Stray Can’t Keep Food Down


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2017
I have a cat that lives in my neighbourhood that I’ve sort of taken in. She comes around every day, sleeps on my sofa, drinks water, and is the sweetest little thing I’ve ever seen. She (I’m sure it’s a female) has a collar but doesn’t seem to belong to anyone. Last night, because it’s so cold, I bought her some supplies and let her come in. She didn’t stay, but she sniffed around the food I bought her. Today, she came in and ate, but about five minutes later, she cried loudly so I opened the door. She stepped out and threw up everything she’d eaten (1/4-1/3 a cup of dry food). The only thing she’s ever kept down was roast turkey from thanksgiving. Does anyone have any advice for helping her keep it down?


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Why do you think she doesn't have a home even though she has a collar?

My guys are indoor/outdoor and wear collars. One of mine likes to visit with a neighbor and we keep in contact (I even get photo updates or stories of his adventures). He isn't allowed in her home, at my request, but he happily takes over her yard and outdoor furniture when he visits. My guy has a very violent reaction to turkey (we are talking projectile vomiting anything in his stomach) while my Mom's cat has the same reaction to something with shrimp in it. Both will happily beg for treats and pretend they are hungry if they know someone will feed them. Both will eat the offending item if offered. After a few misadventures and talking with my neighbor I finally got her on board to not feed them and I provide her with a small baggie of treats to give them when they visit.

If you haven't, I would tie a note to her collar with a message saying she'd been visiting you and if the owner could call you. If the owner calls explain that she likes to visit and ask if there is any problem with feeding her when she is at your house. Please abide by the owners wishes if they don't want her fed. Alternatively, you could take her to a vet or shelter and ask them to check for a chip and owner information. I am firmly against feeding owned cats without the knowledge or permission of their owners, mostly because my guys have food issues so I know how much havoc it can cause.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
If you have a vet or shelter nearby, you might take her to see if she has a microchip. She may be lost.

As for the food, there may be an ingredient she is intolerant to. Sometimes eating too fast, or if the cat is feeling anxious while eating, will make a cat regurgitate.