The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2018

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Does anyone have any experience with cat asthma? Felix is starting to show symptoms so he's going to see his doctor tomorrow.

He's been doing something like this:
I'm also taking out a credit card just for the vet bills because this is his second health issue in the past year.
Yes my girls have asthma. One cane to me with it. One developed it for some strange reason.

Make sure the vet does xrays. That's pretty much the only way to diagnose feline asthma other than coughing.

Also if you can afford it I also recommend a heart ultrasound. Only because once in a blue moon a cat comes down with heart issues disguised as asthma. This isnt common but in my 5 years of dealing with feline asthma there have been a handful of cats who ended up having heart issues-but this isn't common. But it's always nice to make sure this is ruled out.

The vets dont really follow this...I came up with this as several cats in the feline asthma group yahoo ended up having issues when vet prescribed prednisolone. And pred will make heart issues more pronounced. So for me I had an ultra done on the heart to rule out.

Otherwise they probably send you home with one or two meds. One is an inhaler. Which you will need an aerokat. Check out Fritz the brave website.

The other medication may be prednisolone if the xrays show inflammation. Not all vets know about feline asthma..not really covered I guess.

Things you can do - discontinue perfumes/sprays of any kind. Air freshener, body scents etc, fabric softer or use half the usual amount, plug in glade air thingies, oil difussers. Basically anything that emits scented air discontinue.

There's an active group on Yahoo called feline asthma group which is all email and lots of great people on there.

PM me if you want to talk or need support. I was scared you know what when my new cat was coughing...understand the fear.:hugs:


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
Thank you so much, guys. I'm super worried about him. I only have $1100 in savings right now so I'll try to get as many test done as I can but I do have to consider medication. Hopefully I can work something out with them since he's been going to the same clinic all his life. Does asthma medication have any side effects? He's only 7 and a half years old.

Also, would I get test results same day? I'd like to tackle this issue and get him better as soon as possible.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Thank you so much, guys. I'm super worried about him. I only have $1100 in savings right now so I'll try to get as many test done as I can but I do have to consider medication. Hopefully I can work something out with them since he's been going to the same clinic all his life. Does asthma medication have any side effects? He's only 7 and a half years old.

Also, would I get test results same day? I'd like to tackle this issue and get him better as soon as possible.

There isn't any tests that say yes or no. Xrays are needed...they are 100 to 200.

Check out fritzthebrave site..they explain it all.

Aerokat can be ordered on Amazon. They have different ones on there..last time I looked they had a yellow colored one for $25. Works just as well as the $60 aerokat but mask is larger.

YouTube search aerokat asthma training.

The best thing is if the vet wants to start prednisolone then do it. Then they will give a script for flovent which is corticosteroid. It's expensive in the USA. $370 or more. You can order from Canadian pharmacy but i dont know what brand they use. I order from they are in new Zealand. Bitcoin money order check or an echeck is how they take payment. It gets to the USA in about 7 to 10 days. Sometimes I got it in 5 days. Airmail with signature if it's over a certain dollar amount. $55 there. It's the same brand. Glazosmith. Been buying from them since 2013.

Flovent is gold standard treatment for asthma.
This takes about a week to 2 weeks to work although I noticed improvements in 4 days.

Also tjey will give you script for albuterol. This is a rescue inhaler. This one is $60. You can get that stateside. This is used during asthma attack. And in the very beginning of treatment.

Once the cat is stable on inhalers and or pred often albuterol isn't needed except as needed.

My cat was breathing extremely fast 50 bom and she couldn't took 2 vets to get someone to take me serious. X rays showed donuts/tram lines which is inflammation. It's white areas on lung tissue area.

The cat is coughing because air is trapped in those pockets at least that's how it was explained to me..I could be wrong.

Once you order the meds and get started on pred if vet says that's appropriate treatment you shouldn't need any other tests.

They will want a CBC and chem panel. They will be looking for levels of a particular cell that could indicate inflammation...and of course the name escaped me..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
There isn't any tests that say yes or no. Xrays are needed...they are 100 to 200.

Check out fritzthebrave site..they explain it all.

Aerokat can be ordered on Amazon. They have different ones on there..last time I looked they had a yellow colored one for $25. Works just as well as the $60 aerokat but mask is larger.

YouTube search aerokat asthma training.

The best thing is if the vet wants to start prednisolone then do it. Then they will give a script for flovent which is corticosteroid. It's expensive in the USA. $370 or more. You can order from Canadian pharmacy but i dont know what brand they use. I order from they are in new Zealand. Bitcoin money order check or an echeck is how they take payment. It gets to the USA in about 7 to 10 days. Sometimes I got it in 5 days. Airmail with signature if it's over a certain dollar amount. $55 there. It's the same brand. Glazosmith. Been buying from them since 2013.

Flovent is gold standard treatment for asthma.
This takes about a week to 2 weeks to work although I noticed improvements in 4 days.

Also tjey will give you script for albuterol. This is a rescue inhaler. This one is $60. You can get that stateside. This is used during asthma attack. And in the very beginning of treatment.

Once the cat is stable on inhalers and or pred often albuterol isn't needed except as needed.

My cat was breathing extremely fast 50 bom and she couldn't took 2 vets to get someone to take me serious. X rays showed donuts/tram lines which is inflammation. It's white areas on lung tissue area.

The cat is coughing because air is trapped in those pockets at least that's how it was explained to me..I could be wrong.

Once you order the meds and get started on pred if vet says that's appropriate treatment you shouldn't need any other tests.

They will want a CBC and chem panel. They will be looking for levels of a particular cell that could indicate inflammation...and of course the name escaped me..
Have you bought flea or tick products from NZ? Have you heard or bought from Pet Bucket? I've browsed the site but a little leary of purchasing from there as I don't know if customs would hold up that sort of thing.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Customs won't hold it. I've ordered fron there for years. Check out the asthma feline group on Yahoo. They are the ones who recommended this site. They have been using them for almost 2 decades now.

You are allowed 3 month supply of meds for personal us. They don't sell controlled substances. You email them the script. It's a pain to set it up at first but saving 325+ an inhaler makes it worth the 5 minutes to set up your account and email script.

Once you are an established customer you can simply phone in your order and they will use your bank info on file. This info is required to be entered into the website each time you order via website.

They are very replicable and have yet to hear any issues.

The asthma med on their site is called flixotide. You want the 250mcg. Cats are dif than people. Messing around with 125mcg is a waste of time. I tried it at first and she had break out coughing so we moved to the 250 mcg one and not one cough since. She runs and plays now. No more tired kitty.

Never heard of pet bucket.

I have purchased flea stuff on there-no issues.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
The reason I use them is because it's glazosmith brand inhaler. That one has an excellent track record.

Canadian sites will ship whatver they come across. India or other origin of country. And it may not be glazosmith nor exact flixotide. Also I personally wouldn't trust any other brand of flixotide.

I remember when researching brands of flixotide in 2013 and was not impressed with the other brands of flixotide...I can't remember why..something to do with the medicine not being exactly what I needed. And didn't want to use Indian origin medications that cost me more money than the trusted Glazosmith company.

The ones from Canadian websites are around $100-$150 each. You will have to call and see what brand they stock. You can use them if you feel more comfortable. Personally I dont believe in paying more than necessary for the same exact medication.

The difference in flovent from them (in-housepharmacy ) and here is the USA ones have a counter installed in the canister. The ones from New Zealand don't have this. You will need to keep track of puffs.

I dont know if the other brands from India flixotide have a counter mounted..never tried those brands.

Each inhaler 120 puffs. Usually 2 or 4 puffs a day. I get about 25 days at 4 puffs a day. Only because I toss it when they get near the bottom. You can put the canister in a cup of water and see if it floats. A full canister should not float. When it's empty very little will be sinking. This is just the canister thingy without that plastic sleeve it sits in. This seems to work well for me.
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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I've given up on that company I interviewed with. Still no response despite leaving another message directly on the manager's voicemail :gaah: I'm just going to assume that the position has been filled by another candidate and the company can't be considerate enough to return a phone call or email to let me know that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I've given up on that company I interviewed with. Still no response despite leaving another message directly on the manager's voicemail :gaah: I'm just going to assume that the position has been filled by another candidate and the company can't be considerate enough to return a phone call or email to let me know that.
Unfortunately, that's usually the case.
Keep your chin will find something soon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I've given up on that company I interviewed with. Still no response despite leaving another message directly on the manager's voicemail :gaah: I'm just going to assume that the position has been filled by another candidate and the company can't be considerate enough to return a phone call or email to let me know that.
That is very frustrating for sure. Kind of what I guess people call "ghosting". When you are in conversation with them then they disappear. Kind of unprofessional if you ask me.

Maybe it's a blessing in disguise? Perhaps that they have even more drama than what's going on thing is for sure...nothing stays the same...something should open up or see if there's a different type of work you can train to do in that field..maybe you need something completely different...still frustrating.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Last year when I was doing serious job hunting the only employers that would contact me to tell me the position was filled were government jobs. Private industry never replied.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I heard from Bek this afternoon. She's been to the doctor who told her that yes, she does have the flu. He said it would be much worse if she'd not had the flu shot. She's supposed to be feeling much better by the end of the weekend so hopefully we'll have her back, soon! :crossfingers::crossfingers:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I heard from Bek this afternoon. She's been to the doctor who told her that yes, she does have the flu. He said it would be much worse if she'd not had the flu shot. She's supposed to be feeling much better by the end of the weekend so hopefully we'll have her back, soon! :crossfingers::crossfingers:
For those who are uncertain who Bek is, that's @Mamanyt1953.



Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I've given up on that company I interviewed with. Still no response despite leaving another message directly on the manager's voicemail :gaah: I'm just going to assume that the position has been filled by another candidate and the company can't be considerate enough to return a phone call or email to let me know that.

so sorry to hear this, :censored:

Unfortunately, most companies will not even have the common courtesy to contact applicants to tell them the position has been filled. It is just the way of the world right now.:cloudy:
They just leave you hanging. :bawling2:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I hope she is feeling better. I wonder if she got the flu while going to the grocery store.
Yes, she's definitely feeling better. Not completely well yet, but on the mend.

Her grocery store is the local Walmart, and she has to hitch a ride from someone to get there, so quite possibly. Also, the apartment where she lives has just instituted a No Smoking policy, and the designated smoking area is totally unsheltered and quite a ways away from the buildings. Bek was already quitting and is down to one cigarette a day, so she feels no great need to go to the designated smoking area, but she did anyway, during the recent snowstorm when she was so worried about Little Bit and the kittens, using her walker, as a form of protest in solidarity with the smokers who've been forced to go cold turkey or stand out in the weather ("Oh, look at that poor little old woman standing there in the cold to have her cigarette. And she had to use a walker to get there! Couldn't they make a more sheltered smoking area, a bit closer to the apartments?"). There's been a lot of flu going around in her apartment complex, so she could easily have caught it then, when her body's defenses were at their lowest because of the weather and worry about the Bit family.



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I'm glad she's on the mend. I haven't had the actual flu in years, but the last time I had it, I felt like I was dying.
Aedan spent all day yesterday eating constantly then slept for 6 hours straight last night. Pretty sure that was growth spurt number 2. According to Google, he will have another one around 6 weeks. I can't believe he's already over 2 weeks old. It seems like it's going so fast. I'm afraid to blink - when I open my eyes again, he'll be leaving for college.
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