The Weight Loss Support Group - 2016

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Not a good weekend for me either. Saturday morning was 154.4 lbs, today 156 pounds. I ate Chinese food on Saturday and take out yesterday too. I'm not too worried about it though because I am going to Cuba in 6 days and I know I will be eating a lot there. I will get back to it on the 25th after vacation.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2016
Hi Everyone

I saw this post and thought I'd post something ,I have been struggling with my weight since I had my son 24 years ago lol,  I have tried so many diets ,Lighter life ,weight watchers , fruit one pineapple juice one veggie one slim fast,celeb slim.

 But yea, I loose a bit then it piles back on again now here is the nasty bit I suffer from really bad back pain and I can't stand on my feet for more than 2 hours my doc says there is nothing wrong with me and send me back home saying go rest and take some paracetamols I'm fed up now I can't exercise as it hurts me so much anyone got any ideas as to wth I can do I'm tired all the time and i get out of breath very quick  any ideas i know this is prob not the place to ask this lol but it's to do with weight loss



TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 9, 2016
Hey everyone! This is awesome to have a little group like this :-) I've really struggled with my weight since my knee was injured in 6th grade, I had surgery freshman year of high school and than about 3 years ago I was laid up for a month because I couldn't walk on the same leg due to deforming arthritis. I've lost some of it but I can't seem to get under 212. I don't eat the best during the day I try to get some eggs in the morning but lunch is just whatever we have or its skipped. Dinner is usually pretty balanced and I try very hard not to snack. I love chocolate!! I'm working on getting back into my running 3 hours a day on my elliptical but so far it's only an hour a day. I'm going to Dallas Thursday until Sunday or Monday probably will eat out a bit but I'll try to make good choices.

@juels what about lifting weights in a chair? You can do some good ab workouts in a chair also or can you lay on the floor without pain? Also after try doing ice and heat for twenty minutes each (clay packs work great!) I've had to find work arounds for so many things but even if you can only do a little too start it's something


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Not a good weekend for me either but I didn't go to fast food drivethrough. I don't know why I crave that junk. I actually ate boiled eggs and peanuts last night. I didn't buy anymore crackers. I am trying to play switcharound for when I eat the carbs. Instead of hiding it at night I now eat it at work so at night I have protein bars. I don't like it but JTBo I will try your suggestion for a month. I also find I run faster longer when I eat carbs AND protein an hour before workout. I often eat my protein bar right when I get on the machine. I was on it for 1 to 2 hours in the afternoon last week so it seemed to help give me energy. I think that makes sense. That could be why I am not loosing even with calorie reduction.

For starting out=I suggest a membership at Planet fitness=they have several machines you can try=here's what you do=you go and do 1 minute and leave. Every day=add a minute. So by the end of the week you will be up to 5 minutes.

yes this is slow=this is how you get into a routine. I started with 10 minutes of side to side steps and dancing in January. I was out of breathe and huffing and puffing too.

or you can start at 5 minutes. set the machine on manual no resistance-the treadmill, bike, elliptical, incline elliptical is my fav=you can set it so you are walking on flat ground and as you get more energy you can up the incline to make it feel like stepping up on low steps. The more you do it-you can set it higher and higher. No resistance=just to stretch your legs and get you accustomed to standing for 5 to 15 minutes=then LEAVE.

rinse and repeat for a week. Everyday=add 1 minute.

In the biggest looser book I have=that's how they have it set up for those who don't workout. They said in a month you will be doing much better but its important to start slow and gradual.  You can try walking around the neighborhood or to your mailbox. This would be a good way to start.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2016

Thank you, Whats ill give that a try didn't think of lifting them in a chair i have some small weights so ill give that a go we needs a live chat room lol ><  and nice one ppl who lost weight no matter how little it is its still a loss  :)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 27, 2015
Des Moines, Iowa
No weight loss, but yesterday was the first day in months that I actually weighed and logged everything I ate. Usually I'll log breakfast, and then ignore the rest of the day. 

I'm planning a vacation to California in September, and I'll love to rock some cute dresses and shorts and not feel self conscious. I finally have the motivation to get back on this train.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Yesterday was a rough day for me.  Craving sugar and junk and I gave in.  I had some of Kim's salt water taffy and a few potato chips with dinner at 8.  I had a bowl of Annie's Chocolate bunnies cereal around 5.  I should have done that earlier instead of the candy.  It hit the spot.  I had to force myself to go for my walk and while I was gone a neighbor brought over a bag of fresh peaches from her tree.  Kim made peach cobbler with it and I had my gluten free version over ice cream at 10pm.
  It hasn't shown up on the scales yet, maybe I can head it off.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 9, 2016
Good morning everyone I'm heading out around noon so far today I had a bowl of cereal I'll have to eat something before I go I'm thinking a sandwich and some fruit.. Found out my family has postponed their trip again they were supposed to be here next Monday but now it won't be until the 29 or the 1st. After that it will start cutting into my niece and nephews school and activities time. So I'm hoping they get to come and we can plan something fun. I'll most likely be on my feet all day today I've only gotten in 30 minutes of run time yesterday and today. It's still something though, does anyone else feel less hungry after working out? After I run 30 minutes to an hour even if i haven't eaten yet I don't feel like eating I can drink water all day long but I'm never actually hungry. I force myself to eat because I know I should but the feeling really isn't there. need to go back to Aldi's to re stock the fruits and veggies in the fridge. I hope everyone has a good day

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
Today was a busy day for me. I took in some foster babies Sunday night. They were infested with fleas. I thought I had them confined good enough but didn't. I think they are flea free now but I had to clean carpets, strip beds and wash all bedding. I got the last load in now. I started at 9 this morning and still have a little left to do. 

@Whatsername85  as long as I am busy I don't want to eat. Today I didn't eat til five. But that helped me have calories for home made three meat pizza. And I get ice cream later after the kids go to sleep. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 9, 2016
Aw poor babies I'm glad they're flea free! I hate doing the whole flea cleanup song and dance though have to clean everything. We went through it last year when I brought fleas home after visiting my sister but haven't had them again. I remember having to check Sam over for fleas and ticks when I found him. I hope it gets taken care of. I didn't do great yesterday on food but it was about my boyfriend's niece having fun and she did that so I'm OK with that. I'll do good today I had a homemade breakfast sandwich and I ate late enough that I probably won't need anything until dinner. Still have to run today but getting coffee in was important lol

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I tried to be good yesterday.  Had grilled nuggets and fries at Chick-fil-a.  Then for dinner we had chicken maybe with BBQ sauce marinade? I didn't ask. And fries with a little illegal veggie oil.  Then after dinner I had a small dish of Breyers lactose free vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries.  Eclipse had a few licks and said it was delicious, Fluffy backed away from the spoon.  It was a little too much even though it was only 1 1/2 scoops from my home scoop not the huge ice cream shop size.   I'm trying to find healthy snacks so I can indulge once in a while. 

I did go for my hour walk and am considering joining Planet Fitness.  The $10 a month special ends tomorrow so I need to decided quickly.

@foxxycat   I bought some ground turmeric in the spice section of the grocery store.  Is that what you use?  I've tried putting a tablespoon in my tea but I never drink it all.  I've also put it in my juice that I have with my blood thinners but am not sure it's okay to take then.  My probiotic effects it when I take them together.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
I have done good the last few days. Then today, lol. Both the kids were up at 3 am. Shark week started and I was like you can have today but start back tomorrow. So I had biscuits and gravy for breakfast. And dinner is bbq ribs. mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and baked beans. I also made a peanut butter chocolate dessert.

Both kids are down for a nap and I am about to lay down myself. As soon as I get up I will cook then clean my nasty house. You would think that as much as I done yesterday it would be cleaned today. Oh it never ends.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Well, I had a very disappointing weigh in  this morning. 

I have been steadily losing some weight since I started in April. I have never gained, until this week----ugh!!

I am so disappointed...

How could I have gained 2.5 lbs in one week??? Eating the same foods...crazy...

I am so bummed. I have been extra tired also the past couple of weeks. I know my personal schedule has slowed down quite a bit. Perhaps that is the source of it? I am not sure...

It is depressing. And I am hungry.. sigh...

On a good note, for all you women out there. I did drop down a bra size and cup size.. I am psyched on that.. I gained a lot in that area when I started menopause. I took after my Aunts, on both sides of the family; Not my mom, but her sister and my dad's sisters....

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
Well, I had a very disappointing weigh in  this morning. 

I have been steadily losing some weight since I started in April. I have never gained, until this week----ugh!!

I am so disappointed...

How could I have gained 2.5 lbs in one week??? Eating the same foods...crazy...

I am so bummed. I have been extra tired also the past couple of weeks. I know my personal schedule has slowed down quite a bit. Perhaps that is the source of it? I am not sure...

It is depressing. And I am hungry.. sigh...

On a good note, for all you women out there. I did drop down a bra size and cup size.. I am psyched on that.. I gained a lot in that area when I started menopause. I took after my Aunts, on both sides of the family; Not my mom, but her sister and my dad's sisters....
If you are not eating extra calories its most likely bloat. If I have a heavy day of carbs like today I can easily gain 2-4 pounds but it will be off in a few days. Congrats on the bra size. I need to buy new ones too but dread doing it. The ones I have now are old and comfortable the newest has to be five years old. 

forest phoenix

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 23, 2016
Hey y'all.

I haven't visited the forum in a week or so, but it was so comforting reading the posts that I've missed. I can totally relate to the successes and struggles that everyone is sharing.

I was weighing in at 193 earlier this week, which is a success for me because I'd been trying to get below 195 for about a week prior. Unfortunately, some weird thing goes on in my subconscious mind when I have achieved a small success... it's like I convince myself that the battle is won and I can reward myself. LoL. 193 is most definitely not the finish line. Ugh. So I had a few beers with a friend several days ago, and last night she came over to my place for dinner. I made mushroom Reuben sandwiches (I don't eat much meat), which involved both dairy and bread...
. Aaaanddd... we split a pitcher of margaritas. Yeah. I don't usually drink, but I've been indulging this week. I'm going for sushi with my boss after work tomorrow, and then I fully intend to get back on the wagon. For me, the wagon will look something like this:

- No alcohol

- No dairy (except plain yogurt)

- No refined sugar

- No grains (except quinoa)

- Fruit in moderation

I've done this before, but it's just sooo hard. I'm going to aim for one month of this, with 5 cheat meals during the month. These are the terms my friend and I agreed to, since she's interested in doing this challenge together. She has way more self control than I do, so I think that being accountable to her will keep me in line (because I'll be too ashamed to lie to her, and too ashamed to admit that I gave in to the trifecta mistake: pizza, beer, and ice cream).

I can do this! I'm aiming to be down to 175# by August 15. I know that sounds like an insane amount of loss, but I know I can do it. I've done it before. A large part of the weight that I carry now is just bloat and flab from dairy, grain, and sugar in my diet. If I can muster the will power to cut those out, I think the weight will fall away as it has before. Good luck to all. If, like me, you haven't done so hot today... look forward to a better tomorrow. :)


louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
I have had enough. The last few weeks have been nothing but excuses from me. So and so upset me, so lets eat. I don't feel good, I am going to eat this. I need comfort food. Well last night I comforted myself right into misery. I had the huge breakfast yesterday. Then I had a huge dinner and got seconds along with dessert. Ugh I am still so full I can't even drink water. Whats sad I use to do that every day of my life. Then I would wonder why I was almost 300 pounds. I was miserable. I don't want to be that person any more. 

At first I was trying to think of a reward system for every month I set and reach my goals I will get this or that. But I don't believe in rewarding a child for doing what they are supposed to do, so I wont do it for myself. The reward is the body I want. Those smaller clothes and the confidence I gain. 

So I will put my goals on here and please help me stay accountable. But you guys always have. You are awesome and one of my greatest support. 

Since I can't do my Cize video's until I go back to the dr. I will make the commitment of cleaning at least one hour a day continuously without stopping. I will walk with my apartment complex once a day with the kids. It's a mile to do that and with a three and four year old it takes about an hour. So it's a slow pace. 

I will log every bite that crosses these lips. Weighing and measuring along with logging on myfitnesspal. This week I just hope to undo the bloat I caused myself yesterday. 

I also really need to get in the habit of taking my vitamin d. I will take it one day and miss three. Last night my legs hurt so bad and I craved milk so bad. I don't like milk so I know it was my d dropping. 

Ok end of rant. 


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
If you are not eating extra calories its most likely bloat. If I have a heavy day of carbs like today I can easily gain 2-4 pounds but it will be off in a few days. Congrats on the bra size. I need to buy new ones too but dread doing it. The ones I have now are old and comfortable the newest has to be five years old. 
How do I get rid of the "bloat"? I am drinking a lot of water, and green tea (reg in morning and decaf at night), no added salt...
I have had enough. The last few weeks have been nothing but excuses from me. So and so upset me, so lets eat. I don't feel good, I am going to eat this. I need comfort food. Well last night I comforted myself right into misery. I had the huge breakfast yesterday. Then I had a huge dinner and got seconds along with dessert. Ugh I am still so full I can't even drink water. Whats sad I use to do that every day of my life. Then I would wonder why I was almost 300 pounds. I was miserable. I don't want to be that person any more. 

At first I was trying to think of a reward system for every month I set and reach my goals I will get this or that. But I don't believe in rewarding a child for doing what they are supposed to do, so I wont do it for myself. The reward is the body I want. Those smaller clothes and the confidence I gain. 

So I will put my goals on here and please help me stay accountable. But you guys always have. You are awesome and one of my greatest support. 

Since I can't do my Cize video's until I go back to the dr. I will make the commitment of cleaning at least one hour a day continuously without stopping. I will walk with my apartment complex once a day with the kids. It's a mile to do that and with a three and four year old it takes about an hour. So it's a slow pace. 

I will log every bite that crosses these lips. Weighing and measuring along with logging on myfitnesspal. This week I just hope to undo the bloat I caused myself yesterday. 

I also really need to get in the habit of taking my vitamin d. I will take it one day and miss three. Last night my legs hurt so bad and I craved milk so bad. I don't like milk so I know it was my d dropping. 

Ok end of rant. 
You are not ranting at all...just stating facts..

If a reward system works, then go for it.. it can be a small thing--non food related. or a tiny piece of chocolate..

I have tried to think of little goals ~~ a few pounds at a time. 

Also, I found that when I was busier, I lost weight easier.

I know you have kids, so I would think you are constantly on the go..

I tried going to the gym on one day, having plans ~ errands, appointments, etc, on the next day; and in-between, I would clean/purge things around the apartment. 

Have gotten lazy about cleaning, so that is my goal today while I am staying home, waiting for the Vet to call. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I had some wheat flour and instant dry yeast that I needed to use before they get old, so I made some bread to put into freezer.

Little tasting will not hurt, right? I ended up getting 1500 extra calories without even noticing it, surely wheat bread is good, but it just has too much calories!
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