The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2018

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Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Alicia88 Alicia88 Here's a picture of your home's future -

@artiemom The reason I was able to know about them to find the articles is because they made national news and I remember them from when the initial news broke. Especially the mentally ill woman, since hospitals try to say anyone with mental illness is just having psychosomatic symptoms when other stuff goes wrong in the body.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I am exhausted and rambling and I'll try to catch up when I'm more awake later.
Welcome back! Take very good care of yourself. You were missed, you know!

I'm getting induced tomorrow at 6am.
:bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance: Shall wait (im)patiently for pics!

I have no news, no real thoughts today. One of those.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
A few hours ago I was about to leave to pick up Matt (My Fiancé) from work. I was carrying the Christmas presents for Matt's parents (we're finally shipping them out). We live in an RV full time, and when I was walking out the door I slipped and fell from the top step and landed in an enormous puddle of mud. The presents went flying everywhere and half of my body was soaked in mud.

Oh boy, I hope none of the neighbors saw that.

I was late picking Matt up because I had to go back inside and shower since my clothes were soaked through with mud.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Does anyone here have experience with Flat Chested Kitten Syndrome? We have a new member in distress here: Please Help Save My Kitten. The kitten is 6 weeks old and at this point the sternum is contracting into the kitten's chest cavity, their vet appears to know nothing about FCK, and there are no better vets in the vicinity. I have no knowledge on this subject, so my advice is pretty worthless.



TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Leroy is now "chattering" his teeth :doh::doh: That means possible FORL. I took a video of him chattering and a picture of the possible molar in question and sent it to the vet. So much for brushing Leroy's teeth every single day :gaah:

And he has another bald spot on his head :rolleyes: He always gets a bald spot on his head an as allergic reaction to something. I'm pretty sure it's from the last batch of raw I made with Blue Ridge, chicken I think. Leroy has eaten Blue Ridge in the past and had no issue. But Emma oddly got acne from it so I switch to HT. I bought Blue Ridge again recently because the pet store didn't have HT. I have a new batch of raw with HT rabbit made up so I'll start feeding that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
And all the crap about Disney supposedly whitewashing everything is insane. Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Frozen, Brave, etc are stories from white countries. It makes sense that the leads would be white. They might have a point if Jasmine, Mulan, or Pocahontas were portrayed as white, but they're not.

What I object to with Disney is that they bowdlerize everything. All the really dark parts of the original stories are left out or somehow prettified. Watch the original black and white French movie with Jean Marais for a faithful rendition of Beauty and the Beast. Shelley Duvall in her series of Fairie Tale Theatre had an excellent rendition of the French film also. The Beast is a cat-like creature played by Klaus Kinski not some strange mixture of bull and bear, and Beauty is played by Susan Sarandon, directed by Roger Vadim. Dark? Yes, but it was a story meant for adults, not little children just like so many of the Grimm's fairy tales and those of Anderson's (The Little Mermaid).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Oh boy, I hope none of the neighbors saw that.
In 2003 we had a real doozy of a blizzard in the Denver area. Roger, quite sensibly, decided to stay at the office for the duration, since it was unlikely that he'd be able to make it through the neighborhood roads to get home, and highly likely that he'd get stuck in a snowdrift if he tried. So, the second day I looked out our front window and discovered that the county had actually plowed our road! :cheerleader: I called Roger to tell him he could come home and went out to shovel the driveway for him. I was about halfway through this task when I looked up and suddenly realized that I'd been mistaken; the county had, indeed plowed our road, but the plow had turned around just short of our house (we live on a cul-de-sac), leaving one of those huge snowplow drifts running clear across the street just before our house. The road was now more impassable than before the plow had come!

I went inside to call Roger and tell him not to come after all, and discovered that he'd already left. So I went back out and tried to walk to the corner, to head Roger off at the pass, so to speak, because I was afraid that he might have trouble turning around if he actually turned onto our street. I was wading through around 2, 2&1/2 feet of snow, on top of liquid water, and the going was extremely hard. In fact, it was impossible. I kept falling down. I landed soft each time, because the snow was breaking my fall, but I was also getting soaked because ultimately I was landing in all that frigid water underneath the snow.

My neighbor across the street looked out of his window and saw what was happening and came out to help me get up (I was having a lot of trouble because there was nothing solid to brace on). Then he sent me back into the house, waited for Roger to come and told him what was going on, and went back into his own house to call the county and give them a piece of his mind about what they'd done to our street. Roger parked and got into the house where he picked up a few supplies to take back to the office with him, and then managed to turn the car around quite nicely (proving me wrong about that) and went back to the office. And, because of that neighbor, the next morning before I had even awakened the county had sent someone out to finish plowing our street, after which the neighbor had come over and used his snowblower on our driveway and then returned home to call Roger at the office and tell him that all was clear.

Admittedly, I have some remarkably good neighbors, but I really don't think you need to worry about what the neighbors thought. If they saw you, their thoughts probably went something like this: "Ouch! How awful! Boy am I glad that wasn't me. Whew!"

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Removable refers to the source, not the actual drive. A CD can be removed, which is why the drive is called removable.

For some reason your drive is not reading the disc. Is this the music CD? If so, does it play in a traditional CD player?
I haven't been here in a few days, messing about the car which is now running again.
The disk plays just fine on a regular dc player, it even plays on the DVD/CD player I have attached to my TV. Now what? I think I'll try a pre-recorded disk and see if that works.

Nope, half an hour later the little what's it that says it's still loading is still going although it is all the way where the big X is where you can delete/stop it and the pre-corded disk is NOT PLAYING.
Any other ideas?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
What I object to with Disney is that they bowdlerize everything. All the really dark parts of the original stories are left out or somehow prettified.
There's a Science Fiction and Fantasy convention that I've been going to for the last three years, called Myths & Legends Con. And every year on Saturday night there's a presentation of fairy tales just for adults, because these are the original versions. And every year they end it with a request for suggestions of which fairy tales to do next year.

The first two years I went, I suggested Sleeping Beauty, the original of which is totally inappropriate for a family site like TCS, and last year they finally did it, following it up by giving me a (fairly cheap) gift bag for not only making the suggestion but sticking to it for two years.

(If adult members wish to know the unexpurgated version of Sleeping Beauty, PM me.)



TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
In 2003 we had a real doozy of a blizzard in the Denver area. Roger, quite sensibly, decided to stay at the office for the duration, since it was unlikely that he'd be able to make it through the neighborhood roads to get home, and highly likely that he'd get stuck in a snowdrift if he tried. So, the second day I looked out our front window and discovered that the county had actually plowed our road! :cheerleader: I called Roger to tell him he could come home and went out to shovel the driveway for him. I was about halfway through this task when I looked up and suddenly realized that I'd been mistaken; the county had, indeed plowed our road, but the plow had turned around just short of our house (we live on a cul-de-sac), leaving one of those huge snowplow drifts running clear across the street just before our house. The road was now more impassable than before the plow had come!

I went inside to call Roger and tell him not to come after all, and discovered that he'd already left. So I went back out and tried to walk to the corner, to head Roger off at the pass, so to speak, because I was afraid that he might have trouble turning around if he actually turned onto our street. I was wading through around 2, 2&1/2 feet of snow, on top of liquid water, and the going was extremely hard. In fact, it was impossible. I kept falling down. I landed soft each time, because the snow was breaking my fall, but I was also getting soaked because ultimately I was landing in all that frigid water underneath the snow.

My neighbor across the street looked out of his window and saw what was happening and came out to help me get up (I was having a lot of trouble because there was nothing solid to brace on). Then he sent me back into the house, waited for Roger to come and told him what was going on, and went back into his own house to call the county and give them a piece of his mind about what they'd done to our street. Roger parked and got into the house where he picked up a few supplies to take back to the office with him, and then managed to turn the car around quite nicely (proving me wrong about that) and went back to the office. And, because of that neighbor, the next morning before I had even awakened the county had sent someone out to finish plowing our street, after which the neighbor had come over and used his snowblower on our driveway and then returned home to call Roger at the office and tell him that all was clear.

Admittedly, I have some remarkably good neighbors, but I really don't think you need to worry about what the neighbors thought. If they saw you, their thoughts probably went something like this: "Ouch! How awful! Boy am I glad that wasn't me. Whew!"

You sure have better neighbors than we do.

Unfortunately the front side of our trailer faces the neighbor that we have the worst relationship with. They are also very wealthy, and they dont like the idea of us having the trailer. They are the ones who reported us to the city ordinance. We got a variance to keep staying in the trailer though so they lost that battle.

They also just dont like us for religious reasons. When I was very young, around 5 years old. I used to be friends with their daughter. It was around that time when her parents found out that my family was not religious and didn't attend church.

Shortly after that the daughter had invited me over to go swimming and I got my bathing suit on and everything and I was about to run over there (as I had in the past) when my mom got a call from that neighbor saying that I was never allowed to come over there again or be friends with their daughter. And mind you I had never done anything to them or behaved badly at their house at all. The reason they gave for not allowing me to be friends with their daughter was that they didn't want their daughter's mind to be corrupted by me and my family since we didn't attend church and that apparently meant we were horrible people. Lol.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
There's a Science Fiction and Fantasy convention that I've been going to for the last three years, called Myths & Legends Con. And every year on Saturday night there's a presentation of fairy tales just for adults, because these are the original versions. And every year they end it with a request for suggestions of which fairy tales to do next year.

The first two years I went, I suggested Sleeping Beauty, the original of which is totally inappropriate for a family site like TCS, and last year they finally did it, following it up by giving me a (fairly cheap) gift bag for not only making the suggestion but sticking to it for two years.

(If adult members wish to know the unexpurgated version of Sleeping Beauty, PM me.)

I don't know what this version could be that you say is not fit for TCS. The original story which I heard when I was quite small and have in a German edition of the collected Grimm's tales had nothing at the end or anywhere that would be objectionable, it is called "Briar Rose" in German. (This edition of the Grimm Brothers' tales even has them in the Frisean dialect if they were collected that way, Frisian is close to Dutch and is spoken on the German coast of the North Sea, I have a really hard time reading it and even harder hearing it spoken. The Fisherman and his Wife where she is ever asking for more and more until she is back in the old hut when she asks to be like God) is one of them and I had heard that since I was before school age in the Frisian dialect).
If you are talking about SnowWhite at the end the bad queen, at the wedding of SnowWhite and the prince, had to put on iron slippers which had been heated over glowing coals until they were glowing red and she had to dance in them until she fell down dead.
In Cinderella the doves which had sorted the grains picked out the eyes of the bad sisters on one side as they went into the church for Cinderella's wedding and when they came out picked the eyes out on the other side.
All pretty gruesome like a lot of Grimm's tales.
So if you have something that maybe is salacious you can PM that to me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
You sure have better neighbors than we do.

Unfortunately the front side of our trailer faces the neighbor that we have the worst relationship with. They are also very wealthy, and they dont like the idea of us having the trailer. They are the ones who reported us to the city ordinance. We got a variance to keep staying in the trailer though so they lost that battle.

They also just dont like us for religious reasons. When I was very young, around 5 years old. I used to be friends with their daughter. It was around that time when her parents found out that my family was not religious and didn't attend church.

Shortly after that the daughter had invited me over to go swimming and I got my bathing suit on and everything and I was about to run over there (as I had in the past) when my mom got a call from that neighbor saying that I was never allowed to come over there again or be friends with their daughter. And mind you I had never done anything to them or behaved badly at their house at all. The reason they gave for not allowing me to be friends with their daughter was that they didn't want their daughter's mind to be corrupted by me and my family since we didn't attend church and that apparently meant we were horrible people. Lol.
I know what you mean. I am Agnostic living in a Mormon town. I actually had one mother refuse to let her son play with mine and then claimed (to anyone who would listen) that I am a Demon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
You sure have better neighbors than we do.

Unfortunately the front side of our trailer faces the neighbor that we have the worst relationship with. They are also very wealthy, and they dont like the idea of us having the trailer. They are the ones who reported us to the city ordinance. We got a variance to keep staying in the trailer though so they lost that battle.

They also just dont like us for religious reasons. When I was very young, around 5 years old. I used to be friends with their daughter. It was around that time when her parents found out that my family was not religious and didn't attend church.

Shortly after that the daughter had invited me over to go swimming and I got my bathing suit on and everything and I was about to run over there (as I had in the past) when my mom got a call from that neighbor saying that I was never allowed to come over there again or be friends with their daughter. And mind you I had never done anything to them or behaved badly at their house at all. The reason they gave for not allowing me to be friends with their daughter was that they didn't want their daughter's mind to be corrupted by me and my family since we didn't attend church and that apparently meant we were horrible people. Lol.
:flail::crackup::bunnydance::please::yeah: quite a few agnostics, atheists and other non-believers on this site.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
In Cinderella the doves which had sorted the grains picked out the eyes of the bad sisters on one side as they went into the church for Cinderella's wedding and when they came out picked the eyes out on the other side.
The version I heard is that Cinderella didn't have glass slippers, but a glass knife. (at least I think it was Cinderella)
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