Sudden Brownish Red Eye Issue


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 18, 2018
Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well. This is my first time ever posting on a forum, but I could really use some advise. Im sure this has been posted many times, but im not very tech savy...

We have recently moved to another house, and my best friend Keeba suddenly started getting brownish goop around his eyes. One eye more than the other. At times he has had this before but not to this degree. The only changes besides his environment is that I started using different cheaper litter called Fresh Step, and I gave him a lot of canned tuna the past 3 days, which i recently found was not good for his health. He is about 6 years old, eats Rachel Ray's cat food, and we use very little cleaning agents in the house. There are also no other cats around him. He also accidentally got locked in a room and scratches the carpet so hard that he ripped one of his nails out completely and it doesnt look like it's going to grow back. Poor guy.

I would take him to the veterinarian, but currently cannot afford the trip. Its been about 4 days now, and im very concerned. Ive been wiping his eye with a cotton ball and water every few hours, but im not sure its helping. Does anyone know if it looks like allergies/stress/over production of tears, if its just a wound from him scratching his eye, or could this be something worse? Any information would greatly help and I would very much appreciate it.

Side note, does anyone know what kind of cat he is? Ive never been able to figure it out!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
This is how my cats current upper respiratory infection started. I know you said you can't get to the vet, but, speaking from experience I would try to take him in to see if you can nip it in the bud before it gets too bad (IF this is the start of a URI). They can also asses his claw to ensure it does not become infected and tell you if it grow back in properly, depending on if any damage was done to the quick. Sometimes a ripped out claw will grow back bad and it needs to be removed.
My cat (I'm going to vet tomorrow to get a diagnosis) I think has had a flair up of Feline Herpes Virus, which presents itself like a URI. It is very common in cats, and stays with them for life. Sometimes with periods of stress or change it will resurface. Symptoms are not always severe when it comes out, and can simply be a watery eye or a bit of sneezing, but it can become VERY serious (as my baby's is right now).
When it comes to your cat's "breed", he is a domestic short hair and I would describe him as a grey and white bi-color (pattern of his coat). He's quite handsome!!!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
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TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2018
Thank you very much for the replies. He's been urinating about every twenty minutes for the last couple of hours. My "farmboy" father stated it was nothing to worry about, so I just wanted to get a few other opinions. I will be taking him to the vet and will work out a payment plan. Im going to replace the fresh step due to the severe amount of dust. Im going to assume it's making an underlying condition worse. Ill be sure ro update when I get the diagnosis.

Thank you both very much for sharing your time and knowledge!
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TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2018
And btw Jem I hope everything goes well with your kitty cat!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
The going to urinate every 20 minutes sounds very concerning. Stress can also bring about urinary issues. When he goes pee does anything come out? and how much (how big is the clump of pee)? Does it seem like he's straining to pee? I wonder of he has a UTI or some cystitis. If no pee is coming out when he goes to the litter box. Get him to the vet RIGHT AWAY. A complete blockage can quickly turn into kidney damage and failure.
I really hope your kitty feels better soon. Good luck at the vet. And thank you for your well wishes!!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 18, 2018
I said hours and meant days. Sorry, got alot going on and trying to give better details, I dont have many chances to myself to write it all out. He was urinating, but it was about a fourth of the size of his usual. He was VERY stressed and upset after the move. My wife left for the Navy a week ago and my son and I moved in with realatives. He's been going around looking for her and can't find her, very sad. Due to family allergies he spent a few nights in a heated garage completely away from me, and he was furious. He is crazy about always being in the same room as me (especially at night we've never gone a night without spooning) i.e. ripping his whole claw out.. Anytime anyone came in the garage (clean garage but very different and stressful) he went straight to the box. We were moving furniture in and out as well, so im sure alot of particles were flying around his eyes. Yesterday i brought him in the house to stay for good and today he went back to his regular bathroom cycle. I also found out my father was feeding him canned shredded chicken and a good amount too... That plus the tuna, which made him refuse his crunchies for a couple days. He didnt drink much either. Not sure if that would cause the issues he's having, just trying to lay it all out. He's resumed his normal overly friendly behavior today, and spent a good amount of time at the water bowl, he downed 6 ounces (180ml) this morning.

Now that I've laid it all out there that poor cat has had a rough week. :( Im wondering if ripped claw and garage floor (cleaned with dawn soap and water but still a garage floor) caused an issue on top of everything else. Nonetheless his eye still lools the same and its been 2 days. Pics included.