The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 29, 2017
Delaware, USA
Well This is annoying. I am looking over rentals and there are several places on tripadvisor with inadequate pricing. One place says $1200 a week but when I inquire about it they said it's $2400 a week. (WAY OUT OF MY BUDGET) and I copied the screen to the email and they said it could be off season price. I said I put in the august dates I am looking for. So be wary of prices on these sites. I found one camp I really like and three different sites have 3 different prices...

I almost think I am just going to say forget it this year. Who knew finding a rental is so hard??!! I almost think I would have been better off going with the rental from July that I found on Craigslist. I will contact him next week to find out if it's still available. The one I have put money down I doubt it will work out. So either I will loose the $1500 I put down or ?. The application for the rental is really bugging me. I mean I am paying cash. and they have my home address and everything. I guess some people have burned others so bad that it's scary to rent to just anyone. I have a good work history and credit is just about A- so I don't think it would be turned down.

God I should have just shut my mouth and stuck with the one on Swan Lake but I didn't like her mixed messages and not answering questions. And in this day and age how do you know it's not a scam? Anyone can take photos of a home and try to rent it out...good grief.
We found the different pricing on different sites as well. Some of the price difference is because the site listing the rentals charge different fees to the owners. Some sites have cleaning fees added but not as a separate line item.

Why are you reconsidering the place you put the deposit on? The web page should have the owner's refund policies listed.

The application could just be their way to do a background check. Maybe they have had a bad experience with a renter

Hope it all works out
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
OK...this daybed is going to be a real project. The instructions are clear, and very detailed, thank goodness!

Now, if you will excuse me,  I want to check and see if my TCS functions are actually functioning on Edge...The Firefox bookmarks imported, so I'm one step ahead.

@Margd  this is just as test...and it seems to be working.  At least, you are highlighted in blue, so that's good.  Now for an emoji check.   nope...not there yet...the emojis go to the front of the post.  Ah well...we're getting there!  AND my grammerly doesn't work in edge.  Looks like I'll be keeping Chrome for a bit, and swapping back and forth, but I can get rid of FireFox!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015

Which one do you get?? I see a lot of reviews on subscription boxes on Youtube. They are starting to have them for everything! 
It's something called Risque Reads. As the subscriber I picked my favorite romance genre (supernatural, in my case), and they send a box. I can't wait for it!
Update on this toy. It's a HUGE hit with the girls. They love it. They also already destroyed the butterfly. Sophie was grabbing the butterfly and dragging the toy around by it so I glued it to an upside down dessert plate. Did that solve anything? Nope. She can still knock it over and then yells when she can't chase the butterfly anymore. 

Yesterday, she ripped the butterfly clean in half. Half came off and half is still attached. I found some garden butterflies on Amazon that I am going to try to replace it with. That poor thing has been beat to heck and back. Hopefully this will work. 

I ended up buying a second one. That's the one we still have. The first one is gone. Someone dragged it to the middle of the living room floor where mommy stepped on it and it broke. Mommy got yelled at so Mommy ordered them a new, different but similar toy to make it up to them. It should be here on Friday. They are still miffed.  Mommy can't win. 

It's this one

Oh man. Please let us know if the replacement butterflies work.
Well I heard back from the rental. They want me to fill out an application. Since when do we fill out application to rent for a week???

I have continued searching incase this one doesn't work out. I have to wait until next week to hear if I am even approved to rent. Now I am paying CASH for the rental. Not sure what all this means.

Either way I have one more option of a rental but it's in July. the last 2 weeks or middle I am going to contact that guy to find out if those are still available if my rental falls through. I still haven't heard back from the one in Ellsworth. That one is in the middle of no where.

Either way I sure wish I had money for a camper and buy some land, put in power and drill a well...and

Lunchtime jog right now. Jon's now sick with my cold. He says hes going to build a house inside his storage container. I told him he's nuts. I said if I never touched him he would still catch it.

Little Honeybee started sneezing this morning too. Pumps didn't eat as much but she perked up for treats. It's just got to run it's course.

and of course I need time off to check out this camp up in July. they said we could come by. I think we should at least check it out. Sure wish August was open. God I keep kicking myself..I wonder if the old rentals wife just didn't like many strange things that happened..she said the oven was broken but when I checked it out it was still usable. All the burners worked...she said something about not wanting people to use the stove..I am like well since the house doesn't belong to her=it's her husbands who I KNEW way before she came along then it's obvious what's going on. She runs the house. This is what I am talking about. Some women have so much pressure on the man that they just do whatever the lady tells them..I knew I screwed up. I should have been a shrew...but no that's just not who I am. I would hate to control anyone like that.
Sucks to be sick, and to deal with sick people. 

My husband was getting Loot Crate for a while.  It was interesting.  Some things in the box were lame, some things really neat.  He hid the Simpsons wallet made out of Tyvek because I was determined to, um, liberate it from him.

Totally never heard of them. So are they like a dollar a month or much more expensive? Obviously they vary in price I suppose.
The cheapest one I found, the one I've got, is sixteen dollars a month. There's a subscription box for everything.
Well This is annoying. I am looking over rentals and there are several places on tripadvisor with inadequate pricing. One place says $1200 a week but when I inquire about it they said it's $2400 a week. (WAY OUT OF MY BUDGET) and I copied the screen to the email and they said it could be off season price. I said I put in the august dates I am looking for. So be wary of prices on these sites. I found one camp I really like and three different sites have 3 different prices...

I almost think I am just going to say forget it this year. Who knew finding a rental is so hard??!! I almost think I would have been better off going with the rental from July that I found on Craigslist. I will contact him next week to find out if it's still available. The one I have put money down I doubt it will work out. So either I will loose the $1500 I put down or ?. The application for the rental is really bugging me. I mean I am paying cash. and they have my home address and everything. I guess some people have burned others so bad that it's scary to rent to just anyone. I have a good work history and credit is just about A- so I don't think it would be turned down.

God I should have just shut my mouth and stuck with the one on Swan Lake but I didn't like her mixed messages and not answering questions. And in this day and age how do you know it's not a scam? Anyone can take photos of a home and try to rent it out...good grief.
I think you've got a good point there. Good luck! 

I really must get off of here and begin prepping to put the new daybed together.  I think I'm going to have to move my desk just a little bit, and one shelf, but that isn't a huge deal.  I have started sweeping, and may have to call in professional dust bunny trappers.  One of them GROWLED at me!
Wow. I get it, but--wow. Good luck cleaning!


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
The cheapest one I found, the one I've got, is sixteen dollars a month. There's a subscription box for everything.
For those who want a subscription box involving food, do not get Graze.  The snacks always sucked.  It's not worth the $6 a month.

I want to try Nature Box.  You have the option to choose your own snacks or be surprised and the snacks look yummy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
For those who want a subscription box involving food, do not get Graze.  The snacks always sucked.  It's not worth the $6 a month.

I want to try Nature Box.  You have the option to choose your own snacks or be surprised and the snacks look yummy.
I love Nature Box. My office gets this sent every month.We love the snacks.

We also got Kitnip boxes for the cats at one point. They loved that one. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
This subscription box stuff seems like just another way to spend money on things most of don't need and would not go to a store to buy or maybe not even to order on line. I don't get the attraction of ths. Maybe I'm just getting too old and crotchety to want to accumulate more "stuff".


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Wow. I get it, but--wow. Good luck cleaning!
The issue with the dust bunnies is that I have pretty darned long hair.  When it isn't in a ponytail, if falls just to the top of my hips, and if I lost 50 pounds, it would hit the middle of my fanny.  Add to that, I shed like a St. Bernard in August.  Add to THAT, Hekitty sheds like a fiend, too.  My hair gets behind stuff and tangles, then HER hair gets caught up in it, and it forms HUGE dust bunnies very quickly .  I am seriously considering shortening it by several inches.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Wow. I get it, but--wow. Good luck cleaning!
The issue with the dust bunnies is that I have pretty darned long hair.  When it isn't in a ponytail, if falls just to the top of my hips, and if I lost 50 pounds, it would hit the middle of my fanny.  Add to that, I shed like a St. Bernard in August.  Add to THAT, Hekitty sheds like a fiend, too.  My hair gets behind stuff and tangles, then HER hair gets caught up in it, and it forms HUGE dust bunnies very quickly .  I am seriously considering shortening it by several inches.
Yeah I have long hair too. And I am always finding hair spiders from my hair. I try to always keep it in a bun to eliminate the spiders..because Miss Honeybee eats my hair!
  And ends up out the other end and drives her bunkers as she scoots across the rug because it's tickling her I always have a roll of packing tape nearby and every morning I put a piece around my wrist and drag it around the floor where I sit/sleep. And Even though I try like heck to not run my fingers through my hair evidently I do it in my sleep because I wake up and my bun is undone...


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
LOL...THIS happens at my house:

I was thinking about starting on the bed today, but I have the sewing machine still set up, so I think that I'll finish converting that pair of jeans into a long skirt.  They are about 2/3of the way done.  The inner leg seams are pulled, and the crotch material is pinned for sewing flat.  That will only take about 5 minutes.  Then I can lay it out on the bed and cut the front and back panels, cut, pin, and then only about 10 minutes to sew! skirt!  And I really should go ahead and make a new batch of pasta sauce while my bell pepper is good and fresh.  I'll get on the bed tomorrow.  I did open it today and inventory all the parts.  It's going to be a little unweildy, but simple.  GOOD instructions.  If it goes together as easily as it appears, I shall be writing to the company with a testimonial!  Meanwhile, Hekitty has taken up residence in the open box.  Of course. 


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I'm wondering what to do about my cat's claws.

Of my three little darlings, the two males I can pretty easily cut their claws.  They aren't thrilled, but usually they aren't so wiggly that I can't get them all in one setting.

The female, Shadow, yeah no.  She *hates* all grooming with a passion.  So I put off her claws until I just absolutely need to check they are growing all right.  She one time did have a claw that just grew and grew, the curve of the nail kept on curving, and it grew into the pad for that toe a little.  Super, super thick, I had to take out little pieces of the nail at a time as even toenail clippers couldn't get around the claw.  I didn't even know that was possible until I saw it, and I don't want that again.

So every once in a while I'll insist my daughter help hold her down as I look at her claws, trim what is absolutely essential.  It's really nerve-wracking as unlike baths and mat removals and abdominal lump checks, my hands are well within bite distance.  She's got her claws, obviously, but whenever she's done with grooming I don't have to worry about being scratched.  I have to worry about bites.

Did that today and while all her claws look normal, most have partially attached claw sheaths.  Split, so the claw is clean underneath, but still attached farther into the toe.  I didn't want to touch them, the first time I saw those on the boys, they hated me trying to remove them.  I don't know why so many claws would have them though.  Does this mean she's quit scratching altogether?  We've got a cat tree with plenty of vertical and horizontal areas for scratching and we kissed our furniture arms goodbye a long time ago, so she has opportunity.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
For those who want a subscription box involving food, do not get Graze.  The snacks always sucked.  It's not worth the $6 a month.

I want to try Nature Box.  You have the option to choose your own snacks or be surprised and the snacks look yummy.
I wouldn't trust food to go through the mail, but then that's me and to be frank, it gets insanely hot down here in the summer. 
I love Nature Box. My office gets this sent every month.We love the snacks.

We also got Kitnip boxes for the cats at one point. They loved that one. 
I looked at "cat lover" boxes when I was trying to find one, but they all heavily rely on catnip, and I won't allow it in the house. (It makes Ra, the biggest of the cats, mean.)
This subscription box stuff seems like just another way to spend money on things most of don't need and would not go to a store to buy or maybe not even to order on line. I don't get the attraction of ths. Maybe I'm just getting too old and crotchety to want to accumulate more "stuff".
I don't know about most people, but for me it's a pleasant surprise and something to look forward to. (The last time I was looking forward to something was back in January, and you all know how that turned out.) This way, (since I'm the only  third shift employee at the store now), something pleasant comes to me. (I half-joke about living in the store, but it's kind of true. I haven't even had the energy to go to the library.)
The issue with the dust bunnies is that I have pretty darned long hair.  When it isn't in a ponytail, if falls just to the top of my hips, and if I lost 50 pounds, it would hit the middle of my fanny.  Add to that, I shed like a St. Bernard in August.  Add to THAT, Hekitty sheds like a fiend, too.  My hair gets behind stuff and tangles, then HER hair gets caught up in it, and it forms HUGE dust bunnies very quickly .  I am seriously considering shortening it by several inches.
Yeah, AWM and I both have long hair as well. Here's our general rule of thumb; if we're sitting on it, it's too long and we trim it. (Not a lot of people down here have long hair, but then again--it does  get really hot in the summer.)
I'm wondering what to do about my cat's claws.

Of my three little darlings, the two males I can pretty easily cut their claws.  They aren't thrilled, but usually they aren't so wiggly that I can't get them all in one setting.

The female, Shadow, yeah no.  She *hates* all grooming with a passion.  So I put off her claws until I just absolutely need to check they are growing all right.  She one time did have a claw that just grew and grew, the curve of the nail kept on curving, and it grew into the pad for that toe a little.  Super, super thick, I had to take out little pieces of the nail at a time as even toenail clippers couldn't get around the claw.  I didn't even know that was possible until I saw it, and I don't want that again.

So every once in a while I'll insist my daughter help hold her down as I look at her claws, trim what is absolutely essential.  It's really nerve-wracking as unlike baths and mat removals and abdominal lump checks, my hands are well within bite distance.  She's got her claws, obviously, but whenever she's done with grooming I don't have to worry about being scratched.  I have to worry about bites.

Did that today and while all her claws look normal, most have partially attached claw sheaths.  Split, so the claw is clean underneath, but still attached farther into the toe.  I didn't want to touch them, the first time I saw those on the boys, they hated me trying to remove them.  I don't know why so many claws would have them though.  Does this mean she's quit scratching altogether?  We've got a cat tree with plenty of vertical and horizontal areas for scratching and we kissed our furniture arms goodbye a long time ago, so she has opportunity.
 I've got nothing. Sorry. 


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
As of tomorrow morning I'm starting a diet.  So tonight I have to research dieting.  Any suggestions that aren't stupid expensive to buy for?


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I'm eating keto and it's great. I've lost 6 pounds in 11 days.
I'll have to check that out.  All the general diets (not the fad diets), when I looked at what I would have to eat, I'd actually be doubling my food consumption in a day.  I felt sick, like when you eat too much, just from reading the per day requirements.

20 days ago I bought a new belt and I've tightened it three times already.  2 weeks ago I measured myself for online ordering, I've lost between ½ to 1 inch in every spot when I measured again tonight.  The weight is just coming off and that's with me not caring what goes in at all.  I thought if I actually started watching that I could really lose weight.  But I'm just not that hungry.  I do have sugar cravings, I think for quick energy, but even then if I think about it, more often than not all I really am wanting is water.

This all probably started 6 months ago, my activity level jumped.  But the rapid drop seems to have coincided when I started an antidepressant that also worked on my ADHD.  Now instead of the "see food" diet (I see it, I eat it), I'm actually thinking through "Do I really want that?" and can easily ignore the impulsive "Yes!!!"


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I wouldn't trust food to go through the mail, but then that's me and to be frank, it gets insanely hot down here in the summer. 

I looked at "cat lover" boxes when I was trying to find one, but they all heavily rely on catnip, and I won't allow it in the house. (It makes Ra, the biggest of the cats, mean.)

I don't know about most people, but for me it's a pleasant surprise and something to look forward to. (The last time I was looking forward to something was back in January, and you all know how that turned out.) This way, (since I'm the only  third shift employee at the store now), something pleasant comes to me. (I half-joke about living in the store, but it's kind of true. I haven't even had the energy to go to the library.)

Yeah, AWM and I both have long hair as well. Here's our general rule of thumb; if we're sitting on it, it's too long and we trim it. (Not a lot of people down here have long hair, but then again--it does  get really hot in the summer.)

 I've got nothing. Sorry. 
I order food items through the mail all the time through various sources. I've never had an issue. I live in south Florida. I just started with Nature Box yesterday. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
As of tomorrow morning I'm starting a diet.  So tonight I have to research dieting.  Any suggestions that aren't stupid expensive to buy for?
Well, I hear the "eat nothing" diet is easy on the wallet.  

I'll have to check that out.  All the general diets (not the fad diets), when I looked at what I would have to eat, I'd actually be doubling my food consumption in a day.  I felt sick, like when you eat too much, just from reading the per day requirements.

20 days ago I bought a new belt and I've tightened it three times already.  2 weeks ago I measured myself for online ordering, I've lost between ½ to 1 inch in every spot when I measured again tonight.  The weight is just coming off and that's with me not caring what goes in at all.  I thought if I actually started watching that I could really lose weight.  But I'm just not that hungry.  I do have sugar cravings, I think for quick energy, but even then if I think about it, more often than not all I really am wanting is water.

This all probably started 6 months ago, my activity level jumped.  But the rapid drop seems to have coincided when I started an antidepressant that also worked on my ADHD.  Now instead of the "see food" diet (I see it, I eat it), I'm actually thinking through "Do I really want that?" and can easily ignore the impulsive "Yes!!!"
Are you sure you really want to go on a diet? It sounds like you're doing fine without one.
I order food items through the mail all the time through various sources. I've never had an issue. I live in south Florida. I just started with Nature Box yesterday. 
I've mentioned that AWM used to deliver USPS, right? That's  why I won't order anything with food through the mail--well, that and they delivered my invitation to the 2005 senior pictures yesterday!  

Well, my manager told me that we've finally got a new hire for the store. (Apparently what took so long was that although she was liking some of the applicants, they weren't showing up for their second interviews. Seriously--why start  the hiring process if you're not going to see it through?) About time too; it's just far, far  too much to expect to run a twenty-four hour store with five people when only one of them is trained for third shift. (I've only got one day off for the next workweek.) But--this should be last week for this kind of thing! We can do it! 


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Well, I hear the "eat nothing" diet is easy on the wallet.  

Are you sure you really want to go on a diet? It sounds like you're doing fine without one.

I've mentioned that AWM used to deliver USPS, right? That's  why I won't order anything with food through the mail--well, that and they delivered my invitation to the 2005 senior pictures yesterday!  

Well, my manager told me that we've finally got a new hire for the store. (Apparently what took so long was that although she was liking some of the applicants, they weren't showing up for their second interviews. Seriously--why start  the hiring process if you're not going to see it through?) About time too; it's just far, far  too much to expect to run a twenty-four hour store with five people when only one of them is trained for third shift. (I've only got one day off for the next workweek.) But--this should be last week for this kind of thing! We can do it! 
Our regular mail carrier is excellent. It's only when we have a substitute that we have any issues. Many places don't ship USPS. More often than not, my Amazon orders come with UPS. I have had the same UPS driver for quite a few years and he's always on point. Fed Ex partners with USPS. Sometimes the USPS will deliver Fed Ex packages. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I have never had an issue with USPS or UPS. I order stuff online all the time. Sometimes snacks and oddball things. Jon's brother in Florida is always sending us food. One time he sent us these organic fresh picked oranges..yummy! Last month he sent him a huge box stuffed with Herseys bars with almonds. The small normal sized ones..and yeah I have had a couple.

I sent in the short term agreement for the rental=hopefully they send me the application and other stuff. I know next year I will stick with someone on Craigslist. I thought going through a Realtor agent would be simpler. Nope. Too slow in communication. Since I only paid half of it I am stuck with this rental unless for some strange reason they decide not to rent to us then I could get my money back but now it's scramble to find another rental that isn't booked is the hard part. Hopefully they get back to me today. Because not knowing if we even have the rental is really annoying. What is so hard about answering questions and just doing your JOB?If I did this type of thing at work I would be FIRED!!!!!


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
We were having issues with misdelivered mail for a while but it was not our regular carrier. Amazon has a deal with USPS and they do Sunday deliveries. It's not the regular carrier though. One Sunday, I got SIX packages that did not belong to me along with my subscribe and save package. 

The next day when the regular carrier came by, DD gave him the 6 packages. He was mortified. She told him that we knew it wasn't his error. 

I have always had really good USPS carriers.  
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