Squishy Lump


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
Haven't posted here in a while!
Mei mei has been in really good health for a while, but recently he's developed a squishy lump sort of by his jaw/neck? It's movable and it doesn't bother him when I touch it. It's come up to the surface a bit like a cyst would maybe?? The top is just a bit blushed red but doesn't SEEM painful to him.

Any clues as to what it might be?
*he has a history of pretty gross feline acne*


Snowshoe Servant
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Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
It's possibly an abscess but the location could also be something with a lymph node. When in doubt, I recommend the vet to check it out.

Your vet will likely do a prick test to see which it is and proceed from there (never prick test at home as you can just make it worse). If you can't see a vet soon, I would just hold a warm compress against it to see if you can encourage it to either release whatever liquid is causing it or reduce the swelling until then. If it does open, clean the area with a warm damp cloth and apply a very thin layer of (non-medicated) original neosporian to reduce chances of an infection. If it is an abscess, the biggest thing it to allow it to drain by cleaning the area and holding a warm damp cloth against it until there is no more signs of puss for at least 48 hours (gently removing the scab as needed) then allow it to close and heal. But, I don't like treating it at home without a vet taking a look personally. While it probably is some sort of abscess from your description and my personal experiences; they can be hard to heal or lead to complications if not treated swiftly and aggressively with a proper clean out and antibiotics from your vet. Plus if it does turn out to be something else, your vet would be able to advise you on how to handle it.

Do you have a photo of it? I usually take daily photos of injuries so I can compare progress over several days and it helps my vet in making a diagnosis.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
Ah well it's not really an injury. He's an indoor cat and is a bit, might I say, chönky.
There's no wound or anything associated with it. Just a squishy pea sized lump. He let's me poke it and look at it without any fuss (unlike his chin acne. He always fights me when I clean that).

Sonim not really sure it's an abscess.

It's possibly an abscess but the location could also be something with a lymph node. When in doubt, I recommend the vet to check it out.

Your vet will likely do a prick test to see which it is and proceed from there (never prick test at home as you can just make it worse). If you can't see a vet soon, I would just hold a warm compress against it to see if you can encourage it to either release whatever liquid is causing it or reduce the swelling until then. If it does open, clean the area with a warm damp cloth and apply a very thin layer of (non-medicated) original neosporian to reduce chances of an infection. If it is an abscess, the biggest thing it to allow it to drain by cleaning the area and holding a warm damp cloth against it until there is no more signs of puss for at least 48 hours (gently removing the scab as needed) then allow it to close and heal. But, I don't like treating it at home without a vet taking a look personally. While it probably is some sort of abscess from your description and my personal experiences; they can be hard to heal or lead to complications if not treated swiftly and aggressively with a proper clean out and antibiotics from your vet. Plus if it does turn out to be something else, your vet would be able to advise you on how to handle it.

Do you have a photo of it? I usually take daily photos of injuries so I can compare progress over several days and it helps my vet in making a diagnosis.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Ah well it's not really an injury. He's an indoor cat and is a bit, might I say, chönky.
There's no wound or anything associated with it. Just a squishy pea sized lump. He let's me poke it and look at it without any fuss (unlike his chin acne. He always fights me when I clean that).

Sonim not really sure it's an abscess.
Abscesses can be caused by any sort of a cut or scratch, even from bumping into something indoors like a nail from a piece of furniture or even your cats own claws when scratching.Even his chin acne could lead to an abscess if a spot closed over and trapped bacteria. A lot of times, the wound is already healed over because it forms when the wound heals with bacteria still under the skin. The bacteria multiplies causing the abscess to form. I have had cats with no visible scab or scar form an abscess because it took a little while for the bacteria to multiply since it was so small. Its usually a reddish area with a squishy lump under the skin at first, then as the infection grows and gets closer to the surface a head forms or it just opens up from the pressure, varies greatly.

I tend to not judge on how a cat reacts to messing with something on if it is painful. My scale is screwy because I have a cat who rarely shows a pain reaction; even when he had a broken leg and the vet pushed directly on the break to see if he had a pain reaction (before she knew it was broken and she didn't realize it was where the break was), he didn't do anything but try to shake off the vets hand. Cats are just as much prey as predator and if prey shows weakness they can very quickly become dinner.

But it could just be a bad spot of acne if it is in the area he usually gets it. I tend to be overly cautious with lumps and bumps that I can't explain from personal experience and probably go to the vet way too often as a result.

How old is MeiMei?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
Mei mei will be 9 this year!

He had his full yearly blood panel done in late March, which came back 100% healthy.
I'm going to try to get him in to see his vet as soon as possible, funds have been tight recently so it's a tough time going.

Abscesses can be caused by any sort of a cut or scratch, even from bumping into something indoors like a nail from a piece of furniture or even your cats own claws when scratching.Even his chin acne could lead to an abscess if a spot closed over and trapped bacteria. A lot of times, the wound is already healed over because it forms when the wound heals with bacteria still under the skin. The bacteria multiplies causing the abscess to form. I have had cats with no visible scab or scar form an abscess because it took a little while for the bacteria to multiply since it was so small. Its usually a reddish area with a squishy lump under the skin at first, then as the infection grows and gets closer to the surface a head forms or it just opens up from the pressure, varies greatly.

I tend to not judge on how a cat reacts to messing with something on if it is painful. My scale is screwy because I have a cat who rarely shows a pain reaction; even when he had a broken leg and the vet pushed directly on the break to see if he had a pain reaction (before she knew it was broken and she didn't realize it was where the break was), he didn't do anything but try to shake off the vets hand. Cats are just as much prey as predator and if prey shows weakness they can very quickly become dinner.

But it could just be a bad spot of acne if it is in the area he usually gets it. I tend to be overly cautious with lumps and bumps that I can't explain from personal experience and probably go to the vet way too often as a result.

How old is MeiMei?


Snowshoe Servant
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Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Even with tight money, I’d go. Especially with MeiMei being 9. That’s around the age one of my cats got a lump that turned out to be serious (probably why I take bumps and lumps serious immediately). My reaction though is obviously projecting, but even if it is related to acne it would be a worse spot then MeiMei has had before so the vet may be able to help get it under control before it spreads any.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
I'm trying to get the money together as we type, but by tight I mean I don't have the money AT ALL and it's kind of scary. I hope I can get him in soon. :bawling2::bawling2::bawling2:

Even with tight money, I’d go. Especially with MeiMei being 9. That’s around the age one of my cats got a lump that turned out to be serious (probably why I take bumps and lumps serious immediately). My reaction though is obviously projecting, but even if it is related to acne it would be a worse spot then MeiMei has had before so the vet may be able to help get it under control before it spreads any.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I'm trying to get the money together as we type, but by tight I mean I don't have the money AT ALL and it's kind of scary. I hope I can get him in soon. :bawling2::bawling2::bawling2:
Don't panic. Like I said, my experiences have made me a little paranoid when it comes to lumps and bumps. If it is that tight, just keep an eye on it and take a daily picture with something for scale (like your finger for an easy one or a coin). Soak a washcloth in hot water, wring out most of the water and hold it against the spot as often as your cat will allow (up to 15 minutes at a time, four to five times a day. Make sure it isn't too hot to the touch first). That will help bring anything to the surface and reduce the swelling some. Usually, once you notice it any sort of infection is fairly close to the surface (acne or abscess) so you can do that for two to three days and see how it responds.

Edit to add:

If it does open up, keep it clean and continue with the warm compress to encourage it to continue draining. You'd need to get all the bacteria out, air is the enemy of bacteria. You'd want to clean it multiple times a day with the warm compress and removing the scab until you don't see any sign of puss for 1-2 days (a few drops of peroxide in the water at that point can help slow the healing and remove the scab easier). Once the puss is no longer seen for a day or two you can let it scab over and monitor it. If it starts swelling again that would indicate the infection is deeper then you can manage and you'd have to see a vet at that point. While abscess can do just fine with home care, I am overly paranoid and like to make sure I take care of it the first time by having my vet clean it out by flushing and antibiotics. That doesn't mean you can't home care in many cases but I just prefer not to and don't recommend it if you are in a position to see the vet. But I do understand not everyone is and have been there myself. Since I've probably had to deal with at least one abscess a year between my current crew and my rainbow kitty got them at least once every few months; so lots of experience with them. Also, why my head goes that direction at red swelling with squishy lump.

If it doesn't open and continues to get larger by the fourth day I would see the vet. But that gives you some time to watch and wait (and figure out the finance side of things). If it was something more serious, a delay of a few days to watch and wait won't make a huge difference 99% of the time (of course assuming that no other symptoms are present, which sounds like there aren't in your case). I really wouldn't be surprised if it was a bad acne spot that is deeper or more impacted then other situations, in which case the warm compress for a few days might open it up and clear it out.
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Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
Evie had feline acne so bad earlier this year that she developed an abscess on her jaw and her lymph nodes were swollen. A shot of antibiotics and a topical cream and she was good as new. I'm definitely not a vet, but given that he has a history of acne, well...that's my 2 cents.

I hope you can get him in soon! Stay calm and breathe! :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
Here's a photo I took of his little spot. You seem to have a lot of bump knowledge!

Don't panic. Like I said, my experiences have made me a little paranoid when it comes to lumps and bumps. If it is that tight, just keep an eye on it and take a daily picture with something for scale (like your finger for an easy one or a coin). Soak a washcloth in hot water, wring out most of the water and hold it against the spot as often as your cat will allow (up to 15 minutes at a time, four to five times a day. Make sure it isn't too hot to the touch first). That will help bring anything to the surface and reduce the swelling some. Usually, once you notice it any sort of infection is fairly close to the surface (acne or abscess) so you can do that for two to three days and see how it responds.

Edit to add:

If it does open up, keep it clean and continue with the warm compress to encourage it to continue draining. You'd need to get all the bacteria out, air is the enemy of bacteria. You'd want to clean it multiple times a day with the warm compress and removing the scab until you don't see any sign of puss for 1-2 days (a few drops of peroxide in the water at that point can help slow the healing and remove the scab easier). Once the puss is no longer seen for a day or two you can let it scab over and monitor it. If it starts swelling again that would indicate the infection is deeper then you can manage and you'd have to see a vet at that point. While abscess can do just fine with home care, I am overly paranoid and like to make sure I take care of it the first time by having my vet clean it out by flushing and antibiotics. That doesn't mean you can't home care in many cases but I just prefer not to and don't recommend it if you are in a position to see the vet. But I do understand not everyone is and have been there myself. Since I've probably had to deal with at least one abscess a year between my current crew and my rainbow kitty got them at least once every few months; so lots of experience with them. Also, why my head goes that direction at red swelling with squishy lump.

If it doesn't open and continues to get larger by the fourth day I would see the vet. But that gives you some time to watch and wait (and figure out the finance side of things). If it was something more serious, a delay of a few days to watch and wait won't make a huge difference 99% of the time (of course assuming that no other symptoms are present, which sounds like there aren't in your case). I really wouldn't be surprised if it was a bad acne spot that is deeper or more impacted then other situations, in which case the warm compress for a few days might open it up and clear it out.



Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
It's hard to see in the photo and through the fur, but it does seem fairly small. I'd do the warm compress several times a day and watch it for now since money is an issue.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
Here's a bit better photo. It's smaller than the tip of my pinky finger. But it feels pretty deep.

It's hard to see in the photo and through the fur, but it does seem fairly small. I'd do the warm compress several times a day and watch it for now since money is an issue.



Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Here's a bit better photo. It's smaller than the tip of my pinky finger. But it feels pretty deep.
Hold a warm compress against it several times a day. It looks like it has a raised spot or possible head forming which is a good sign. The warm compress can help draw out whatever is under the surface.