Stray Cat Has Bad Injury.

Feral Cat Mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 10, 2018
New York
Hi! I've got a concern about one of the cats my grandma feeds. When I got to her house this afternoon to stay the weekend my favorite of her stray cats came to be fed. As I was feeding him I noticed he has a bad injury at the base of his tail. I'm posting a picture but it isn't a very good one so I'll describe his injury as best as I can. It looks like the base of his tail somehow got partially skinned and I can see bone. It is very deep and nasty looking. The strange thing is that he has no other wounds. I'm scared for him and don't know what to do. My question is that does anyone have any ideas how it could have happened and what did it? Is it possible that it could heal fine on its own if we can't get him to a vet? I love this cat and will be devastated if something happens to him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
If you can catch, or trap him and get him to the vet i would highly recommend it. Infection could be a big problem. Cats can sometimes heal from bad trauma, but as often as they heal they also die.

Maybe there is a cat rescue group, or the humane society in your area that could help if you cannot catch and vet him?

I'm sorry for his injury! Best of luck!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
He's a good looking cat - that could be from anything really, even running from something under a barbed wire fence, or a board with a nail sticking out, a claw hooking's just about impossible to say. You're right, it is weird, and doesn't look bloody or scabby, which to me although I'm not a vet, it should but maybe he cleaned himself really well, or it rained/really wet snow that cleaned it? Seems odd.
In any case, we're not trying to scare you, but unfortunately as you well know, their lives are so hard. He's very very fortunate to have you and your grandma!
Like duckpond duckpond said, there are organizations which will either rent or even provide for free humane traps, or a local TNR/feral group might be able to help you out. Hang in there--let us know what happens!!


Windy City Fosters
Alpha Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Chicago Suburbs
You need to trap him and take him to the vet. If you can’t take him to the vet, at least clean his wound with diluted hydrogen peroxide and try to bandage it. Unfortunatly what you may have to do is keep him in your home until he’s healed to watch his wound or give medications. I know of several feral colony caretakers that will keep them inside in a large dog kennel until they are healthy again.
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Feral Cat Mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 10, 2018
New York
Hey y'all! I've got a update on the kitty. Well I kept a close eye on him throughout the rest of the weekend. Saturday night he came for his supper later than usual. I waited up for him and when he did come I gave him some expensive dry cat food and two cans of Fancy Feast so I got some better food in him than usual. I looked at his tail and I couldn't see the bone as badly as that afternoon. I think he went and took a nap somewhere. He had been trying to get comfortable on the picnic table outside the window and I couldn't watch him it was making me feel so bad because he was trying to sit down but he couldn't, the poor baby
On Sunday morning he was late again. He may be sleeping longer than usual because of his injury. When he did come while I was feeding him I
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Feral Cat Mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 10, 2018
New York
Shoot! Sorry the post never got finished my dumb phone did that.
I'll start that next paragraph again.
On Sunday morning he was late again. When he did come while I was feeding him I got a really good look at his tail. It looks way better than Saturday afternoon. The skin itself has started closing up and I can't hardly see any bone. He isn't showing any signs of infection yet. His appetite is good, he isn't in much pain and the site of the wound looks good considering everything. After he ate he sat on the picnic table and cleaned himself then he went into a cat house and took a nap.
I have to go home today but I am leaving my grandma with some good nutritious food to feed him. She is going to keep an eye on him and if he shows any sign of problems I think I can catch him. My mom said she will drive us to take him to the vet if he needs it. So I think it will all work out. Thank you all for the advice! I really appreciate it! Here is a picture of him this morning. He is a real sweetheart.