The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
segelkatt segelkatt Oh, I didn't realize you the match was not made by you....
Oh well... hopefully someone will pop up for him soon.
I somehow never got the foster and find them a home "gene". I would be a huge foster FAIL! :catrub:
Patrick has been up for adoption for at least 2 years, put him on PetFinders too, no results or only from people on another continent where black cats are in short supply and are really wanted. Put him on the CatSite again because due to my health I really cannot take care of him anymore and catwoman707 found someone for him. That's why I am still waiting and have no info about the transporters or the future mom. Somewhere the communications have broken down and I can't do anything about it. Catwoman707 has my real name and phone number which she said she gave to the transporter and who was supposed to call me but didn't, but I only have her name, no other way to contact her but through this site and I have heard nothing else from her.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
atrick has been up for adoption for at least 2 years, put him on PetFinders too, no results or only from people on another continent where black cats are in short supply and are really wanted. Put him on the CatSite again because due to my health I really cannot take care of him anymore and catwoman707 found someone for him. That's why I am still waiting and have no info about the transporters or the future mom. Somewhere the communications have broken down and I can't do anything about it. Catwoman707 has my real name and phone number which she said she gave to the transporter and who was supposed to call me but didn't, but I only have her name, no other way to contact her but through this site and I have heard nothing else from her.
I can try to reach her through the Team Lounge for you. No promises - I have no idea if she's checking there either but maybe someone knows how to get in touch with her outside of the site. This is such a good opportunity for Patrick to find a home that helping that happen is really important. :hellocomputer:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I can try to reach her through the Team Lounge for you. No promises - I have no idea if she's checking there either but maybe someone knows how to get in touch with her outside of the site. This is such a good opportunity for Patrick to find a home that helping that happen is really important. :hellocomputer:
Thank you


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
This is probably a stupid question: if I need to replace a smoke detector and CO2 detector, does an electrician do it? Mine are hard wired in addition to having a battery back up so I'm guessing an electrician is needed? Do I provide the smoke and CO2 detectors for the electrician to install?

The low battery alarm for the kitchen / living area smoke detector just went off. I had replaced the battery earlier this year too :dunno: Then the hallway CO2 detector low battery alarm went off so I replaced that one as well. I'm hoping the bedroom one doesn't go off tonight because I don't have any more batteries :eek2::doh: The bedroom one isn't as old as the other two so it should be ok:crossfingers:. I had that one replaced a few years ago by the then-maintenance person when it wouldn't stop beeping despite having a new battery.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
This is probably a stupid question: if I need to replace a smoke detector and CO2 detector, does an electrician do it? Mine are hard wired in addition to having a battery back up so I'm guessing an electrician is needed? Do I provide the smoke and CO2 detectors for the electrician to install?

The low battery alarm for the kitchen / living area smoke detector just went off. I had replaced the battery earlier this year too :dunno: Then the hallway CO2 detector low battery alarm went off so I replaced that one as well. I'm hoping the bedroom one doesn't go off tonight because I don't have any more batteries :eek2::doh: The bedroom one isn't as old as the other two so it should be ok:crossfingers:. I had that one replaced a few years ago by the then-maintenance person when it wouldn't stop beeping despite having a new battery.
Google the type of smoke alarm you have. I hired an electrician to look at ours and it turns out the wiring had a plug and you just unplugged the old and plugged in the new one.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Nope, unfortunately he has chronic kidney disease. The vet said that at this point we have exhausted all treatment options and it's just a matter of time.
Oh dear. Yes, that's how I lost my Sweet Thing. I now regret that it took me so long to realize that it was terminal and it was time to let her go (the vet wasn't as up-front with me about her prognosis as I expected).

You must make your own decision about when it's time to let go; you're the one closest to Maisie and therefore the one who best knows just how bad he feels. You'll know when it's time.

:vibes: :alright: :grouphug2:

I'm sure you already know this, but it's worth saying anyway -- we'll be here for you as you go through this terrible ordeal.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Google the type of smoke alarm you have. I hired an electrician to look at ours and it turns out the wiring had a plug and you just unplugged the old and plugged in the new one.
This is excellent advice. Also, check whether you still have whatever manuals came with the alarms. After that, if you still don't have enough information to be comfortable with doing it yourself then yes, you should probably call an electrician. Ask friends who live in your area for the name of someone reliable. When you make the appointment ask whether you should buy another for the electrician to install or whether the electrician will bring one. If they say you should buy it first, ask what brand they recommend.



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Alicia88 Alicia88 , :alright:. It will be over soon, after which the really hard work begins. Maybe this will cheer you up a bit:

I think dolphins and cats share the same attitude about pregnant women.

I love that movie! I'm so ready for this pregnancy to be over. My abdomen is bruised and still very sore from the other day. I don't know what got into him, but now even small kicks hurt because he beat me up so bad the other day. Little buttface. Still, he'd better not come early. He needs to stay put 'til he's done cooking, but it would be nice if he'd stop being such a naughty little guy.

Well, I finally killed it. I've had a rat in my bathroom cabinets harassing me for a week. I set traps, but he would avoid them. Sometimes when I'm in the bathroom, he would open the cabinet and pop his head out. Since he was so big, I thought it definitely a packrat. Those things are R.O.U.S.'s . But after looking at it (in the trap), this is not a packrat. It has the looks of a normal rat. Except it's about 5x's the size.
Although I'd love to show the pictures, I don't think it appropriate for this site.
I made sure the kittens couldn't get into the bathroom, no telling what these rodents have. I also removed all my towels from there. I can now sleep better knowing it's gone and there is no way the kittens can get it. What a relief.
I'm surprised it was willing to hang around when you have cats. Most rodents will steer clear of a place that smells of cats, even if they aren't interested in hunting. When I was a kid, my mom was perfectly willing to feed any stray cats who showed up and their kittens because she was so terrified of snakes and rodents. I only saw 2 snakes within a block of our place. One was dead near the nest of one of the kitties - I guess she caught him going after her babies. The other was in the middle of the road and we watched another cat kill it. It was just a little garter snake and Miss Kitty played with it before she took it out and my mom was standing on the porch cheering her on. I had an interesting childhood with no shortage of cats. I swear they all communicated because all the strays in town found their way to our backyard at feeding time. It was a small town, though. It's bigger now - almost 600 people! Haha.

segelkatt segelkatt Oh, I didn't realize you the match was not made by you....
Oh well... hopefully someone will pop up for him soon.
I somehow never got the foster and find them a home "gene". I would be a huge foster FAIL! :catrub:
Clearly, fostering is not my strong suit, either. Just ask Marcy. She was only supposed to be here long enough to find her a permanent home. John isn't entirely sold on the idea of keeping her, but he's stopped looking for a home now, too. A few weeks ago, his coworker lost a cat she'd had for 19 years and he mentioned that she might want Marcy. I broke down crying at the thought of letting her go and it turned out the coworker has 3 other cats and didn't want another, but he hasn't mentioned giving her away since. LOL.

Maisie is not doing well. I'm having a really hard time accepting that he is probably not going to be with me for a whole lot longer. :( I've had him for ten years, and I can't imagine life without him.
I'm so sorry. Pets are family. Losing them hurts. When my mom was 9, my grandpa got her a border collie puppy. He lived for 21 years. My mom knew he didn't have long. He was blind and nearly deaf and couldn't really walk anymore - he mostly crawled. She fed him soft dog food with a spoon. She knew she should have put him down, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. The only time I've seen her cry that hard was when my grandpa died a few years ago. Losing Tippy was like losing her child. I didn't know him until he was old, but I heard some stories. Even as an old dog, he was very sweet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Alicia88 Alicia88 , I've never been pregnant, so take this for what it's worth.

You have a good, strong son who is exercising to the best of his ability given the cramped quarters where he currently resides. This is a good omen for a healthy child.

Ask your doctor to be sure it's safe before using it, but the best thing I've found for bruises is Solarcaine (or any similar sunburn remedy). I think it should be safe for your baby, because it certainly doesn't go deep enough to help with things like joint aches, but be safe and ask before you try. After a house guest abused me in 2013 I was so badly bruised that I was completely unable to sleep that night, and my brother suggested Solarcaine. We bought some the next day, Roger sprayed it on the bruises, and I was unable to feel the bruises at all until they were nothing more than a faint green tinge and were so thoroughly healed that I actually had to press on them to feel anything from them. The only thing that gives me pause about recommending it to you is that the location of your bruises is so close to the baby.

And if you do use this, wash your hands with soap afterwards. That stuff has a horrendous taste; you don't want it getting in your food.



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Alicia88 Alicia88 , I've never been pregnant, so take this for what it's worth.

You have a good, strong son who is exercising to the best of his ability given the cramped quarters where he currently resides. This is a good omen for a healthy child.

Ask your doctor to be sure it's safe before using it, but the best thing I've found for bruises is Solarcaine (or any similar sunburn remedy). I think it should be safe for your baby, because it certainly doesn't go deep enough to help with things like joint aches, but be safe and ask before you try. After a house guest abused me in 2013 I was so badly bruised that I was completely unable to sleep that night, and my brother suggested Solarcaine. We bought some the next day, Roger sprayed it on the bruises, and I was unable to feel the bruises at all until they were nothing more than a faint green tinge and were so thoroughly healed that I actually had to press on them to feel anything from them. The only thing that gives me pause about recommending it to you is that the location of your bruises is so close to the baby.

And if you do use this, wash your hands with soap afterwards. That stuff has a horrendous taste; you don't want it getting in your food.

No question about him being a strong little bugger. I think he's training to be a MMA fighter at birth! Haha. I'm glad hes strong - just wish he'd take it a little easier on his mama. I'll ask the doctor about the bruise stuff, but I am a bit nervous about using something that close to him. It's not unbearable pain - I've had worse. I mean, I've had a broken back and a lacerated spleen and kidney, not to mention many kidney stones. This is nothing compared to all that. But I could still do without it. He's been kicking hard enough to make it hurt since before 20 weeks but he really took things up a notch. It kinda made me think of someone pushing through a plastic bag until it stretches enough to break. But a plastic bag has more give and hopefully my womb won't actually break. LOL. I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow - just 10 to go. And the doctor has me drinking 3 ensure shakes a day to hopefully help me gain some weight. Four pounds in 7 months apparently isn't cutting it. She says he'll be just fine - my body gives to him before it gives to me - but she's worried about me. I'm not a big person in the first place. I'm constantly on the border of being underweight. It's not for lack of trying, though. I've always been an eater - just have a very high metabolism. We get WIC and the doctor wrote a note so I get whole milk now instead of 1%, which I prefer anyway. I feel like anything but whole is lying about being milk. Haha. WIC is also covering the ensure, which is a good thing. That stuff isn't cheap. Looking at the prices when I was picking it up, drinking 3 a day would probably run us at least $150 a month which we sure can't afford.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I've never heard of a baby kicking so hard that it makes bruises on mama on the outside. That just doesn't make sense. Have you told and shown your physician that? No, your uterus won't break from baby kicks. It could also be an elbow or a knee that's doing it. Considering the way that babies are folded up inside it would be pretty hard to be doing any kicking anyway. More likely it would be hands or knees.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Google the type of smoke alarm you have. I hired an electrician to look at ours and it turns out the wiring had a plug and you just unplugged the old and plugged in the new one.

The one in the main living area occasionally dangles from the ceiling (no idea how it unscrews itself. Vibrations from something?) and I've had to pop it back in. There are several color coded wires attaching the detector to the ceiling. I'm not messing with wires :headshake: I don't have the manuals that came with the detectors (they were installed by the builder) but I can Google it. I know the smoke detectors I currently have are a discontinued model so I need to get a different one.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I've never heard of a baby kicking so hard that it makes bruises on mama on the outside. That just doesn't make sense. Have you told and shown your physician that? No, your uterus won't break from baby kicks. It could also be an elbow or a knee that's doing it. Considering the way that babies are folded up inside it would be pretty hard to be doing any kicking anyway. More likely it would be hands or knees.
I haven't seen the doctor since the bruising happened, but he was really hurting me and I bruise easily, so I'm not worried about it. He's just a super strong little twerp.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I haven't seen the doctor since the bruising happened, but he was really hurting me and I bruise easily, so I'm not worried about it. He's just a super strong little twerp.
Are you at your weekly visits yet? If so, keep an eye on your blood pressure.
My son was very active. Much like yours. 2 weeks before due date they had to induce and when I wouldn't dilate they did an emergency c-section because my blood pressure was 210/190. I was perfectly healthy and don't have high blood pressure normally.

I'm not trying to scare you, just advising to keep an eye on it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
No, I'm still at every 2 weeks but I'm not worried about high blood pressure at all. I have very low pressure and pregnancy isn't changing that. I'm always in the 80/50 range. I wish I could raise it - I've always had really low energy and I think my blood pressure probably contributes to that.
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Alicia88 Alicia88 , not to alarm you, but just because I worked for 15+ years in the field of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, as a Ultrasound tech, and have over 30 years of Ultrasound experience..
Make sure you have an Ultrasound soon, to check on the weight of your baby. I am sure your doctor, nurse, or midwife is aware of this. If you have only gained 4 pounds, that is a bit worrisome.. You want to monitor the babies's weight with periodic ultrasounds, preferably at a specialized clinic.

Do not just go by them manually palpating the size/height of your uterus. You want to make sure the baby is growing at a good weight, there is enough amniotic fluid, etc..

Not to be alarming.. but this is just what I did 40+ hours a week for over 15 years.

any more questions, ask.. either her or PM me...
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