The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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Alejandra Rico

TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Asturias, Spain
I work closely with a Cuban lady at my local food pantry. It's affiliated with the local cathedral & we are all Roman Catholic. One of the first times I sat with her she remarked to me that she does not like Muslims. Shocked though I was, I politely inquired why. She said because they don't have the same God as we do. Very nice lady, but amazing how a devoutly religious person can come out with such a remark.
That is wrong un so many ways... I do not know why I still get surprised (on the bad way, sadly) about how some people, who think they are good Christians, think. Sometimes I feel really out of place in this religiosos group, as I understand so much literaly Jesus' instructions than anyone else I know. Disliking someone by colour, religion or affective preferences is SO anti-christian, and yet, this religion is manipulated and used as an excuse for unaceptable behaviour and for saying horrible things. No matter how wonderful that Cuban lady is the rest of the time, she doesn't understand the main point of Christianity.
It makes me feel sad and weird.
Well, at least day was not horrible. We have a foster female great dane and she is gettion on well with our own three, so I can feel better now about this. My parents where afraid of our male reaction, but it seems they like each other, and our other two girls just adore her.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I work closely with a Cuban lady at my local food pantry. It's affiliated with the local cathedral & we are all Roman Catholic. One of the first times I sat with her she remarked to me that she does not like Muslims. Shocked though I was, I politely inquired why. She said because they don't have the same God as we do. Very nice lady, but amazing how a devoutly religious person can come out with such a remark.
On the religious front, last time I checked Catholics and Muslims do have the same God.  The God of Abraham is the God for all Christians, Jews and Muslims.  And Abraham's poor mistress and illegitimate child that Sarah tossed out were the ancestors of Muhammad.  And Islam does recognize Jesus as a prophet, which is actually very similar to some early Christian sects that were silenced at the Council of Nicea.

On the intolerance front, it is truly amazing the filth that can pour out of someone's lips.  And it sucks when you are an employee and can't say stuff.  I had to grit my teeth and force a smile when one customer started making nasty remarks about transgender people.  What set him off was that his wife wanted to take advantage of a special going on and we didn't have two of the appropriate sized girls' pullups so I suggested one girls' and one boys' pullups and said the only difference was the color.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I have always laughed at germaphobes.  Germs are healthy, right?

Well apparently I have a bit of germaphobia too, just realized it.  When I'm cooking food, the order of things is this:

- I pull out a knife and cut up a vegetable.

- I rinse off the knife and plate I'm cutting on for the next vegetable.

- Repeat for each vegetable.

- I pull out a second knife to cut open the package of meat.

- I pull out a third knife to cut up the meat.

- If there is a second meat, I pull out a fourth knife to open the package and a fifth knife to cut the meat.

Why am I using five knives to cook dinner?  Why am I so paranoid about meat germs that I can't stick with only two knives?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
The dark spots on the plate are glue. Mommy needs to learn to control the hot glue gun a little better. Martha Stewart would 

The butterfly is already down to one wing. Poor thing. Good thing I bought 24 of them. Lily doesn't really play with this anymore. She'd rather sit back and watch Sophie wrestle with it and she does. She can still easily knock it over despite the plate being glued to the bottom. 
So cute!
The past 24 hours were so difficult; my laptop died, and my husband tripped and sprained his hand so bad. Sometimes, I feel that there has to be a way out of it all, and that's what I felt this morning. I was so stressed, I had to take a week off at the animal shelter, so I wouldn't scare the cats.
In times like this I tell myself that "Tomorrow is another day." Today may be total crap, but anything  can happen tomorrow.
That is just...well.  We know what that is.  LOL...I have to tell you a story.  I was cashiering at my local Food Lion, ringing up a customer.  There were two couples standing at the end of the register.  One couple was mixed, white husband, black wife.  The other couple was white, I think.  This was about 5 years ago.  The husband of the mixed couple was saying, "Well, these mixed marriages just rarely work.  I mean, the kids have no idea where they belong!"   As the two couples moved off, the customer I was ringing up looked at me and said, "I canNOT believe what that man just said, and HE HAS A MIXED MARRIAGE!"  I started laughing and told her, "You read that one all wrong.  They are military and are talking about officers and enlisted marrying.  Whole different kind of mixing!"   It seems that a whole lot of people have a hard time accepting ANY differences in marriage, whether race, religion or military standing re rank, or any other danged thing...well...with the exception of sex, where those people INSIST on mixed marriages.

For me,  true love is so rare and beautiful, it ought to be celebrated in all its many permutations.

I work closely with a Cuban lady at my local food pantry. It's affiliated with the local cathedral & we are all Roman Catholic. One of the first times I sat with her she remarked to me that she does not like Muslims. Shocked though I was, I politely inquired why. She said because they don't have the same God as we do. Very nice lady, but amazing how a devoutly religious person can come out with such a remark.
There was a time period in history where Catholic dominated Europe went to war with Muslim dominated Middle East because they believed that the Muslims were worshiping Satan. (That's what the Crusades were about.) So, while deplorable--not really out of left field.
That is wrong un so many ways... I do not know why I still get surprised (on the bad way, sadly) about how some people, who think they are good Christians, think. Sometimes I feel really out of place in this religiosos group, as I understand so much literaly Jesus' instructions than anyone else I know. Disliking someone by colour, religion or affective preferences is SO anti-christian, and yet, this religion is manipulated and used as an excuse for unaceptable behaviour and for saying horrible things. No matter how wonderful that Cuban lady is the rest of the time, she doesn't understand the main point of Christianity.
It makes me feel sad and weird.
Well, at least day was not horrible. We have a foster female great dane and she is gettion on well with our own three, so I can feel better now about this. My parents where afraid of our male reaction, but it seems they like each other, and our other two girls just adore her.
I'm happy for you!
On the religious front, last time I checked Catholics and Muslims do have the same God.  The God of Abraham is the God for all Christians, Jews and Muslims.  And Abraham's poor mistress and illegitimate child that Sarah tossed out were the ancestors of Muhammad.  And Islam does recognize Jesus as a prophet, which is actually very similar to some early Christian sects that were silenced at the Council of Nicea.

On the intolerance front, it is truly amazing the filth that can pour out of someone's lips.  And it sucks when you are an employee and can't say stuff.  I had to grit my teeth and force a smile when one customer started making nasty remarks about transgender people.  What set him off was that his wife wanted to take advantage of a special going on and we didn't have two of the appropriate sized girls' pullups so I suggested one girls' and one boys' pullups and said the only difference was the color.
Of course. The whole point of the Crusades wasn't really a difference of religion; it was a matter of power--as in, the Catholic Church wanted more.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
There was a time period in history where Catholic dominated Europe went to war with Muslim dominated Middle East because they believed that the Muslims were worshiping Satan. (That's what the Crusades were about.) So, while deplorable--not really out of left field.
I probably didn't phrase my post well. I could care less about the God bit. What shocked me was her saying she doesn't like Muslims. She's entitled to her likes & dislikes, but this statement so goes against what we hear in the homily every week at mass.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I probably didn't phrase my post well. I could care less about the God bit. What shocked me was her saying she doesn't like Muslims. She's entitled to her likes & dislikes, but this statement so goes against what we hear in the homily every week at mass.
This is a little bit why I have an amateur interest in comparative religions.  It just drives the "faithful" crazy when you can contradict their beliefs with their own religious sources.  They just don't know how to respond  because their go-to source for supporting their bigotry was just turned on them.

But in my defense, the main reasons why is simply because I love trivia and the history of various beliefs are chock full of trivia, and because it is amazing what comes out when you compare religions and science.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I probably didn't phrase my post well. I could care less about the God bit. What shocked me was her saying she doesn't like Muslims. She's entitled to her likes & dislikes, but this statement so goes against what we hear in the homily every week at mass.
All you can do is shake your head. 
This is a little bit why I have an amateur interest in comparative religions.  It just drives the "faithful" crazy when you can contradict their beliefs with their own religious sources.  They just don't know how to respond  because their go-to source for supporting their bigotry was just turned on them.

But in my defense, the main reasons why is simply because I love trivia and the history of various beliefs are chock full of trivia, and because it is amazing what comes out when you compare religions and science.
You know, I noticed that as well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well, I woke up overheated (again), so I'm sitting here cooling down and my mind is running in a million directions at once. Why is it, when I've had oily skin all my life (to the point that I've been washing with Dawn for years  to keep the oil under control), I would suddenly have a problem with skin so dry pressure makes it crack? It makes no sense to me. Now, back during Christmastime, DD had said that he and fiance were coming down for the holiday (and they didn't), and I still have their Christmas gifts sitting in my room. Would it be a good idea to just add some other stuff to make two boxes and ship them up as Christmas/Easter baskets, or just send the belated presents together? (I already know I'll be working Easter.) The new girl who will be trained for my shift (FINALLY!!!) has the same name as a childhood friend I lost contact with a long  time ago--and I can't help but wonder if they're the same person. Not that, you know, with the face blindness and everything I'd be able to tell. When I told DD the last time I spoke to me about my schedule, he said it was great!!! Then again, when I was a kid he worked full time for the army and part time for both a pizza delivery place and a gas station. I don't think he understands that I don't share his crazy stamina from back then--but then DD's never had the health problems I have.

AWM and I were talking about something funny this morning, before I went to bed. A few years ago, back when I had turtles, I kept the tank stocked with a relatively nice supply (by no means enough to overstock the tank) of minnows and goldfish for my turtles to eat between feedings. (And given everything I now know about goldfish, it makes sense that I couldn't keep them alive until I was mainly concerned with the turtles.) Well, one day I went back to my room (where the turtle tank was), and saw that the fish were playing with something that was shiny silver. I was panicked that metal had gotten into the tank (I didn't really like the turtles; I was just raising them until summer and they could be rehomed), so I pulled it out. It wasn't metal at all; it was the head of one of the minnows. (I put the head back into the tank and got a different brand of fish food--clearly they weren't getting the nutrients they needed from the one I was using. Note to all aspiring aquarium owners out there--don't get fish food from the Dollar Tree.) At the time I was horrified, but in retrospect it was hilarious!

I finally got a shipping number for my box. (Apparently the company pulls out in the middle of the month to deliver at the beginning of the next month.) On the one hand, I'm excited. What will the book be? What will the surprise be? What will the something cozy be? I can't wait to find out! On the other hand, the last time I was this excited about something, (that convention back in January I was going to attend), something happened and I couldn't go. Part of me keeps wondering if something will happen and I won't get my box.

It's way too hot!!


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Why is it, when I've had oily skin all my life (to the point that I've been washing with Dawn for years to keep the oil under control), I would suddenly have a problem with skin so dry pressure makes it crack
Have you started a new medicine? The dry skin happened to me when I was put on a high dose of a medicine that causes dry mouth. "Dry mouth" was a major understatement by the FDA; it dried out my mouth, nose, eyes and skin and despite downing water every waking moment I never could get enough liquids.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I'm worried. 

I don't know if I've openly stated it before, but I am mentally ill.  I had an insurance lapse last year that led to no medicine which in turn led to me and my entire family being miserable.  I'm still getting things right.  I will do anything and risk anything to just be normal, just like everyone else.  I'm not one of those idiots that feel they don't need medicine, I fully accept that I have a chronic disease that will need lifelong treatment.

I've also bounced around a bit lately with getting a proper medical professional.  I finally have one.  And he wants to run an EKG.  He said today he's not changing my medicine until I get one.

And one of the medicines I wheedled out of a previous doctor is great.  It does so very, very much to help me.  Nothing else has ever had such a positive effect on my mind.  And a long ago doctor took me off of it because she ordered an EKG and found it was causing prolonged QT interval.

Yeah, I will risk death so that I can essentially be normal.  Because life is not worth living if my brain is uncontrolled.

I really, really hope that I'm not having that side effect again.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I'm worried. 

I don't know if I've openly stated it before, but I am mentally ill.  I had an insurance lapse last year that led to no medicine which in turn led to me and my entire family being miserable.  I'm still getting things right.  I will do anything and risk anything to just be normal, just like everyone else.  I'm not one of those idiots that feel they don't need medicine, I fully accept that I have a chronic disease that will need lifelong treatment.

I've also bounced around a bit lately with getting a proper medical professional.  I finally have one.  And he wants to run an EKG.  He said today he's not changing my medicine until I get one.

And one of the medicines I wheedled out of a previous doctor is great.  It does so very, very much to help me.  Nothing else has ever had such a positive effect on my mind.  And a long ago doctor took me off of it because she ordered an EKG and found it was causing prolonged QT interval.

Yeah, I will risk death so that I can essentially be normal.  Because life is not worth living if my brain is uncontrolled.

I really, really hope that I'm not having that side effect again.
Keeping you close in my heart.  I worked for years at a State acute-care mental facility.  While I do not KNOW, I do have some understanding of what you are going through.  And I tend to agree with you, I, also, would risk death for essential normalcy.  I will be thinking of you, praying for you.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I'm worried. 

I don't know if I've openly stated it before, but I am mentally ill.  I had an insurance lapse last year that led to no medicine which in turn led to me and my entire family being miserable.  I'm still getting things right.  I will do anything and risk anything to just be normal, just like everyone else.  I'm not one of those idiots that feel they don't need medicine, I fully accept that I have a chronic disease that will need lifelong treatment.

I've also bounced around a bit lately with getting a proper medical professional.  I finally have one.  And he wants to run an EKG.  He said today he's not changing my medicine until I get one.

And one of the medicines I wheedled out of a previous doctor is great.  It does so very, very much to help me.  Nothing else has ever had such a positive effect on my mind.  And a long ago doctor took me off of it because she ordered an EKG and found it was causing prolonged QT interval.

Yeah, I will risk death so that I can essentially be normal.  Because life is not worth living if my brain is uncontrolled.

I really, really hope that I'm not having that side effect again.
This story sounds SO familiar! 
I have been gifted by the fates with recurring episodes of major depression so I've been through the medication mill.  Oh, lordy, I think I've tried everything.  Like you,  I found a medication that worked and I took it for about two years.  Then, shortly after I'd received a 90 day supply via mail order, I had an unusual episode of dizziness and difficulty speaking.  My daughter insisted I go to the hospital to be evaluated for a stroke.  It turned out that I had prolonged QT syndrome.  The doctors immediately zeroed in on the medication and took me off it, cold turkey.  The result?  My life went into free fall until I decided that I'd rather be dead and started to take the medication again on my own.  I had a job that I had to perform and I felt there was no choice. During that time I had an EKG and there was no prolonged QT syndrome but doctors wouldn't refill it for me anyway.  When I ran out, well.....let's just say it wasn't fun at all.  Brrrrrr.  I shudder to remember.  

My point is: I've been there.  I  know exactly what you're going through and can not sympathize enough. Just the mere thought of giving up the medication causes tremendous anxiety and then, once you are no longer on it,  you re-experience life as a guinea pig while the doctor tries to find something that works as well.  Meanwhile, life without the medication you need is such agony that it feels like it's not worth living.  

  I hope you discover as I did that the medication did not cause the heart issue.   Prolonged QT syndrome is a very serious condition and I hate to think of you having to choose between that or living life without the one medication that really helps.   
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Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
This story sounds SO familiar! 
I have been gifted by the fates with recurring episodes of major depression so I've been through the medication mill.  Oh, lordy, I think I've tried everything.  Like you,  I found a medication that worked and I took it for about two years.  Then, shortly after I'd received a 90 day supply via mail order, I had an unusual episode of dizziness and difficulty speaking.  My daughter insisted I go to the hospital to be evaluated for a stroke.  It turned out that I had prolonged QT syndrome.  The doctors immediately zeroed in on the medication and took me off it, cold turkey.  The result?  My life went into free fall until I decided that I'd rather be dead and started to take the medication again on my own.  I had a job that I had to perform and I felt there was no choice. During that time I had an EKG and there was no prolonged QT syndrome but doctors wouldn't refill it for me anyway.  When I ran out, well.....let's just say it wasn't fun at all.  Brrrrrr.  I shudder to remember.  

My point is: I've been there.  I  know exactly what you're going through and can not sympathize enough. Just the mere thought of giving up the medication causes tremendous anxiety and then, once you are no longer on it,  you re-experience life as a guinea pig while the doctor tries to find something that works as well.  Meanwhile, life without the medication you need is such agony that it feels like it's not worth living.  

  I hope you discover as I did that the medication did not cause the heart issue.   Prolonged QT syndrome is a very serious condition and I hate to think of you having to choose between that or living life without the one medication that really helps.   
I am so sorry that you are going through all this too.

In my case it was the medicine.  I've seen a lot of different doctors and one time when I switched, the new doctor ordered an EKG.  I had the prolonged QT interval.  She also stopped it cold turkey, and a followup EKG two weeks later showed no more prolonged QT interval.

If it shows up.....while that is a fairly minor player in keeping me straight it also is the only thing that has worked on my ADHD, and I'm liking my closets being clean and my sudden weight loss.  It is one of only two antidepressants that have ever worked for me (and I've tried a LOT) so I'm worried about feeling depressed again.  But this psych NP also said that the antipsychotic can also cause prolonged QT interval, and I don't want him blaming that medicine and taking it from me.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I am so sorry that you are going through all this too.

In my case it was the medicine.  I've seen a lot of different doctors and one time when I switched, the new doctor ordered an EKG.  I had the prolonged QT interval.  She also stopped it cold turkey, and a followup EKG two weeks later showed no more prolonged QT interval.

If it shows up.....while that is a fairly minor player in keeping me straight it also is the only thing that has worked on my ADHD, and I'm liking my closets being clean and my sudden weight loss.  It is one of only two antidepressants that have ever worked for me (and I've tried a LOT) so I'm worried about feeling depressed again.  But this psych NP also said that the antipsychotic can also cause prolonged QT interval, and I don't want him blaming that medicine and taking it from me.
I'm actually okay now, but thank you for the sympathy - I know you understand how awful it was.   It's hard to know exactly why everything is fine now, but I'm sure that being retired has a lot to do with it.  Still, I do remember those horrible days when I was trying to cope with being tossed off my medicine because of the prolonged Q-T syndrome and I feel for you, facing the same thing.  For the second time, no less.

Clean closets and weight loss -  oh, how I wish! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Have you started a new medicine? The dry skin happened to me when I was put on a high dose of a medicine that causes dry mouth. "Dry mouth" was a major understatement by the FDA; it dried out my mouth, nose, eyes and skin and despite downing water every waking moment I never could get enough liquids.
I haven't. Nothing in my diet (and I do take some vitamins) has changed between this time last year, when my skin was still exceptionally oily, and now, when I'm fighting insanely dry skin.
I'm actually okay now, but thank you for the sympathy - I know you understand how awful it was.   It's hard to know exactly why everything is fine now, but I'm sure that being retired has a lot to do with it.  Still, I do remember those horrible days when I was trying to cope with being tossed off my medicine because of the prolonged Q-T syndrome and I feel for you, facing the same thing.  For the second time, no less.

Clean closets and weight loss -  oh, how I wish! 
I like to keep my goals simple. I'm more likely to meet them that way. 


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I haven't. Nothing in my diet (and I do take some vitamins) has changed between this time last year, when my skin was still exceptionally oily, and now, when I'm fighting insanely dry skin.
Has your HVAC unit been replaced?  That could make the air dryer than last year.

What about the climate?  Maybe the outside air has far less humidity than last year.

Has your diet changed at all?  Especially your intake of water?

And did you switch manufacturers for your supplements?  There is also the possibility that if you use the same manufacturer, they changed their formula.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
My daughter has autism.  I've heard the same thing, it's a gift because of things like hyper-focusing on a subject.  It's not.  Not at all.  I'm starting to wonder if she will ever be able to live independently.
I have a grandson who has Aspergers which is a kind of autism. He's 24 and lives with his parents, he will never be able to work or live on his own. He's stuck in his tracks and it is really hard to get him to do anything besides messing with his computer. If you constantly remind him to stick with what he is doing (like washing dishes) he'll get it done, but as soon as he is left to his own devices he will leave the dishes in the sink and go back to the comp. He is perfectly capable of doing any number of things, he just can't stick with doing them, which is frustrating for anyone around him. On top of that he has no self control, having "melt downs" in which he will yell, throw things, slam doors like a small child. He's on SSI and can't understand that his parents will take a big chunk for his upkeep, he thinks they should just keep taking care of him and the money is for him to have fun with. The money that he does get to keep is always gone by the middle of the month and then he pesters his mom to give him some of "his" money and has a meltdown when she refuses, he can't understand why his money does not last all month. Routine is what he needs for everything, whenever something new is introduced he has a hard time dealing with the newness (in that respect he is like a cat, can't deal with change). Like most Aspergers people he is extremely intelligent, passed all his classes in a special school with "A's", but he can't function on his own. That is NOT a gift but a curse, his parents are worried about what will happen to him when they are gone, group homes are not for people like him and he would not be able to function there either, computers are not allowed and most people in group homes are retarded (what is the polite name for that these days?) which he is not. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
It is difficult to understand for me why would anyone consider comunism a method which works in countries with so diverse goverments, such as France, Spain or United Kingdom.
Well, no country is perfect.
Having grown up in Europe with socialized medicine I was shocked to learn that the US did not have universal health care, that you had to take out insurance on your own or pay for every doctor visit. both of which are horribly expensive. Thus many people do not have insurance and the overall health of the US population is not good because they can't afford to take care of themselves properly. All the wonderful things available to sick people won't do you any good if you can't afford it. On top of that there are many quacks around pushing "cures" that don't work and too many people fall for them, particularly as these "cures" are allowed to be advertised in magazines and on TV.  One would think that people would be smart enough to not believe all that stuff but there is a general lack of education so that people do believe all that nonsense.

The fear of communism stems from after World War II, and somehow socialism had become the same as communism. People just will not believe that those are two different things no matter how many other countries do have socialism, taking care of their people in many ways but still have a certain amount of capitalism,  are doing very well and they are not communist.

Alejandra Rico

TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Asturias, Spain
Having grown up in Europe with socialized medicine I was shocked to learn that the US did not have universal health care, that you had to take out insurance on your own or pay for every doctor visit. both of which are horribly expensive. Thus many people do not have insurance and the overall health of the US population is not good because they can't afford to take care of themselves properly. All the wonderful things available to sick people won't do you any good if you can't afford it. On top of that there are many quacks around pushing "cures" that don't work and too many people fall for them, particularly as these "cures" are allowed to be advertised in magazines and on TV.  One would think that people would be smart enough to not believe all that stuff but there is a general lack of education so that people do believe all that nonsense.
The fear of communism stems from after World War II, and somehow socialism had become the same as communism. People just will not believe that those are two different things no matter how many other countries do have socialism, taking care of their people in many ways but still have a certain amount of capitalism,  are doing very well and they are not communist.
Yeah, when I was in Colledge, we had a subject called Cultures of the United States and another one called Literature of the USA. At that point Obama was elected and I remember how excited we were about his plans for public health.
Teachers told us that it wouldn't work and that we shoundn't be disapointed about that. That if we ever go working there, we must be sure that our employers would guarantee our insurance.
Teachers said that it was not only because of comunism and socialism, but also something related to the time in which americans had to pay abusive taxes to the UK, that culturally they are not willing to pay an extra bit for everyday things as we do here.
I do not know. It seems to me that all this issue is more complex than I can see.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Has your HVAC unit been replaced?  That could make the air dryer than last year.

What about the climate?  Maybe the outside air has far less humidity than last year.

Has your diet changed at all?  Especially your intake of water?

And did you switch manufacturers for your supplements?  There is also the possibility that if you use the same manufacturer, they changed their formula.
No, same HVAC unit. And if anything, it's more  humid this year--we've been getting more rain than normal this time of year, and while it's been cold, it hasn't been a dry cold, if that makes sense. No, the diet's the same as it was this time last year. My water intake has  changed--I've been drinking more of it. I can't help it--at work I get so thirsty (probably something to do with the fact that I greet each and every single customer twice--once when they come in and once when they get to the counter). When I first started taking supplements, I had trouble finding the right ones. (I don't know what the extra ingredients are, but for some of the brands I have a bad reaction to them.) However, I've now settled on brand, Spring Valley, and I've stuck with it for years. Now, AWM has said that, due to the increased rains and (subsequent) flooding of the water plant, there's more chlorine in the water than there was last year. (I drink bottled and filter water only--I can't stand the taste of tap.) Could that be it? 
Having grown up in Europe with socialized medicine I was shocked to learn that the US did not have universal health care, that you had to take out insurance on your own or pay for every doctor visit. both of which are horribly expensive. Thus many people do not have insurance and the overall health of the US population is not good because they can't afford to take care of themselves properly. All the wonderful things available to sick people won't do you any good if you can't afford it. On top of that there are many quacks around pushing "cures" that don't work and too many people fall for them, particularly as these "cures" are allowed to be advertised in magazines and on TV.  One would think that people would be smart enough to not believe all that stuff but there is a general lack of education so that people do believe all that nonsense.

The fear of communism stems from after World War II, and somehow socialism had become the same as communism. People just will not believe that those are two different things no matter how many other countries do have socialism, taking care of their people in many ways but still have a certain amount of capitalism,  are doing very well and they are not communist.
I hope this won't shock you, but with some health care plans (like mine), you not only have to pay the insurance company, but also  the doctors--every single visit. (According to my health plan, it covers the doctor coming into the same room as I am. Anything else, like tests, prescriptions, or diagnosis, is extra, and out of my pocket. My very bare, lint-lined pocket.)
Yeah, when I was in Colledge, we had a subject called Cultures of the United States and another one called Literature of the USA. At that point Obama was elected and I remember how excited we were about his plans for public health.
Teachers told us that it wouldn't work and that we shoundn't be disapointed about that. That if we ever go working there, we must be sure that our employers would guarantee our insurance.
Teachers said that it was not only because of comunism and socialism, but also something related to the time in which americans had to pay abusive taxes to the UK, that culturally they are not willing to pay an extra bit for everyday things as we do here.
I do not know. It seems to me that all this issue is more complex than I can see.
Here's the thing: this has actually been on the table in the US several times. And every single time it comes up, like clockwork, there's a group who will rile all the morons about how such a thing "infringes on our rights" and so on. 
 Well, as a famous author once said, "A person  is smart. People  are stupid."
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