The Weight Loss Support Group


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
One thing tat I should stop doing, and should be easy but isn't, is to stop finishing the food my children leave. Even if I'm not hungry. I hate to see it go to waste and throw it out and those little bits add up.

I drink too many calories, especially in the form of sugary coffees.

And I tend to get one late night snack of sweets once my three year old is in bed.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida

I can’t count the times I’ve opened the pantry door looking for a snack, then kick myself realizing that I’m not actually hungry.
Three times (at least) today I've looked in the frig and it's not even noon--- though I eat breakfast like 3am,still I'm not even hungry

So far I've resisted the habit of grabbing something ,I'm trying to stay aware of this awful habit I've gotten into since I'm no longer out being busy :headshake:

Purrfect Meow

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 29, 2023
Has anyone ever tried Carb Cycling? Its seems to be another method that is suppose to help weight loss. I wondered if it worked?


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Has anyone ever tried Carb Cycling? Its seems to be another method that is suppose to help weight loss. I wondered if it worked?
Don't know a thing about it- ask me about cats,not carbs!

I'm glad you posted and brought my attention back here- all I've been doing lately is EATING I'm a complete fail in this dept,what is it going to take to change my mindset and get serious? Uhhhh,I'm so uncomfortable being fat,I won't even say overweight,I just feel FAT

Purrfect Meow

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 29, 2023
Don't know a thing about it- ask me about cats,not carbs!

I'm glad you posted and brought my attention back here- all I've been doing lately is EATING I'm a complete fail in this dept,what is it going to take to change my mindset and get serious? Uhhhh,I'm so uncomfortable being fat,I won't even say overweight,I just feel FAT
I get it. Like you I am up late at night, its the only time I get to do my own thing uninterrupted. But there is no one there to stop me from snacking. Its tough to just eat a pickle and have some green tea. But I won't give up, I 've been told you just have to make one little change in your eating pattern that shows positive results then add another until you are finally there.

Any ideas on how to get a fat cat slim? I have a 14 year old long hair that just loves to eat and will bug me constantly for food. She will even share my supper or steal it if I go to the kitchen for a cup of tea. Its tough to control her calories. She will even hide out somewhere around the other cats feeding times and steal food it no ones watching. Its a frustrating affair.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I get it. Like you I am up late at night, its the only time I get to do my own thing uninterrupted. But there is no one there to stop me from snacking. Its tough to just eat a pickle and have some green tea. But I won't give up, I 've been told you just have to make one little change in your eating pattern that shows positive results then add another until you are finally there.

Any ideas on how to get a fat cat slim? I have a 14 year old long hair that just loves to eat and will bug me constantly for food. She will even share my supper or steal it if I go to the kitchen for a cup of tea. Its tough to control her calories. She will even hide out somewhere around the other cats feeding times and steal food it no ones watching. Its a frustrating affair.
I understand,very frustrating and so very difficult in multi cat households- I've got one like that myself,Graycie- she will sneak around to grab any wet leftovers when the others are finished so I must quickly pick up everyone's bowls after they are each done

They all free feed on dry food as well and so they are all on Indoor weight mgnt food and that has made a difference although I'd have to take away everyone's privilege of eating at will if I seriously wanted to put Graycie on a diet and I'm not willing to do that.... in my situation ,living alone ,there's been many times I've been in ER and stuck overnight or 2days ,then what- have no one to call that I would trust,my cousin does not live near enough for those times

People food is a big no no in my house - seems you've got better options and csn really buckle down by never leaving your own food unattended and since you only have the specific feeding times and they do not free feed you can limit her intake- I know it's a pain to have to supervise feeding but you really have no other options but to baby sit her and stick to your guns becsuse we both know the only way she can share your supper is if you let her,lol

They are irresistibly adorable but that's a habit you can break her out of snd resist that cuteness -Graycie could easily be a beggar bugger so I simply gave her treats she hates when the others get treats and then she walks away- shes the only one that doesnt come for treats anymore You might try that for a surprise!lol

What are you feeding btw..I know the issue at my house is the dry food availability - sounds like you have a very controllable situation Mama❤


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Purrfect Meow Purrfect Meow ,so what about us? Who's gonna tell us no & babysit?

I'm writing as I just finished breakfast,a ridiculously big breakfast that I did not need

As an Italian I was raised to " eat everything in your dish" .... eating long after your full,terrible terrible habit I think if I can stay very aware of the amount of food I put in a dish thst would be huge- or learn how to leave food after I'm full- it'd okay,Mom is not going to insist,she's long gone and I'm an old lady still doing what I was told " eat all your food,kids are starvjng in Biafra!"


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I'm not doing well either. I've been having after J's bedtime stress cravings. Ugh.
How in the world are we to get motivated and help encourage one another when we can't seem to get it together Lari Lari

I'm sure my knees would be less agonizing as well if they didn't have to hold up 9,000 lbs!

Purrfect Meow

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 29, 2023
Well, its tough everyone. I go down 20 then up 20, the yoyo thing. I was on the road away from home for 10 years with a an expense account. What a mistake, eating out everyday for 10 years. Yikes! But that was a long time ago and now I yoyo. So does one of my cats. So sorry Kwik Kwik you have been in the ER. I have been there too many times myself, but for me it has been food poisoning from eating out with friends. Again food. Sometimes I wish I could just be not hungry for a couple of months! Lari Lari , I think we just have to try doing little things, I stay away from sugar as well but for one day a week when I allow myself something. furmonster mom furmonster mom so sorry you had bronchitis, been there done that to many times to count. I agree with you not the way you want to lose weight. Fighting for breath is something I fear. My overwieght cat has asthma so I have to watch her. I have one cat that only eats at night. And another that steals his food in the middle of the night. No wonder I can't get any sleep. And on that note, I notice if I get 6 or more hours of sleep, I do better on my diet. Everyday is a new day everyone, we can only try our best everyday.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Well, its tough everyone. I go down 20 then up 20, the yoyo thing. I was on the road away from home for 10 years with a an expense account. What a mistake, eating out everyday for 10 years. Yikes! But that was a long time ago and now I yoyo. So does one of my cats. So sorry Kwik Kwik you have been in the ER. I have been there too many times myself, but for me it has been food poisoning from eating out with friends. Again food. Sometimes I wish I could just be not hungry for a couple of months! Lari Lari , I think we just have to try doing little things, I stay away from sugar as well but for one day a week when I allow myself something. furmonster mom furmonster mom so sorry you had bronchitis, been there done that to many times to count. I agree with you not the way you want to lose weight. Fighting for breath is something I fear. My overwieght cat has asthma so I have to watch her. I have one cat that only eats at night. And another that steals his food in the middle of the night. No wonder I can't get any sleep. And on that note, I notice if I get 6 or more hours of sleep, I do better on my diet. Everyday is a new day everyone, we can only try our best everyday.
Thank you,you're so very kind.
Yeah,we laugh at the hospital becsuse I always ask what I can get for my " frequent flyer" miles!But I thank God the hospital is not a half mile from my house and it's a big facility with a Cancer Center-my home away from home for the past decade

Besides that,as a multi species animal trainer/handler I've had my share of kicks,bites,scratches throughout the years so the ER is no big deal- very familiar in that respect- but fighting for breath is terrifying and my Graycie worries me like your overweight cat ( asthma) - her x-rays look like my own and therefore I don't like Graycie to ever be stressed

I don't know what I can do differently except stop eating out of sheer boredom-,don't use salt,don't like sugar and your 100% spot on about sleep routine- I have none,I barely sleep ,never had a night of more than 4hrs of sleep in my entire life but had lots to do all the time .

Now I'm home,barely go out the front door and thsts alot of hours n hours of nothing to do- thank God I found TCS! Keeps me away from the frig a bit


Peanuts Mom
Adult Cat
Jul 31, 2021
Great thread, and supportive. I have lost 136 lbs. no surgery or anything. Old fashioned way. Was it easy ? no. Worth it ? YES .. I am no longer diabetic, off all my old meds ; My BMI dropped from 46 to 26 ! I use my OLD tricks; track what I eat; drink WATER. Move more. dont obsess over the scale. its just DATA , telling me if I'm track or need to dig my heels in. Hang in there and dont give up ! :cheerleader: :redheartpump:


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Great thread, and supportive. I have lost 136 lbs. no surgery or anything. Old fashioned way. Was it easy ? no. Worth it ? YES .. I am no longer diabetic, off all my old meds ; My BMI dropped from 46 to 26 ! I use my OLD tricks; track what I eat; drink WATER. Move more. dont obsess over the scale. its just DATA , telling me if I'm track or need to dig my heels in. Hang in there and dont give up ! :cheerleader: :redheartpump:
Whoaaaa- 136lbs!!!!!Bravo,what an accomplishment- that's wonderful

Purrfect Meow

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 29, 2023
CindyH66 CindyH66 - Congratulations on your weight loss. Did you just count calories? I have done that for a few years only to find I yoyo. Some people have success with intermittent fasting. You know only eat in a 6 to 8 hour window. For me that works if I keep it up. It is really nice to hear a success story. Thanks for sharing.

Kwik Kwik Have you tried listening to a babbling brook or soft music on a tablet or something when you go to bed. That helps me. I have also found just breathing in and out normally but concentrating on my breathing in and out normally for a couple of minutes also helps when I go to bed.

Animal trainer, that must have been interesting career? I have always wondered if one type of dog is easier to train than another? The same with cats? My overweight cat, opens doors and cabinets. I laugh everytime I see it. Little Devil, always looking for another bite of food.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
CindyH66 CindyH66 - Congratulations on your weight loss. Did you just count calories? I have done that for a few years only to find I yoyo. Some people have success with intermittent fasting. You know only eat in a 6 to 8 hour window. For me that works if I keep it up. It is really nice to hear a success story. Thanks for sharing.

Kwik Kwik Have you tried listening to a babbling brook or soft music on a tablet or something when you go to bed. That helps me. I have also found just breathing in and out normally but concentrating on my breathing in and out normally for a couple of minutes also helps when I go to bed.

Animal trainer, that must have been interesting career? I have always wondered if one type of dog is easier to train than another? The same with cats? My overweight cat, opens doors and cabinets. I laugh everytime I see it. Little Devil, always looking for another bite of food.
A babbling book or any " constant " type noise ( see,,to me it's noise) would have me climbing the walls

Can I ask what you mean by eating between a 6 to 8 hrs period? Don't eat for 6 to 8 hours or after 8hrs you can eat something,I don't understand- will you explain for me?

Purrfect Meow

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 29, 2023
A babbling book or any " constant " type noise ( see,,to me it's noise) would have me climbing the walls

Can I ask what you mean by eating between a 6 to 8 hrs period? Don't eat for 6 to 8 hours or after 8hrs you can eat something,I don't understand- will you explain for me?
Yes, we are all different. I love the sound of softness of a river or gentle rain. But I grew up next to a creek so maybe that is why I find it comforting.

My take on intermittent fasting is you try to only eat in a 6 to 8 hour period and not eat the rest of the time. For example you might start eating at 8 AM and stop eating at 4PM. (8 hour window). Or start at 12PM and stop at 8PM. What ever works for you. You eat normally during your eating period. It seems to work for some people, if you maintain it. I tend to try to both count calories and eat within the time period.

A friend of mine maintains his weight by eating normally through the week and on Saturday only drinking water. Doesn't work for me, I almost get there but at midnight I get the munchies....
We keep trying until we find something that works for each of us.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Yes, we are all different. I love the sound of softness of a river or gentle rain. But I grew up next to a creek so maybe that is why I find it comforting.

My take on intermittent fasting is you try to only eat in a 6 to 8 hour period and not eat the rest of the time. For example you might start eating at 8 AM and stop eating at 4PM. (8 hour window). Or start at 12PM and stop at 8PM. What ever works for you. You eat normally during your eating period. It seems to work for some people, if you maintain it. I tend to try to both count calories and eat within the time period.

A friend of mine maintains his weight by eating normally through the week and on Saturday only drinking water. Doesn't work for me, I almost get there but at midnight I get the munchies....
We keep trying until we find something that works for each of us.
Oh thank you- that might really help to stop the habit of going snooping around in the kitchen when I'm bored ( always bored indoors)

Sounds very doable,I think I'll try that - now what hours do I want to be the 8 eating hours? I have to really think about this,maybe I'll first try to note what times I grab something... it's a little tricky for me cause I don't sleep

Eg:fell asleep at 6:30pm last night- woke up just before 9pm that's a wee bit less than normal for me- so a typical day for me is around 20 hours


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
So....haven't posted in this thread in a very very long time.

Upfront admission - I'm on Wegovy (semaglutide). It's the weight loss version of Ozempic.

I've gained and lost so many times in my life, I can't even count it anymore. Most times was able to do it on my own with willpower alone (and maybe Weight Watchers lol) but the older I got the more difficult it became. Being post menopausal certainly had a lot to do with it but I suspected there may be other issues at play too.

Fast forward to almost 2 years ago when I had a triple whammy of health things occur at the same time. First I was hospitalized with very severe pneumonia (not Covid related). At the same time I had what eventually was diagnosed at a frozen shoulder that left me debilitated with that arm (and utterly excruciating). After being released from the hospital, I recovered from the pneumonia I wound up with some kind of weird nerve thing in my right rib cage from most likely having to have a chest tube inserted while ill (which is still with me, nobody seems to know how to treat it).

I spent an entire year + trying to get myself back to health. It took a long time to recover, I was exhausted and had breathing issues for months. Had the shoulder diagnosed so that was able to be addressed and went for a lot of physical therapy for the rib issue (didn't help). Started taking much better care of myself in general which included eating better than I had in years.

Another year went by and last May I got more serious about needing to lose weight but it just would NOT come off. I was only losing 1-2 pounds a month. And I was starving. So disheartening. Then my doctor had a frank conversation with me saying he was concerned if I didn't loose a "drastic" amount of weight I was certainly heading towards my health deteriorating (I was borderline diabetic at this point). He previously had mentioned surgery but I absolutely nixed that. He mentioned semaglutide and I was just NOT interested at that point to consider it but promised him I'd do some research.

I read up everything I could find, joined some FB and Reddit groups to chat with people taking it. I was really worried about trying it because all I heard was a lot of horror stories from these people. As I later found out this was due to what I call Squeaky Wheel Syndrome. Basically the 80% of people who do well don't have a need to go online to share that. All you heard was from the 20% of people who did have problems and need to vent.

So by early October after a lot more research, I felt more comfortable about giving it a try and had my doctor prescribe it for me. I had to come to my own conclusions in order to feel ok with trying.

The change has been nothing short of amazing. For one thing, I'm losing weight at a rate of 5-6 lbs per month whereas before, I could barely get a pound off. Second, it totally takes away "food noise". You aren't consumed with when, where, how or should you eat. The way it works is it slows down digestion making you feel fuller for longer periods of time. It's kind of like a forced diet but you aren't obsessing about it all the time. I've lost a total of 35 lbs since May, but most of that has been since I'm on the medication which is now 3 months. I have a long way to go but I look and feel so much better, have gone down a size in not only clothing but underwear LOL.

Side effects? Some. But I've been lucky and they have been minimal. Some slight nausea and minor constipation but nothing that's effected me in any great way and there are ways to mitigate that anyway. I'm eating far healthier than I had been, keeping to a low fat/high protein meal plan, try to get enough water/fiber. I can eat pretty much anything (except spicy food for whatever reason), it's just that I don't want a lot of what I ate before or the quantity. It does kind of suck that my husband and I really can't eat out anymore because the thought of me sitting down to a nice meal for 1-1/2 hours and pretty much watching him eat, isn't very appealing. It's also weird grocery shopping because food now looks like "objects" to me - not delicious things I can't wait to try. In fact, it's become hard to do this in person because of this, so I've been resorting to using Instacart and buying the same basics over and over. I'll ask my husband what he'd like, but I don't eat any of the snacks he requests. They just don't interest me.

I'm also intermittent fasting by proxy because of this. We eat dinner usually by 5-6pm and I never snack afterwards because a) I don't want to and b) don't want the food sitting in my stomach going to bed which can be a trigger for nausea. I don't eat again until around 8am the next day so I'm on a more or less 14/10 schedule. I still eat 3 meals a day, making sure to get enough calories as it can be too easy to forget to eat if you don't make sure to. For me, the medication has drastically effected my hunger cues, right from the start but it's not like that for everyone. In fact, it seems everyone reacts slightly different and has different experiences. There's no way to say for sure anything will or won't happen using it.

I decided to write about this because I can't imagine there isn't someone here who may be considering this medication but isn't ready to do so or even discuss it. It's gotten a bad stigma from people who really do not seem to be able to understand the benefits for a large group of people who are not able to control their food intake. For some of us, just "eating less" and "move more" doesn't cut it. There are metabolic reasons why people gain weight. It's not always just overeating; people with PCOS or diabetes for instance and it can really be wearing on yourself to try so hard and keep failing and worse having people treat you like it's controllable if you just had enough will power.

This is a medication which must be researched. Do your own due diligence to learn about it. This is a medication that has to be properly monitored by your physician. Do not go to some random clinic or online provider. This is a medication that should only be purchased through reputable sources. Find a doctor who understand the usage, dosing and is familiar with how to help you avoid side effects (there are some good anti-nausea meds available to help for instance). There are too many fraudulent companies out there only looking to make a quick buck, selling black market semaglutide if it's even that medication at all. Buyer/user beware.

It can cost a LOT of money even with insurance or cost next to nothing or, even nothing as in my case. The manufacturer offers a savings coupon plan and if you are lucky enough to have insurance that covers weight loss medications, the price can be as low as $0. That is exactly what I've been paying. Nothing. Zilch. Zero. It was a no brainer to try it based on that alone. I do worry what will happen at the end of 2024 as I'm retiring and will not have the company insurance any longer and Medicare, does not pay for it. But hopefully by then, costs will come down and make it at least somewhat affordable.

It's a drug that they say should be used for life in most people. As with other dramatic weight loss measures including bariatric surgery, weight gain is pretty much guaranteed if you veer off the healthy diet and habits you build up. I know this already as I tried a different medication some years ago that worked great but within a year or so of stopping (mostly due to the pandemic), I gained it all back and then some. Now granted, I was stuck at home like the rest of the world so being prone to weight gain in general, that was bound to happen along with the uncertainly of the world and binging more than I ever had before as a comfort to the worlds woes. But I digress! I was never the kind of person who was accepting of my larger self. I don't mind being slightly overweight but I was way beyond that. It was uncomfortable in every way I can think of; physically, mentally and emotionally. I have no judgement about people who feel good and are healthy at a larger size but for me personally, it was not good or healthy.

Anyway, I'm hoping that will change for good now. Not looking to be skinny, or anywhere near what weight I was at 18. Or even 30. Now at almost 65 I'll be grateful to lose whatever I can and get to a place where my blood levels are normal and I'm not at risk for diabetes or a heart attack. I had labs done a couple of weeks ago and already there was a huge change. And, maybe, start to enjoy clothing shopping again. That would be kind of nice. Trying hard not to anticipate or expect anything as an end result other than staying the course and letting it happen.

Happy to answer questions on this thread or send me a PM if you don't feel comfortable writing in public. I'm an open book. I'll share whatever I can if you need it. :hearthrob: