The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2016

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Oh, and here's the funny thing - I was approved to work extra hours because I was so good at my job.  Someone try and figure that one out.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I saw a doctor for the issue and got a doctor's note.  If they fire me anyway, shouldn't I be able to collect?  I mean, if I'm under a doctor's care, you would think they would have to take that into consideration.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Your application would first be turned down. Then you can contest it if you want with your doctor's note. How that would turn out, I don't have any idea.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Well, it might not be an issue at all.  I'm putting in applications elsewhere so if I get hired somewhere, I'm just gonna say Deuces.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Thanks.  I'm done trying.  I don't even care anymore.  I have 2 friends who sent me links to other work from home jobs; both of them have starting wages higher than what I'm making after working here for over a year.  I will applying to both as soon as I log off tonight.

Last night, I talked to a friend who used to work with me at the center before it switched to work from home.  She said everyone she's talked hates it now.  So, I guess on the bright side, at least I'm not being singled out.  I'm just getting it slightly worse.  When I was working at the center, I was approved to work more than 28 hours per week, which qualifies me for 30 hours of paid time off every quarter.  So, maybe I'm being paranoid, but maybe that's why they're so keen to get rid of me.
It's very encouraging to know that you have other options.   You're not being paranoid at all to think that your eligibility for paid time off explains the harassment.  This is classic behavior for some companies when their employees reach levels that might mean raises, benefits or overtime.  You may well have fallen victim to Business Practices 101 in the Early 21st Century.  If this is the case, the silver lining is that they should give you a glowing recommendation with potential employers.  

About the unemployment - if your company claims it was for "cause" , it might be worth suggesting your unemployment office listen to that tape of you "yawning."    If you can't hear anything wrong, odds are they won't be able to either.  

Sending vibes that a great new job comes along soon. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
So, work had me to go a meeting screen and called me to listen to 3 calls where I "yawned."  The first one, all I heard was an intake of breath.  Um, so I breathed too loudly and they called it a yawn?  Right.  I'm not even sure what they were referring to with the other 2 calls.  I was listening - I didn't hear anything.  I'm getting a "final written warning" and then "we'll have to consider elimination."  That's the word that was used.  So, I guess a sniper watching my apartment?

At this point, I WANT them to fire me.  I'll collect unemployment while I look for another job.  Screw them all.
Sounds like a plan to me.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I have survived a month and a half working 50 - 60 hour weeks at Amazon!  My house is a mess, litter boxes need a really good cleaning, water fountains too. So glad most of my Christmas shopping was done before I started working.  The job should last another 2 weeks at least but will be calmer.  Working until 1:30 am really messes with my sleeping time.  The cats still expect to be fed in the morning.

I miss walking Eclipse. I took him early one day last week and while I wasn't holding the leash some birds landed in the back of the yard and he took off after them. He ran behind the Oleander bush (huge, 10+ years old) where I do not fit and got into the neighbor's yard.  Of course they weren't home and they lock their gates.  I climbed over the 6 ft privacy fence and got the escapee and handed him over to DD who was out by then.  He has been running out the door on a regular basis the past two weeks.  DH wants a pad by the door that activates a light when the cat is there so he will know not to open the door and let him out.

Gerry has grown quite a bit and is no longer kitten sized.  Fluffy still can't decide if she likes her or not.  Sometimes they touch noses and other times they stalk each other.

DH got a kick out of the Christmas cards addressed to the cats.  We taped theirs lower on the door so they could admire them.

@Tallyollyopia is it time for another excerpt of MS and E?
I was working on it yesterday, and I'm really close to the chapter break. Had no time to work on it today though. 

The problem is that the common cold virus mutates so quickly.  You only catch ONE version of it once, but there are so many out there.  That's why you catch fewer and fewer colds as you get older, you've developed immunity to most of them.  One of the few REAL perks about getting old, which is NOT for sissies!
I hate being sick. I hope I don't catch it this year--I can't afford to take the time off work.
My immunity comes from having an annual flu shot. And now we seniors can have a once-in-a-lifetime pneumonia shot, which I had this year.
I can't get the annual shot--I'm allergic to something in it.
I know I've spent a lot of time complaining about my job.  Sorry if it's getting annoying.  But I hate it.  I just had some guy very rudely tell me to get a real job.  I wonder if he would be happier if I just kept getting pregnant and having kid after kid so I could live off welfare?  Or I could make and sell drugs?  At least I'm working.  That's not a dig against people who are unable to work.  My point is, I don't think you should look down on anyone who's working for a living, regardless of what their job is - as long as it's legal, that is.
And what does he think a "real job" is? (If it makes you feel any better I hear the same thing at my work.)
So, I guess I do need a degree.  I  think.  I have a headache.  Eh, I applied.  If I'm not qualified, they won't call and I won't be any worse off than I am now.
True, so no reason not to apply. 
Just an update on Patrick, the foster. He's had another episode of constipation, I think he indulged in a bit too much of the other cats' kibble, a little does not seem to bother him but too much does. So I  had to take him to the vet to get cleaned out, an expense I did not need although the Cat Adoption Program should reimburse me. He's ok now, eating again and he has pooped out all the hard stools.

Someone on this site had recommended Remedy Rescue for anxiety for him as he freaks out with any and all strangers. I gave him 4 drops an hour before somebody came to meet him and he was as calm as could be, no freaking out at all. I couldn't believe it as I am very sceptical of any and all remedies from the health food stores. I have done this twice now when somebody came to meet him and the difference in that cat is just unbelievable. So, thanks to whoever turned me on  to Rescue Remedy.

So far one of the prospective cat moms has turned out not to be suitable, the other needs to turn in papers for an application to adopt and there is one other who is supposed to call me to meet him. This is better than I have had of interested people ever. So maybe something will turn out right yet.  
I wish you the best of luck! 

Wowsers. I went shopping Monday, since I had the day off. I went to Menards, and had one of their refund checks in my pocket. But I didn't find anything I wanted to buy, so I didn't use the refund check. But when I got home I discovered that the refund check wasn't in my pocket. It was ~$16 so I was disappointed but not devastated. I assume it fell out of my pocket in the parking lot when I pulled my keys out, and it was super windy on Monday. So it probably blew off to the next county, lol. But somebody must have found it and put it in a mailbox (for those not familiar with Menards refund checks---they're postcards with the check on one side and your address on the other) because it was back in my mailbox today! Somewhat dirtier, lol, but still. That's impressive all around.
It sure is! You're lucky it didn't end up in a pond or something.
Sure is!  You don't see/hear of that happening much these days.  Hope you find something you really want/need to spend it on!  $16 is an amount I would not want to lose.
Yeah, still counting pennies over here.
Patrick really doesn't like any kind of people food, he also does not like treats, can you believe it? I tried the pumpkin, smuggled it into his canned food, no dice, he took one sniff and walked away. .Same thing with Greenies. The Rescue Remedy comes in an eye dropper and I put it on 4 pieces of the forbidden kibble which he gobbled right up and apparently it did the trick as he was as mellow as can be the whole time his prospective cat moms were here.
At least he ate it! 

So, work had me to go a meeting screen and called me to listen to 3 calls where I "yawned."  The first one, all I heard was an intake of breath.  Um, so I breathed too loudly and they called it a yawn?  Right.  I'm not even sure what they were referring to with the other 2 calls.  I was listening - I didn't hear anything.  I'm getting a "final written warning" and then "we'll have to consider elimination."  That's the word that was used.  So, I guess a sniper watching my apartment?

At this point, I WANT them to fire me.  I'll collect unemployment while I look for another job.  Screw them all.
You may want to look into getting a pro bono lawyer. (I don't know how it works in your state, but in ours there's an agency you can go to--presuming the the business in question isn't the post office, to report harassment like that.)
Thanks.  I'm done trying.  I don't even care anymore.  I have 2 friends who sent me links to other work from home jobs; both of them have starting wages higher than what I'm making after working here for over a year.  I will applying to both as soon as I log off tonight.

Last night, I talked to a friend who used to work with me at the center before it switched to work from home.  She said everyone she's talked hates it now.  So, I guess on the bright side, at least I'm not being singled out.  I'm just getting it slightly worse.  When I was working at the center, I was approved to work more than 28 hours per week, which qualifies me for 30 hours of paid time off every quarter.  So, maybe I'm being paranoid, but maybe that's why they're so keen to get rid of me.
AWM says to make sure, on meetings like that, to defend your position (and, if possible, blame the doctor). Otherwise it's passive compliance, and you're agreeing with them.

Okay, I'm sorry, my turn to complain. When I was supposed to get off work my assistant manager (the manager is down with the flu) asked if I could stay just long enough over so that she could finish her paperwork. (Paperwork usually takes about two and a half hours, so no big deal.) However--there was a problem. A woman bought a phone card from Verizon, and the computer didn't print her pin card. So, I got my assistant manager. For two  hours  they were fighting about whether the woman deserved her minutes. (There was a point where they agreed she had gotten the minutes--but only gave her half  of them.) So finally the issue was resolved, my assistant manager went back to her paperwork, and I was able to finally go home--after eleven hours! I was exhausted! I'm still  tired! I don't want to go to work, but I don't have a choice! So for all those wondering about Magic School and Egg, I'll get to it as soon as I can (I love working on the story). Sorry it's taking so long.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Wowsers. I went shopping Monday, since I had the day off. I went to Menards, and had one of their refund checks in my pocket. But I didn't find anything I wanted to buy, so I didn't use the refund check. But when I got home I discovered that the refund check wasn't in my pocket. It was ~$16 so I was disappointed but not devastated. I assume it fell out of my pocket in the parking lot when I pulled my keys out, and it was super windy on Monday. So it probably blew off to the next county, lol. But somebody must have found it and put it in a mailbox (for those not familiar with Menards refund checks---they're postcards with the check on one side and your address on the other) because it was back in my mailbox today! Somewhat dirtier, lol, but still. That's impressive all around.
Nice. I would have sent it back to you too. I once found someone's IRS refund check next to the curb. When they still mailed them, their envelopes were a distinctive dark yellow. I recognized it immediately.  I brought it to their house and put it between the screen and front doors with a note on it letting them know where it had been found. It was about a block or so from their house. I also found someone's work ID badge on a city bus. I mailed it back to the employer. Some places charge employees for replacement badges. I will always return something I find to its rightful owner if I can tell who it belongs to. I was at a bus stop once and a young man ran past me to catch a bus and a $10 bill fell out of his pocket. I jumped on the bus after him and gave it back to him. You should have seen the look on his face when he checked his pocket and saw that it wasn't there. 

My DH left his wallet in a shopping cart at Wal Mart once after cashing his check (well before all of these). He never saw it again. I vowed to do the right thing because whoever found his did NOT. 
In the mid 1990s, I would help sell discount certificates from the local grocery store after church -- basically, it's like buying yourself a gift card -- you pay $10 for a piece of $10 Monopoly money, the grocery store honors it, and then sends the church some money.  A sweet set up for the church, and a way that people can "donate" to the church without actually spending any money on it.

Anyhow, one day as I was closing down, counting the money, making sure the books checked, I discovered that somehow we had taken in $500 more than we had sold!  It took me a while, but I finally figured out who must have accidentally given me the extra money and gave him a call.  The next Sunday, our treasurer came up and put his arm around my shoulders and said "I hear you did something very special this week."  I said "Huh??"  "Giving that money back to Carmine."  I was astounded by this.  I thought about it for, maybe, all of 5 seconds, and finally said, "Well, if you really thought that I was a thief, perhaps you shouldn't have given me a key to the church and a copy of the combination to the safe."

I probably shouldn't have taken offense, since he truly didn't mean to be offensive, but to me this just sounds like basic honesty, and I think we should be able to expect it from our friends and neighbors.  I know there are people who don't return found money, but I'm always taken by surprise when I encounter them.  There's something wrong when it becomes surprising that people behave honorably.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
It's very encouraging to know that you have other options.   You're not being paranoid at all to think that your eligibility for paid time off explains the harassment.  This is classic behavior for some companies when their employees reach levels that might mean raises, benefits or overtime.  You may well have fallen victim to Business Practices 101 in the Early 21st Century.  If this is the case, the silver lining is that they should give you a glowing recommendation with potential employers.  

About the unemployment - if your company claims it was for "cause" , it might be worth suggesting your unemployment office listen to that tape of you "yawning."    If you can't hear anything wrong, odds are they won't be able to either.  
By all means, ask the unemployment agency to listen to the tape. It will make your case for you and show that they were harassing you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
It's very encouraging to know that you have other options.   You're not being paranoid at all to think that your eligibility for paid time off explains the harassment.  This is classic behavior for some companies when their employees reach levels that might mean raises, benefits or overtime.  You may well have fallen victim to Business Practices 101 in the Early 21st Century.  If this is the case, the silver lining is that they should give you a glowing recommendation with potential employers.  

About the unemployment - if your company claims it was for "cause" , it might be worth suggesting your unemployment office listen to that tape of you "yawning."    If you can't hear anything wrong, odds are they won't be able to either.  

Sending vibes that a great new job comes along soon. 
If it comes down to it, I will request that.  I don't know how the laws work, but they'll probably try to refuse to let them listen to it.  Apparently, the survey is "confidential."  Right.  Real confidential.  We just conduct thousands of them every day.
You may want to look into getting a pro bono lawyer. (I don't know how it works in your state, but in ours there's an agency you can go to--presuming the the business in question isn't the post office, to report harassment like that.)

AWM says to make sure, on meetings like that, to defend your position (and, if possible, blame the doctor). Otherwise it's passive compliance, and you're agreeing with them.
By all means, ask the unemployment agency to listen to the tape. It will make your case for you and show that they were harassing you.
I hope I don't have to go through all that, but if I have to, I will.  If all goes according to plan, I'll have a new job and can tell them to take this one and shove it.  Maybe I'll email them a youtube link with my resignation.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Okay, I'm sorry, my turn to complain. When I was supposed to get off work my assistant manager (the manager is down with the flu) asked if I could stay just long enough over so that she could finish her paperwork. (Paperwork usually takes about two and a half hours, so no big deal.) However--there was a problem. A woman bought a phone card from Verizon, and the computer didn't print her pin card. So, I got my assistant manager. For two  hours  they were fighting about whether the woman deserved her minutes. (There was a point where they agreed she had gotten the minutes--but only gave her half  of them.) So finally the issue was resolved, my assistant manager went back to her paperwork, and I was able to finally go home--after eleven hours! I was exhausted! I'm still  tired! I don't want to go to work, but I don't have a choice! So for all those wondering about Magic School and Egg, I'll get to it as soon as I can (I love working on the story). Sorry it's taking so long.
Do you at least get overtime pay?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Maybe they wanted Alicia to talk to silence or heavy breathing like if it would of been a perfectly normal customer, in which case they don't want thinking person to job, they want a robot to replace that job.

With fall of religion customs and certain caring for next person has fallen too, it kind of shows in business culture now, there is no limit in greed and rudeness. I think Church should of dropped religion part at least 20 years ago and renewed to teaching good manners and way of life, we would be so much better situation now.

It is kind of weird though, when you look around, you see more good being done, but in everyday life it is so much more common to see this quick profits and me, only I matter -attitude.

Those companies that invest to people by education etc. might be more prone to see people as valuable asset that cannot be used like dirt, it would be quite nice to see those worse companies to fall, but sadly many factors today support such bad behavior and in some way even require such.

I think people would like to see change in that, but I'm afraid things are heading to worse.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Funny story:

As of December 19, I have lived in this apartment for a year.  I have a large closet in my bedroom.  There's an opening and then it extends back the length of the room.  Apparently, it has a light in it.

Yes, I've lived her for over a year, but I knew nothing about the pull cord light in the closet til I heard a strange noise and asked John to check it out.  Murphy was in the closet batting the chain.  I guess Murphy wanted me to know about the light.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I dunno if this is actually a good idea or not, but a while back, Connor and Murphy scratched their chins raw (they had a few fleas escape the treatment) and I put olive oil on them until we got to the vet for more flea stuff.  Healed them right up.  Maybe you could give her bath with olive oil?  Since it's food based, I don't think it would hurt her.  I make myself a scrub with olive oil and brown sugar when my skin gets really dry.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
In the mid 1990s, I would help sell discount certificates from the local grocery store after church -- basically, it's like buying yourself a gift card -- you pay $10 for a piece of $10 Monopoly money, the grocery store honors it, and then sends the church some money.  A sweet set up for the church, and a way that people can "donate" to the church without actually spending any money on it.

Anyhow, one day as I was closing down, counting the money, making sure the books checked, I discovered that somehow we had taken in $500 more than we had sold!  It took me a while, but I finally figured out who must have accidentally given me the extra money and gave him a call.  The next Sunday, our treasurer came up and put his arm around my shoulders and said "I hear you did something very special this week."  I said "Huh??"  "Giving that money back to Carmine."  I was astounded by this.  I thought about it for, maybe, all of 5 seconds, and finally said, "Well, if you really thought that I was a thief, perhaps you shouldn't have given me a key to the church and a copy of the combination to the safe."

I probably shouldn't have taken offense, since he truly didn't mean to be offensive, but to me this just sounds like basic honesty, and I think we should be able to expect it from our friends and neighbors.  I know there are people who don't return found money, but I'm always taken by surprise when I encounter them.  There's something wrong when it becomes surprising that people behave honorably.

I've been saying the same for years. Unfortunately it's how things have been going for a long time- for the most part that is. There will always be people who do the right thing because they want to.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
In the mid 1990s, I would help sell discount certificates from the local grocery store after church -- basically, it's like buying yourself a gift card -- you pay $10 for a piece of $10 Monopoly money, the grocery store honors it, and then sends the church some money.  A sweet set up for the church, and a way that people can "donate" to the church without actually spending any money on it.

Anyhow, one day as I was closing down, counting the money, making sure the books checked, I discovered that somehow we had taken in $500 more than we had sold!  It took me a while, but I finally figured out who must have accidentally given me the extra money and gave him a call.  The next Sunday, our treasurer came up and put his arm around my shoulders and said "I hear you did something very special this week."  I said "Huh??"  "Giving that money back to Carmine."  I was astounded by this.  I thought about it for, maybe, all of 5 seconds, and finally said, "Well, if you really thought that I was a thief, perhaps you shouldn't have given me a key to the church and a copy of the combination to the safe."

I probably shouldn't have taken offense, since he truly didn't mean to be offensive, but to me this just sounds like basic honesty, and I think we should be able to expect it from our friends and neighbors.  I know there are people who don't return found money, but I'm always taken by surprise when I encounter them.  There's something wrong when it becomes surprising that people behave honorably.

I've been saying the same for years. Unfortunately it's how things have been going for a long time- for the most part that is. There will always be people who do the right thing because they want to.
I really think that most people are honorable.  There are certainly villains around, but they're the exception, not the rule.

People talk about how awful it is that we don't see the good stories on the news, and they're dead wrong.  The news is about the unusual.  When it suddenly becomes news that someone gave money to the Christmas bell ringer in front of the grocery store, that means that we are in deep trouble.

I've mentioned before that I'm a Unitarian Universalist.  There's a joke that U.U.s are fond of.  It goes like this:
When people die and go to heaven, they find a path and follow it, until it splits in two.  There's a sign at the fork.  The left arrow is labeled "Pearly Gates," and the arrow pointing right is labeled "Discussion group about Heaven."  Most people go toward the Pearly Gates, but the U.U.s automatically select the discussion group.
We're notorious (at least in our own circles) for discussing things to death.  Congregational meetings can be quite rowdy, verbally speaking (though never abusive).  I remember one particular congregational meeting, though, where we were going around and around a difficult issue, with inadequate data to make a decision.  I finally got fed up, and stood, and asked the person who actually knew about it for the data we were missing.  After the meeting was over, the president of the congregation thanked me, not for asking a sensible and necessary question, but for actually using complete and grammatically correct sentences to do so!  When it becomes news that a U.U. is able to put thoughts together into logical sentences, that's a sign that something is seriously wrong in that congregation.  And when we feel that we must publicize it when a neighbor does something neighborly, once again, something is seriously wrong in our neighborhood.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
@Alicia88 - let me as the expert who worked for the Employment Development Department for many years explain something to you: The people who work there and make the decisions do not have time to listen via phone to some employer rep play a tape to you. It is up to the employer to show "misconduct" which has to be deliberate after written warnings. The people are also on a time limit regarding how much time they can spend on any one case as they are given a number of cases to work on every day which they have to conclude within a certain amount of time, they cannot just let the cases pile up, there is federal money involved, too much is involved for me to explain here.

Since yawning is not deliberate it cannot be misconduct. Let's assume the Department finds you eligible and the employer disagrees with the decision made, then the employer can appeal the decision and bring more evidence to a judge (not a court room), you would be invited to attend that hearing and bring any evidence of your own (like your doctor's note). Of course, if he decision went against you then you could also appeal the decision and bring YOUR additional evidence.

I would not fret over this. This looks like an open and shut case in your favor to me. Besides that, you have not yet been fired and you are looking for another job anyway, so you may have one before they can fire you anyway. Calm down, just do your job to the best of your ability, that is all anyone can ask from you. 
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 21, 2016
Again I cannot find a post I made.

I do not know where I put it.

Anyway Smokey has been living under the carport over a year. No one could get near him.

Last night he rubbed up against me for the first time. My lil feral cat wants me. He still does

not let me touch. This morning for his breakfast he did the same thing only he was PURRING.

I NEVER heard him purr out right before. 


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Again I cannot find a post I made.

I do not know where I put it.
If you go to your Profile (top right corner of the page where your username is and click on the blue arrow) there is a list of all your recent activity (posts, reviews, etc). You can look through the list to find whatever you are looking for. If you scroll furthere down the Profile page, there is a section for saved draft posts in case your post wasn't posted for some reason.
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