The Exercise Motivation Thread - 2015

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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We are getting more seasonable temps here now, too. Meaning mid-30s or so. With such high temps that we were having (our average temp here for December was 43 degrees! Unheard of...easily the warmest December on record for our area. We were as high as the mid-60s this month!!), the mid 30s are going to seem very chilly indeed. Back close to 40 by next week.

No walk today. Rick is coming in during my lunch and we're going over to the farmers' market to pick up homemade sauerkraut for our New Year's Day feast. He loves going to the market on Wednesdays when he's off work. There's a hot sausage sandwich over there with his name on it. 
 And probably some fries, too.

I'm going to try to talk him into walking over to the market -- it's not that far at all -- but I doubt it will go over well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
We had warm December too, media was touting it warmest ever, but during 1930's there was much warmer years, nobody just remember those anymore, except few that are still around from those days.

There is part of the reason for our mild weather, strong El Nino pushes winds and we have gotten western winds because of that, instead of eastern winds which would give us extreme cold from Russia:

Here you can see how cold winters and La Nina are close to each other and warm winters are with El Nino and after good strong El Nino there is bit more of La Nina, so next winter has possibility to be colder than this winter, but it is much more complicated than that, however that is general idea, but it only makes a possibility, it does not mean it would be perfect way to forecast coming winter:

So I don't really have cold weather to blame if looking from the calendar, but we had lot warmer before and sudden colder feels really cold (it has been damp and cold), which gives me excuse not to be outside as much, poor excuse really.

Tomorrow should be quite mild, I hope that there is bit more snow for tomorrow or I have to swap tires for my bicycle, today was quite mild too, but I slept whole day, I was so tired for some reason.

It looks like that there will be more cold after tomorrow, so I really need to grab myself from neck and use tomorrow best way I can.

Oh our shop has run out of meat, this happens every end of the year, religious holidays cause deliveries to our shop to be rather limited and thus they run out of meat every year, they place orders, but deliveries don't happen, so even I'm prepared, I'm getting too little protein for a while which makes me less interested from doing cardio as it would be too much protein deficit.
I'm really good with excuses :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Good work everybody :clap:
El Niño is giving us a very dry hot summer. I'm very much enjoying the heat. Last year our summer was not hot. Our summer holiday was spent in a cabin looking out at the ocean through the wind and rain. Drought is not good but hot weather- bring it on :woohoo: that's how summer is meant to be. :D
Yesterday I did tabata burpees, boxing bag, box squat jumps, boxing with weights and decline sit ups.
I'm eating less and my weight hasn't budged in two days. Today is 39 deg celcius so I'm waiting to exercise later when it's cooler. I'm not sure if I'll do more cardio or get back into the weights. :dk:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 12, 2015
Somewhere north of Mexico and on the ocean.
Tammat--I've always wanted to go to Australia. I love the desert here, and am sure I'd love it there...

And box squat jumps--those freak me out. I'm always afraid I'm going to fall on my butt.

It's been pretty warm here up until a couple of weeks ago. The nights would be cool, but the sun warmed everything up. Now, it's just cold (ish--probably 60-70F). We're supposed to get El Nino rains, and I hope they come in the next few months.

I've been working out hard in the past few months. Which is probably part of the reason I screwed up my back reaching for something. All those planks and mountain climbers, and this is what I get.

(I'm whining)

I've gotten heavier--not fatter. I use the measuring tape a lot, and the measurements haven't changed much while my weight has. IMHO, the tape, not the scale, is a good indicator of how things are going.

Being stronger is really nice, and maybe when it warms up, I'll locate my wetsuit and head into the ocean as my back and arms will hopefully be able to take it. Or I can do my version of "free diving," (it's more like "advanced snorkeling").

and @JTbo--how many left feet do you have?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
and @JTbo
--how many left feet do you have? ;)
There is two at the morning, one during the day (most of the time) and two at the evening, not sure about the night, but blanket is always ending up somewhere or getting wrapped around me :D
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Just as I'd got the house all clean and sparkly! I came downstairs yesterday morning to find that a bird had exploded in the living room. Feathers everywhere! That's so weird, I can't imagine what happened while I was asleep.

I had a big lunch and a lot of wine with friends yesterday, then went for a long walk afterwards to burn it off.

One hour of yoga this morning, going for another long walk soon.
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