The Things We Do For Love


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2017
What haven't I done for my cat Chantelle..!
Her introduction to me was at 6 am with my husband thrusting this tiny, dirty, skinny kitten into my hands saying take care of this smelly little flea bag..! And headed back to work. He had just rescued the kitten off the highway 5 kilometers out of town on his way to work.
I suddenly had to improvise her immediate care when I was not set up for any pets.
Kitten was cold... turned off the air conditioner.
Kitten was covered with fleas and ticks... warmest place was down the front of my shirt... so that is where she went, fleas and all.
Kitten was hungry and thirsty... diluted some coconut milk in hot water and soaked some adult cat biscuits. Cut down a spring water bottle for a dish.
Kitten needed somewhere warm while I went into town and bought the basic items and some flea powder or flea shampoo... she was allowed to have the laptop keyboard for warmth. She rang husband at work the next day on Skype and later reprogrammed my computer...
I had to search and ask for flea powder or flea shampoo and did not know the words in French... funny ha ha... but got the shampoo in the end. And the kitty litter and kitty food.
Change of diet and kitty got sick going from cockroaches to kitten food, so cleaning up vomit and runny poos.
Kitten needed somewhere to sleep... had dirty laundry basket for first night till bathed... then slept between our pillows.
Kitty had little French songs made up and sung to her. She knows several French words and loves "lait coco"

Being kept inside she needed entertainment... so she'd find a fly to chase that was out of reach and both of us would chase it round the flat, mop or broom in hand, the kitten riding on my shoulder telling me where to go...
She'd be into making porridge in the morning and climb my legs if she wasn't picked up and cradled in my left arm. She'd supervise husband dishing up by riding his shoulder till he sat down to eat.
She played "goalie" for coloured little tennis balls sent one after another towards the couch from the other end of the room. She rarely missed.
She wanted to play out side and do kitty things but hungry roaming stray dogs were plentiful in that area. She learned to use a puppy harness so she could go out doors and play in the back yard under guard. She chased one young dog out the gate and had it on its back begging for mercy because it got too close to where I was standing. She brought a runt puppy inside to be fed and was protective of it.

We could not find a responsible home for her in New Caledonia... so she immigrated to New Zealand when we returned home.
She befriended a Hedgehog and guided home to be fed. She adopted a bewildered, hungry young cat, (dumped or abandoned), and because of Chantelle's friendship, we adopted him into our family. She finally had the companion she longed for.
We could not find someone to care for our cats over a Christmas break... so we took them camping. They loved it, so went camping with us each long weekend or holiday. They'd be in the car if we mentioned "camping". Our favourite camping spot is now their permanent HOME.
I loved your story! What a wonderful thing you and your husband did. (PS I grew up in New Zealand)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 28, 2017
Laguna Niguel,CA
Waking up at 6am on the dot no matter the day to first, brush princess until she feels she is beautiful, two get the wet food out and mix it nicely in with her dry, clean the box and tidey up her little area.
Holding her like a baby when she's upset or just feeling clingy, always sitting with my legs cross crossed with a pillow on top so that she can be in my lap and still lay even.
Coming to my bedroom even when I don't want to be in there just so she can be near me but not too far from her baby.
Belly rubs after she eats so she doesn't get an upset tummy. Surrendering every single stray piece of yarn or string I might come across.
And overall, just being at her beck and call. I love her more than any cat I've ever owned. I love Miss Kitty dearly but she has taken to my brother since day one, so to have a cat who I know loves me the most of anyone just makes you want to do whatever they ask of you. That's probably part of their little game ;)
Of course she looks Siamese and aren't they all princesses!
I buy my cat little beds and quilts all the time she must have at least twenty. She purrs so much with every new bed she has me trained. She has IBD and pancreatitis so she will eat a little on her own but then wants me to hand feed her which I do.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
Love this thread!! Let's see......I've rearranged all the furniture in every room so that each of my cats can have their own flat surface to lay on to look out of the window. Every window in the house. I bought a whole set of plates so they can have their dry food and can food on their owns plates. These plates had little ridges around the edges so they wouldn't shove the food onto the floor and not be able to get to it under the plate. I never ever throw a box or a lid away because they all belong to them. I once had a friend ask if I had a fetish for cardboard or something. When they want to go outside I leave the door open for them so they can come in whenever they want. I only have 2 cats, well now 3 since I took in a stray, yet I have 5 litter boxes and 8 bowls of water around the house because they won't use one right after another cat has used it. I guess it needs time to settle. I gave up my favorite pillow to my fat old lady cat. My favorite throw to the new little lady. And my favorite coat to the boy cat. He somehow got it off the hanger and on the floor for a nap. After I washed it and wore it again, he did it again. I was wearing it while sitting on the couch and he tried to climb up inside it with me. It's now his. I sleep on the bed up against the wall because they like to sleep on the outside. If I dare to lay on the outside edge, the boy cat will sit in front of my face and stare at me until I move. The fat old lady cat can no longer jump up to her favorite table in her favorite window. So I now have a chair next to the table and a foot stool next to the chair. She now has stairs to climb up to her table.

And just tonight.....Little pregnant miss liked the box cave I made her on my desk, but also wanted to be in front of me on the coffee table. So I emptied my decorations from the coffee table and moved her box cave. She also kept laying on the coffee table so I spread a pillow case on that for her. The light was in her eyes, so I brought a lamp in from the other room and turned the living room light off.

Do you think I neglect them too much? lol
atty box coffee table.jpg
atty box coffee table.jpg


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 24, 2016
What a great post! I just went to petsmart for the 3rd time to buy crickets for my 2 1yr old kitties!!!
I live on the 28th floor of a building n not 1 fly comes in!
They r so entertained by them and a couple of nights they stayed all night guarding them!
They own the place by the way!



TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
What a great post! I just went to petsmart for the 3rd time to buy crickets for my 2 1yr old kitties!!!
I live on the 28th floor of a building n not 1 fly comes in!
They r so entertained by them and a couple of nights they stayed all night guarding them!
They own the place by the way!
So cute with the crickets!!! I get them in the garage and my cats will spend hours out there chasing them.


TCS Member
Jul 22, 2017
I can only easily fall asleep on my stomach. However my cat falls into a deep sleep most easily when he licks the front of my shirt...needless to say I'm learning to sleep back so he can lick my shirt and then snuggle there all night.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
Let's see... My living room perpetually looks like I am about to move with all the boxes I have lying around just for Gato and Tita to play with. Of course the boxes cannot be rearranged in a more favorable layout for humans to walk around, so it is like having an obstacle course right in my living room.

Also, since not all boxes are created equal, I even on occasion have found myself taping together a beaten up box that for some reason they really liked to play with, so throwing it away is certainly not an option.

Lastly, for the last three years I have promptly been awaken by a paw swatting my face at three or four a.m. because Mr. Gato is ready for breakfast. Sure, I could serve his food before going to bed and then close the bedroom door, but I'd feel like a terrible person if I were to do that, so I keep waking up.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
I didn't know this thread would be so popular, but I should have known. We love our little (some big) balls of fur. :catrub: I'm glad everyone is enjoying and participating!

Chicqui loves water (except when it unexpectedly drips on her). We rarely get rain so when we do I have to open the front door so she can enjoy the freshness through the screen door, without getting wet. I love to listen to the sweet sound of it, and the wonderful smell. We are a good pair!


High Priest of Freya, The Slightly Bitey.
Super Cat
Sep 22, 2016
St. Louis Metro Area
I have just given up trying to have a shower on my own. Raistlin seemed to be fine with me closing the door of the bathroom whenever I wanted to have a shower, but Freya isn't at all and she will demostrare It by yelling like a dying crazy cat :argh:until I open it, risking my physical integrity on the process of walking out of the shower totally soaked.
My cat ( also named Freya) refuses to let me shower alone. She does the same sound ( I call it her "screaming like a baby that is being boiled alive" sound. She'll actually stay in the shower as long as too much water doesn't reach her, but it's pretty clear that she's not really enjoying herself, so i tend to lift her out after a bit.

Alejandra Rico

TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Asturias, Spain
My cat ( also named Freya) refuses to let me shower alone. She does the same sound ( I call it her "screaming like a baby that is being boiled alive" sound. She'll actually stay in the shower as long as too much water doesn't reach her, but it's pretty clear that she's not really enjoying herself, so i tend to lift her out after a bit.
"What's in a name?"
Well, apparently a certain tendency to stubborness xD
Is your cat a Bengal too, or is there where coincidence finishes?


High Priest of Freya, The Slightly Bitey.
Super Cat
Sep 22, 2016
St. Louis Metro Area
The tub is Freya, and one of my favo4rite pics of her. .The video you linked actually is a different cat (though a lovely one).

Below is one of the better videos I have of her saying hello. (you can find a couple others of her doing it from thee if curious)

Hello was her first word and she uses it to greet me, and sometimes says it when I answer the phone. She also sometimes uses it as a call to try and find me, a more plaintive version like a human going "hello?" Hello?" (she sometimes does that instead of or in addition to the boiled baby scream if I'm on the other side of the bathroom door...)

She says some other things (a couple others in context) others, but I don't want to derail the thread too badly, since it is about what I do for her not the other way around.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
The tub is Freya, and one of my favo4rite pics of her. .The video you linked actually is a different cat (though a lovely one).
sargon sargon - I'm so sorry - I had that bookmarked, and didn't vet the video properly before I added it. Please tell Freya that I didn't intend to misrepresent her. Perhaps I could send you a lovely Snowshoe as an apology gift?
Last edited:


High Priest of Freya, The Slightly Bitey.
Super Cat
Sep 22, 2016
St. Louis Metro Area
sargon sargon - I'm so sorry - I had that bookmarked, and didn't vet the video pro;);)ly before I added it. Please tell Freya that I didn't intend to misrepresent her. Perhaps I could send you a lovely Snowshoe as an apology gift?
No worries, and Freya rarely holds a grudge for more than a few minutes, unliek soem cats I have known ;). And don't tempt me with more cats. I still can't decide if another cat would be good or bad for Freya. I think she'd enjoy the company and having some one else to play with, but she also might get jealous and teritorial, and also might talk less.


with Luciano since 12/5/16
Super Cat
Mar 6, 2017
Aside from the cleaning of cat hair off furniture & floors, the scooping of poop & pee clumps, the occasional mop ups of whatever he spits up? Hmm, let's see.
I've learned to use the bathroom with the door open & the sink turned on.
I leave the fans on when I'm at work, or the a/c if it's really hot. I'm afraid to see what my electricity bill will be for July.
I now spend time in the hallway of my apartment building blowing bubbles towards him for his entertainment.
I play with him multiple times a day & purchase toys for said purpose. The latest is a battery operated hard plastic ball with a fleece zip up cover that rolls in a wacky pattern. I ordered it online from China, so my credit card is now probably compromised. He did play with it for a couple of hours last night though, so...worth it?
I allow him to bite and scratch my legs, arms etc. Well, not exactly allow, but I can't figure out how to get him to stop. My mother asked me yesterday why I have all those bruises on my right calf near the back of my knee & I told her that's where Luciano's head level is & his bites turn into bruises after a couple of days.

Fatou Tandia

TCS Member
Jul 31, 2017
Well. It's an interesting thread. My cat is with full responsive behavior. If he don't like, he use to shove it instantly. So, I had an opportunity to understand him more better with variety of experiences. So based on his needs, I can appease him easily like feeding, cleaning, hugging and so on.

Now, he's expecting me to bring him out. So, I'm supposed to leave now. Bye guys.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 2, 2017
I saw this question on a website and thought it would be fun for us as cat lovers.
What crazy things do you do to appease your cat?
I have two cats Houdini and Puddin' I spoil them by giving them the majority of my meat at dinner, I let them follow me into bathroom, constantly let them roam on the tables (which is bad) but I don't mind.