully transitioned and on EVO for a couple of days so she is getting enough calories on the two remaining meals of the day - gotta make her hungry, but always with her safety in mind :nod:
She ate in between 1/8 and 1/4 of a cup, closer to 1/4 with a short break for some water..... today is her second day of 50/50 EVO. Tomorrow she is going to be on EVO 75/25 :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: No adverse effects so far, and she LOVES it :clap::clap::clap:

Bugsy and hope ate a nice meal as well - same same, but this time 50/50 Lamb and Turkey. I will see what that brings into the poop-o-meter.
Taste was just fine..... Hope with her usual sprinkle to start and one final to finish.... Bugsy doesn't need one to start, but needs two tiny ones to finish it up.
He always leaves a tiny bite......... But Hope helps me with the cleaning.
They seem to do excellent with transitions once they got used to eat 100% raw. I just wait for the poop to change to the next level :lol3: 25% poop was good...... lets see the 50% now :lol3: The poop-o-meter is my poop-o-guide :flail:

BTW - I left a message to Rad Cat requesting Caloric content on their food.... I know NV is 65cal per oz on the rabbit...... I have a feeling by the meat content Rad Cat is a lot more on all their foods :nod:
I will post it in here once I hear from them :nod:


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
:woohoo: :woohoo: GREAT news all the way around, Carolina! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

...and :flail: :flail: :flail: about your dream! And if you do find yourself grilling up an NV patty, don't forget to add garlic salt or something. I suspect they're rather bland.... ;)

auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
Please folks!!! do NOT start worrying about calories or weight gain!!!!!!!

Cats NEED more fat than we do, considerably more! In rotation, lamb is a fantastic addition to a cat's menu. I recommend it for all cats, even Ritz.

It is really, really difficult to make a cat fat on a balanced raw diet, and any attempt to eliminate what we perceive as "excess" fat is likely to end in a cat not receiving an optimal level of fat.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Carolina - I totally LOL'ed at your dream. That is seriously funny!!!! CLEARLY, you are one very "raw-food" focused lady right now!!!!!



TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
:woohoo: for a drama free raw feeding day :woohoo: You are on a roll :clap: YA HEAR THAT , Miss Lucky - your momma said - pull the plate :eek: - :cross: For Lucky this weekend :cross: :vibes:

:flail: About the grilling :lol3: Let's just hope you DO grill the pattie first :bigmouth: ;)
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