The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine love the trees and everything!

I forgot to upload this earlier-burning bush!

I was across the street from this area so tried to zoom in and cars were whizzing by so the other shots were blurs of a car!

A lovely afternoon as the sun has come out for a bit! A pawsitive of course!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Thanks for all the compliments on the cookie house! If I could do it again I would have drawn the kitty before putting the window on instead of doing it vertically, but it still tastes just as good!

Right now my positive is that I have 15 more minutes of a blissful quiet lunch before I have to go get work done.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
I forgot to upload this earlier-burning bush!
View attachment 259591
I was across the street from this area so tried to zoom in and cars were whizzing by so the other shots were blurs of a car!

A lovely afternoon as the sun has come out for a bit! A pawsitive of course!

foxxycat foxxycat - I love that dusty rose colour; I don't suppose that you know the cultivar name of that one, do you? Mine are more than a week behind last year's colour change:



but my neighbour across the street with the Monster Sized burning bush says that his is right on schedule:


Yep - that's a six foot fence. Nope - not jealous of it at all - he has to erect a scaffold around it to prune it.

The sun has come out again here, and the Armstrong Maple which now stands at the head of the little path through the woods is positively aglow.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Well lots of positives here. Eating duck and flies, eating or NOT eating ruttabagas, yummy cookie houses, green tea and wind torn landscapes, sand hill cranes and sleeping cats with full bellies! All great! I loved the Ghost and Mrs. Muir. Plump or thin, active and healthy is what counts. I was the ,petite girl , which just meant that people thought it was okay to pick me up like a little kid even as I got older. Petite is challenging. You can’t reach Anything! Everything is made for people slightly taller. The shoulder part of a seat belt cuts your neck and if you are in a wreck......ow! I have learned to just be happy with what I am. I now embrace it and use it to my advantage! Who else can fit inside a cage with their frightened cat? Lol I think everyone here is great! I love you just the way you are! We are all different so that we fit into different roles.
Butterfly wings! Pictures please! I bet they are beautiful. Is wing envy okay? As a shortish person I am afraid that if I had a tail, someone would step on it! Wings could help me reach the top shelf at the grocery store. :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Well, I was gifted with a free class pet today!

Right now she's called Myrtle. Tomorrow I will see if my students want to keep the name she came with or give her a new one. I hope she can have a calming influence on some of my darlings.

Also positive: whoever left me the hairball today was nice enough to leave it on the wooden dining room floor instead of the carpet for easier clean up. Thanks!

Wings could help me reach the top shelf at the grocery store.
I know, right?
Here's a picture:

Maybe I'll get a picture of them actually on me on Halloween, but for now you can have the cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Well, I was gifted with a free class pet today!
View attachment 259634 View attachment 259635
Lari Lari

♪♫♬ "Turtles, Turtles, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Turtles, Turtles, ha, ha, ha,
Ooooooo, I love Turtles!" ♪♫♬

Considering how beautiful the day was once the rain departed, I was surprised to find it getting better and better still as the afternoon wore on. The Firefall Maple is an absolute delight with the afternoon sunlight falling on its west elevation:


and the Green Mountain Sugar Maple in the back lawn yielded up and accidental surprise from an artsy-f*rtsy angle:


Before I cropped it and enlarged it, I thought it nothing more than a speck of dirt on the lens.


This speck of dirt, however, had been doing a little fishing in the river.

After chatting with the foxie tonight before coming back to the house, one of those rare, Autumn, gone-in-a-flash sunsets swept across the sky.


To say that it was, "a wonderful day," would be to rob the word, "wonder," of its value.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Another week to advoCATe for cats! :yess: Cool morning -- 57F at dawn, supposed to top out at 78F today which is fine by us. Poor Elvis, trying in vain to get comfortable on my unblanketed legs this morning at breakfast. It's like riding the rails. :sigh: He's so sweet that he does it anyway!
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine absolutely GORGEOUS views of the seasons in Olcott Beach. All of us who don't have all that natural beauty thank you for sharing, I'm sure.
*But no, absolutely NO WAY am I mailing you cats. Or to put it another way: When L.A. freezes over. Or: Sure thing! Just mail me your eleven and we'll do an exchange. The catch? You mail yours FIRST. :anticipation::deal::bliss::insertevillaugh:
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 I'm glad you're staying on top of him and his cat-snatching. Did you notice that he has removed the sign in front of his house regarding coats with big pockets?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Lari Lari Do you mean it? I'LL BE RIGHT OVER! :lolup: *You KNOW that if you say "you can have the cats" I'll be taking that seriously, don'cha?*
Lari Lari Little slider? She's so sweet! May she live long and well
segelkatt segelkatt Thanks for the heads-up! I should be able to slither in there and scoop 'em all up! :yess:
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine IDK which is more beautiful, the glowing tree or the iridescent sunset. Aww, they BOTH are. I sometimes see someone flying over with a catch, but around here, it'll be a peanut, or an acorn, or something else vegetabular in nature. *Izzat a word? He muses. Well, it is now! She answers*
*Little redbud, four years ago. It's grown so much since then!*:yess:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
I sometimes see someone flying over with a catch, but around here, it'll be a peanut, or an acorn, or something else vegetabular in nature. *Izzat a word? He muses. Well, it is now! She answers*

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - Of course it's a word!

"Rutabaga wind chimes are vegetabular,
But never quite sound tintinabular."

[Edgar Allan Podunk]

View attachment 259669*Little redbud, four years ago. It's grown so much since then!*:yess:
Holy moly - That stunning Redbud that you showed this past Spring grew that much in four years? For those who don't recall the photo:

My redbud is done redbudding and has leafed.


Now that's pawsitive!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - Of course it's a word!

"Rutabaga wind chimes are vegetabular,
But never quite sound tintinabular."

[Edgar Allan Podunk]

Holy moly - That stunning Redbud that you showed this past Spring grew that much in four years? For those who don't recall the photo:

Now that's pawsitive!
One of my favorite poets, EAP. :lolup: He also wrote, "O Snow Shoe Cat", didn't he?
As in:

Quark! Quark! quoth the Snow Shoe cat.
More terrifying than any bat!
She'll bite you and shred you and scare you and then
She'll devour your duck and do it all again!
*CHIMES on our verandah -- a very PAWSitive musical sound*


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Lari Lari Do you mean it? I'LL BE RIGHT OVER! :lolup: *You KNOW that if you say "you can have the cats" I'll be taking that seriously, don'cha?*
Lari Lari Little slider? She's so sweet! May she live long and well
I would miss Lelia too much, but S was being super annoying this morning so maybe the bf might be willing to work something out there (but not really).

And yes, a red eared slider. I'm not sure how old she is. The previous owner is moving, and had a contact with the kindergarten teacher (who has a few aquatic turtles in her class and is going to be my lifeline for a while). So Myrtle and Yurtle came to me and another teacher. I'm not entirely sure I got Myrtle - I got the smaller one because I have the smaller classroom, but we might've mixed up turtle names.

Positive: it's Halloween night on DWTS! It's so much fun. And we decided to skip the gym today so I can actually watch it live.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
I cant upload all these nice pictures because I'm a moron who doesn't really understand this internet thing, and taking pictures and sharing them is like asking me to perform brain surgery on an awake patient. AKA, it's not happening.
But I had a nice pawsitive today, because a buddy of mine that's been acting weird admitted that things aren't right with him, and promised that I won't mention names or situations. Which I won't, because I promised, but when I asked said I could share "situations" to maybe help others. So that's what I'm doing.

He also did tell me to pass it on that sometimes just having a buddy there to help does more than we know, and if you know of someone who's hurting, you don't have to be a hero or "save" them or be their lifelong best bud or whatever...just listen, shut up for a few minutes and let them go off, and when it's over, tell them that their situation is shitty alright but (you/we/I) still are good folk, and we've been there, and even though they don't believe it, we understand.
This buddy of mine knows I live here on TCS and said so long as I don't mention names, we're cool, but wants others to know that just having someone there for them during a really crappy time is good.
If you're having a bad time, seek out someone good. If you're good (like many of you are here), seek out a bad situation and just be there. Don't save the world, just be nice and kind as you are and you might help someone.
If music is banned from this thread, delete, but if not, this just says it all.
KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Enjoy life. Don't let bad stuff get you down and just use some common sense, be smart, and take joy in the little stuff, share it with others even if they don't want to hear it, and you'll be OK.
I cleared this wording with my buddy, he said it's OK and says "Hi, I don't have cats, but I think they're cool. Maybe I'll have one of my own someday."



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Lari Lari I had a Slider as a child and we were very close. Turtles have a lot more personality than many people realize. I bet the children will really enjoy Myrtle/Yurtle!
I must say that the kitties’ fur colors coordinate beautifully with the wings!

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Fantastic photos! Great catch on the bird with his catch! You know I love the plant life but the sunsets always take my breath away.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Redbuds are one of my favorites. The flowers emerging against the bare limbs and then this time of year you get lovely yellow heart shaped leaves tumbling down.

Furballsmom Furballsmom I have not had the pleasure of seeing Frankenweenie but I’m going to watch for it! Sounds fun.

foxxycat foxxycat Burning bush is always a delight to see. Good job getting the shot in between moving cars!

@kittyluv387 Your kitties must love the days you get to work from home. I guess they act as your fur lap tops.

segelkatt segelkatt I thought you looked great at the Yacht Club too!

My own positive today is simply making progress with the ferals. The female tabby named Flowers is venturing out into the living room among all the other cats. You would never know that she used to be so aggressive. She has grown into her name. Considering I originally called her Viscious, that is very positive! Lol Now that she feels safe she is very sweet and affectionate. The past ten months working to catch and work with her has been worth every scratch! She is even sharing head bumps, purring and letting me hold her close. Does kitty love get any better?


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Oohh, Norachan Norachan that is lovely news, I'm so glad for them!!
Me too! It was so hard to let them all go but it's been really nice being able to see pictures of them on the cat cafe home page, visit them and now know they've gone to a forever home

Norachan Norachan that Dark Tulip hair color sounds gorgeous! I always love going a bit darker for the Fall / Winter, too. I'd love to see the result, if you're so inclined! And I'm so happy to hear that Spooky and Spider found their forever home - just in time for Halloween (which must be their favorite holiday!) It has been so great to watch their progress from foster, to cat cafe, and finally to their new home, and I'm so happy that they'll get to stay together!:yess: What a PAWsitive story!
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed their story too. It really was a great outcome.

Yep, I'll post some pictures of my tulip coloured hair for sure.

Norachan Norachan Yeah the hostas love snow. You can't kill them. Trust me. If you want to you can dump a foot of leaves or other clippings over the plant during the winter for some protection but doubt you will need it..seems we have a similiar climate. I love that picture from the middle of the road! Looks like a hill I want to ride down on my bike! And show us pics of hair color! I am too thinking of doing my usual dark brown/burgandy type color this fall.
That's a good idea, I might do that. The locals are saying that a hot summer is always followed by a "Big snow" winter, so they might need a little insulation this year.

Bike riding is very popular around here. I bet free wheeling back down Fuji must be lots of fun.

Petite is challenging. You can’t reach Anything! Everything is made for people slightly taller.
I have the same problem! One of the best things about living in Japan is that everyone else is petite too, so they don't put things too far out of my reach.


Maybe I'll get a picture of them actually on me on Halloween, but for now you can have the cats.
*head explodes with envy*

Those are fantastic! I'd love to see a picture of you wearing them.

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine This is a really nice picture. We have these gold colour maples around here, I didn't know what they were called.

My pawsitive for the day is that I have 4 craft/cat life-enhancement projects ready to go. I've got all the materials I need and I know what I'm going to do. Hopefully I'll get them all finished within the next month.


Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Good morning / evening everyone:)

Ottawa at 7:30 this morning. If you look at the crate in the lower right you will see what remains of the snow we got in Ottawa.

I was sick on the weekend and yesterday so I got no nice photos of the snow. I think I picked up a cold while cruising through thrift stores and the flea market:( I do feel much better today so that's a pawsitive:)

I took some time on the weekend to read up on gifting stuff across borders. Forms, limits, etc. I have to put the value of individual items and not what I paid for them. Makes things a little difficult seeing I don't have detailed receipts and most of the stuff is from the 70s and 80s. I guess I should have known it would not be as simple as dropping a box in the mail. Especially with Ebay, Etsy, etc. operating across borders. At least I can use Ebay and Etsy to get approximate values.

A woman at the flea market had a bunch of cat stuff for me. I will take some photos later. She has a blue patterned cat figurine with glass eyes for me but does not have it at the flea market because it is costly. She has sold me cat items at very reasonable prices so I trust her and will be going back in two weeks to get it. I got some of the pins in the following photo from her.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
foxxycat foxxycat - I love that dusty rose colour; I don't suppose that you know the cultivar name of that one, do you? Mine are more than a week behind last year's colour change:

View attachment 259616

View attachment 259617

but my neighbour across the street with the Monster Sized burning bush says that his is right on schedule:

View attachment 259618

Yep - that's a six foot fence. Nope - not jealous of it at all - he has to erect a scaffold around it to prune it.

The sun has come out again here, and the Armstrong Maple which now stands at the head of the little path through the woods is positively aglow.

View attachment 259619
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine I'm sorry I don't have a clue what it is...didn't know there were different burning bush was planted around 1998ish and the house changed ownership 2 times before I came here in 2005.

I need to get a new deck built and am thinking of expanding it out to the right past the little pine trees. Then I could make a container garden up off the ground. Only problem is it's hot as heck out here in the summer but the trees are growing bigger which gives some nice shade during the hot parts of the day.

I agree with you 1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 . Many people often just need an ear to listen to them. They don't want a problem solver..they just want someone to acknowledge the struggles they are going through. Good message!

In my teen years I used to listen to this album fro front to back all the fact I still have the CD that my sister gave to me when I was 12? 13?

Tango In The Night - YouTube

Fleetwood Mac Tango in the night.

A lovely album of easy music that sooths one's soul and what's more pawsitive than this?!
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